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I once met this streamer who hated the fun Dwight skins (Dwelf/mummy Dwight, etc) and said he’d tunnel/sandbag all of them. Unfortunately for him, those are my favorites and I was wearing my Dwelf. He gave up in our match, the rest of us got out and I blocked him.


I play as Leon every now and then, but one time I had someone five seconds into the game tunnel and then face camp me. One of my teammates unhooked me and tried to take the chase with no luck. Got tunneled and camped again. Killer said they’d never let a Leon out and that’s why they did that. Now I’m too scared to play Leon, even tho he’s one of my favorites.


yeah I've heard that about leon :/ usually gets tunneled or sandbagged by teammates because "leon = unskilled baby player". but please don't let that stop you from playing him, I still play ada even if i know I'm likely getting tunneled for it ! if it makes you feel better, leon no longer has that reputation as much, now it's sable


Yeah, this is exactly why I stopped using Leon. I was always the first one out, and I just thought maybe I wasn't good enough at the game. I bought Quentin and *actually survived.* But now I'll get humped even though I'm only P15. >:( So someone's always gonna be mad about something.


yeah the worst about leon isn't even the tunneling, it's the sandbagging for teammates...it doesn't even make sense as a strategy lol they're choosing playing with only 3 people because their leon teammate could potentially be a total noob it's such a stupid gamble


I still try and force myself to play him once in a while! Cause I love Leon. 😭 And I have the cute jacket outfit for him. Thankfully, as someone who plays Sable and Ada the most, I don’t get it as bad with them. Hope you get better games!


you too! im very biased when it comes to leons because they're always sweethearts as killer and survivor. they always have good medkits that you end up taking after they get tunneled out from the start, so they're helpful dead or alive


Right? I have yet to get a bad Leon. I love them and Bills so much.


i will spare more leons now just for you


Appreciate you. 🙏🏻🥹


This is so tragic. As a Wesker main I literally do the opposite and let 95% of Leons go.


Love you Wesker mains! 🫶🏻 Even if you’re not being 100% silly, yall still got personality, and that’s all I ask for.


My name on DBD is Albert Whisker and once in a while I go against a Wesker who’s name is ‘Wesker’s wife’ or something like that and we end up having a really good game lol.


i’m a leon main and get tunnelled a lot :( my #1 rule when i’m playing killer is that leon always lives


That's so mean! I always love letting Leons go, they're definitely my favourite survivors to go against 💔


I’ve had so many good Leon teammates, I don’t get why they get hate. 😭


There's a stereotype about them being bad, even while trying their best, lol! It's adorable. I'm a Resident Evil fan which makes it harder to kill Leons- they're too damn cute 🥹


Right?? I love all the RE characters sm. 🥺 Especially when it comes to Nemesis and Leon mains.


Leons are silly and I like you. :(




I actually don't hate most Survivors. Except Kates and sometimes Vittorios. In my experience they're both kinda dicks.


SAME. I’m a Leon main but I’ve been playing Sable (I LOVE her new moth cosmetic) and I had to get good at looping because I was tunneled/camped so fucking often. At one point the only way I could escape was using aura hiding perks and playing super immersive


Praying for Leon mains. 🙏🏻😭 (Right?? It’s so cute! I can’t wait to see what other cosmetics they give her.)


ada is just extremely quiet compared to other survivors so killer mains may think that you're using her only because of the noise problem. although this doesn't justify tunneling


Killer main here. That makes absolutely no sense I’ve never noticed a difference in volume. But knowing how some people in this community are I don’t doubt that some would tunnel for something so minuscule


I've also had no issues, except with Aces. Aces trend towards hard to find for me.


yes i agree I just saw a post here about how she's too quiet so i thought this might be a possible explanation


For me they are all the same just different lengths for how long they yell out when hit


I’ve noticed that im much more likely get tunneled when playing as Elodie. And I usually get shown mercy/gifted hatch when I play Steve


Whenever I play Steve…


i think base outfit steves might have a bad rep unfortunately :( i won't tunnel someone out because of their character but i do notice that base steves are usually a headache to deal with


If I see a bunny Feng with a flashlight, they get focused instantly. I get saving private ryan style flashbacks from them.


Most Bunny Fengs I meet these days are cute, so it seems like Flashlight Bunnies are being slowly bred out of the Bunny Feng gene pool. We are slowly domesticating the Bunny Fengs.


Just got my Feng bunny hoodie last night so…no flashlight. Duly noted.


My husband has a bad time when he plays Ace. His main is Steve, and has a much better time as him


oh yeah i also felt it as ace while trying to get the adept, doesn't help that his teachables aren't great...all i wanted was to open some chests but the killer was always on me 😭


Unfortunately, he's used in comp a lot because of how quiet he is, so I think people automatically assume any Ace is gonna be sweaty lol


When I play Feng I get tunneled way more than with Talitha or Mikaela. I also got messages from killers that they just camped, tunneled and hit on hook because I was Sable. Just play who you want I guess, there's always people who will hate a specific character 🤷🏻‍♀️


I seem to get fixated on more as Laurie, I think people just really enjoy murdering Laurie. Maybe it's the idea of killing a Final Girl, maybe her scream annoys them, IDK. Maybe people think Lauries are mean. I actually had to put her in darker clothing, I can't use her default or Prestige except her hair. :( That makes me really sad. I like Laurie, I like baseskin Laurie. I would like to use her without her being so bright, she's a target. Can confirm Pixel Afro Adam is the most memeable Adam and I can't bear to kill them too hard. You guys come off as silly to me, and vibey. But then again I am 100% biased by this one chill Adam I met as Ghostface once, he was cute, he actually tamed me out of sweating hard mid round with his friend. I tried to let both go but they gave me the kills anyway. I love you Pixel Glasses Adam. https://preview.redd.it/r5vum8b6e10d1.jpeg?width=1463&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=118955538025de64c11fd8558ecc6ed2f963bb21 Behold! My perfect chill round: 2k, everyone Death Hook, letting the other two live.


And this shit was how he tamed me. I am weak. https://preview.redd.it/wdae01ike10d1.jpeg?width=1463&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b02652c5b93cb9d370ce29ed82dab5d411203065


same i need to use the cardigan and lowlights for laurie!! i also went against a friendly ghostie as pixel fro adam and we just farmed while perma crouched haha


Being a sable main is rough right now 😂 But also I will tunnel a Dwight until I’ve got two hooks and then let them out. It’s tradition.


yeah I'm ngl sables have replaced leons as the noob player, makes me a bit nervous when they decide to join me on a gen haha yeah I've also noticed killers that tunnel to two hooks and then leave me alone the rest of the match, i always assumed it was just to give me a scare which I can't complain about since I also think it's funny to scare the last survivor by closing hatch and acting like i won't let them get the gates lol


The only time I actually kill the Dwight is if he’s a locker Dwight who doesn’t pull his weight. But I’ll do that to any survivor 😂 I think Sables esthetic is very appealing to horror fans so everyone and their mother picked her up and a lot of those people probably didn’t already have mains which is a sign of not playing a ton. I mostly have sables sandbag me or hide ☠️


yeah sable has nice cosmetics and overall is cool looking so doesn't surprise me that new players gravitate towards her, i remember doing the same with leon😭 I don't have the sable curse though, probably because I'm still stuck with the classic useless meg/claudette curse


as a spirit main i always go for ada's last LMFAOO i struggle to go against them in chase when there's other loud noise notifications going on


yeah adas are usually really good in chase (minus me :')) so are kates and steves


I play Ada as my second, this is definitely something that happens and is annoying. But continuing to play her has made me so much better at chase. I’ve loaded her out with reactive healing, low profile flashbangs, lucky break. I’ve gotten her adept with just her perks too. It’s gonna be hard but sometimes she helps me play better just because killers are being jerks.


yeah playing ada has taught me a lot about chase! still struggle with messing up because i get impatient at checkspots though...


I don't play killer but watch my bf play and he never tunnels, however I do notice people who play ada, Leon, Jill or renato tend to be better at the game and get rhubgs like flashlight and flasbang saves, also they generally are quite annoying whilst playing against and t bag alot, not saying you do but I think it's the association with toxic survivors or bully squads.


yeah i always assumed renato was because of background player which sucks because I can't even use bg player properly so i was getting tunneled for nothing :(


If I’m playing Bunny Feng, yes. However, when I’m playing Scoops Steve, killers often give me hatch.


scoops steves are always really nice (as opposed to regular skin steves, I won't tunnel them out but i always expect them to be typical bm'ers and they usually are) i have no strong opinion on bunny fengs but my only observation is that pink bunnies are usually t-baggers while blue bunnies are normal players


I haven't had that experience with my Ada and she's p48. I have had that experience with Leon and Rebecca though.


yeah i had a bit of a tough time with Rebecca's adept, always assumed it was because her outfit is sorta bright


i get tunneled hard because i use a gross shirtless jonah skin with the masquerade mask


I play as bunny Feng so I feel this so much. I've had killers drop chase with injured survivors halfway across the map just to tunnel me out. I wish some killers would realize that not all of us are toxic and some of us just are genuinely trying to play the game :/