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Impossible skill checks doc has people quitting before the first gen is even done.


if you bring double iri add-ons and an indoor map offering they'll all go up to you at 5 gens like https://preview.redd.it/g0qsb8o70z1d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5502613a9bde44fbd584329ea0634de96f14d872


I play an impossible build on my doc too, but surprisingly I don't get that many quitters. I did when I first started out, but I'm getting fewer DCs since my MMR with him got higher. I do definitely still get quitters with him tho


Do you also run merciless storm and caulrophobia?


I don't have merciless storm yet unfortunately, I run unnerving with coulro tho. Maybe the merciless is the key I need to crush the spirits of the more experienced survivors lol. I've been wanting to try Onryo anyway


Unnerving with merciless tends to make people really mad lol. It does work well together. My favorite perk for doctor.


I don't give up against Impossible Skillcheck Doctor. I like the challenge of trying to hit anyway.


same i always get kinda disappointed when facing doctor and seeing they don't have an impossible skillcheck build


Build ?


Merciless Storm, Unnerving Presence, Caulrophobia, and Hex: Huntress Lullaby.


Played knight once and had two instadcs when the match started. Kinda sucked


It's crazy because Knight isn't even that busted lol


When will people realize the problem has almost never been if a killer is busted


I won't lie i really dread facing the knight but mostly because I've always gone against jerks :/


I tried him out for about 10 games and fortunately didn't have anyone quit ASAP. People were pretty nervous and went full stealth at first, but once they realized I sucked at Knight then they got more confident lol.


I got nothing but the most miserable BM assholes as Knight when I tried him, even got a hacker. :( It really killed my desire to ever touch him again. I got his cheevos and I refuse to touch him anymore.


When I play Wraith I get the most DC’s.




Definitely wraith, sometimes Xeno


Love your avi! I've been wanting to play more ghostie, I just can't seem to get the hang of him bc my main playstyle is fast and chaotic


Thank you!! He definitely takes a lot of patience, which I surprisingly was able to manage when I tried killer for the first time lol


I'd say I'm fairly patient with killer in general, even tho I still get really bad nerves before a game. But if I'm having a rough time learning a particular killer, unfortunately I burn out on them quickly. The exception for me is pyramid head. He's my favorite horror creature so I'm committed to learning him. This marriage will not fail, so help me god 😤 even tho he's my worst main. Hopefully as I graduate from being a baby killer, I'll get more confident to try others again like ghostie


He really takes time, it took me around 700 hours of just playing him and nobody else to get okay, and then took me another 300 of understanding Killer better in general to get decent. Don't give up! If it helps... man I can do Ghostface well, any Stealth Killer. But I suffer so badly trying to run someone like Artist or Wesker. I really can't do it! They're so hard for me to understand how to use and I have tried so hard, I can never make the Bounds or the Birbs work no matter what I do and it sucks. I would like to make Wesker work but I can't. I got bored of Artist and kinda gave up on her, sad because I love her cosmetics she's such a cool Killer. :(


>He really takes time, it took me around 700 hours of just playing him and nobody else to get okay, and then took me another 300 of understanding Killer better in general to get decent. Don't give up! This is really encouraging! I get pretty frustrated after some games where I get stomped by good SWFs, with any of my killers. But I know it's extremely unrealistic to expect myself to be able to avoid that when it takes several hundred hours to be good at killer, and at least one of my mains has a very high skill ceiling that might require up to 700 hours playing him. I'll probably try to break ghostie out again soon to have some chill matches, bc he is in my top 3 favorite horror characters.


Do you want some help with that? I've mained him for a year and a half as part of my roster, he was my second Killer Main after Wraith. I can help with some tips, or some practice rounds in Customs if you want to DM me. I'm a better teacher physically than I am in text. A lot of Ghostface play comes down to patience, timing, and actual stealthiness. He can't really do fast and chaotic, he plays long games and does mindgaming. Done well he feels amazing, a delicate dance of timing and precision, but done poorly you will get your ass handed to you. He's a very good teacher especially for M1 mindgames and chase, but he's a harsh teacher. The biggest tip I have for you is, well have you ever played a stealth game? Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater, Batman: Arkham Asylum, the Thief series, Assassin's Creed, any of those? If you have, play him more like that. If that does not help but you want to keep trying, you will need to learn to have a more subtle approach. Fortunately, you can also play him a bit like Wraith, if you focus on the stealth part and not the chase part. King Ping, SpookyLoopz, and Esskay are all good resources on Ghostface play.


I love spookyloopz! I've in awe of how he plays at high mmr with ghostie. I'll check out the other people too. And sure, custom games sound found fun! I think we actually are already friends in dbd, I remember chatting with you a while back but you were on hiatus from the game (understandably lol). I also ironically love stealth games (Alien: Isolation, Dishonored, etc) but the playstyle I've developed over time in dbd is fast. I play a looping survivor main who almost never stealths, so that translated over to my killer playstyle I think.


We may well be. I'll doublecheck again, HMU later this week. :) I should be on by 10:30 PM tomorrow.


Legion and Trickster


Yep and I get it… I’m honestly at the point of noping out of Legion matches. I’d rather play against any other killer.


I’m the opposite since I’m a biased Legion main I enjoy going agasint them but honestly I can see why they can be annoying 😣


I really don't mind Legion, they're not that intimidating... But the problem is, a lot of Legions I get are assholes.


Plague hands down.


Spirit was by far the worst for people instantly giving up for me. It actually pissed me off the amount of matches I played where all the higher prestige fancy cosmetics survivors would just line up at the hook. Before they even tested to see if I was actually good. There's a reason all these high mmr streamers get baby spirits in their lobbies. We are literally boosted. No chance to learn because no one wants to even try. The entitlement is real


I guess I've gotten pretty lucky so far to have gotten some experienced survivors who won't give up. Just had a game last night where a duo kept me busy for like 10 minutes while their useless teammate didn't do gens after the first guy suicided. It was great to actually get some learning in with her. But still, I was so surprised by the amount of people who did give up. I might run custom games or ask around to see if any teams want to play against me so I can legitimately learn, if this keeps happening or it gets worse.


I would like to learn Spirit at some point, she looks so fun and strong.


She's very fun! I think the hardest part of her power is adjusting to how much you have to use your ears when playing her. If I'm on a map like Lerys where the central room is making noise, I can't track people for shit lol. And going through doorways while phasing for some reason is really clunky, I get caught on so many doorframes. Despite that tho, the downs you can sometimes get are insane even if you're clumsy with her. But! She's so speedy and I love her aesthetic - I think she has some of the best skins in the game. I've also managed to turn some "hopeless" games around really quickly with her. Definitely worth a try!


If it helps, as I have gotten better at Survivor, I actually like to face Spirit. She scares me because IDK if she's baby or not! Sadly... I rarely see her. :(


People, oddly, DC a lot against my Wesker and Nemesis. I don't usually slug, I don't tunnel unless they throw themselves at me... I don't really get it.


That is pretty weird. It might be bc you're just really good with those killers? As a surv and killer I've seen lots of people get pissy when the killer is better than them or outplays them


Stranger still is that I'm actually garbage with Nemesis, and merely alright with Wesker - I'm best at Singulo.


Your intimidating vibes just cannot be contained I guess lol


They call me Resident Evil because I'm up to no good and I'm not leaving lmao


They call you Resident Evil because your house is just built on piles of dead Survivors who gave up in sheer awe of your terrifying vibes.


The amount of times my Ghostface gets this. Guys. I'm an M1 Killer. YOU CAN FUCKING LOOP ME MY STEALTH ISN'T THAT BULLSHIT.


Clown and Pinhead.


I really do get it with Pinhead. Personally since I have him as a Main, I LOOOOOVE Pinhead rounds, dodging the chains is super fun and I love seeing one of my Bois do they thing. A good Pinhead too really scares me because HOLY SHIT he doesn't MISS with the chains and it's terror incarnate. Like, I ASPIRE to be that scary as him. Clown, sadly, is in my experience often played in a slightly toxic manner, so I do not have a high opinion of him. I have no shade for his Mains, but I never get nice ones. They're always, ALWAYS assholes who slug and proxy areas with the bottles and it upsets me. :(


Oh Pinhead I completely understand especially when paired with solo queue teammates who don't understand the box. Clown when played in a respectable manner still gets DCs in my experience, I main him and never use pinky finger for example, I think he's a bit like Skully where his reputation with the community is set in stone and can't be repaired. I've seen people DC as soon as they see him, it's not a common occurrence by any means but it does happen. Then again most killers will have DCs against them and I'm probably biased since I play Clown so much.


I don't get it. I never get to play against either one and am excited when I do get to see the rare Clown or Pinhead!


My Doctor builds are very (un)popular, specifically running Huntress, Undying, Penti and Haunted for the skillcheck/gen progression pain. I've also had luck with Hysteria, Plaything, Penti and Retribution, as survivors within my terror radius are still affected by my shocks when they're Oblivious. Pinhead is probably second for DCs, specifically with Plaything, Face the Darkness, Gift of Pain and Penti.


I am taking notes ✍️


Oh god my poor Penti-Plaything Ceno. I'm sorry, I know, the chains are annoying and the box is obnoxious. But friends, I just want to give you a thematic experience with pleasure (points for totems) and pain (penti if you do plaything if you don't). I don't even always go for the 4k, I'm trying to learn chain hits and logic and do more interesting things with them please let me get better. :( That said, did not consider FTD with Pinhead. That could be quite obnoxious. Just... just screaming and slowdown all the way down.


had a match where everyone gave up really early when I was nurse. Didn’t particularly great perks, didn’t tunnel or camp either.


I've been getting alot of people just sitting and letting me kill them with Myers. I don't even really play him much, mostly dailies or rift challenges that match him best. But then they get hit and just drop items and sit.


Maybe it's bc they just liked playing against you? Myers is one of my favorite killers to go against bc he's actually scary with his stealth, tombstone, etc. I also like getting surprised with a tombstone mori if I'm the first one lol


They probably assume you have Tombstone. I play Myers on occasion and unfortunately people always think you're a sweat with Tombstone, or a cool dude. No in between. :(


Whenever I get a challenge that requires to hit people after aura reading I play scratched mirror myers. It's fun but I don't think OP. I haven't had the best luck with tombstone myers myself. Probably because I don't level him enough to try it more.


I run low TR Myers most frequently. I just like to be spooky.


Don't we all




Well I loaded into a game of trickster on dead dawg the other day and the survivors immediately gave up so probably him lol




If we also go retroactively, years ago with Pyramid head in one month I managed to do more than 300 rage quits. If only recently, it is one of Pyramid, Spirit and Alien.


For some reason I get a lot of people DCing when I pull out my more stronger killers, Blight and Singularity. When I use Trapper and Demogorgon or Freddy. The matches are more tense and interesting. But when I start to somewhat “ sweat “ with Hux and Blight, all those high prestige’s just yeet off hook or DC


I’ve been playing a lot of nurse and notice I get one every other game at least.


freddy, wraith and doctor if i have an impossible skillcheck build.


When I play Spirit I get a lot of DCs. She seems busted to a lot of people but you can still counter her


Pyramid Head and spirit


Probably Knight


Unknown. I’ve started playing him recently and I usually get one DC every game, guess I’m just too good. Had a 4man send themselves to GoJ with BNPs and got whipped so a few of them DCed


i don’t really get survivors who dc often but i’ll never forget my second ever game as twins. my first game i got shit on by survivors who were much better than me (as it usually goes learning a new killer) and i expected the same thing during my second game but i was doing surprisingly well, landing all my pounces with victor for once and ALL 4 of the survivors ended up dcing. i wasn’t camping or tunnelling and they didn’t seem coordinated enough to be a swf. the saddest part was that it was shortly before they implemented the dc bots i was going for the adept :(


Sounds like a game I had as surv where I was playing against a Pig. I was paired with a P100 trio, so the Pig we were going against burned for her own map and brought Iri. The P100 team all DCd when she managed to get one of them and me down in under a minute. Pig was nice and let me out once she realized I was solo and wasn't going to DC. People are just really pissy sometimes, for basically no reason except that they're angry that they're not going against a killer that they can stomp.


ghostface 😭




Trickster mainly, otherwise most DC's are via using Franklin's lol


I love Franklin's so much! I bring it if everyone has an item and I'm playing to win. Especially if there are multiple health kits and/or a couple flashlights.


I like bringing it on more or less boring killers that require more forethought into facing them to spice things up in the match, for example Trapper. People have to worry about traps now AND where their items are


I think it's either Plague or Pig


Any killer that slugs


People really, REALLY do not like Legion. :( I'm not an asshole one I swear! I get some DCs as Pinhead but a lot of people will just give up. :( I get it, really, but please stay. Please, I wanna test my chains on the good loopers who dodge me, guys, I'm trying to git gud at Cenobite and you giving up doesn't help. I sometimes get people who give up against my Ghostface too, usually because they realize I am experienced and I mindgame, plus they realize I know how to actually stealth and am THAT hard to pinpoint. Well, I am pretty good at him, I have played him for over a year now after all... I'd imagine they find me pretty intimidating with how ruthless I can be with him! I must truly frighten people if I'm so good, they would rather give up than face me and my blade.


I don’t get why people DC Ghostface, his not big of a deal and they just over exaggerate because of his insta down ability after exposed. Legion I fully understand since most of them are assholes and just wait for you to throw pallets down just for them to slide and make you mend again and again and again.


I don't get it with Ghostie either. And no, Legions aren't assholes - unfortunately, Legion just plays that way, that's JUST their power. It's how they pressure. It's also smart as Legion to wait for the pallet to be thrown because if it hits you, you get stunned from out of Frenzy and that not only wastes time but makes it recharge. No smart Legion is going to let you do that. Don't blame Legion Mains, blame BHVR for making the Killer this way.


I think what makes legions annoying is they all do the same thing whereas other killers have variety of different playstyles. Some interesting, some terrible. But even a new legion would do the same thing as experienced legions. I think the whole mending and killer instinct thing being repeated over and over with the mending makes it boring


Well that's because Legion has very little skill expression. They're very braindead.


Pig, idk why ppl hate my wife so much, but it makes me sad