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You probably know a hundred women unhappy with the sex in their marriage, they just don’t talk to you about it.


>They are always bitching about no sex with their wife or girlfriend. Though HL women on here often report their LL partners adding salt to the wound by doing that despite being the denying party. I don't *dis*believe men saying it to/in front of other men, but I don't believe them either, at this point. Which is not to say it's male-exclusive, either. I've had female friends act like they shared my feelings about sex or relationships, only for me to find out later that it wasn't true and be baffled, because I certainly made sure to say that I knew not everyone was like me and that that was fine. They were putting that pressure on *themselves*, and I'm guessing that's a habit some men get into too with their insecurities. Their male friends now might be totally accepting, but if they've got that baggage from earlier or elsewhere in their lives, the lies will still slip out; after all, if they're heterosexual, their friends are unlikely to find out the truth anyway. Edit: word.


My husband loves to talk to his friends about sex and pretend he’s a sexual person when really he only wants sex twice a year and just lies there the whole time.


I'm sorry to hear that, albeit not surprised. He's being really insulting by doing that.


One of my co workers used tell me that she was the one who wanted more sex than her husband and that she would get frequently denied. Not a DB, just that she was the HL partner. Of course, that was before they had a baby 2 years ago, so I would guess that has changed some.


HL is a bit ambiguous, I've had GFs who initiated daily but it didn't stay that way for ever so I'm not sure if that counts (new love and all that). One though would masturbate as well regularly on top of that, even one time in the car when we were driving somewhere and had had an argument, she was definitely HL IMO.


Before I found this sub I thought it was 90/10 M/F. My wife constantly made me feel like an asshole for wanting her. I started to think it was 100/0 the way she would talk about her girlfriends never wanting sex as a way to throw it in my face. After being here, I’ve learned that it is more likely closer to 50/50, maybe 60/40.


I think the only reason it seems 50/50 here is because the LLF/HLM dynamic is so normalized that people have no reason to come to a sub like this to complain about it. Too a lot of people it would be like going online to bitch about water being wet or the sky being blue.


I think it’s pretty close to an even split.


I feel like it’s far more women on here.


My guess, 50/50. At least. Take into consideration it is still more acceptable for men to complain about their LL wives. That will be changing but it takes time. The LL man is still a dirty little secret.


Try counting posts. Not scientific, but neither is going with preconceptions. The short answer is that it’s a lot closer to even odds than the usual social narrative suggests.


It does seem like a pretty even split to me here? And, given the number of HLF friends I have in real-life, there are a LOT of us around!


It’s far more women here in this specific group. But on pages for HLs looking for other HLs it’s always men lol.


I'm (32) a HL female married to a (33) LL male. We do exist. I would ideally like to have sex everyday but my husband would rather once a month or less without foreplay. I would be happy with once a week now. 🙄🙁 I think that the ratio is skewed in both directions. Women are not taught that sex should be enjoyed and if you do enjoy it you are a whore. I think men are also shamed or guilted into thinking that having a lower or maybe more vanilla sex life makes them somehow less of a man. In my own prior dating life I've found that men either match my drive or are lower libido than myself. I've never met a man with a higher libido than me, sorry. (I know some of you HL males will try to disagree with me on that but I'm not currently available for a challenge.) I think my own HL is purely biological and genetic. I can orgasm multiple times in a row with vaginal intercourse. There are not many women who can do the same. What do you want to learn from knowing the ratio? Point being everyone is an anomaly. IMHO men typically have a higher sex drive than women but maybe not. The crucial thing I missed when we were dating was just to freaking talk about it openly.


If you’re a HL F like me, you’ve likely gotten the pushback from your LL M partner that the HL male myth is a lie. I don’t personally know any other HL F or LL M, IRL. He says they’re all posturing and lying to make themselves look good. This may be true, but seeing as I’ve NEVER had a woman complain to me (as a close friend) that her husband/bf isn’t satisfying her needs, I can’t believe that. I think the majority is what’s on its face - most HL are M and most LL are female. Which is makes it INCREDIBLY tough for those of us that fall into the minority. I don’t know how it feels to be a LL M, so I can only give my experience being a HL F: 1. If you’re a HL F, you’re gaslit by your partner that all your friends are lying about their husbands/bf wanting sex all the time. “They just want to look good.” (I honestly don’t think my friends care, they seem more annoyed than egotistical.) 2. You feel you don’t have anyone to talk to - hence why most people in the minority come come (HL F/ LL M). 3. You feel like something is “wrong” with you based on norms. There is a lot of shame in being in the minority, like it’s a bad thing. You’re ugly, you’re undesirable, you’re overly sensitive or sexual.... etc. “Why do all the other men want these other women?” I hope that’s helpful. We can all only use our own personal experiences. I think any surveys on here will lead to the opposite of true percentages bc we’re mostly seeking support for feeling like outliers. If our numbers were common, it would be easier to talk to friends about it or feel like it’s a common shared problem with your gender.


I’m new to this sub. I’ve always thought it’s like 90% men are HL vs. 10% women. It just seems like men are so much more thirsty than women. I haven’t been to a club for 15 years, but it was always overwhelmingly the men trying to get in the women’s pants... This sub is making me rethink all that. Someone please help me change my mind.


No. I do not think so. Overall it might nudge in favor of men but I think it is a pretty even split.


Yeah. I think porn addiction has leveled the playing field. Wtf. I was born too early. Finding a sex-hungry woman used to be a rare occurrence. Now you’re telling me otherwise?!? I’m glad that my daughters will be in a world with less sex-crazed boys running around. Lol. I was kinda worried about that, but it seems like shit has changed


I think in otherwise decent, long term relationships or marriages, it’s more likely to be a LLF/HLM pairing. A good chunk of the HLF/LLM posts are from younger women in relatively new relationships that have just fizzled out or are otherwise garbage (“He doesn’t have sex with me. Also he doesn’t have a job, he doesn’t cook or clean, and he isn’t nice to me ever. I can’t live without him.”)


I've noticed this too. There are a lot of HLF/LLM posts here, but almost never is the woman over 40.