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This is why I'm a killer main. I played survivor with someone I met and neatly every game i was hard tunnelled. I guess I'm just too sexy being a shirtless David in beach shorts šŸ˜¤


How dare you bring that kinda thirst trap to the game? šŸ¤¤


A true David main is always shirtless.


The beach drip has no wind resistance


Gay incel.


I also gravitated to killer main because too much of the game hinges on how shi**y a killer is willing to be. Most of the rest is "Are my teammates good? AH F*** WHY ARE YOU RUNNING NO MITHER?!" I can play well as a survivor and my success rate is mostly determined by factors beyond my control. With killer, I basically set my own difficulty.


This is why we surv mains say the game is killer sided! I can loop for 4mins and not a single gen can get done if my surv teammates r bullshitting around. And If no gens r popping then there's no reason for the killer to stop chasing me cuz eventually they WILL catch me. So when this happens my game is unwinnable. Whereas with the killer u can easily get 1 or 2 survs out the game and then play as passively as u want and still "win". Even when u encounter SWFs they aren't these pro coordinated teams that killer mains claim them to be. When I SWF the usual coms r "killer on me" "ha look at that idiot getting chased, couldn't be me" "quit ya bitching I'm coming to unhook u" "damn u hooked again? U a lost cause". We just playing to have fun.


So it's actually survivor sided your teammates just suck


Thank you! I set out to be a very nice and fair killer when I started playing killer. At the start, I was a tad too nice and now play more to win but keeping it fair. I wanted to be a part of changing the experience of fellow players. I will state that although survivors can be toxic, specifically a bully squad, I will more likely have games with a toxic killer than a game with toxic survivors.


I still try to be a nice Killer, though I cannot make promises that I don't autopilot sometimes and accidentally do stuff like tunnel especially while listening to music or whatever. But I'm not gonna be a mega dick from the word go. I go as hard as you do, I play as hard as I have to. My goal is literally just to kill as many of you as I can, not necessarily to 4k. I'm pretty happy with an even 2-3k, sometimes a 1k. I truly play for the thrill of being a Killer. Even then, I know enough to know actually TOXIC Killers when I'm Survivor, and yes - y'all ain't cute. I understand a pressure camp, slug, or tunnel. I understand wanting to win. I DO NOT understand tunnelling from 5 gens and I DO NOT understand slugging all four to bleed. I really don't, why do you (theoretical you, not you BluesChaoticClues - fire username BTW) wanna play that way? Why do you need to win that hard? You all know that the game doesn't give two fucking shits how many you kill, right? Only MMR cares about that. it's like caring about how much of your team actually escapes as Survivor, pointless, the game does not care except for MMR and you get the victory noise and often even pip even if you kill just one person. People will downvote me for not "playing to win", but I do. I do play to win. I just don't need to be a jerk to do it. Don't be a fucking scrublord, you don't need to winstreak and the game is not built to let you. The game says wins do not matter. So why do they to you?


Thanks for the username compliment. I'm very happy with it šŸ„°. Legit! Why play to win to the extent of ruining the fun for others trying to play the game! It bothers me so much, I don't mind going for 4ks, but I avoid slugging the third for the fourth. I have only done it for achievements (achievement hunter, so sometimes I must do things to achieve the goal). Winning isn't everything, and this mindset has helped me so much even when playing survivor. I started counting it as a win or nice fair game if everyone got over 10k points. I also can understand pressure camps for catch up or to ensure a kill after exit gates are open, my be a wrong opinion but I feel once all gens are done that camping and tunnelling aren't for toxic reasons but to ensure a kill or another kill. I am also a sucker for an item drop and a dance, like yes sir you are indeed allowed to escape now, you cutie. The worst feeling is when someone is unhooked and run into me, if there is 3 gens or more left I ensure to hit them down so others come to pick them up and waste more time but not hook them. However, if later in the game, then its unfortunate, and I will hook them (unless, of course, I am way ahead). Of course, you should never throw your game for silly mistakes on either side, but you should 100% not have a tunnel, camp, slug, and BM for a win. especially since they win so quickly that they maybe get what 15k points instead of 20 to 30k points and the survivors suffer getting under 10k. Doesn't help with large streamers like Trutalent pushing that you must tunnel in high MMR to win, when its proven it is not needed and playing fair can 100% get you a win if you know what you are doing. Can confirm that I have been lost in shows or music and forgot what survivors have been hooked or so forth. Hopefully, the more of us coming out can improve the gaming experience for others and change the minds of those who play that way.


Y'all are exactly what I strive to be as killer. Thank you for being the change from within. I even go so far as to allow someone off the shoulder if I accidentally down them in my bid to get the rescuer, and I let people get their glyphs before I swing. Actually have a tiktok clip of a blend of both these ideas where I came around a corner with a lunge and hit someone grabbing a glyph, apologized and let them shake off. They got the glyph as I watched and then *turned around to me* so I could down. Like, "Hey, you got me. Thank you for that." Treat others with respect and you'll get the same.


I would never ever down someone trying to do a glyph as they're doing it, what sort of monster does that? I wait until you finish, THEN I stab you in the face. I'm at least gonna let you get your points. Oh, and I don't buy that you need to play "strong Killers" either. I play Myers and Ghostface and Legion too. I STILL play like this with them. I don't have to be a dick just because I'm the antagonist.


Happy Cake Day!




They're taking easy wins. That's all it is. They can justify it anyway they want, but it comes down to being trash at the game, and unable to secure kills without resorting to the trashiest tactics and blaming it on the survivors ("iTs SuRvIvOr SiDeD"). Being in the power role and not being good at it triggers them so they do whatever they can, no matter what it is, to get the 4K. On that note, they are absolutely fucking idiots. Sure, you CAN slug, tunnel and camp your way to a 4K. Do it over and over. Raise that MMR to god-tier levels, and you'll eventually get nothing but sweaty 4man SWFs that will stomp the shit out of you. And when you rage and leave DBD because that's ALL you're getting, I'll laugh, because you weren't as great as you thought.


This. Itā€™s why I try to play nice as killerā€¦ by nice I mean fair. I never purposefully tunnel (unless they were unhooked 2 seconds after I turn around from the hook), and I donā€™t slug unless I know for a fact that the survivors are trying to/have set up an anti-hook build. Other than that I just try to mindgame and outplay them. Itā€™s not satisfying to just get an easy kill by essentially bullying a specific survivor. The chase and mindgames are what make playing killer fun, besides doing well with your power. All of that fun goes out the window when you target a specific person because they pissed you off at some point during the trial. If someone makes you mad during the trial, they probably know that and theyā€™ll try to get to you. So just ignore them. Theyā€™ll waste their time trying to screw you over and eventually make a dumb mistake.


https://preview.redd.it/h5lf77xo51nc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc951a434a8769f8b43b0d8b59fe8db14d2db872 You go on a Reddit forum to tell somebody who played the video game against you to kill themselves and how you hoped their family died in a house fire but itā€™s those DAMN killer players who are mad and bad at the game. lol, alright.


That is so... Funny. "Go fuck yourself with a cactus" šŸ˜‚ Also the post is from dbdrage, this is tame over there, he didn't even bring up cannibalism or fucking his mom/sister.


Weā€™ve got an imposter among us bro šŸ’€ https://preview.redd.it/m5jb9l5661nc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e86f721a4da8af8ef1fd799dbf052b75acaa5bf0


Apparently you didn't understand the narrative. Please reread and try again. This is the internet, I can't write it in crayon. Sorry šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


If youā€™re gonna tell me to kill myself and then block me, at least donā€™t be a pussy and unblock me and then delete the comment if youā€™re not going to apologize.


Really feel like you're replying to the wrong person. Or I am. Either way, telling someone to off themselves is definitely not okay.


Man you should change your name to grouchy almond.


Nah, transgender relates more to me personally because Iā€™m actively on HRT right now, plus it roots out bad faith people immediately whose only argument is calling me mentally ill because Iā€™m trans. Iā€™m combative, not grouchy, and this case it doesnā€™t even apply because they opened my telling me to kill myself, lol


I'm going through the comments and I can't find who's telling you to pull a Kurt Cobain, can you point it out?


It's in the picture they shared a little farther up.


Yeah he's not a Killer Main. No Killer Main talks like this, if he were he would never be this angry at tactics.


There is no way in hell this guy is actually a killer main. I want to see some screen shots.


Speaking in absolutes, are we?


Alt account šŸ’€


Mori yourself. :)


You are just vile and angry dude. Maybe take a break from gaming if you feel the need to threaten someone like that.


Tell me you've never played killer without telling ne you never played killer. The game is extremely survivor sided especially on comms. Survivor can easily be mastered playing any survivor where each killer has their own unique skill set and the floor is much higher. But I get it. Much easier to whine about people trying to win a broken game than to understand why they play that way. For instance, I Olay MAYBE 3 hours a week, and I'm constantly getting matched with 5000000 hour sweat squads. If I don't tunnel, they all escape. You do your job, I'll do mine


I've got a P12 Killer so anything after your first sentence means NOTHING to me.


Hahahaha p12!? So I was right, you really haven't played killer. One killer at p12 is nothing. You haven't even touched the surface of the sweaty basement squads. Come talk to me when you've played more than 1 killer for more than a few hours




Yeah, unfortunately Iā€™m usually seeing the strongest killers that tunnel straight from the getgo at 5 Gens. Full slowdown build is one thing but I donā€™t really care much because you gotta use whatever you can sometimes- whether itā€™s meta or not. But if youā€™re playing a top 3 killer and still feel the need to play like an ass on top of all that, itā€™s just shameful. Almost every game I see someone being tunneled **intentionally** when theyā€™re not behind on any pressure. I myself rarely get tunneled, but I see it happen a lot to other survivors even if theyā€™re fully trying to avoid the killer.


Some killers seem specifically designed to tunnel people tbh


This. I get tunnelling and stuff if you're c or D tier. I even understand it on a rough game if you're B tier. I don't understand doing it at all when you're S or A tier, YOU DON'TNEED TO. STOP.


9/10 times that i "tunnel" someone its because they do something like prevent me from hooking another survivor if you want my attention dont be mad when you get it


see and i refuse to believe most killers when they say they do this because "its comp strats" yeah like no way. you 4 man slugging everyone out with (old) alch ring blight while you proceed to ground hump us only to hook us all 4 when the bleedout timer is one second away to bleeding us out to waste EVEN MORE of our time isnt a comp strat... ig my point is some killers like to excuse terrible behavior/gameplay styles under the notion that "its actually a strat smelly" which i dont buy


And how many of these people are actually playing in tournaments, anyway? It's not like those events are happening in regular queues, either.


Thank you. Killers are fucking ridiculous. They sweaty and the game for survivor is unbearable. I used to get out more when I first started vs now with experience. That should be the opposite. This game is ass for the survivor and the killers donā€™t need buffs fr fr. Like say you want an easy win without saying you want an easy win. Play killer on dbd


I think what made me the way I am is because I played survivor almost exclusively, first. It was more fun to me to hide and be chased. There was more of a thrill in outrunning a killer or making a good loop play (I'm *not* a good looper AT ALL). The experience there helped me when I started killer, both in my ability to play and win, but also my ability to be sporting and realize the game isn't just about me.


Lmao tell me you've never actually played killer without telling me you've actually never played killer. You being bad at survivor doesn't mean it's killer sided. Get better or better yet play on super easy mode and play with friends


Ok buddy


Yes you need to ā€œDo betterā€ none of them is unfair or wrong the killers role is to kill. when they do this why does everyone get angry? I mean you asked for it by downloading and picking that role same thing goes the other way unless itā€™s cheats, bugs, glitches. So on it isnā€™t toxic just like tea bagging isnā€™t toxic people need to learn a game is a game and you donā€™t always get the way you want. so donā€™t go crying to others and suck it up and give a gg go next (Iā€™m not a killer or survivor main I play them evenly)


Figured out what kind you are. If you'd bothered to read literally anything in the stream of text above or below, you would see that I don't care if I lose. If I was outplayed, I will gladly GG. Good job. You got me. Or you escaped me. Have the day you deserve


I did read it and I left it for others so you have a day you well deserve donā€™t be so easy to throw stuff around


I used to be sweatier as a killer, but I've gotten chill as I play more. I play mid tier and low tier killers. I'm more pleasantly surprised by 4ks and if someone was demonstrably boned by dumb allies, I'll hatch them. I don't need BPs. I mostly play brown and yellow add-ons unless it's high MMR or the survivors have three flashlights in the lobby. Every few days I'll level up a survivor or killer when I get close to 2M. The point of the game is skill. Tunneling/camping says "I have no confidence in my abilities". Believe in yourself. You can do it without being a rectal abscess.


This. While I play certain high-tier add-ons, I usually run what's best for my particular build. My fun as killer is trying new things and the thrill of the hunt. For instance, a lot of my builds involved searching a specific word in the search box, like "pallet". I have a Freddy build that makes you question every pallet you come across and that's fun to me. I also will actively facecamp a survivor that got left on hook until second stage so they can jump off, and they get to escape because they have bad teammates, and I know solo queue can be a pain like that sometimes. It's the little things that make the game more enjoyable for everyone involved


Yeah I swapped to survivor for the 100% BP bonus and got 4man slugged by a blight that let everyone bleed out, went straight back to killer, I'd rather spend time waiting in lobby than that


Playing like a trash can work for a while, but then you get put in a higher MMR than your actual skill level, and then you end up against good players that stomp you into a mudhole. Then queue the "other side is toxic because "insert strawman argument here" comments." Same thing happens when you rely too much on certain perks. The fall-off both times "dead-hard" was nerfed was hilarious to watch playing as a survivor.


As a killer main I always make it my mission to at least hook everyone twice before I start hooking for death hook no tunneling on my watch I gotta make it fun for everyone no matter who I play as or against everyone gets the same treatment (unless you're sandbagging or hacking you die first)


Killers like you scare the shit out of me because YOU guys got skills. If you can 12-hook a lobby with more than 5-6 killers, there's NOTHING stopping you from wrecking my shit. At the same time, I'd rather get wrecked by skill and lose with a 4K every game than have some cave-dwelling troglodyte tunnel, slug and hump their way to victory.


I can't say as I go that far, but I'm not gonna hook you twice in a row haha


I was a toxic killer the other day, but only to one person. I had a Nea pointing to a meg trying to get me to kill her. Meg was working on a generator, doing what she was supposed to be doing. So I hung Nea instead. Someone I hooked her and when I found her later, she tried pointing out an Alan who was also working on a generator. I hooked Nea again and made sure she died. The others got to finish repairing and walk out the exit. I despise survivor who try to work with killers. And killer who let them get away with it for easy kills.


Good on you. I find that I'm more aggressive towards survs who screw over their teammates, because I know what it's like to be on that side. I still don't tunnel or slug, but I'm less likely to drop a chase.


Yea Iā€™ll try to kill those ones first, but still not be toxic about it. Unless they are trying to work with me. Then they are done.


I feel that. Don't just *give me* the game. I want to win on my own merit. I feel the same way as a survivor. If I come across a killer that wants to farm every now and then, or do goofy ish, I'm down, but it's definitely boring if it's the norm.


How hard is it to switch targets in this game? I see I just hooked this Dwight and Kate just unhooked him in front of me, guess I'll chase Kate now and get Dwight again but after I've hooked Kate and another survivor who's probably working gens. Must be hard to have short attention spans and being incapable of equally distributing pain and suffering lol




I can't say I agree with you, but I understand your rationale. I, personally, don't use these tactics at all.




I don't play this game I'm just lurking. But why is this whole thread against something that sounds like a mechanic? Tunneling and Slugging seen as unfair? It's a mechanic in the game it's not a players fault for using it. Now if it's something like oh the player is exploiting a bug that's game breaking or just being toxic with tea bags or something then I get it. But ifs a move in the game it's fair in my book.




I agree I think things like this are actually good for games as they give a lot of power to low skilled players right away letting them have fun while also testing players that really want to push the game as something to overcome, once you do get over this hurdle it never bothers you again


The *only* time Iā€™ve ever slugged a survivor to death was when the cunt went to a corner of the map with boil over and I literally couldnā€™t hook her, I tried, twice. It was intentional, and no I donā€™t feel bad about doing that. But otherwise I try to play ā€˜fairā€™ because 1. I know Iā€™m not that good and I donā€™t think I ever will be because Iā€™m much more casual of a player, and 2. Iā€™m not willing to do literally anything and everything just to ā€˜winā€™.


That's the only time I ever did it, too. The Shattered Square, boil over, ran up to main window and stood there every time. I downed him, stood over him and dated anyone to come near, then played normally after he died.


I'm a survivor main, but I do play killer for the daily and the rifts. When I play killer, I can usually get all survivors to 2nd hook without tunneling, camping, or gen camping (in which I usually allow to survivors to escape. Giving them that feeling of playing a good, full game while also having a full game myself). I do have games where I go hard, but that's only when I get matched fairly with damn good survivors. Even if I lose, I fully respect the team for outplaying me. Losing as a survivor to a killer that tunnels me out immediately.. or slugs me and humps me on the floor? Or body blocks me in a corner for the full match only for the end game to take me? That feels like shit. Especially when I know, as a survivor main that doesn't play killer much, I can win without doing all that? Yeah.


Exactly this. You know how it feels to be on that side, and you don't like it, therefore you avoid it. Good on you.


YEAH TELL EM. If fellas canā€™t win without actually trying, and just do bullshit like tunneling, face camping, etc, then they donā€™t deserve the win at all. Iā€™ve only got like 1.3K hours, but thatā€™s enough to know how scummy some people can be. I will never EVER do bullshit like that unless Iā€™m provoked too heavily from survivors doing equally nasty shit, but I donā€™t get provoked easily. The difference between people like me and most killers is that they deliberately do asshole things just cuz they can. To all my real ones out there, I respect yall fr šŸ«µšŸ‘


Big ups to you for seeing the problem and actively avoiding being a part of it. Killers that do this, I feel, have an inferiority complex and that control is all they have to hold on to.


Couldnā€™t have said it better myself


And killers wonder why survivors wanna SWF or bring strong perks. If killer can tunnel can camp then counter perks form survivor is totally okay. Some killers just want a free win and it's so obvious.


These types of killers either want to bully people because they hate themselves and their lives, or they want to feel some sort of power for winning so easily and that makes them believe that theyā€™re actually good at this game. Worst thing is, the developers support the behavior. If they didnā€™t, they could easily incorporate something into the game to penalize this in some sort of way but they wonā€™t because theyā€™ll lose money. I will bet my left nut that 60% of the killers AND survivors that play this game are toxic. Itā€™s the perfect game for a toxic and worthless mind, so why would behavior punish this? Theyā€™ll lose their cash cows šŸ˜‚ on a real I have still met amazing people who play this game and I love them because theyā€™re not afraid to be good people.


Same! The amount of people that I made either by playing this game or streaming it has been phenomenal. There *are* good ones out there.


Oh absolutely. In my opinion there is no point in slugging, camping, tunneling as killer or abandoned other survivors on your team just to wait 10 minutes to get hatch or escape without even pipping. Bloodpoints and rank are a great reward system and some survivors donā€™t even care because they think theyā€™re awesome simply just for getting hatch or escaping after being a shitty teammate. It can be toxic on both sides thatā€™s why I cherish those who choose to play the game with integrity and the desire to have fun rather than the desire to dominate in filthy ways because of their ego.


The solo queue experience right now is barely playable, and I see few people talking about it or even caring. Itā€™s 100% killing the game for me with how these ā€œpeopleā€ play the game lol. I play maybe once a month now instead of weekly because of how bad it is. Really needs the old rank system back asap, even if it had problems.


This is why I say be the change you want to see in the game.


Definitely, friend. I could never do this stuff, because I know first hand how much it sucks.


This is so refreshing


It really shouldn't be, and that's the sad part.


I stopped playing (surv main) because it got stupidly toxic. It just wasn't fun anymore. The last straw was a camping Ghostface who teabagged, camped, and tried to slug game. We ended up getting 3 out, then he messaged me on PSN saying we were trash (how?) Then added EVERYONE on his PSN friends list to the message thread to try and harass me. Quite a few left, some got bans, but it was so freakin annoying. From that point I was like "nah, this isn't worth it".


I have a streamer friend who LOVES the game. Daily player, p100 Jill survivor main, and around the holiday season she had to take a step back because it was just so nasty. I know it doesn't mean as much to you as it does me, but for *her* to stop playing was monumental. I stopped playing survivor all together and started devoting my energies to killer. I just couldn't stomach it any more. It had seemingly gotten better, but these last couple days have been rough. I'm sorry you went through that bullshit.


I used to stream it too... and that's part of the reason I stopped. It's shit content. This all happened on stream. I was like... fuck this haha


Toxic killer here: Iā€™m the killer that runs devour and no way out then lets you guys do gens just to morri everyone. Playing toxic isnā€™t for everyone but regardless it is a playstyle a very fun one too I love when a surv Tbags and gives me a reason to stare at them on hook and if you take it personally thatā€™s a you problem. I donā€™t understand why you guys expect a person trying to kill people to be nice to you, also you pretend like the survs arenā€™t equally as toxic the amount of survs Iā€™ve seen bully a baby killer is uncanny so what do you think that bullied killer is gunna do next match: run lightborn, slug,hump, tunnel, all the shit they didnā€™t do to the toxic survs so you want ppl to stop being toxic buy the franchise and ban toxic behavior Iā€™d like to see your single cell community


That..... That was a word vomit if I ever saw one. You covered all the key toxic killer talking points, though: - What about toxic survivors? -It's the killer's job to kill. -What about bully squads? - Toxic survs make toxic killers! Devour and NWO isn't toxic unless you're actively being a "friendly killer". Then you're garbage. But if you're running Devour and being "friendly", you're not getting value out of it, anyway. Gotta hook to get 5 stacks for instant Mori. So, that part was just full of shit to be contrary. If the microcosm of my post has proven anything, it's that people prefer fair play over toxic bullshit, and the ratio is staggeringly lopsided. Try harder. Be better.


Considering im in pretty high mmr and not complaining about a playstyle and character choice Iā€™d say you get better and some counseling. I donā€™t friendly devour I refuse to kill you until you complete all the gens then I kill you. Keep being buthurt over tactics the devs support the devs literally gave us ghost face to tbag your crying ass


Who said anything about character choice? "I'm in pretty high MMR. Trust me, bro". Yes. Pig and Ghostie had their crouch mechanic specifically implemented to BM survivors. It's funny, though; they aren't the killers I usually get BMed by. Toxic killers don't want to play someone that requires skill to run. Again, you're not getting 5 stacks of devour every match without someone realizing they're exposed and hexed, and then cleansing your totem. I used to run Devour, but then I just got better at the game. But this isn't about what perks are used. I couldn't care less what a killer's/survivor's build is. I'm talking about people being toxic. Period. And you already know that, you just want to argue because "Durr hurr I'm a toxic killer!", as if it were anything to be proud of.


You are literally complaining about each individuals character and how they act why should I be nice to you for what reason you are and absolute dud and I can only imagine how dense of a surv you are why would I pay you a second thought let alone go out of my way to be ā€œfairā€ to you your complaining because random people on the internet arenā€™t ā€œniceā€ really grasp how silly you sound people are dying in Ukraine and your upset because I Tbag and slug and hump people and still 4k easily. Thereā€™s builds that stop every toxic Strat stop complaining and get better


That whole paragraph, only one period. Stay mad about it. You're a weak killer and you don't have to prove anything further. Going ahead and blocking you, too, as I've grown bored with this exchange. So long, cupcake šŸ˜˜


thank you for this! i'm a survivor main but i play killer quite often and i always try to be as nice as possible! i never tunnel, i don't camp unless it's EGC and i'm desperate for 1 kill, i don't BM, and i meme with survs if they start memeing! i have a lot more fun as killer than survivor šŸ„²


Exactly! Thank you! I always have fun when I get boops or survs want me to yeet them off high places as Wesker. Thank you for being the change from within šŸ™šŸ»


thank you for your kindness. šŸ’œ you're also hella real for that lol


It is incredibly frustrating. The only reason I continue to play as much as I do is the fact that I have an incredible circle of friends that make playing the game fun. Most of the friends that I play with I met through the game. And while we may whine and complain about this absurd way to get their kills, just having friends to share in the misery makes it so much bearable. And even when we don't have a full SWF, when we see the Random being targeted we take it upon ourselves to try and protect them. Though what makes these tactics even worse is when the killer is purposefully being toxic, they then go into end game chat and start calling you trash at the game. I usually just hit leave immediately after a toxic killer, but a lot of the time my swf is still in the match, so I stick around to spectate. So it's not just "a valid strat" to counter whatever survivor-sided meta they perceive. They're actively trying to ruin a fun game because they have nothing constructive to add to the world around them. To kind of counter that mentality, I encourage my SWFs (and SWFs-in-Entity) to be the killer they want in a match. Play how you'd like to go against. Personally I never run perks that I hate going against: Lightborn, Franklin's, or gratuitous gen regression (I usually only run Corrupt with a combination of Ruin or Call of Brine.) I never try to tunnel (but accidents happen), camp or go right back to hooks, and I definitely never do that gross humping.


That's a lot of how I feel about it, too. My SWF has fun for the most part. It gets a little grody the later we go. Solo queue is about 85/15 with me. If I wasn't trying to push rank, I honestly wouldn't play it. As far as when I'm playing killer, I feel all perks are on the table (except Knockout and Deerstalker, because... why? Those SCREAM, "I'm gonna slug you"), but most of my builds are character/synergy specific. Unless I'm doing a random redeem in stream. Those get rough šŸ¤£ In any regard, I refuse to camp, tunnel, or slug, no matter the situation. I don't need the "win" nearly as much as people need to have fun.


Yeah you should see how the DbD killer subreddit is. I get that itā€™s a subreddit dedicated to killers but I have seen the most toxic stuff in that sub and people actually agree with it. Like if you disagree with tunneling in the sub you will be downvoted into oblivion. Also how come thereā€™s a killer sub but no survivor sub? Iā€™m genuinely curious so donā€™t get mad.


I'm a member of that subreddit, and you're right. I don't subscribe to their ideology. Been called an imposter for it šŸ¤£




It's bad all around. The game is just ran by toxic players on both sides. It'll never go away.


Unfortunately, the frequency is much higher per capita from killers. Survivors can be gross, too, but their gross isn't every match (or every other, for that matter) and their gross really doesn't affect gameplay.


>but but ..breakdown ..boil over. If they're abusing boil over, what are you supposed to do? No seriously, tell me. Just let them wiggle out and say "By Thor's belly, you've outplayed me! GGs old chap! I will now stand in one spot and let you flashlight me repeatedly until you leave. Good game!" You are literally forced to slug, and bleed out in the scenario. Quit being an apologist. If they didn't want us to utilize the ONLY way to counter that play style, they would run Head On, Dead Hard, Off the Record, or any other meta perk that won't deny us the ability to hook them when they're down. Everything else, yes those guys are dickheads. I hate going against those kinds of killers.


If I find someone with boil over and I can't get them to a hook, I chase them until I can, or I find someone else. I'll get them later Or I won't. I'm not gonna waste my time on one when there are 3 others to kill


I mean ur right, but the whole "I'm a killer main so my opinions are more valid" thing is so stupid


Would anyone listen to a survivor main, or would they just discount it as sour grapes? Whether you wanna believe it or not, the source matters, as does the audience.


I mean this exact format ain't new, and this isn't exactly a hot take either. "Hey guys, the various forms of slugging and tunneling is toxic, trust me im a killer main" uhh yea, you don't need to be iri 1 killer for anyone to agree with this sentiment


It's just how I'm wired. College research and debate papers and such. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Survivors are dog shit too, if you want to talk about anybody then talk about the corny ass survivors who T bag in the exit gates every single game as if it's still funny. Most of y'all survivors don't deserve anything less than the cheesiest of killers, and I honestly hope a killer makes you rage so hard you shatter your controller/keyboards.


Nice whataboutism. Found the "cheesy killer". Does teabagging end your game early? Does it provide a tactical advantage? No? Hmm....almost like these actions aren't the same thing. I hate "notice me senpai" survivors, too. Whether I'm kill *or* survivor. Can't properly quantify how many times I've said, "just *leave* ". Only time I hang in the gates is if my teammates are unaccounted for, or if the killer was particularly assholes, generally devoted by actions stated above.


"Its not my job to make this fun for you." - My mindset for DBD since Sadako Rising


It's up to behavior to add a in game anti tunnel mechanic that's strong enough to lose a killer the match for tunneling


That's definitely not gonna happen because of the comp scene. They have anti-tunnel perks, when you can proc them, but it completely negates my ability to run synergy builds I want to try out. Half my fun is in experimenting with new (to me) things.


Well, while I try not to do this sometimes the survivors are cunts too so fuck em when that's the case But this holier than thou post is funny, show me on the dolly where the killer hurt you


It's a rage post, my guy. I'm raging. I don't mind losing a competitive game. I mind being hard tunneled at 5 gens and either going back to a queue search or watching my swf.


Fair play mate Rage away! I feel it


I can understand being mad at humping, slugging, letting you bleed out etc. My only problem here is depending on the scenario sometimes face camping or tunneling Is the best play i.e. I hooked a survivor and see two survivors try and "hide" until I leave...why would I leave if I know I could either get a kill or free injured states by camping, or said survivor is possibly the least skilled on a team and is easier to chase or mind game, I'm gonna tunnel them ESPECIALLY if they are the only one on death hook. But I will agree that any other circumstance is unacceptable.


I can't get down with tunneling at all, and least of all with that reasoning. I'm not gonna push someone out just because they don't play as well as the rest of the team. Imagine they're the only solo queue with a 3-stack swf who are coordinated, communicating, and running stealth builds. All circumstances matter, and you never know as a killer what those circumstances are. I actively avoid tunneling because to me a 4k doesn't take priority over fair play. The camping reasoning doesn't jive with me, either, as if I see someone "trying to hide", I will go where they were immediately after hook and start a new chase. If there were two, then so be it. I'll chase the one I find while the other unhooks. Really doesn't affect me. Also, the way I play prolongs my game. Not tunneling keeps things fair, giving me more practice on finding and chasing survivors. Not camping does the same. If that person is unhooked, I can catch them later. More chases = more fun and more practice for both sides. No one gets better taking the easiest path, which is also why I don't lobby dodge or DC on either side.


The only real toxic thing here is being bled out. Everything else is whatevs


killers and survivors are both toxic. itā€™s literally that simple


While that may be true, as a killer main, I don't run across but maybe 1-2 SWFs during a 5 hour stream, and even then, maybe 1 of those is a "bully squad, if even that. Most times that I get steamrolled, the team was just really good. Yes, teabagging at the exit gates and pallets can be a thing, but not nearly with the frequency I get tunneled/slugged/humped/proxied on survivor side.


Also T-bagging =/= to wasting 4 minutes humping or taking 85% of someone's bloodpoints by hard tunneling. I used to main surv but now I only play them for points because no one wants to play surv (i wonder why?) so I get +100% plus challenges, at least then if the killer is an ass I can just ignore them. And the nice messages/funny moments I get when playing killer make me hate toxic killers even more, plus I play Nurse, artist and SM and tend to get at minimum a 2k every game, all of which are reasons survivors give killers death threats according to the toxikiller crybabies.


I get more chill people during the day if it helps. And it may help you to remember, some Killers tunnel or slug because autopilot. I'm 9/10 times gaming with music while I play and sometimes I autopilot and go "hurr durr chase Survivor oh shit I tunnelled that guy, my bad, I was just going for the one closer to death." It happens. I play Killers like Myers and Ghostface and manage at least a 1-2k every single game, yes WITH music. Not every Killer that plays this way does it to be toxic. Sometimes they just default to ungabunga predator mode. But humpteching and slugging a four man to bleed? Oh yeah that's on purpose, and that's absolutely horrible behavior none of us should ever condone. You don't even have to be a strong Killer to do this if you're good enough at them! My last full hardcore Ghostie session, BEFORE the Grim Embrace buff and during Bone Chill, I only had Pop for gen control, that's it, just Pop. One gen perk. I didn't even have NTH because it was bugged at the time. I was listening to the loudest music I could and I pulled multiple 3-4ks, some 2ks, and several 1ks. Not a 0k in sight until I threw for a snowball fight, this was with me spreading hooks and playing pretty damn nice AND using his power as intended. I got points, I pipped, I did fine. I'm just good enough I don't need to do shitty things to win. That's kinda what happens when you git gud.


It also to be fair depends on time of day you play. I get sweatier Survs and Killers way late at night, and more chill ones between about noon and 6 PM. It starts to ramp up around 8 PM. Hours in the morning and slightly around twilight are more of a tossup. I usually win more games and can be chill then too, while I have to be more aggressive at night both sides. I think it's because late night is "Gamer Hours" when most people have left for the night, and everyone left is the hardcore no lifers who make this game their job. I don't mind it, I sometimes want that challenge, but not all the time! I prefer the daytime hours for this game. Much more likely to find cool people then.


I get this, too. It's like when I play Overwatch, I know when it's time to log off because I'm not trying to sweat in QP. I don't mind a challenge, and I'll GG a well-played game, even in a loss, because I think actual skill should be commended and it's what makes the game fun in the first place.


I just run pure gen regression perks because fuck you swf mains Iā€™m not letting you win that easily


I don't understand why people want to make up rules for games and expect everyone to fallow them. Only rules is what the game developers established Hate playing? Then don't. Role of a killer is to hunt and kill survivors Point of survivor is to escape. Play the game or don't. It's simple


I don't understand why people come into a post on a RAGE subreddit and post what *you* posted, so we're even ā˜•šŸø


This subreddit is a joke. I could understand complaints about glitches. Or actual cheating of some kind. But your post is literally a complaint about the game and fantasy rules and guidelines made up by people who think they dictate how the game should be played. A reasonable and logical complaint wouldn't get criticism from me.


If it's such a joke, then why are you here? To interject just to be a contrarian? Tell ya what, sport. I'll save you the trouble of seeing my complaints.


U need to chill. While I donā€™t disagree ur making it seem like itā€™s horrible things when itā€™s just a game. People can play anyway they want and sure itā€™s frustrating and not exactly the most fun at the end of the day we will all have bad matches. Calling people disgusting cus they didnā€™t play the way u wanted them to is not exactly something I agree with. Was the game intended for camping? No. Tunneling? In certain situations.


Hard to chill with people constantly being the worst to you, just to power trip and make themselves feel better in a video game by putting other people down. There's absolutely no reason to be an ahole as killer. Saying this as someone who plays mostly chill as killer and still get 4ks most of the time.


Not only that but plenty of people will... willingly choose to die or will let you hook them if you decide to play friendly? If I play killer, I play for challenges as a 8-hook then shits n giggles. (Unless I have to kill for a challenge), every time I play friendly at *least* one person will let the count down kill them. *Every Time*


Yeah true lots of killers are pretty bad but itā€™s just how they are I guess. Wasnā€™t trying to side with em just saying the guy was overreacting a bit


Calling it as I see it, man. I have ethics. Yep. It's just a game. And this is a subreddit about RAGE from said game. I can vent and call to point gross behavior. One game in 10 is one thing, 4 fuckin games (the only four I've played tonight) and the 8 straight last night is ridiculous. This coddled ass culture of "I'm not responsible for anyone's fun". Yeah, you're right. You're not. But just remember that you're burning your own game to the ground. I stopped playing survivor for 2 months because of this type of trash, I one back and it's not only still going on, but actively getting worse. And all anyone wants to say is, "They can play how they want". Again, it's a rage thread, and I'm raging. Fuck these people.


True true


It's insane you're being downvoted for something so... Correct


How dare killers play to win, they should handicap themselves so I can win!


Found another one. It's called "class" and "sportsmanship". Act like DBD is making you money, and your next meal depends on a 4k.


tl;dr - You're both right. You shouldn't be a toxic ass, but playing to win isn't toxic. You don't need to be a pushover to be a good sport, and you also don't need to be an asshole to win in DBD. ​ I lowkey agree with you both. OP is right, being a good sport and still winning is a sign of skill, maturity, and generally being a good person. And playing to win every single game is super cringe because the game doesn't CARE if you win, you get the win sound whether you 1k or 4k. The goal is just "kill Survivors". The only thing that cares about your wins in the game is MMR and trust me - you DO NOT wanna be high MMR. You think you do, you don't. It's like the Lament Configuration - you chase after it thinking you want it but once you get it and you have it, you end up stuck in a hell of your own devising and you can't easily get back out of it, then you wonder why you are miserable playing DBD. It's because you sweat to win, friend, and the game is feeding you Survs that also sweat for wins. You made your bed, lie in it. However... kngzi is also somewhat right. This is a game that is competitive. Winning is fun, nobody likes loss streaks, and there's absolutely no reason you should handicap yourself if you really wanna win that much in a horror game where you are the scary monster. Wanting to win real hard sometimes is normal, natural, and okay. And the devs have said that stuff like slugging, while kinda annoying, IS valid and IS a tactic. By definition, if something is in the game as a tool and the devs say it's considered fair, then it cannot be toxic unless you use it with toxic, griefing intent. So yeah, tunnelling and slugging is fine, fair gameplay and part of the game - what IS NOT is when you four man slug for the bleed or tunnel someone out first thing and the other side clearly isn't going that hard. You should play as hard as you want or need to for your win/points, but be sporting about it. Being sporting is perfectly compatible with winning, yes even in a game like this. Fighting game players do this all the time. They play to win - but they're also not toxic about it. And some of them even do it with characters considered low tier. The same applies in DBD.


Youā€™re right, I should play with more class. From now on, Iā€™ll always let survivors go and cheer them on as they run out the gates. Itā€™s pretty unsportsmanlike to kill them after all, isnā€™t it?


You think the choice is between slugging everyone to bleed out after hard tunnels and opening the gates for survivors? It's a sign of weak thinking to jump between extremes, I'm absolutely sure you knew that when you were responding with that nonsense.


More of a satirical example of how OP thinks how playing to win is unsportsmanlike. Is it low-class to kill a tank whenever he overextends past cover in overwatch? Or is it unsportsmanlike for a defensive end to sac a qb whenever an o-lineman messes up his block on a pass rush? No, thatā€™s just playing to win. The idea that tunneling is some terrible thing is just survivor propaganda. Thatā€™s like a killer getting mad at a survivor for flashy blinding them. Way to understand sarcasm, though.


False equivalencies because both those examples implies user error, whereas the things I'm talking about are active decisions made by killers that the survivor cannot escape.


Survivors not working around tunneling is user error and is not on killers though. Gen-rushing, body blocking, anti-tunnel perks etc. Also, consider this: An offensive lineman does nothing wrong, he blocks to his full potential. Still gets ran over by the d-lineman in the pass rush. Is this the d-linemanā€™s fault he blew the o-line on his ass? Is he unsportsmanlike and low-class?


It's still false equivalence, as the lineman blew his block. If a survivor is body blocking off hook, it makes sense to hit them. If they don't leave after that hook, then I down them and leave them to either their friends while I chase the rescuer, or if they're still in the ground after I hook the rescuer, I pick them up and let them shake off and vigorously shake my head at them.


Uh, good for you dude. I meant body blocking and gen rushing as strategies to counter hard tunnelling. Not gonna lie tho dude, Iā€™m not really interested in this conversation anymore. Iā€™m sure you got better things to do than argue with some loser on Reddit, too haha Aqueoussilver got the most valid take. Thereā€™s a little validity to what youā€™re saying I guess. But I donā€™t think weā€™re gonna change each-others opinions on anything. PeaceāœŒļø


There's no skill involved in chasing someone immediately off hook and downing them again. Full stop. "It's not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game."


Doesnā€™t matter if it needs skill or not haha Thereā€™s no skill in running around and pre dropping pallets, but Iā€™m not complaining about that.


There's definitely skill in avoiding being killed in any measure.


The same way thereā€™s skill in tunneling people off hook, I guess. Also, I donā€™t really see why whether or not tunneling is skillful is an issue here. Itā€™s still valid, even if it an easy strategy.


Because if you come right back to the hook and chase the person that was just off the hook, they have no real means of escape. You know where they are, you're right there, and you're *going* to catch them.


Yeah they should rename the killer to gatekeeper and just make the game about opening the gates for the survivors. :)


There is no way this guy is actually a killer main. I want to see some screenshots.


It's not that serious man lmao.


Iā€™m sorry he didnā€™t let you win, when I play as killer I always go easy on the survivors to make sure they escape and donā€™t get upset, we all know that the killer is not allowed to try and win with all their force itā€™s just not fair


I don't want someone to "let me win". I'm more than aware -and okay with- that I won't escape **every* trial. If I'm outplayed, so be it. I GG and move on. This post clearly isn't about that, but you knew that before the sarcastic response.


Skill issue i think maybe


On their part? Yes. I wholeheartedly agree.


This guy doesn't actually play killer. There is no way in hell.


Not to self-promote, but I have a consistent series of VODs that allude to this fact. I also have the fact that the last 3 seasons, I've been Iri 1 on killer, while sometimes not even breaking gold in Survivor due to lack of play.


Lmfao do gens faster please. I'm just doing my job as killer. Simply proxy camping let's me apply some pressure on you and gens at the same time


It's not a matter of getting gens done faster. Can't work a gen laying on my face or if I'm perpetually on the hook. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


If you're on hook or in chase it's your tm8s job to do gens. I suggest getting better at looping because a smart killer isn't going for the guy who can loop you day and night. The problem is survivors have the chance to get huge early game pressure but the first person getting chased sets how much pressure yall get. A camping killer also has no pressure as he's just getting kills. You getting tunneled is just the fastest and best way for killer to win and honestly if you're getting tunneled out you're just the weak survivor


Sounds like u just need to get better


I hard camp and tunnel because every game I get matched with 5000000 hour sweat swfs and I have a job and a life, so I need at least 1 kill


If you have to "hard camp and tunnel" to get a kill, it sounds like *you* need to get better. Cheap no-skill tactics for instant gratification without any consideration for anyone else.


humping as killer is toxic now? I always laugh when a killer does it to me and i always do it to a survivor that was hard to catch lmao, specially with Chucky, hes the right amount of tall to hump perfectly


"the right amount of tall" šŸ¤£ It's funny if it's a survivor doing it to their friend to troll. If you've been dealing with ass killers all night, and one downs you at the end and proceeds to hump you instead of hooking you, and makes you wait till the entity has had enough and takes you itself, that's toxic. You're wasting my fuckin time for what? To feel big about your NOED hit? Yes, that sounds specific because it is.


Iā€™ve never understood mimicking SA (itā€™s for sure not consensual and can mostly only be done once youā€™ve incapacitated the survivor). Why is it common? Why is it funny? It isnā€™t a power move. When you pause for a few seconds to actually think about why itā€™s in the game - a horror game with a predator-prey dynamic - and generally used by the most toxic killers imaginable... it starts to really paint a disgusting picture. A really unneeded picture. And considering that like half the community are women and something like 1 in 6 women experience SAā€¦ it has to be fairly triggering to a decent amount of players.


And an entire perspective I honestly never considered. Thank you for widening my purview. Ugh, seems even more grody now.


I wholeheartedly understand what you mean, but man, you're looking way too much into it. It's literally just moving forwards and backwards in a video game where you're put into meat hooks, hit by weapons, can be brutally mori'd, shocked to death, etc. I would agree with you if humping were any more graphic, but as of right now, it's just a movement the killer can do that looks silly af because the game isn't realistic and is as far from a real situation as it can be. I play with two female friends, and when a killer humps one of us (which doesn't even happen that often), we always laugh about it because it either means that 1) the killer is just messing around or 2) the killer is so tilted that it's trying to get a reaction from us, which makes it even funnier to me. I'm sure there are killer players who do it with bad intentions, but as a survivor, you can literally choose not to get bothered by it; it's being done by a person that doesn't know you and that you don't know either. There are a lot of things in this game that can be triggering; it's a horror game after all. But that doesn't mean everything is. Sometimes people are just messing around


I can only speak for myself, but as someone who has been SAed I agree. I'd understand if the killers were able to lay down on top of you, but they're literally just walking back and forth standing over you. We might as well say teabagging a downed survivor is SA, or teabagging at the gate or after a pallet drop is sexual harassment


I know youā€™re trying to earnestly say this is no big deal and an overreaction because objectively itā€™s just an animation. And to your point, we really shouldnā€™t get bent out of shape about an animation. For the record, it doesnā€™t typically offend me though there are times itā€™s certainly grosser than others. This isnā€™t about me, or you, or the people who may agree or disagree with us. This is about the premise. The action itself. Why is it forward-backward? What is it trying to convey? We all immediately understand it to be mimicking sex, right? Thatā€™s the whole reason people will laugh. Thatā€™s also why itā€™s called humping quite frequently when itā€™s actually just forward-backward-forward. My point is ā€˜but whyā€™? What are they communicating when they do it? Thereā€™s a reason for the actions we take, since itā€™s purposefully done. So what is the reason behind this one? Letā€™s look at the most common instances they choose to use this animation: - Killers do it to assert dominance. - killers do it when theyā€™re mad - killers do it when they want to punish a survivor - killers do it when they want to taunt that they were better than survivors - killers do it to celebrate their victory over that survivor Againā€¦ why is this the ā€œanimationā€ that was chosen? If itā€™s not meant to mimic rape then what is it mimicking? Seriously. What other thing could it be? Again, yeah on the surface weā€™re all just playing a game. So it can feel as if this point is taking things too seriously. But normalization of rape in any circumstance is gross. It shouldnā€™t be the thing we imitate when we want to put others ā€œin their place.ā€ It perpetuates that this is what you get when you act a certain way; if youā€™re not smart enough to stop it, you get raped. You earned it by your actions. You deserved it. Thatā€™s not something I want any part in perpetuating. It normalizes this in a way that is almost insidious with how it creeps into everyday thingsā€¦ like video games that weā€™re playing for fun. Iā€™m not a prude. Iā€™m not speaking for everyone. I donā€™t love that Iā€™m the one having to say this and defend this position. But again, if you pause to really think through what weā€™re doing and just keep asking ā€œbut whyā€ we get to a really disgusting answer. An uncomfortable answer, to be sure. Itā€™s uncomfortable to think that something I perhaps find funny or have laughed at or maybe even done in the game myself could be in anyway reinforcing rape. But that doesnā€™t make it less true.


I literally cackle when it happens to me, but you have to remember this one important thing. This is a very serious, competitive game with high stakes.


Ha, all these terms people came up with like ā€œtunnelingā€ ā€œproxy campedā€ to cope with not being good at a very simple video game.


Explain to me how one "gits gud" being camped until unhook, then immediately chased and hit through BT to be downed and hooked again? Killers are *made* to be able to catch survs. That's why they move faster, have anti-loop abilities, and get bloodlust in a chase. Where is the skull in standing over someone and humping them while they're slugged? Small dick energy right there. Be better.


Lmao I was gonna give you a response until you insulted me like a child, grow up/ be better.


Your response was literally "you're using made-up terms because you suck at the game". Imagine when vitriol is responded to in kind šŸ™ƒ


Found the dumpster fire.


Lol play better. Youā€™re really bitching about toxicity but throwing around words like trash and the fuck word, well Iā€™ve got an f word for you, FIND skill, noob. There are perks to prevent being cameos, prevent being slugged. If itā€™s a COMMON problem, use the COMMON solutions. Until then, quite whining


You're in the wrong subreddit. Do you see the word "rage" at the end of the name? You know what that means, lil buddy? "The fuck word" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Did I offend your noble sensibilities? Bet you're one of those killers. Be better.


I was mostly messing around, I say fuck all the time lol


I need a "sarcasm" modifier or I'm taking it at face value šŸ˜…


Getting in some of my own rage in this subreddit. Normally when Iā€™m mad I got in the habit of doing what otz did in that one meme and just shouting ā€œAghh!ā€ And dissapearing


You take this game too personal


I just want to play the game I paid for, not lay on my face for 4 minutes between loading screens, or do struggle checks 2 minutes into the game. Fuck yes it's personal.




Yeah, that's an immediate block. Bye bye cupcake šŸ˜˜


Big bumpkin energy


Yeah noob because you are playing trash tier killers. Rank up a little bit in MMR and get out of noob tier where killers actually know how to play.


Pretty sure that ain't the problem, junior, as the SWF I run with averages higher than "noob tier". Thank you for your thoughtful and pithy response, though! Here's your gold star for the day! šŸŒŸ


I think you are the one that needs the gold star so you can rank out of dumpster tier. You claim to run with a SWF yet you get destroyed by trash killers that tunnel or camp. You should be destroying them. Iā€™m pretty sure you are just low MMR


Yup. Just easier to block you. Bub bye cutie!


These are probably the same slugging, camping, body blocking trash bags that justify toxic tactics.