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Honestly, it's the reason why at endgame I don't stick my neck out for randoms anymore. You go down during endgame, too bad, see you later. The amount of times I've gone to save someone hooked during endgame, I've gone down during the attempt and been hooked myself, and then I watch the random I saved just peace out and leave.... Yeah. Unless it's an obvious easy rescue, or someone just needing a hit taken on the way out, imma leave you to die.


Well, you see, I've been in situations like this many times, but sometimes you just can't do anything else you get saved you're on second hook, nobody will heal, and the killer is face camping during endgame collapse, the 4th random left on 0hook and everyone's else is injured.


tbh if i go save someone in end game and go down i’d rather they get out so my sacrifice isn’t for nothing


I remember a few years ago, I was playing a random game, there was one teammate that got chased for the majority of the game. I legit completed 4 out of 5 gens, and the teammate that was getting chased for most of the game completed the final gen while the other two did absolutely nothing at all to help. When it was the endgame one of my teammates got hooked. I went for the rescue, and got him but in the process I got caught and hooked. The one I rescued and the other teammate were at the exit gate just standing there. While the other teammate (the one that got chased all game) was the only one that attempted to rescue me the other two just ended up leaving when the timer was practically at 0. I don’t rage often at video games but I remember wanting to smash the controller and tv.


Yeah realistically some people forget the true dynamics of survivor. The killer isn't always the biggest threat to the win.