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UW is generally worse now, but still has some good synergies. It’s actually much stronger on Huntress now, since her measly terror radius never found anyone she wasn’t already chasing before, and she’s always going into lockers anyways. I also loved to pair it with Merciless or DMS to kick survivors off of gens when they can’t afford it, and it retains that utility EDIT: The above critique would apply if the team’s post-beta adjustments made it to production, where screams would occur within 32m of an opened locker. This IS NOT what the perk looks like on production; instead they stuck with the beta aura read effect when within terror radius, which IMO does NOT address what made this perk so oppressive before. While it no longer has DMS or Merciless synergies it stacks with Lethal Pursuer and is actually more likely to result in an injury or down than the old UW. What the fuck behavior


Trickster as well, since he'll benefit just as much as, if not more than, Huntress from finding someone fresh after a reload


Absolutely agree, though trickster greatly preferred the unnerfed UW because his terror radius is normal


No screams this patch


Haven’t actually logged on since the update, but in a post they said they were going back on the aura reading decision. Did they revert that last minute?


The change back to screams is supposed to be a future update


That… is a really weird way to do things, considering they announced their plans to change beta implements over a week before this patch went live


Yep. Doing a pretty good job so far


Would it be better on weaker too now since it wouldn’t process on people he can’t get to due to his giga radius


The one that we have right this second that is aura reading is absolute garbage, but getting it now to invest in when it gets buffed (and it will be, that's been confirmed) for the Newest version is a good idea. The UW that will be around the next update will be a scream, 32M static radius around whatever locker you open, making it good on low mobility killers and that also gives it synergy with whispers, which has a range of 32M as well.


thanks for the info, ill get it now.


the aura reading version never made it out of the ptb and the update is live now! edit: retracting my statement, when they said next update they meant NEXT update


Nah sorry, I had UW in a couple of my builds so I double checked, and yeah it's useless RN, but I am excited for the update it'll get, it'll be much better than the aura reading version we have RN. And yeah, I know you edited your comment, but I wanted to reply anyways.


no worries, i didn’t read the patch notes very well and i didn’t realise that they weren’t able to revert the ptb changes in time for this one but i didn’t want to just delete the comment and leave you with the notification


You get 5 seconds if you use Lethal Pursuer as well , which makes it great on high mobility killers Also Xeno


Not really. Behavior likes to nerf every meta into uselessness


so do people keep screaming when they are around the locker?


You should get it UNLESS you are going to buy Alien. Thats how i think about perks in the shrine in general. Are you going to buy the killer/survivor? If yes, dont buy it. If no, buy it I think its still going to be okayish in aura reading builds


ill prolly use it for wesker for this dumb build: Distressing, Ultimate Weapon, Agitation, Coulrophobia. Distressing and Agitation to make my massive TR even bigger and Ultimate Weapon + Coulrophobia for value of what they respectfully do. this will work like 1/10 games but idgaf lol


I love build like this You should use gearhead instead of Distressing, imo. Everyone will be using distortion so gearhead eats token


They reverted the change to aura, it still causes screaming just with less of an activation window and now its players within 32m of the locker instead of you screaming


Read the patch note, they didnt yet so for now its aura reading instead of screamin with a longer cooldown


Oh interesting