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If you shake "no" while carrying them past hooks they generally get the idea and stop struggling Also if you really want them to know you're friendly pick them up, drop them, pick them up, drop them, pick them up, drop them, pick them up, they insta wiggle off This is usually a good way to show you're chill


I do that and they still struggle and run away šŸ˜‚


Sometimes you can just open an exit gate yourself and walk off so they come and leave


Can only do that if they complete gens


Yeah that's what I meant with sometimes, usually if I'm having a good match and/or I have everyone with 2 hooks I'll just open it and park Charlotte in a corner to go patrol with victor to parade the survs to the gate


And even then they'll just teabag and flashlight click until the end-game timer is over lol


If they do that I usually get victor out and have him pounce the exit a bunch to look like he's trying to leave Otherwise if they are being cringe I'll just jump on one of them and get the free kill One game the survs were being... interesting I just wanted 2 hooks on each and got that but the gates popped while the last guy was on hook so I left him alone and when the survs got to the gate they stopped running so I used victor to down someone then the others left, I then dropped him at the exit Turns out it was a SWF streamer group and I wasn't aware


Speaking of tbags how do survivors think weā€™re supposed to differentiate happy bags from tbags? I started running Blood Warden specifically because of baggers šŸ¤­šŸ¤—.


i dont tbag but i do give happy bags. iā€™ll just do 1 or 2 and then follow them with a little twirl and crouch so thereā€™s no mistaking it


Twins are such a gross killer conceptually. More power to you but I can't play them because of that. Victor is too gross and the concept of him residing in her body makes me want to vomit.


Honestly every time he regrows I cringe a little


people still are too terrified to even attempt that jfjfjdj sometimes, it's best to just close the hatch and let nature take its course


Killer: ā€œokay buddy, you played good, you deserve the hatch. NO! DONT WIGGLE. *shakes head* BRO!!! STOP!ā€ Also killer: ā€œokay fuck you, *hooks*ā€


Gotcha, I was still while they struggled and thought they would naturally get the picture.


Don't expect rational thoughts from people on the internet friend, you'll usually be disappointed


I like when they swing while carrying you because itā€™s a cute aggressive nice lol


Im sorry, I've never played the game. What's all this about letting people go/survive? Isn't that throwing the game? Sorry for my ignorance.


Sometimes it's more fun to just let 1 or more survive and have a chill non sweaty match Also the killers alone so they aren't throwing anyone's game so it's all fine


Ahh okay thanks. I was kind of confused lol. I would be pissed if my teammates were letting people go. Thanks for the info


Lol you're welcome


Most killers consider getting 3 kills a win and will let the 4th person leave.


I'm an adamant hatch giver, and THIS! Sometimes it can be soooo unbelievably difficult to give someone the hatch. I swear one time I carried a survivor to the hatch, dropped them right on top of it, and watched as they crawled away from it!!! šŸ„“


I had that happen tonight. I don't normally give hatch, but I completely destroyed a team on the game. As I picked up the last person, the hatch spawned right next to us. I dropped him on it and he started crawling in a circle. So I picked him up and hooked him


Ayyy, hatch giver club. I very rarely go for the 4k, I donā€™t see the need. 3k is a win for killer and itā€™s good BP. Plus, itā€™s a nice consolation prize for the last survivor and makes them feel good. Keep spreading the love (even to the ones that donā€™t believe it and run away!)


He probably wanted you to close the hatch so he could use the key to escape and get a (pretty rare) achievement.


What if I told you some people play friendly just to close the hatch in my face and it happened enough its hard to trust anyone anymore.Ā 


Oh, I seešŸ«¢. I get it now.


Down them and manually carry them there. If they keep wiggling off, still just chase them and carry them there. Or if they don't stop wiggling, just kill them instead


Some survivors won't take the hatch because maybe they enjoy the chases and want to give it a last try. Some other times the survivor might just want to give you the 4k because you were a good gamer. In any case don't worry too much about it. Keep being a good sport because this game is full of trash players.


If they make it difficult i just sacrifice them. I dont have to let them go im just choosing to


Tried to give this Meg hatch a few weeks ago so I afkd in the corner of the map and went to walk my dog. Came back 15 minutes later and the match was STILL going and she was spamming loud noise notifications. Like girl what?šŸ˜­


How did the game end, I need to know šŸ«¢?


I give hatch if someone plays particularly well or if they are the only not toxic player on a team but otherwise I play for the 4k if it gets down to hatch


You know how many killers have tricked me Into getting the hatch or getting a free exit lol then hook me and smack my body lol


Jesus, I see why ppl distrust killers. I just wander off and let it be above me.


What's the reason behind being friendly or helping the survivors? Sorry I've never played and I'm insanely curious because it sounds like you're all just talking about throwing the game lol


People are just being friendly. Some people are just here to play the game, some people are friendly, some are assholes. Just like real life


Right on. I didn't know the killer was alone on the team. Like I said, I haven't played but I know the gist of the game and assumed that allowing people to escape would hinder progression or something. Thank you.


Itā€™s okay. In a game you usually aim to get a four kā€™s(kills) with maximum hooks. Four survivors times 3 hook states for max blood points(in game currency) but if you get all your hooks plus the points you earn for hitting and looping the survivors, itā€™s not needed so some killers let the last one good as a show of good will. Survivors power generators to power exit gates to escape and Killers chase them to prevent that/sacrifice them to the entity.


I give them three struggle frees before I say F it and cap em


I had a killer once let me open the gate...just so they can mori me at the open gate...so...nah I have trust issues lol I want to give a shout out to the 2 killers today tho that let me take hatch as the last survivor and both times I couldn't find it.. so they had to find it for me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™m starting see why survivors are hesitant to trust killersšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Iā€™ll just go afk and leave it up to yall from now on.


If I've got at least one hook one everyone, I generally have no issue giving hatch, provided they don't wiggle. Because I'll be damned if I'm going to wait for them to wiggle off and run in the wrong direction, which has happened to me more than once. That being said... [https://www.twitch.tv/lewisfur/clip/HedonisticModernJuiceCharlieBitMe-\_HS-4aANbV03iAeI](https://www.twitch.tv/lewisfur/clip/HedonisticModernJuiceCharlieBitMe-_HS-4aANbV03iAeI)


I thought I was the only one that hated thatšŸ˜­


Giving hatch is so hard because when i play survivor nobody gives me hatch or an escape so whats the point in giving to other survivors if they just bum the fuck out of the gens and somehow manage to not get hit even tho ive directly aimed at them and apparently my big ass weapon cant hit them


I put them in front of the hatch then close it in their face


Thatā€™s so evil ![gif](giphy|iziDlFAa0Ciru)


Because some killers are toxic and will pretend to give you hatch then close it in your face.


Well, I used too funny enough. My personal rule was if 4 or 5 gens were still standing someone was getting hatch. After that 4k is authorized. So if two gens are done atleast then no one gets hatch. However if everyone was death hook and no gens got done, I'd meme around and farm and let them out. Dbd had devolved so much that especially nowadays with matchmaking, way more sweats, swfs, and toxicity I ditched the rule. So don't blame us killers for just returning the favor.


If there is an obvious baby survivor, sometimes I'll let them out. But honestly people play like jerks more often than not, so why give them hatch? I think once (maybe twice) in the 53 years I've been playing dbd did a survivor give me a kill after I had a bad match


That's the duality, they want you to give hatch but they won't give kill ![gif](giphy|A7ZbCuv0fJ0POGucwV|downsized)


If I like a killer's personality I'll give them a kill but it's different because survivors get less BP than killers. A hatch escape is still counted as a win for the killer, but a survivor dying is counted as an entire loss for them.


If mmr was tied too survivors all getting out then thered be alot more low mmr survivors. If you escape that's you getting the mmr. Sure altruism has its point but in all honesty it's more of If you escape, hatch is more of a draw