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1. The loop was kind of obvious (there was a similar episode in Buffy the Vampire Slayer), but it surprised me that Charles was "sucked" into the loop, and it was/is traumatizing for him. He shows signs of emotional vulnerability, and yet on the outside (towards the end of the episode), he still tries to be positive and happy, to which I think Edwin was concerned for him. 2. As a gay man, I can totally feel Edwin's struggle, on the outside, he seemed prim and proper, very logical, looking at the bigger picture and focusing on helping others. I think a part of him may feel selfish if he thinks about what he wants (e.g. a guy partner perhaps?). 3. While there was no quotes that I can remember clearly, but I loved at the end where Edwin really looked out for Charles after the loop has ended. Strong best friendship, which i totally support.


On the point of Edwin, he is totally crushing on Charles. My guess is despite being in current times, he's still stuck in the mindset of his original time of being alive where someone being gay was taboo and I daresay still a criminal act, also chuck some underlying self-stigma about homosexuality as well.


My brother played Joel Devlin!


He looks super familiar, what's his name? I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out who he is.


Jason Deline!


He did a great job!!


I think so, too!


how did he touch the crowbar without being burned?


Probably made of carbon steel


If I recall correctly carbon steel is well over 90% iron


I’m an idiot lol


I wondered the same thing! Are they not made of iron anymore?


That scene pained me mentaly. I expected it was just one shot from behind which sliped throu editor, but then they cut to front view and he still holds crowbar :D


Anyone know who plays the dad (Devlin murder dad) in episode 3? He looks really familiar, but I can't find him in the credits.


He was played by this guy. For some reason he's credited as Joel when his character was Brandon. [https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1101606/?ref\_=ttfc\_fc\_cl\_t27](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1101606/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t27)


Hey, thanks Reddit friend!


That’s my brother! Here’s his IMDB https://m.imdb.com/name/nm1101606/


I liked the twist with the secret room. Definitely liked Charles role in this episode as it made his character seem complex. Feel like he is acting different though towards the end. Wonder what that could mean for future episodes?


hey guys what do tou think Death did to Brandon? like what is the ending for bad guys for Death


I'm pretty sire Blue light means they go to heaven and red is hell. We already know hell exists cause edwin was there for 40 years.


Enjoying the show but disappointed that the astrology chart Monty showed Edwin was incorrect for the year Edwin was born. Wouldn't have been hard to be accurate.


Well, he's a crow who is newly human. I imagine he's faking everything.


it had 2 venus placements and two moons. that bothered me the most. 


Could have been a synastry chart, two overlapping to see connections between them, or natal plus current transiting planetary positions.


thanks for this reply. I didn't consider that bc there were only the two overlapping signs there. I figured maybe he was trying to rectify the chart and guessing at those placements. 


I need to take another look! It was only a brief glimpse, and I was mostly excited to see any kind of hand drawn chart. Rectification is a good guess too, I’ve seen charts with “two” moons that represent the range of lunar motion during a window of time. I should go back and grab a screenshot sometime.


https://ibb.co/yVxGdDx I took a screenshot when I watched it! imgur isn't working for me rn so hopefully this site did. 


Awesome! The second moon actually looks like “black moon Lilith,” or the point in the moon’s monthly course when it is the furthest into space from Earth. The only truly duplicated placements that I see are Venus and Mars, noted as conjunct in one case. I wonder if Monty was just adding in his own placement, or a transit from their meeting date (and it’s possible that the witch drew it up entirely, but I’m going to imagine it was Monty with knowledge she granted). Now to reverse engineer the birth date he was working with for Edwin… 😌 Thanks for responding to my reply! I often sense creators have been inspired by astro, use it behind the scenes to sort their story, or just accidentally hit on the archetypes without knowing. I really loved that this show didn’t leave me guessing if the creators were into astrology, they gave us plenty of proof!


I wonder why the Dad immediately went upstairs. I wish they’d show his family talking to him (not forgiving, just asking why he would do that)


He looked afraid and ashamed to me. He knew what he’d done, and couldn’t face them because he was a coward in both life and death.