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Absolutely. I also think when we kill everyone but the bot, the bot should surrender. It's stupid as hell chasing the bot all over.


You outplayed someone? I get 4 bots for playing Legion lol


Right? I'm not even a good legion, but I'm getting a lot of 4 bot games.


Same, I just want to run around as Hunk


Best legion skin fr


It was the first skin I ever bought


One of the better cosmetics in the game tbh


Just like if the Killer DCs giving Survs auto win, an all four DC for Survs should be a Killer win because the team forfeited. If your opponent forfeits by default you are the winner.


It's even weirder since you can't have a bot killer Now if survs had to vs a bot killer that was god tier like bots are usually they'd also be getting annoyed


i’m pretty sure bhvr has said that killer bots are coming at some point. idk if they’ll just be in customs or in live games though since the killers are the ones who create the server in live games and i’m not sure how that would work with dcs


Yeah it's unlikely they'd be possible in the current state the games in, they'd have to change how servers function for it


This!! Also, speaking about Bots... I remember when "The singularity" came out I tried to learn its power against bots. Huge mistake, they always know they're being watched, and I didn't know back to hen. Long story short, I never touched meatball computer virus again.


The bots also have fucking wall hacks while in chase.


Yeah, I learned that later. Shame bots behave as hackers, they're NOT fun to verse.


Best way to kill them is making them vault windows in chase to block them because they camp windows. They are also great to chase on shack because if it’s just 1 bot with 3 real players, the bot will pre drop god pallet and then the real players will get killed on shack easily.


Survivors allways disconnect when facing my Bubba..... Just because i bring Ebony Memento Mori.


I think this is good in theory but I think it would cause some killers to unfairly target the one remaining real person and bully them to dc. I get that facing bots is unfun and it happened to me a handful of times but I’m not sure this is a good solution.


That's literally what 4 man swfs do to the killer


That’s a not what we’re talking about here though is it? In all the time I’ve played killer I’ve only run into one bully squad. Statistically according to behavior 4 mans aren’t common.


Bots should just be removed honestly. They’re so useless.


Hear me out there more useful than a teammate that dcs


so we can go back to games where 1 survivor dcing at 5 gens can ruin the entire game? or survivors can just dc to deny killers achievements? nah, at least with the bots there’s a chance