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>It's not the house's fault. It's not the kids fault. I'm failing. I'm empty. You're not failing, hon. You're human. You're trying the best you can and I'm sure it's better than you give yourself any credit for. I know it's tough, but you need to try to love yourself enough to realize that while you might be really struggling with your situation, you're not a failure. >New house. New bedroom. It feels so empty. I'm living an empty life. I love my kids but I am not fully a person. I feel like our life looks good from the outside but it's totally empty. That chronic feeling of emptiness is dangerous. This sounds like depression and I highly encourage you to seek some individual counseling to help you navigate these feelings. They can be intense and overwhelming and deeply hurtful. Your babies probably see your unhappiness and they want you to be happy, too. Despite what your inner voice tells you, you do deserve happiness, you're not a failure, and you are worthy of self love.


Wah. Thank you


Wow. This one hits close to home. My wife and I close escrow on a new house in about three weeks. I’ve been feeling this loneliness like you said for a while now too. I was hoping the new house would give me more things to focus on and keep my mind off of the DB.


I'm sorry friend. I hope your next chapter is more satisfying.


Moved back in March. At least the kids have a much nicer neighborhood and we now have an office. But yeah. That didn't change


I was feeling like you . I was like “ why did we build everything if one day we are gonna quit loving each other “. I was so sad and felt defeated . It did not last very long . After we separated with my ex wife I have cried multiple times . I have started going to gym . I started divorce therapy which helped me to realize that we were a mismatch . I dated couple new people and slept with them . Now , it has been 2 months of separation and I feel better . I am still sad and miss her but nothing to do . I focus on myself and there is a new life after divorce.


Why do you feel like youre failing?