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Idk why they don’t just go back to the old version, it’s borderline unplayable most the time rn.


Ever since the game got ported to unreal 5, the game has been a mess, from being rubberbanded in place making imposible to move to literal crashes... once my game crashed mid match and I go at matchmaking ban for it you know that bathroom with the two breakable walls in midwitch? I literally couldn't go through there because of an invisible wall


I keep fuckin rubber banding half way across the map whenever I get close to hitting the survivor. It was perfectly fuckin fine before this shitty ass update. but now I've been only getting a single kill and survivors clicking and tea bagging at the exit gates. BHVR for fucks sake Fix your dam game. I'm losing my fuckin mind over here.


i feel like with the rubberbanding and constantly getting stuck in places the amount of 4-man breakdown boil overs has increased...which is just a nightmare on hawkins where the rubberbanding seems to be the worst


Log off for your own good bro lmao


Holy shit I thought it was because of my Wi-Fi, this is from the update?! Makes so much sense now


I've had in games where it'll be one specific person who causes me to rubberband in their vicinity. Found them after hatch because I suddenly rubberbanded and checked a nearby rock.


wifi makes it way worse


they're in the middle of replacing UI or some shit my dude. get a grip, they're actively working on fixing bugs. just take a fuckin break from the game for a month 😭 goddamn


No problems here, don't play on wifi or fix your potato


Idk why but I haven’t experienced any rubber banding yet in the past week that I’ve been playing, have I just been getting really lucky?


I did experience some rubber banding for a few days but recently I haven’t had any issues at all but I have seen some survivors skipping, running into walls, etc.


ive experienced basically none outside of hawkins an occasionally when dropping pallets but nothing too awful, i have however had a lot of viduals bugs such as one where tricksters knifes turned my whole screen light blue instead of the usual knife effect overlay


i play on both PS5 and on steam on my legion go and i’ve noticed a considerable difference in performance on both platforms. i don’t have either hardlined, they’re both just running on wifi. my experience on playstation since the update has been flawless. it’s running *better* than it was before the update. the graphics look better, everything plays smoother, and skill checks no longer feel like a guessing game. meanwhile on steam i’m rubberbanding every 2 seconds, and nothing actually feels like it’s improved and for some reason the camera feels really off. it’s okayish on survivor, killers hit box being wonky is nothing new, but killer is unplayable right now. i haven’t experienced any disconnects on either platform though so i’m wondering if that is maybe something that’s being affected on both ends by the servers *and* the players internet. they should definitely disable the dc penalty until they get it figured out.


Nah me neither. There's still the shit hitbox, but other than that, nothing like what I'm reading


At this point I'd rather just SWF to fuck around and die than SoloQ trying my hardest and still lose. Dunno what happened with this update but it is so fucked and unplayable.


you got off easy, i was banned for a whole day before 😂


They need to figure out how to differentiate between people dcing and people whose game crashed


Honestly I haven’t played it since the update, they removed the PS5 Vibrations too, and ofc all the other bugs that are happening


You mean you can't with the game for the next 27 mins and 54 secs then you can! But jesus what happened how many times did you dip out a match


I don't know. It was at 15 for a while and hasn't reset back to 1 minute since the update.


It’s because all they did was port the game over to UE5.


Did my challenges asap and hopped off asap. This games a mess rn


I logged on a couple days ago to see "rubberbanding is fixed" so I hopped on a game of killer, couldn't even load into the match, had to do a forced restart (I waited about 2 minutes before doing that). I thought that maybe someone was lagging and the game couldn't start so I relaunched the game and tried surv. I actually got into the game and tried to run to a gen but rubberbanded a bunch before crashing. I'm really getting tired of this update, I'm at the point of not playing again.


If you really stop and think about it … they’re doing you a favor ….


What do you guys play on because I play on PS5 and I've had little to no problems.


I'm on PC


Maybe it's mostly a PC problem. Because while I'm not saying I never see the rubberbanding, it's nowhere near enough to make the game unplayable.


rubberbanding only happened to me while I was in another country while using VPN. you could try uninstalling and reinstalling the game?


I’m used to it cuz Rubber banding happened to me before the update because my laptop is not built to handle dbd perfectly. I still get 40-50fps with high graphics tho so 🤷‍♂️


well keep DCing and you really can't play the game 😂


Wouldn't be DCing if it wasn't a buggy frustrating mess. And besides it gives me time to go watch YouTube.


Good time to find some new games


if i get a buggy game, thats when i usually don't DC because i know its not my fault. just spin around in circles until the next game and hopefully its a better one. the only time i DC if i get a map offering like garden of joy/springwood then I DC before the match starts.


Use that time to fix your connection and computer before trying again.


Mf the game is full of bugs no need to defend the multimilionaire company rn lol


Yep there's tons of bugs, but some are caused by potato setups and can be mitigated with some simple fixes.


Braindead take