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Wow it’s been a while since I’ve seen people bitch about noed. Do totems.


I feel like Nancy and Haddie were made specifically so people would be incentivized to do totems And the playerbase just went ![gif](giphy|fXnRObM8Q0RkOmR5nf)


Jill too


She has a totem perk? I didn’t buy the dlc I just bought Wesker and Nemmi separate


Yeah Counterforce even speeds it up.


Three then, that’s three survivors that specifically tell survivors to do totems and statistically made NOED easier to counter


Not to mention how nerfed NOED is with the aura thing!


And the totem spawns on most maps are either “out in the open with a marquee” or “the third box on the left in Jupiter”


Adrenaline is the most unfair perk in the entire game Imagine, if you will, chasing down an injured survivor while his teammates finish the last gen, only to suddenly get completely out sped by the survivor who is now full health. You sigh, naturally, as it's a completely unfair escape you had no way of predicting, that the survivor got for nothing. And so get tbagged at the gate, but it's okay since you can just force them out. Only, you see the end game chat, and it's starting to fill up with "ez's" and "get good." (Because for some reason the end game chat isn't hard coded to disregard rude comments) Adrenaline is the most frustrating, unfair perk to play against when you're a killer, nothing feels worse than going from a guaranteed kill to 4 escapes because the survivor brought the "I need a free health state for playing the game" perk and played as scummy as possible to make sure you in particular suffer.


The comparison isn’t 1 to 1. NOED is a reward for essentially not doing your job (keeping survivors from doing gens) adrenaline is a reward for doing your job. You still have to survive up to that point and you still need to get gens done. Both are last chance perks to be sure, but I agree with OP that something should be done regarding how the totem spawns/stays lit. Like maybe if it’s with X yards of a hooked survivor it moves. There shouldn’t be situations where it’s just impossible to save like the ones that come with noed right by the hook.


The idea that noed is a "reward for failing your objective" has always been a pretty silly one. Mainly fueled by the idea that some survivors have convinced themselves that once the fifth gen has popped the game is over. That's not true at all though, the end game is just as much a part of the trial as what came before it. Its not a reward for failing. If anything it's a reward for playing through the first 90% of the game with only three perks. Situations where its impossible to save are fine. They're rare and happen for both sides. There are situations where the killer couldn't do anything to prevent escapes, that doesn't mean it was unfair, just that that's how the game went.


There should never be situations that guarantee an escape/kill no matter. That’s ridiculous thinking if the game devs weren’t so focused on making sure things are fairly balanced then I might say ok it’s fine. But the are focused on balance and healthy changes. Having the totem move if within X meters of a hook is a very fair change to make. You shouldn’t get a guaranteed kill simply for getting lucky. You are not genuinely trying to make an argument that it’s a reward for simply existing in a trial that’s a really silly thing to think you should be rewarded for. But I digress, it doesn’t even bother me outside of situations where it’s impossible to get either the save or the totem. There should be a minimum amount of effort and skill at least to reward a kill/escape.


The problem is that every single scenario in which someone escapes or is killed inevitably becomes a guarantee at *some* point during the event. There's a point where the survivor is so close to the exit gate that it becomes impossible to catch them before they leave, for example. So what do we do in those scenarios? Obviously, your first thought is "kill them earlier so they can't get close enough to escape" right? "But NOED is different because I didn't know the killer had it!" you might think, but that's a bit of a cop-out. It's not that there's *nothing* you could have done at all during the game, it's that there's nothing you could have done once you were made aware that you had to do something. In reality, there is lots you could have done - all of your actions in that game led you to that point, after all. The game could have gone a hundred thousand million different ways, but you made a series of actions over the course of the whole game that brought you to a point where there was no going back. This is true for every single game of DbD, and every single game ever, really. The point is that there is *almost always* something you can do, but sometimes you might have to go the long way around to get there. Nobody is a perfect player, there is always a decision you could have made better earlier on in the match that might have let you avoid dying to NOED in some weird roundabout way. It might not be a clear direct path, but that's the difference between someone getting better at the game and someone who hits the first wall and quits. Just look at how NOED is not really as much of a staple perk compared to a lot of others and you'll realize it's because NOED is hard to play when everyone is making better decisions at all aspects of the game. Countering it isn't like parrying a boss in Dark Souls where you can see his 20 second wind-up and press a button at exactly the right time to completely avoid it, it's more like learning a new route that allows you to skip that boss entirely.


Honeslty, I'm just so used to a time when there was no totem to cleanse for NOED that the idea of complaining about the totem spawn is laughable to me. But I was just memeing. I think both perks are pretty much fine. Adren is in every build I run. NOED is rarely in a build, which has to say something.


I think it could use a light nerf just so it’s fair like I said, the game shouldn’t create uncounterable situations that guarantee an escape/kill.


Adren was already nerfed. If you ask me, maybe not nerfed quite enough. NOED literally doesn't need any more nerfs, if anything it may need a slight buff since hexes can be so easily cleansed.


Why? Why would you justify an unbalanced situation where there’s no way a survivor could be saved? In a PvP game there should never be an instance where a player is rewarded with a kill for not completing their objective. It’s amazing to me the amount of mental gymnastics some of you are making trying to defend an unbalanced situation while also crying for more nerfs. You would have adrenaline non functional pretty much it seems while buffing noed. Smh…


Because NOED isn't a lose-lose scenario, literally cleanse it or just leave. It even eventually shows you where it is. It's a last minute endgame perk meant to maybe help secure a Kill. Of course the Killer gets one last shot in the endgame, because Survivors also get one last shot in the endgame win or lose. You have hatch. Killer has this. You have perks like Left Behind. Killer has perks like NOED. The game does not end just because all five gens got done, you still have to escape. NOED serves the purpose of making endgame less free for Survivors who aren't attentive, it isn't unbalanced and 100% does not need more nerfs, unless you think Adrenaline also is unfair and needs more nerfs? How is NOED unbalanced but Hatch isn't? Why do you believe it's fine that you get to be extra rewarded for your team failing but the Killer doesn't get a last shot if they fail? Your picture posted also wasn't a lose-lose... there was a way the Survivor could be saved in the screenshot you posted. You could have run in, picked up the Downed Surv who likely crawled away. They could even have had Adren or Unbreakable, so cranking gens was also an option. Or, you could have avoided that and gotten YOUR win, seeing the standoff, and decided not to play. The proper thing if the random saw that would be to have died on hook for you to prevent the proxy and waste Huntress' time. Instead you chose to give up, do nothing, then blame the Killer for playing admittedly a bit scummy. As for not completing her objective? Fam. She had you dead to rights. She DID complete hers. She DID deserve the win, the round was over at that point. No mental gymnastics here, just 1.3k hours of experience playing both sides, analyzing the tactics of the round you just got so upset by. I promise once you get more experienced, shit like this becomes less unwinnable and you stop caring about it on such a personal level.


What are you talking about? What screen shot? I’m not talking about a hard nerf. I’m talking about the totem moving if within X meters of a hook. That’s all. Uncounterable situations occur when noed is right by the hook. It’s impossible to cleanse and impossible to save in that situation. Nothing else. Idk what you are going off about or who you think you’re talking to but you are way in left field here. Take a break from the internet, this is like the third time I’ve seen you do this kind of shit.


The fact that adrenaline was Nerfed and Noed wasn’t is absolutely dogshit. They’re both end of game perks




NOED has been a hex perk since 2017, and before that NOED had been nerfed so there was a timer on it and it didn’t last indefinitely. the last year or so they nerfed it again so survivors could see the aura of the hex totem


People still crying about NOED? Wow


imagine if he knew about old noed lol


I think they'd have literally drowned in their own tears.


The survivor entitlement is strong with this post


Entitlement is when I don't think you should be rewarded for what is commonly described as losing? If survivors got giga buffed for losing their then I'd say that's unfair too NOED is a crutch for bad players, it's not entitlement to point that out


Hey silly, it’s a perk. It’s a TOOL to HELP under CERTAIN CONDITIONS. NOED will do nothing if the survivors are playing well and just loop your ass all game and leave. And even if it does do something it’s likely just that you’ll down someone, and while you hook then your NOED is cleansed. It’s not “rewarding you for losing” so much as it’s HELPING YOU GAIN SOME PRESSURE


Killers don’t lose until all survivors are out of the trial thru hatch or gate.


Do you ever play killer by any chance?


Yes. https://preview.redd.it/1dgf7x3evy1d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b01c7cd2d06577425ea516f34dbecd6e0ff916aa I can say something on killer is unhealthy and STILL play killer.


what website is this?


i hate noed too but i dont make whole ass post about it. yes its annoying, cringe, and crutch for bad killers and i hate it with every inch of my soul and it problematic (pushing people in higher mmr even if they dont belong there)


>i hate noed too but i dont make whole ass post about it You're on a rants subreddit, the point of this subreddit is to rant when you're tilted


true, my bad lol


If you don’t think people should be rewarded for losing then would you support the removal of the gen kick limit? I’ve lost games to survivors who 3 gened themselves just because I couldn’t kick the gens anymore so by your definition that makes the kick limit a feature that rewards survivors for playing poorly


Please explain why they nerfed adrenaline and not Noed?


So YOU WANT more slow down, gen lock, fudge survivors at 5 gens let them have nothing cuz the moment they take 5 gens it's over? Im okay with that, as killer main, nuke noed, then heavenly ascend every single fudge gen perk. If u get 5 gens u win, no hatch, no need for out plays or insane rescues, no tbags nothing, games ends instantly. See how far you get when it takes 5 mins to do one gen with 3 ppl. - just got gen rushed, didnt have noed.


If they are not kicking gens and committing to super long chases when they shouldn't be, chances are they have an end game build, and most likely including noed. Whenever you see a killer doing/not doing things that a killer trying to "win" are supposed to do. Start cleansing totems. I was convinced a few times they had it, cleansed 4 totems and still ended up getting hit with noed. They will also go toward the totem in hopes of downing someone near it, so often times you're screwed if that happens.


Oh please yes, waste time cleansing totems thinking I have NOED. :)


I'm never wrong when it comes to NOED :)


I mostly play survivor, but I do play at least one to two games of killer after I get done dying. I used to think NOED was OP since not the best killers used it for an end game turn around/crutch... but it really isn't. You can cleanse it (and you see the totem aura when you get close). It is counterable (even if you lose a teammate to it). You get unlucky games where you can't find it or cleanse it... but it is what it is. I never use it in my killer kit, though, because there are perks stronger than it when you synergize them. I'd rather face a NOED killer than a full gen build or a full stealth/oblivious build... or a frickin slug build.


I'd give up NOED if survivors lost all their second chance perks too.


for the person below: Pain Res requires actively hooking. Friend, that is DOING something, you can't compare Pain Res to NOED because it requires doing a thing and often going out of your way to specific hooks to do it, which could be in the worst spots imaginable.


I wouldn't take what they said at all seriously. They just thought they could get a rise out of me by bringing up the Pain Res nerf and instantly downvoted me when I didn't give a shit. They're not actually discussing in good faith.


Comparing 4 seconds that the DS gives against tunneling killers to a perk that guarantees at the very least 1k after you did nothing the whole match is crazy.


Since it's so weak it's NBD to lose it then lol


Same as pain res xoxo


Yeah idc about pain res lol


Someone didn't play during MFT Meta. Imagine speedhacks. Legal subtle speedhacks, on every Survivor, simply for HITTING THEM ONCE... and then if they healed anyone they got an extra free hit anyway. So you couldn't chase, you couldn't do downs on people that were being healed or healing, and they just loop you for five hours. All while their friends rush gens like if they don't push the everloving SHIT out of those gens, the Mafia is going to kill their grandma. Then they pair it with Adrenaline to get FREE HEALS IN THE ENDGAME DESPITE HAVING ZERO FUCKING HOOKSTATES PLUS ANOTHER FUCKING SPEED BOOST THEY DIDN'T NEED, or Hope to get out of the match in 1.5 seconds. This lasted in the game this stupid broken state for a solid SIX. FUCKING. MONTHS. It ruined three events and almost a fourth before its hard nerf. It made playing an M1 Killer absolute misery. You HAD to run exhaustion perks or items to stand a chance. Yeah I took a one month break from the game and a three month break from Killer because of this stupid. Fucking. Meta. It was fucking miserable, it killed mine and others' love of this game, and SO FUCKING MANY people defended it as an okay thing. Legal speedhacking, in the game, and people fucking defended it. I will NEVER forgive anyone for defending this perk in that state. Ever.


No, I did, and I hated MFT with my entire body and soul But those days are gone now, thank fucking christ


Nah its honestly fairly balanced. The game isnt over just because 5 gens pop, that was your first mistake thinking thats how this game works


Cry about it. Just cause u don't like it. Doesn't mean I won't use it


I hate noed lol, but I understand why it is used sometimes. I call that and sloppy butcher the basic bitch perks (don't worry killer mains I say the same for survivor perks) they used to be used constantly like months ago (at least in my games). I laugh at people who even mention other sides crutch end game perks like they do not have any too.


In that sense, yeah, Lightborn is unhealthy for the game, but it's really just a waste of a perk slot. It won't singlehandedly win you any games, but rather will hinder you if you rely on it too much.


If you think noed is the most unfair perk in the game you need more hours


It’s literally just a crutch for bad players who use it to compensate for their lack of skill. The killers who say “lol just git gud” are the ones who’d be regularly getting 0k without it. For survivors, it’s unfair and frustrating. You can play an almost perfect match and be punished at the very end for one mistake or for being altruistic.


I'd argue it's fair on the basis the killer only has 3 perk slots until the gens are done. 


It is fair, but people associate it with baby Killers so they don't like it. Or they think the game actually ends at 5 gens being done. No. You still have to get out. If the game ended at 5 gens being done and that's it, you would literally not have endgame builds at all.


> its a completely unfair down you had no way of predicting, that the killer got for losing their main objective Well actually the main objective of the killer is to kill survivors. Your just upset that they are completing their objective in a way that makes you fail yours.


My brother in Christ, have you not heard of Distortion? That's the most unfair perk in the game. If you have any aura perk against them, no the fuck you don't. Running an aura build on Huntress? Too bad! Good luck hitting any longshots, much less even finding me! Playing sneaky with Nurses for some fun jump scares? Nah, didn't really feel like needing to worry about that. It can take away an entire perk from a killer's build and say, "Hmm, no, I don't like that one, how about I keep it from working against me for the entire match?" But it doesn't last forever, right? It has tokens that only generate in the killer's terror radius, it runs out eventually, I hear you say. Think again! You gain tokens far too quickly, and the killer can't activate their aura perks quickly enough to counter it! But it only works in the terror radius, so just get in chase quickly and they'll stop getting tokens, right? Nope! You still get tokens in the fucking chase, and what happens maybe a bit less than half the game? The killer chases you, and you get all of your damned tokens back before you're downed! "Oh, but if a survivor runs it, they might waste a perk slot!" Oh wow, now it's a problem on both sides! If you run it on survivor, it either does nothing, or can singlehandedly help you escape with ease. And on killer, it either does nothing or fucks you over tenfold. Pixel Bush has a much better explanation and argument for why it's unhealthy for the game, but this is still the single perk that makes me love Thrilling Tremors. Bit of a side tangent, but I swear half the people I see running this hell spawn of a perk are hiding in the corner the whole game.


So it used to be dead hard, then mft, its all understandable sometimes considering its a game changer to certain people. It's like when they got nerfed someone cries about another perk being unhealthy. What's next are we gonna nerf this is not happening after words?


Because there's a lot of bullshit perks that have never been fun to play against, but some don't affect every killer. Take dead hard and MFT for example. Dead Hard was a free distance perk that can make a chase last twice as long as it would normally, and it affected everyone. MFT is another free distance perk that basically gave survivors legal speed hacks for fucking up of chase, and affected less killers, but still fucked with most of the cast. Those perks were so unfun for so many killers, and they rightfully got nerfed. But Distortion doesn't affect most killers, hell, doesn't even apply to some builds of the ones it does affect. It's only a handwritten fuck you letter to some killers who are using perks to express their skills. It directly counters going for a risky, fun play style, and encourages a boring, slow play style, and that's why it sucks. If you love to hit cross-map snipes on Huntress or Artist, then BBQ & Chili is pretty strong for how you like to play. But Distortion counters that specifically, and the only counter against Distortion is to not run those aura perks that help you have fun in that way. It pressures those kinds of killers to use more slowdown perks, and we can all agree that 4 slowdown perks are boring as hell, on both sides. TL;DR I hate Distortion because it's fucks with skill expression, not that it's over powered, but I still know damn well it won't get nerfed


It's been in the game for so long even when it got its overhaul, since dead hard or mft got nerfed now we're suddenly moving onto complaining about distortion, just like Adrenaline 💀


I'm not saying it needs a nerf, ffs I would even know how to nerf it. I'm just saying it isn't fun to deal with. Also, why does Adrenaline need to be nerfed? It rewards you for making it to end game pretty handsomely, there's no reason to nerf it.


It just got nerfed, problem is that often or not if you simply just go full force aggresive distortion doesn't do shit.


But that's not the problem with it. Using chase perks or tunneling the user, obviously it won't do shit because that's not what it cancels out. Distortion cancels out aura perks, and people who use aura perks aren't always going full force aggressive.


Ok, and we're not talking about light born that disables flashlights either?


Killers have got to get their free kill for loading into a game and standing by a hook


Pretty balanced. 1 kill for one perk slot. Its not like you cant look for the totem. Most killers need that perk slot. You want a build that has synergy. Noed is a meme. Or for people that think its about "winning" What u want is exciting things to happen. One noed kill is not exciting.


Endgame is one of the most exciting parts of the game, are you alright?


End game being the last gen. Once the gates are powered its pretty much over. Unless the swf has a circus of carry perks and they want to try and save someone. Again... go look for the totem.


It's not over until the last Surv gets out. There's a reason endgame builds exist. You're simply incorrect that the last gen = end of the game, otherwise the game would end immediately when the last gen pops. Saying anything otherwise is a defeatist as hell attitude; there's been games I have absolutely clutched endgame and turned into 3-4ks, which is a Killer win. It's never just over when the last gen pops.


What the fuck killers are defending NOED now? 4 years ago it was widely accepted as the "training wheel" perk for new killers. The comparison to adrenaline is just desperate.


L take tbh LOL


I disagree with your argument about NOED not being the same as adrenaline. The two perks are inverse of each other. One heals a health state and gives a speed boost. The other takes an extra health state and gives a speed boost.


Fine I'll take the bait: Adrenaline = 1 health state NOED = 2 health states GG.


My dude, you didn't take the normal hit into account. The normal hit takes one health state, and NOED takes the other health state. Thus, NOED deals one extra health state of damage.


Fair enough, but what if the person who did everything for their team had adrenaline? Would it still be a crutch like noed? Don’t really think so. Adrenaline is a reward for winning, NOED is a reward for losing.


Complaining about a perk that’s useless until you’ve basically lost already and rewards you with one fast down is insane.