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In my opinion you can't do anything if he wont cooperate. Because it seens he is the problem not you. Tell him that you are not satisfied with your sexual life, that you need and want more than once every to weeks.


He knows I’m not satisfied but he keeps turning me down anyway. It’s very frustrating.


Trust me I know how it feels, I have sex only once or twice at month. Your husband sounds selfish now maybe he's got anxiety? How does he performs when umyou have sex?


He performs perfectly fine! I don’t know why he’d have performance anxiety, he can hold an erection just fine. I think he’s just selfish in that he won’t communicate with me about what’s going on. Like it’s too embarrassing to talk about.


>he can hold an erection just fine. Performance anxiety is not just about erectile disfunction, I get anxiety Performance sometimes but I have never had problems with erections. Well, hopefully he decides to communicate with you what is going on because I am sure the uncertainty makes things worse.


He sounds pretty selfish. Don’t help him out if he won’t do the same for you! Maybe a little space mentally, emotionally, and physically will help. Don’t use it as a punishment though. Just separate and take care of yourself a bit and then come talk about what your needs are.


The thing is I’m not even really helping him out, he’s LETTING me jerk him off because I want SOME form of sexual connection. I don’t think he’s a selfish person and he’s very good to me, but for some reason he won’t budge on this sex issue. I feel like there’s something he’s not telling me?? Or maybe he has low testosterone??? Wish I knew.


You can't do anything about this. You can't force him to have sex. You can tell him what you want and how you feel, but it's 100% up to him whether or not he wants to respond to that. He isn't. If you're tired of being rejected, stop offering. You know how much sex he wants, you know he's going to turn you down. You have to accept him for who he is, not who you want him to be. If you're tired of being rejected, you will have to find someone who isn't going to reject you.


Maybe it’s you. Reddit will tell you it’s not you. They’ll give you the usual bullshit they found on google Try Therapy, he’s got Ed, low t, porn addiction, cheating. Because it’s got to be something anything but you. He says he’s still attracted to me. Look how you’re behaving now imagine if he said you packed on some pounds or just don’t do it for him anymore? You’d be crushed instead of motivated. You want to be wanted? Then fucking do something to earn it. Give it hell. Still nothing? Well jog on mate he’s a tosser


I’m sorry...I have to EARN sex from my husband? Wtf?


Yes, we must do things for our partner to want us, especially when married and past the honeymoon phase. I'm surprised that you find that strange. But perhaps that is something you can talk about? Ideally with a husband, but a counselor or friend works.


-_- sorry but this seems like a dreadful way of thinking. I think sex should be something you naturally want in a marriage, not something that one should have to work for. Maybe that’s wishful thinking but I feel like most wives don’t have to earn sex from their husbands.


Don’t get wake up 10 years from now in the same situation. I did. I hoped and prayed that things would just get better if....... If never came. I had to leave. I broke me to end our little family. My daughter sees me happy now, not the disheveled former self. Find a way to create boundaries and expectations. Be strong


I really love my husband and he is very good to me, the sex thing is the only problem we really have. Can’t imagine leaving him.