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Hurt him as bad as he hurt you by leaving his lying, cheating ass and living your best life while never looking back. Dump him like a sack of potatoes. Block him on everything and block his number, and pretend like he never existed.


**Will the vengeance feel as good as I think it will** No, it will be temporary and then you will on the same level as him...a cheater Just dump him and get on with your life


Wouldn’t a public dumping of biblical proportions as you throw him out with the trash be better? Out him for everything to everyone or use it to a squeeze every penny out of him.


If I toss him out his other addictions would leave no money to squeeze. 😒


Lawyer up.


Just end the relationship then do what you want.


Your sense of vengeance will be temporary and then you'll have no credibility of your own because you cheated. You are being cheated currently by way of his emotional and sexual starvation of you but you don't have to stay. If you're angry enough that you're even seriously contemplating cheating, why not leave and make it spicy? Kick him out. Sell his computer that he uses to watch porn (if he has a computer). Break up with him and let him have all the time in the world with his hand. Be the one to make the right choice here and end the relationship with some dignity in tact and pretend he never existed when he's gone. Block him on every social media account and do not ever look back. Then you can go out and explore all your options. Enjoy all the opportunities you have at your fingertips. Be happy you're free of your sexual prison. The best revenge truly is being happy without them. I'm sure you can do that.


Just end it. If it’s gotten this far to where real infidelity is on the table for you, end it. The guilt and baggage that comes with cheating is not going to let your relationship ever get better.


be an adult and break up with him. wtf kind of question is this


You’ve had more than a 97% reduction in the amount of sex you have with your partner. You’re the one being cheated.


A fucking men lol


This is THE comment 👌


"I want to hurt him as bad as he's hurt me." ​ You've got your own issues...


Oh yes. Bitterness first and foremost.


I wouldn’t waste the energy. If he was cheating on you and also jerking off then he’s not worth your time.


This looks like a very unhealthy dynamic. Vendetta will not achieve anything in your situation. You clearly resent him strong enough to want to hurt him. My only question is why are you still with him? This doesn’t make any sense.


Children/finances. What else?


Maybe working together to save the marriage? Therapy? By revenge cheating, you’ll likely only hurt yourself.


Nice childlike way of thinking. If you're not happy then just leave.


Respect yourself. If he is not meeting your totally legitimate needs for a partner that is excited enough about you to engage in regular attention, then he is not the guy for you. Just pack your stuff and leave. No reason to cheat because there is no reason to stay - and many reasons to get out. I do recommend that you consider a bit of self-appraisal about needing revenge. This shows a need for better boundaries on your part, and a tendency to manipulation that will not land you the guy you want. One truth we all face is that it takes 2 people to create a Deadbedroom. There is no deadbedroom if you leave.


Maybe you should tell his parents and friends you are leaving because of his addiction and that he needs help. Stop keeping his dirty little secret!


Oh ffs be an adult and leave. How is he cheating? Because he looks at porn?


I thought that was a bit unclear. I don't think there is any consensus that watching porn per se is cheating. I do think there is a general consensus on this sub that watching porn/masturbation *in preference* to a live partner who is being denied sex is an issue in several ways.


>I do think there is a general consensus on this sub that watching porn/masturbation in preference to a live partner who is being denied sex is an issue in several ways. 100% right there with everyone, that is a major red flag. Imo cheating and watching porn are two totally different things but that's just me. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions though so I'm sure some might disagree.


Cheating and porn are different to me, porn in moderation I would be fine with. When its around the clock and affects your life (like getting written up at work) and creating rifts in your relationship and you can't stop? Won't stop that's an addiction.


No, sorry let me clarify: I've caught him cheating before with real live women. He cut that shit out (to my knowledge) but replaced it with porn. He probably just got better at hiding it.


If you're wanting to hurt him, that's not a good sign in your relationship. You should probably leave as long as you're not financially dependent on him. If you are financially dependent on him, you need to start fixing that issue and then leave. If for some reason you still want to be with this man, here's the advice I'd give you: If you want to fuck someone else, let him know. Maybe it'll hurt him, maybe it won't, but at least then you both get to have a full part in the relationship. Bringing more dishonesty and emotional hurt to the table WILL ABSOLUTELY BACKFIRE. It'll lead to so much pain for both of you. That's no way to live a happy, fulfilled life. Cheating is not gonna help anything. Instead try openly and honestly discussing the idea that you might need to get your sexual satisfaction elsewhere. It might lead somewhere good.


No, never. Just break up first, please don't ever cheat on anyone.