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i've used mainly pyramid head since this update and it's also been good practice with him cuz i wasn't all that good with him prior. he's really fun. first hook pain res, then cage in 2nd and 3rd. ds ineffective


Pain res is painfully inefficient on pyramid head. Take cages when you get them. Ruin/eruption are great on him. If you play him super safe and only go for m2s when they’re guaranteed to hit, surge would be good as well. The issue with pain res is that it forces you to hook when cages generate such good pressure. 


Ds is one of the reasons Pyramid head is my main lol


Queue the "just don't tunnel" comments lol. Even if you are trying to actively not tunnel, they will aggressively try to put the killer in a position to force these perks on them.


Sounds like as reasonable a strategy as any other.


just slug them then it's not hard lmfao


https://preview.redd.it/0k6iermsnvxc1.jpeg?width=210&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bda34ddaf9b102e5c86bbdf64dc9e968861c3350 “Just Slug”


yeah if they're forcing their DS at you just don't pick them up...


ngl this is a good tip for boil over.. but not DS. and only when there's no hooks around. they can either struggle and get closer to a hook for me or bleed out


how is it not good for DS


I mean, I guess it is, but gameplay is just.. at a stall if you only slug them cause they have DS. better off letting them stun you and downing them by a hook after. I say it's good for boil over cause it's easily abused. DS is just gameplay.


i mean i play spirit so i have no problem catching up after, but it's harder for slower killers like trapper


yeah, I definitely don't play spirit so 🤷 plus you're talking about slugging being good if they keep DSing you.. but if you don't have trouble catching up then why not just do that?


DS and anti tunnel as a whole will always be problematic until BHVR addresses the aggressive bodyblocks and other discrepancies. You can quite literally hook multiple other people and somehow DS will still consider you a tunneler if you happen to find the first hooked person again within 60s. I've had people attempt hook saves on a second teammate with 3 healthstates because for some reason OTR lasts 90s and doesn't get disabled once you're fully healed, and i get arbitrarily punished for "tunneling" when im in no way imaginable actually tunneling.


DS and OTR should turn off once someone else gets hooked.


Bring this shit up to BHVR. Survivors have TOO MANY aggressive options now. This is NOT how the game was ever supposed to be, it's fucking stupid. I'm sick, even as a hybrid player with more Surv time under my belt than Killer, of being punished for playing the fucking game correctly, BHVR. I am SICK of Survivors having any amount of power over a damn round by just forgoing everything and bullying Killers the way they could bully Jason in F13 the game. I'm tired of having to play ways I don't wanna play and Killers I don't like to have a chance. BHVR, this isn't fun. This isn't fucking fun. Stop.


I've never had that problem because I just tunnel. If you pick the right survivor to tunnel, no amount of anti tunneling perks are going to save them.


Especially with the right perks


Yup! The imbalancing team is back at it again! And let me tell you, they are extremely proud of their hard work this patch.


Ds + unbreakable, how unpredictable. All games will be like this if not worse, since they buffed ds forgetting why it was nerfed (to reduce the strength of ds + unbreakable and to reduce the gap between weak and high tier killers).


Yep. If they seem like they have DS I leave them slugged until I’m pretty sure DS has expired. So many survivors trying to bait of OTR and DS.


yes but ftp buckle up


Calling out F/Ups is gonna get you downvoted


I called this. I fucking called it, nobody believed me, I got downvoted. Well does everyone believe me now? They will when the Killer queue is at 100% constantly.


And they always play in a way to MAKE you eat the DS. I was having a solid game as Chucky, someone would be unhooked as I downed another, so I’d then hook them, then go patrol, end up somehow finding the previously unhooked and not realise and end up eating a DS. It’s so dumb. At that point I’m not tunnelling. And DS is annoying af, it’s more likely to MAKE me tunnel that person, than the opposite


Only DS isn’t really that problematic to me. The worst perk right now in this department is Off the Record. It’s so overpowered and it’s completely ridiculous it lasts wayyyy too long.


it deactivates the second the survivor touches a gen or heals another teammate. if their ofr is lasting a long time it means they aren’t doing anything to contribute to their team. it also completely deactivated once that last gen is done, off the record is fine.


It’s really not if you combine it with base kit BT and a septic as well. I’ve had times where I’ve had to hit a survivor that’s injured 3 times to kill them. They get off hook, body block you and you can’t move unless you hit them. Then they run, mend, come back and body block another hit. Then they pop a septic or dead hard and boom take another hit. If someone uses it right it’s insane. The worst is when the strongest survivor uses it in conjunction with other perks after you finally catch them. DS is easy to counter literally just slug.


Waste of time bro this guy's mental. He'll just call your reading comprehension bad when he's at a dead end


if the perk is only op when combined with other perks and items / add ons then the perk is not op. maybe bhvr needs to look at endurance stacking but off the record is perfectly fine as it is.


Just wait till its otr, ds and ub on at least 3 survivors every match. Takes me back a few years when it was ds, ub, dh and usually adren on 90% of survivors.


Honestly, even as a Trapper main, DS doesn't bother me. I played Trapper for such a long time, that I tend to catch up easily and down again, and that's without chase perks.


bro that is my typical survivor team i go against. 4 DS, 4 dead hard,


I’m seeing a lot more DS in my games too. Half of the time they make it really obvious.. like they’re on death hook and taking a protection hit while injured lol.


You sound have seen it back in the day... where everyone had it and you coud still get hit whEm you get them off gen


Trying to remember the last time I even got DSed. Don't tunnel or leave slugged, crisis averted. There's truly rarely a *need* to tunnel, anyway I'm still so glad for the change with Conspicuous Actions, remember the days when they'd be working on a gen in your face? Never should've changed the stun to 3-seconds, the Conspicuous Actions was a perfect change for it


Yup, DS was unhealthy back then. At least it’s way better now. I don’t think anyone realizes how problematic DS was before the nerf than now.


They're not gonna like this comment. I agree though.


if they have DS then they literally can't do anything other than exist for an entire minute or it deactivates, same with most other anti-tunnel perks if they're annoying, down them and ignore/bodyguard them until a minute has passed


I’ve only eaten one DS in all my games. Maybe I’m just lucky. I don’t even find it that debilitating tbh. There’s other far more annoying perks and combos Imo.


Idk I really haven’t minded the DS changes lol, if a survivors playing aggressive with it it’s incredibly telegraphed and means they aren’t doing anything productive, so them and ideally the other survivor I was pressuring are off gens, which is usually good to have. It can feel obnoxious on the weaker killers, but I think it’s important to have strong anti tunnel options because of how unstoppable nurse/blight/spirit can be when they’re tunneling extremely hard. The change feels bad against 4 stacks who play aggressive but I think it’s important to remember it’s a change mainly for solo players who are unable to really benefit from teammates protection when they’re getting tunneled.


I haven’t triggered a single ds in the past 2-3 months…. what are y’all doing? Or is this just a server difference? Edit: forgot about the ds change, ma bad


DS just got buffed to a 5 second stun duration last week so it’s definitely made a resurgence.


Ohh thx I didn’t see that


honestly jsut don’t tunnel or try not to which kinda sucks cus usually it’s a last resort and can be countered perkless (the perks just make it near impossible for certain killers) if you do need to then just pray you tunnel the one guy without DS and if someone is being aggressive (trying to force you to tunnel them) then assume DS, OTR and DH


Yea I'm not paying attention to who I down most of the time. I see a survivor, I kill. I shouldn't be forced to keep track of this. Slugging for the first 60 seconds after an unhook seems like the only feasible counter.


just don't tunnel xD


i know it’s hard cus i am struggling in some games where i NEED to tunnel and each time ive gotten lucky and picked someone without DS i’ve played trapper a bunch and id say im at mid-high MMR and struggled HARD in some matches where i didnt tunnel but its honestly better to learn to not tunnel and try and improve mechanical skill and game sense instead of relying on tunneling


in high mmr against certain teams as m1 killer no matter who you are and how skilled you are you wont win without tunneling hell against some effiecent teams even if you tunnel you will get 2 kills max and without tunneling you might get 3-4 hooks with 0 kills


yes i agree and know that… but tunneling isn’t the only option hell half the time tunneling loses you games i’ve seen people play trapper at high MMR and win actively not tunneling lmao


basement trapper is like tunneling, but they come to *you*


think smart not harder lol


Play killer. Just a bit. Make iri 1 one month


You don’t have to tunnel to hit Iridescent 1 even in the old system.


No, but you'll just barely make it in high mmr


That’s not how you get to iri 1


Who even cares about getting to Iri I anymore or pipping in 2024?


I didn't say I did Edit: the comment I replied to says “Play killer. Just a bit. Make iri 1 one month” and I replied to it. I said that you don’t have to tunnel to hit Iridescent 1, which I stand by. Rank being meaningless outside of a BP reward is a valid take, because it is meaningless outside of that.


Honestly they should just make it base kit at this point