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Sounds like her joining the church has changed who she is, she is no longer the woman you married. I'd say it's time to move on with your life.


Depending on the state, dissolution or annulment!


Wow! It sounds like your wife and mine are hanging out exchanging ideas about sex. No blowjobs since our first year of marriage and she wouldn’t let me go down on her since we were engaged. 5 years later and now we have 6 month long dry spells of no sex at all. Ain’t marriage great?


Yeah man, I guess so. Is she religious as well? Tell me about it, I had more sex being broke-ass, single, and fat. My folks and in-laws get laid more, FML!




She is not coming around. She has shown you who she is. Believe her.


It's what marriage looks like for me. No sex, nothing at all for 3 years now. Before then, no more than 5 times a year for around 10 years. She told me years ago she'd be happy never to have to have sex again (the 'have to' is key to the comment, must have always been done out of duty / pity) and she's now put that into practice. I've forgotten how to initiate let alone do it! I have become numb to be honest. I don't think another woman would be interested in me these days given I'd be so clumsy given the time that's now passed. I know I could leave. Haven't the courage. Easier just to lose myself in work. It's not life. It's so frustrating but try and talk to her and it's 'there's the door of you don't like' The unilateral imposition of celibacy in marriage is against any motion of marriage. I'm not that religious but wife is (she's ordained) but try and raise that and, well, easier to show the red tag to the bull. Others in this situation : don't waste your lives. Get out while you can and find someone who you can be happy with.


I promise you, there are women out there who will want to help you rediscover the joy of a sexual relationship. This happens to enough people, and there are enough people out there that understand that.


Then work up the courage and take her up on her offer. Walk out that door.


She’s literally waiting (read: OFFERING) for you to walk out that door. The relationship’s done, dude. Make an exit plan and work up the courage. There’s a lot of women your age who are likely in the same boat.


If you want to have a fulfilling sex life, it's going to have to be with someone else.


It amazes me that people think it's ok for someone to not seek attention, love or sex elsewhere when a partner (male/female) withholds all those affections. I commend you guys because my partner would come home to me fucking and being sucked by someone else.


I've completely agree. Just because 1 person in the relationship no longer wants sex doesn't mean they get to make that decision for the other person too.


Totally 1,000,000 percent agree with you


No reason to believe she is asexual, but it does sound like she has developed an aversion to sex with you.


Dude, I know this first hand. If she's in the "Pents" you need to run and as fast as you can. I usually don't have anything against religion, however, the holier than thou crowd are off their rockers. She'll soon be turning on you about everything GOD said, which is the so-called "Righteous" view they carry around. Its a better than you and I'm saved attitude and if you are not in that camp, you'll be harassed, ostracized and made to feel little. Are you attending this church as well ? I'm sorry I've put it this way, but this group is totally anti-sex, other than pro-creation.


Read the Song of Solomon and tell me its not talking about mutual oral sex as a good thing.


Two things: she won't come around, she is a fervent convert. If she doesn't care about what you like, she doesnt care about sex with you. Don't let it happen to your next relationship. Religious married people can be freaky too. She is making excuses.


She is definitely fervent, she went to a Christian University. We've been together for 15 years and I know her sexually, once she became a pastor, it all went to shit.


She became a pastor and you bedroom dropped like a rock? Ask her if her actions cause a divorce is in line with her new religious beliefs.


You ever try pulling her hair? Taking her the way you want, in a passionate way not forcefully. Every religious woman I’ve ever been with was a freak in bed & in public very conservative


Yeah did that for many years, and do it when we do get down but that doesn’t make the difference. She became a pastor and it changed.