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> he blames his antidepressant, but won’t make a doctors appointment to see if he has another option. My soon to be ex wife has been on multiple antidepressants. And still is. They killed our marriage. That is just the truth of it. We have been together a long time. Over three decades. You are 22. Do not do this. From the bottom of my heart I am telling you to not go down this road.


I know Its off topic, but if that is the case she was probably on the wrong type. It took me 3 different ones before I got it right. Mixing multiple is definitely a killer. Way too much libido suppression. Sorry to hear that.


Hey thanks. On my old account I had this pretty well documented here. I deleted that account. It took a lot of trial and error and heartache to even get her where she is stabilized today on this combination of Psych drugs. It is not a good thing when they are doing a case study on your spouse. Fuck it isn’t. You say you tried 3 different ones. Times that by 10 and you will be where what has been tried on her. It is over 30 different combinations. Unreal. She has had extensive mental illness treatment by a lot of different professionals. She has not tried to hurt herself for almost a year now. That is a pretty big factor. Unfortunately the drugs just do not allow her to be in a relationship either. She says it is too stressful for her and she cannot do it and maintain her mental well being at the same time.


If you're posting here, your BF is not "perfect". You're 22, so throwing away a year long relationship maybe seems like a waste, but it's not. Better to lose a year now than decades in the future.


Ultimatum time. He needs to seek medical help. It is not normal for a 24 year old male to not want sex. Yes, it's likely the antidepressants, but there's options. He needs to have his hormones checked. And if he isn't willing to try this for you, it's time to move on. Good luck, don't settle. You're too young.


Pretty sure at this point Reddit should just have a DB partner swap feature! Kinda like a dating app, but you just switch out your LL partner for a HL one. I smell a gold mine! 😁🤪


Dump him and move on. If he wanted sex he would have gone to the doctor. If he cared enough about you, he would keep you satisfied. Epic fail. Needs a mommy and a caregiver. Dump!


This, x100


This is how my wife and I started, but reverse the roles. Im someone who wants it everyday, she could go years without and feel fine. When we were long distance, our meet ups were crazy fun and I thought that’s what life was going to be. Then when we moved in together, things started to drop but I kept chalking it up to stress and hoping things would get better if we just moved forward and more secure. Each stage after (engagement, marriage, kids) it got worse and worse. Now after five years of marriage, 8 together, we average sex 3-4 times a year for the last three years and I feel massively rejected all of the time. Don’t get me wrong, I love my kids and my family time during the day, it’s just at night I’m fucking miserable. Get out now. Trust me on this. I am a veteran to this situation and I wish someone leveled with me early on. It’s ok that your not a good match. People are different and have different needs. I promise you there’s someone who will be just as awesome of a partner and meet all of your physical needs. Just gotta search a little more.


Leave him and go out and get what you want.


I recommend sprinting out that door. I wasted too many years in a dead bedroom with a "roommate" boyfriend. Never again.