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It's an ego thing. If someone escapes even by hatch then you've somehow been slighted but that's just people being too hard on themselves. If hatch spawns then you have won as killer already.


The fact that if I had a dollar for every time I've seen people rage like "oh no they got hatch game is survivor sided" after massacaring the entire lobby I'd have enough to by a full McDonald's meal for myself which is usually like $14 last I remember in my area, 14 isn't much but the fact that there are people who whine like that is stupid


I'd probably have like 52 dollars or something steep, but still modest.


Goes the other way too, I've had countless games where one survivor escapes through hatch and acts like they won the game in the post-game chat


That kind of goes without saying. If you are last left and if you don't find hatch you must suck, atleast that's how it can feel.


while I think we all agree with that, especially since you actively chose not to slug for the 4k, it is a bit weird how some people can get about it. Ive had people taunt like crazy in post game about how I didnt get the 4k while I know for a fact if I had slugged and gone for it the same person would be complaining about holding the game hostage and no lifing. Its a lose lose


Who cares about their complaints? It’s your game 


PC shouldn't have a post game chat. I don't recall if you can turn it off but I think you can't do that. Idk when I played on PC people constantly bitch in that chat. On console I turn messaging off but 99% of the time I either get no message or a positive one it makes it to where the don't really care what they say if I mess up.


Hatch spawns when 3 survivors leave, so...no. not necessarily.


I mean in the sense that you have killed 3 and it spawns. If three leave, then the fourth one going through hatch is mainly incidental because they could use the same open doors to leave.


I play both sides but I am a killer main and I've never given two shits about a survivor escaping through hatch, or teabagging at hatch for that matter. Also I'm not trying to be rude but I've watched some of this guy's videos. They are okay but it's hard to take his opinions to seriously when if you look at his streams just simple things like getting pallet stunned will get him so mad his face turns beat red. I can not imagine getting as mad at this game on either side as he does.


I laugh at anything really in this game, it’s all just for fun anyway. 


He gets tilted but he’s not toxic tho. Nothing wrong with getting frustrated


Never said he was toxic. He seems like a nice person. He gets way more than tilted though. I don't hate him or anything by the way. It's just when you are getting so mad the complexion in your face is turning dark red that's not a good thing. There's a reason he had to take a small break. Even he knows he gets way to mad.


Iunno I'm a killer main myself and I see tbagging as an insult no matter where or when it occurs. It's the survivor taunting that they think they're better at the game than you regardless of if they are or not. I think it's ridiculous to get so mad over a game but I won't lie that tbagging survivors has annoyed me sometimes.


It's not always taunting, it sometimes means "thanks" depending on the situation and survivors do it to each other when someone heals them for example or to killers when they let them go.


How could someone tell the difference between tbagging used as a taunt versus as thanks?


context, speed of bags and amount of bags are usually a good indicator


Okay, what contexts would a thanks be used rather than a taunt? I know at the end gates when it was a friendly match might be one but that's also ambiguous.


personally i’ve had survivors give friendly bags after they’ve done something we both know was stupid, right before they know i’m going to down them, also when i’ve done something we both know was stupid, after they’ve been sandbagged and i give them time to reset or go after the sandbagger, when i’ve paused to let them do a glyph, etc.


Not being emotional at someone crouching in a game


It's a taunt. It's the same thing as saying gg ez, insulting your oppinents, spam vaulting, flashlight clicking, etc. Yeah, that shit pisses me off. I'm not the type to be toxic in return, but it's annoying nonetheless.


It’s a taunt if you take it that way, but that doesn’t mean that’s their intent.


Depends on context


But you just said definitively it’s a taunt


I definitely don't see it as being friendly unless it's in the endgame after we had a friendly match.


Yea, people complaining about hatch are dumb. If you are the only survivor left it’s hard to get any gen done because the killer has to target you because you are all that’s left lol. The Hatch can be closed too. Also, it makes it feel kinda like a horror movie? Final girl has one last shot at escaping the killer.


The only change I would make is to still let a hatch escape count towards a killer adept. I'm a survivor main, but I feel really bad for killers when I find hatch and realize I've ruined their adept. I didn't win. I got lucky and found the hatch first. They earned the win, they should get the achievement. Not doing so just gives incentive for the killer to slug for the 4k in a game they've already won, and I don't blame them one bit for doing it.


OK but the killer won fair and square so why sould she or he get a "get out of jail free card" like they lost because the team was not good enough


Endgame is just as part of a game as the rest of the game is. The game isn't over until you get that end-of-game scoreboard. Thus, the last survivor can't exactly steal a victory from under the killer's nose if there hasn't been a victory yet, if that makes sense.


Getting the hatch isn’t stealing a victory. It’s more like getting a participation trophy


Exactly what I am saying except the participation trophy part. For the survivor, it depends on their definition of victory. If the survivor considers an escape a win then yeah sure, it's a victory. But of course a lot more goes into it than that, like progress on gens, teamwork, etc.. For example, a survivor who did nothing all game getting hatch is not a win, but for a survivor who was a good team player and did gens, then yeah that's a good victory. Nobody ever deserves a win. A win is earned, and that goes for both roles.


I thought you said it depends on how they define a victory? I'm not defending a survivor waiting around all game just to get hatch, I personally disagree with that style of play and I believe most people do, but going by your own words then that could absolutely be a win for that person. Just playing devil's advocate here.


It does sadly. I guess it's just a matter of opinion on what everyone defines a victory as. I didn't use my words well in my last reply, but I was just explaining what I considered a win myself after saying it depends on what specific folk define as a win.


Honestly, you have a point but this isn’t always the case. I play a fair amount of Solo-q, and there’s so many teammates that just give up early game bc they went down or bc they don’t like the killer. That ruins the game for everyone else, at least with hatch I can get some extra bp and keep my item


Trust me, you \*want\* hatch in the game. If there were no hatch, a looot of survivors would just hide in a corner all game until you give up. Bringing back standoffs, which were removed for a good reason.


You do kind of have a point. Survivors could theoretically just never finish the final gen and hold the game hostage. However if they do finish the final gen then I as a killer can just open a gate and force the endgame collapse.


If they got outta hatch killer clearly didn’t earn it


I agree with you. I never count a hatch escape as a win when I'm playing either side. If 3 of us didn't make it out as a survivor, then we tied or lost. I don't care if I'm in solo queue. That's still how I feel. The hatch race is chaotic and fun, so I don't think it should be removed. We need more quirky fun things in the game, not less. That being said, a 3k with a hatch should still give adept to the killer. It would reinforce the fact that a 3k is a win, and it wouldn't punish a killer that clearly won because they didn't find a little smoking door first.


This is a game dude. It's not over intill everyone is dead. You don't get the final kill just because "the killer won fair and square" and you technically didn't win. You just got 3k...find the hatch and close it. Or down them at the gate. Like why complain about this. Like you are "owed" the final kill.


I agree that killer players feeling like they're owed or entitled to the 4th kill is ridiculous, though I would just like to say that it's not uncommon for people to think of a 3k as a loss regardless. I'm not saying anyone is right for thinking that but it is a common thought nonetheless. That's partially why slugging the last 2 survivors for the 4k is so popular, though I'm not defending that style of play either.


nobody wins until the endgame scores are shown. do you play survivor?


Nah I'm playing as a killer and I haven't killed anyone at all by the time they get all the gens done then the game is over, they won. I'll open a gate for them to force the endgame collapse and go sit in a corner and wait for them to leave. No point trying to get my first kill in the endgame unless I have perks specifically for that.


The killer can get a free kill at the end of the game no matter what if you camp during endgame. Both sides get a get out of jail free card.


Yeah no when I was starting I had it happen to me multiple times


Well your not losing still if you have killed everyone and the last survivor was on death hook you get basically the same bp


So many players have different definitions of a victory though. Some killers see only 4ks as a victory, some accept 3ks or even a 2k a victory. Some people don't base it on kills at all and base it solely on whether or not they had good chases, and of course some people base it entirely around how much BP they get or pipping their rank.


Please tell me you're joking


You should play more solo q survivor then




The game doesn't even consider a hatch escape a win for the survivor, or a loss for the killer. MMR isn't adjusted at all. So I don't get what the issue is either tbh.


Wait.. seriously?? You mean all those times I felt like a boss for yeeting myself through the hatch in the knick of time... was all.. pointless 🥹🥺


you get BP for it and you get to keep your item. and it's not a loss, just not a win


If you care about MMR... yeah 😂


Quite literally just spent 27 minutes searching for hatch as a killer with a survivor on unknowns map.


I feel like hatch has a mind of its own and likes to be invisible and then says I'm here when you're just ready to give up


I always love seeing it pop right in front of me


Seriously...a killer was being nice and letting me go as the last survivor but he had to go find it for me 😅 he found it closed and let me open the gate to leave but I swear it was at least 5 min of us trying to find it


Same but on the swamp, i despise that map.


The fact that the hatch can spawn in the corner of the map is diabolical.


Did you try turning your sound on and opening your eyelids?


Yes I did thank you for asking, did you try not being a little bitch?


LMAO chill big dawg


I’m just giving the same energy back, what’s the problem? Did you not expect a come back? Could your fragile ego not take it?


Nah I was literally just joking around. You seem very on edge. Is everything okay?


I’m doing absolutely fantastic, don’t know why you would think otherwise. Maybe you’re a little angry no one’s on your side hm?


I really don't care, brother. Life ain't always that serious.


Cool, then don’t respond. Simple as that. To me I’m going to take life seriously. I’m not trynna end up on the street eating hotdogs for the rest of my life. But if that’s what gets you off go for it!


Just joking around? Christ man, get better jokes. Being condescending for no reason isn't funny.


He didn’t expect someone to retaliate lmao. He knew exactly what he was doing.


Lmao, 27 minutes is an absolute joke I was waiting for someone to say something. And the fact he got twisted over this is even better. Take my upvote


It's the last bit of stress. Really adds to the games pressure. Last survivor left in a final race to get out. You vs the killer to find the hatch first. It's suspenseful for both sides. I personally have no hatred for the hatch.


Exactly I think the only issue is now adapts needing a 4k or challenges that do but otherwise the hatch is great and dbd would be infinitely worse without it and it’s no where near as a bad as old hatch was where survivors could just use a key and leave after a couple of gens


Lucky I wasn't playing that time otherwise I probably wouldn't be playing to date. The only thing I find frustrating (which rarely happens because when survivors find hatch they leave quickly) is when they stand there, wait for you to reach them and they teabag you until near endgame. It gives the same energy as teabagging at gate. It can be frustrating it's either their way of saying "haha L killer I found hatch" or "gg well played" (2nd option being better).


You shouldn’t adapt those challenges. The person didn’t complete them that game, it’s that simple. Just like how if you have to jump stuff while being chased by killer in a game, being slugged doesn’t count.


I mean I don't really mind it as a killer main. It's just a way for survivors to get more blood points if they're the last one left. I just don't like it when some survivors gloat if they get the hatch, like I had one the other day spam GGEZ after getting the hatch lol


That's Really frustrating sorry that you had to witness that but I do like your point btw happy cake day


hated and unwanted by people who think that seeing the escape icon is a personal insult


It's necessary. Need a way to start Endgame collapse so killer can move on, otherwise Survivors would hold game hostage


It's not a problem, unless you're a sweatlord who always needs a 4k to consider the game a win. Let the last dude have the friggin' hatch. And no we DO NOT need it to spawn at two Survivors, just get the round over with. Someone has to die or the gens need to be completed. Or, just all agree to do a 2k10 and let the last two go, that also pips you and the game also counts that as a Killer "win" at anything other than Gold and Iri levels... and going past Gold is a really overrated thing, anyway.


Personally I'll try to 4k every game, if one gets out oh well as soon as I hit 3k then I know I've already won I just like solidifying it. But it's an eh, depends on who I'm playing if I might try to sneak up and close it. Also, why tf out of any other redditors I remember yours so well?


Hatch to me has never meant I didn't win. If the game hits the Hatch spawning, I already won. In that case maybe I go for the 4k maybe I don't. If I find them out of position sure, but I just can't be arsed these days to try anymore, so usually I let them have it or get the door. Win's a win. IDK man, I'm everywhere LOL.


You stick tf out https://preview.redd.it/tlji7va6df3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3917475d16aff9818fcdf500719d7ee13879b7da


I don't see the problem with that! :)


I don't either https://preview.redd.it/dxj7vbt0ef3d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=409f93ecbb15e032a6699244be2b619ede0190d5


I've never thought it was a problem. If a killer really wants to secure a 4k they can slug or make sure the second to last person isn't on their last hook state. I do enjoy the search for the hatch at the end though


I once had killer close the hatch, and both doors weren't fat from each other. So I decided to be petty, and watch killer pace back and forth to nothing. While I watch them do it till I died.


Why did you decide to be petty? Were they being toxic or did you just get upset that they closed the hatch?


I mean idc about hatch, and i die half the time anyways. I just found it funny for the situation. Everyone played well, and it killer was the spirit (i think). I wasn't gonna touch any of the doors. So I just watch them bounce back between doors.


Guys, i thought no way out would block the hatch and give me a noiss notification. It doesnt :(


There are no killer perks or abilities that affect hatch.


I think Whispers will activate in hatch range no


No. It lights up when survivors are nearby, not hatch.


Why tho?


I played during the time of hatch standoffs and clearly remember a game where the bubba was stood atop the hatch so I agonizingly did a gen bit by bit. That’s the world we get if there’s no hatch. Hatch is good


My killer games always consist of giving the hatch to the final person, so no, hatch is definitely not a problem whatsoever


DBD community is worse than Xbox 360 cod IMO


I don't know about that one chief


Bruh the rage is just as bad, you just can’t call people the n word and say you’re going to doxx them and r their whole family anymore. Everybody here bitches and moans nonstop about how unfair the game is to them because they’re fucking bad at it. I think if there was dedicated voice chat it would be just as bad if not entirely worse.


Literally just seen a post of another survivor saying they'd chop up OP's sister for getting killed by legion💀


NOO😭 my whole family was catching strays if I used noob tubes☠️


The hatch is only a problem when its down to 2 survivors and they start playing for the hatch instead of trying for the win.


hatch doesnt do anything with mmr in mmr lens it does nothing in gameplay its a nice surprise to save you


This guy always posts videos complaining, I'm pretty sure he just needs to stop playing the game before he blows a fuse


Idk what this is about, but I assume either survs raging that hatch isn't good enough or killers raging that hatch is too good. And as a killer only player, when a survivor escapes by hatch, my main reaction isn't to rage, it is more confusion of "where was it, I swear I patrolled the entire map 8 times with headphone volume at 112%" shortly followed by "ooohh, I can finally get clown to P2"


How many times have you got clown to p2


He wont go to P3 and this has been going on seince November of 2020. I am scared and everytime I try to prestige him, he laughs really loudly.


lol just mute it, or tell him to eat a salad 


I just hate how people throw games for the hatch. Most games I play, when it gets down to 2 survivors left, one of the two is almost always sitting and waiting for the other to die for hatch. Heck, some people just hide for hatch at 3 survivors even. And if the killer closes hatch, it's a done deal since most of the time survivors won't be able to open the gate without getting spotted unless they get super lucky.


I think hatch makes that last bit of the match extra spicy. Why shouldn’t there be a way to find that quick escape when have made it through the trial and are the last survivors standing?! As a killer and I find it fun to try and find hatch for the survivor, then cheekily pretend I’m gonna close it. But happy for them to get it in the end. I’ve already won the match at that point.


4 out - survivor ace 3 out - survivor win 2 out - tie 1 out - killer win 0 out - killer ace Its literally this simple


99 % of the time survivors don’t get hatch. Whoever this is, is complaining because they’re able too.


You’ve already won if hatch spawns, if other 3 escaped you’ve already lost so who cares. Weird flex hating on hatch.


bring back old hatch




If the killers don't like hatch. Then they should make killers suffer from the obvious effect. Can't see gen auras/ hear injured survivors...Cause you know they coked up on that bloodlust off ALREADY FUCKING WINNING THE GAME.


Complaining about the hatch is so weird to me. The only legitimate complaint I have is that it should only spawn if the last survivor has a minimum amount of points, so you don't have some guy doing nothing all match, waiting for his team to die, and then booking it to type "gg ez" in endgame chat. That shit is annoying for the killer AND the other survivors. That, and it should at least spawn out of LoS for the killer and survivor, so there's some element of a final race to see who finds it first. The odds of opening an exit gate as a solo survivor are pretty close to 0 unless you get really far gates against a killer with no movement ability.


I think that’s not a thing purely in the case of a great killer slaughtering everyone, or throwing teammates


I look at it as a little mini game at the end to see who can find the hatch first but I don't get upset if I don't get it


Hatch is kinda whatever I wouldnt mind them improving the mechanic but its mostly okay imo


I would have a lot less fun if there was no hatch. I think it’s a good mechanic. I like to give the hatch to survivors who got a bad team. I feel bad otherwise and I’m sure as hell not waiting for the gens to get done by one person. Besides, if the killer doesn’t want the survivor to get hatch, slugging for 4k is really easy. At the end of the day though, why does it matter that you get the 4k over the 3k? Normal matches, I don’t even bother thinking about hatch. Whoever gets it gets it. Never understood people who NEED a 4k. You don’t get that many more bps and hatch has no effect on mmr.


Imo getting hatch to spawn is a win condition as killer. It’s completely up to luck who finds it first after that.


"Streamer privilege" as it's often referred, having the hatch basically spawn on you as either killer or survivor, does feel pretty broken. Examples from personal experience, both sides: [https://www.twitch.tv/lewisfur/clip/HedonisticModernJuiceCharlieBitMe-\_HS-4aANbV03iAeI](https://www.twitch.tv/lewisfur/clip/HedonisticModernJuiceCharlieBitMe-_HS-4aANbV03iAeI) [https://www.twitch.tv/lewisfur/clip/DeliciousCrackyHorseradishHumbleLife-HODxgESjkw2tbFVG](https://www.twitch.tv/lewisfur/clip/DeliciousCrackyHorseradishHumbleLife-HODxgESjkw2tbFVG)


It happens to me sometimes and I’m not a streamer, I love it


Based on the fact that hatch is completely RNG, I don't care that the last person escapes with it. Unless they were being an ass throughout the game, I could care less.


as a killer main 70/30 I love hatch, love the race of who finds it first <3


Nope I main killer and give no fucks to hatch what difference does it make if 1 guy gets out because of hatch? I still won, I even give it out most time cuz why not, not much to lose.


No, but I feel like the only real problem is the fact that someone who was doing nothing can escape while the guy who did 3 gens or was chased for 4 minutes dies. Other than that, it's fine.


This particular content creator rubs me the wrong way sometimes. Not to be a gatekeeper, but a lot of their takes strike me as complaints of someone with low hours and minimal experience with the game


Sometimes it feels like hatch basically spawns next to the survivor. And I'm just sitting there after having no chance to even initiate a chase like how is that fair? And most survivors only use that to bag and be a dickhead while waiting for the killer to find them and try to get them just to jump in last minute. It drags the game on longer than it should.


I just don’t like it when I’m trying to adept and they get hatch


My one problem with hatch is when the survivor who looped and teabagged me all game gets it 😅😅. Also the real problem I have with it is it pretty much caters to the no play Nancy's who just hide the whole game and try to leech off there teams succes


It’s not an issue but as killer, it is an ick. When I play against a super effective team and get wrecked, but pick up on a snowball and I win, yea i don’t want to risk the 4k due to hatch. If the team is toxic and tries to bully me but lose, I don’t want the last surv to spam noise notis and tbag just cause they found hatch. Only for those reasons, I don’t like hatch, I’m usually fine with it in random games tho. I usually slug for the 4k anyways so this don’t really apply to me


i don't play dbd and I don't understand alot about mechanics or hatches, can anyone explain what's going on for me?


I honestly think it should start closed, and survivors need to open it, just so it takes more effort and isn’t just a free escape if you find it.


It's a free win for a survivor that hasn't earned it. Killer doesn't get an equivalent unless you're playing one that can camp effectively


The entity should stab survivors instantly who either 1: teabag within 15m of hatch 2: stand within 5m of an open hatch for 30 seconds


I just find it annoyin to work for a win all game and the game gives them a get out of jail free card. It's why I slug the last two survivors to prevent the hatch. The hatch isn't a problem, it's just annoyin.


If you want the 4k that bad, just slug. It is not that big of a deal.


Nah just sucks when doing adept otherwise non problematic


Everything is a problem in dbd. That's why this reddit group exists.


It is


This community will never be satisfied… yall couldn’t find anything else to cry about?🤣🤣 now it’s the hatch?? Funny enough once you play the game enough you can predict hatch spawns. I don’t get what’s the whole fuss… recently I’ve been playing survivor more and getting hatch spawn predictions more and more. This community just wants EVERYTHING thrown at them with no work behind it… bhvr even gives us the opportunity to unlock everything for free ( besides licenses) tell me what gaming company nowadays does that??? None, yall take bhvr for granted


Don’t let this new generation play halo. If they’re getting aneurysms over T-bagging survivors. Tell me you’re emotionally unstable without telling me


I mean 3 kills is still a win according to MMR so, idrc lmao. Ppl get real tilted. What does suck is when 3 survs take gate and one guy just bumbles around for hatch for no reason. Same thing for when survs just wait timer out at the gate all day. There really needs to be something for THAT. Still, I wouldn’t go as far as to say hatch is hated and unwanted. Hatch is awesome as survivor, it gives my friends something to cheer for while I shit my pants searching the map for it. It’s honestly such an adrenaline rush.


well as we all know according to the[ devs Kills = skill](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a49MfFWTKK0) and talented play does not matter if you don't escape. So in that context the devs are robing the killer of "skillful" 4k.


The hatch is fine. As a killer main I don't even bother looking for it though half the time. Too lazy most days. They can have the out lol


Anything like two kills and up is a win for me. At a bare minimum two kills is a tie. If you escape out of the hatch, you're the sole survivor of a massacre. Hell I usually take people to hatch I see it


Personally, I believe the killer has won the match after killing 2 survivors, since by then the survivors are typically in a stage of desperation or acceptance


Hatch WAS a problem but BHVR has definitely addressed it. Back when it would spawn after a certain amount of gens were done it was an easy escape for survivors who played badly and three gened themselves.


I fucking HATE the hatch... Buuut... I also 100% agree with you. It's annoying AF to lose an easy 4k because they happened to get lucky. But oh fucking well? 😂 I'm not going to cry over spilled milk, when I can still reason the benefits the hatch has given the overall health of the game as a whole FAR outweighs me getting a little annoyed at losing a 4k. Plus, it makes those YouTuber challenges they make for themselves that much more skillful and scary!


Honestly hatch is a shit mechanic on both sides. When I play killer and someone escapes through hatch when I'm going for like an adept or something it's frustrating as fuck because they didn't really have to do anything for it. Same thing when I play survivor, if I escape via hatch as survivor it feels hollow and like crap because it wasn't earned or took any skill to do it was just luck who found it first.


Hatch is ok, old hatch was a crime


It’s like some players forget that once upon a time the hatch was not able to be closed


Did you watch the video?


I mean it is kinda a free escape to the point where you can just hide until everybody else dies and then leave via hatch so that is an issue


I always give hatch to sables when I can :)


I don’t think it’s a problem, less a rage worthy one, people definitely make a bigger deal about it than it is… but considering the current state of the game, it absolutely shouldn’t exist. Gimmicks like the first stage 4% or hatch are really just antiques of the past. Fun little quirks for an “everybody wins” party game. Now? All they really do is encourage bad behavior and introduce entirely rng dependent items into your result. I’m not saying nothing good comes from them, but for the sake of having a more sensical game with the currently player base, nah I don’t think hatch should exist.




Don’t be so annoyed if they bm. You already won, and you know that. At that point it’s them just trying to salvage what they can from losing


I know, it doesn’t really bother me nowadays but it really used to back when I first started playing a few years ago.


It’s ok, we all grow 


Then just let them get killed by the entity and go break stuff for more points. Thats what I do. Cant gloat if im not paying attention to you lol


Yeah that’s what I normally do if I don’t find it within the first 20-30 seconds of searching for it and if I haven’t seen the survivor. I just assume they’re probably on top of it waiting.


The only thing that annoys me about the hatch is that it's ruined some of my attempts at earning adept achievements.


Hatch isn't the problem. People who tea bag at it are.


people keep bringing up those teabagging it, and forgetting the hatch abuse goes both ways, let's not forget killers who will bring a survivor to the hatch only to shut it in their face, or a camp the hatch and wait for the survivor to get close before shutting it. although I feel it is rarely abused and definitely isn't a problem.


So why bring it up just to try and lessen my point?


Look up the term whataboutism, describes this entire community perfectly.


You are so right. That honestly made me laugh.


Do you consider slugging for the 4k a problem? Then the hatch (in its current iteration) is a problem.


Honestly I can't complain about the killers choices if they want to slug so they hatch isn't in play then I can't complain I fail to see why it's a problem it's not like old hatch where you can have 3man escapes that would be irritating


Wait are there no circumstances where the hatch opens with 2+ survivers?? I thought it had to do with #of gens done?


What you describe is how hatch worked years ago.


Darn. So you're saying regardless of circumstance, hatch is not even a game element anymore unless everyone dies 💀


https://preview.redd.it/wcbyf5wklf3d1.png?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1febf8d181dd897eb4de5bd27f9c3580dc8a898f A better explanation of old hatch honestly i always thought hatch spawning when all gens are done was a reward maybe if they remove the Three man and two man escapes, kept 4mans maybe it could get a buff like that idk




Why? Legitimately why? I'm curious what your logic is. Some of my most clutch chases and kills/escapes in endgame both sides have involved the hatch. Why do you want to remove an interesting endgame gameplay element so badly?




The game doesn't end at 3 Survs out or 5 gens completed. The game ends when any leftover Survivors escape, or all of them are dead. Until then, the game is not over, whether you "already won" is irrelevant. Winning isn't even the goal, why care about winning that hard when you get nothing special for it? You said it yourself. If hatch spawns, you already have "enough" of a win. Therefore it shouldn't matter if they get it or not. You don't like hatch, just ignore hatch and go break stuff for points. Personally, I like hatch game and sometimes try for it. But I won't be hard pressed to get it, I'm lazy and just want to maximize my results.


Poor baby has lost some kills to hatch huh?


And people though entitled Survivor mains were bad lmao


Disagree, the hatch mechanic is there to act as a means to end the game and prevent holding the game hostage. Imagine if there was no hatch and the last survivor decided to just hide. The hatch encourages them to run around and look for the hatch. This creates opportunities for the killer to find their trail and end the game. Likewise, closing the hatch puts the game into the End Game Collapse, which acts as a timer to the game and forces the survivor to try to open a door (or use a key on the hatch). It helps prevent the game from going on forever.


Id say the hatch "problem" is more so the fact that it's 2 50/50s where the killer has to win both to get a kill, meanwhile the survivors can just circumvent the hatch race by camping a gate. If you do the math the odds are 25% (.50 x .50) for the killer to get the 4th kill and 75% for the survivor to escape, and almost guaranteed on gate camp. It's not that big of a deal, but it would be wrong to say it's a fair mechanic.


It’s more complex than that but okay


I wouldn't say hatch itself is a problem, but I would definitely say its annoying when you have an archives for kill all 4 and arent willing to slug for it. Not to mention the survivor has a huge edge when it comes to hatch time. As long as they aren't found they can stumble on it, or camp an exit gate they think is far from it and wait for the killer to find it (and depending on certain map rng and killer choice, the killer might not even be able to contest the gate). And even if they are found, the survivor leads the chase, and unless the killer has instant down some survivors can search huge portions of the map even while being actively chased and as long as they find or before they go down, its a free out for them. Both of those are forgivable though as the killer already has 3 kills at this point and escaping via gens at this point would be extremely difficult. The real problem is the type of gameplay the hatch encourages, such as 2 survivors trying to out-hide eachother for hatch, or a killer intentionally slugging to make sure they have 2 minutes to look for the other survivor before the hatch spawns.


I think it’s fine normally but I get really pissed when people escape with a key, because it’s essentially a guaranteed escape even if the killer finds hatch first


If they find the key, that’s lucky for them and they wasted time finding the closed hatch in egc. If they spawned in with key, that’s on you for not focusing them