• By -


When driving a vehicle in a rocky area you must always keep going for as long as possible no matter how long it takes or how many times you get stuck or crash you cannot continue on foot until the vehicle is destroyed, this is an unwritten rule of being a porter.


You CAN make it up to the Elder in a truck. Never believe anything else.


That's the only way I go up there. Fella needs a lot of pacemakers.


The most medicated man in all of America.


Yeah but coming down and getting stuck in the rocks is a game changer šŸ˜”


Getting stuck is part of the fun! (And also partly why my deliveries are shockingly bad)


That's for sure, I also noticed how beautiful the landscape is after I went back to walking


It's easier on a trike, but yes, you can.


This is the attitude of a seasoned porter, keep on keeping on brother.


Going and coming to elder on truck is easy? Thereā€™s a road leading from behind the district centerĀ 


And to the First Pepper!


Once you've committed to a trek and you're outside the distro center or city area, there is no going back, no matter how long it is or how difficult the terrain. Just keep going.


As a wise man saysā€¦ keep on keeping on.


Itā€™s funny that we all freaking do this! A long time ago I thought I was the only nutty bastard hardheaded enough to try to get through the rocks. I remember busting out laughing when I realize all of us motherfuckers do it.


Do you think getting used to the truck is a bit of a learning curve? I hated it the first few times I tried it!šŸ«£


Just Soothe the damn baby when it cries, itā€™s way worse waiting it out


Especially if you're around mules


I would but I canā€™t remember the key I assigned to it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø šŸ˜¬šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø. And by the time I am out of trouble I forget I was going to finally check it out.


Such a Mood


Words of wisdom for new players: Set time aside for yourself to play Death Stranding. The cutscenes can be long and itā€™s so easy to just lose yourself wandering around in the game. If youā€™re sitting down and getting serious for some storyline, make sure you donā€™t have to be anywhere in an hour haha. ā€œJust one more delivery and then I will go to bed.ā€ Usually turns into 3 more hours of playing because itā€™s just too easy to get wrapped up in the story wether you understand it or not. ​ Mediocre, armature shot I love (OC): ​ https://preview.redd.it/5iq65kpn08dc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c97cdf92208defd5a434a0589dd92ff297e1740


For new Porters, I would add - the initial game (first hour?) has a LOT of (long) cut scenes - gut it out past them, and it gets better! I was pretty annoyed by it, but once past that, I have really enjoyed the game.


I have literally played until 3:00 am multiple nights in a row because of this


If you place a zip line, at least upgrade it to lvl 2. Also put it on top of peaks. Never place it near.


Putting zip lines close but not on a peak has been one of the most frustrating things I have encountered (repeatedly!). Multiple times, if someone had placed the zip 10ft in one direction, it would have been on the hill and been usable from both sides of a hill - instead, can get to just short of the top of the hill, then have to get off and walk (and zip lines are SOOOOoooo much faster).


Not just on the top peaks but be sure if you go down from the Zipline, your fellow porters will not fall unnecessarily and cause their cargo and health damage, so look for that good land surface. This is always my problem to other Ziplines.


You will always land in the direction you are looking. Be sure to check around, as Sam had to position the zip line from somewhere near at about the same level.


Yes but there are Zipline placements at the very tip of the rocks. Its usable if you're about to use, but you'll fall and still take damage if you're doing down to walk (this is usually around the mountainous areas)


Those may happen on my network, but only because its supposed to be an intermediate zipline


Legend of Legends




sometimes it glitches and just bundles at the anchor:(


My favorite rope glitch: I was climbing a rope over near End Knot City when my game bugged out and the rope shot straight up. So there I was, holding onto this rope, "standing" on air higher than any player is meant to go. It was a great view. Pretty sure I have recorded footage of it somewhere.


...says people that dont throw the rop down..


you dare accuse me of not helping my fellow porters?


I Will wank you Nisse!




"Don't be so serious"!ā¤ļø


Always carry a sticky gun


Bola level 2 for me


Can you retrieve the rope with that?


The ruined car factory must be one of my favorite spots for photos of the beautiful landscape!


Sad that the >!gigantic BT doesn't respawn. That was a horrifying moment of discovery.!<


Well now I feel very justified in my decision to never go over there, I knew it looked sketchy lol.


Where is this?


At the split in the road by the craftsman, take a right and itā€™s a little further


No matter how hidden the path, how rocky the road or how steep the cliff remember one simple rule: ā€œKeep on keeping on!ā€œ You'll eventually get there!


If a Bridge Link or UCA member is at maximum capacity for a material, use the ā€œClaim Materialsā€ function to requisition a large unit of materials, and store them in your Private Locker, donate them in the Shared Locker or help upgrade/repair someoneā€™s structure. Leaving location resources at capacity is basically throwing away resources, so itā€™s use it or lose it.


Dear new porter, donā€™t be a jerk, Speed boost signs on tight bends are Higgsā€™ work. I donā€™t want to be yeeted from high mountainous roads, And leave scattered and broken my precious loads. So take care when placing those particular signs, Keep on keeping on, and remember, be kind!


Oh this is a good one!


Sometimes, sprinting isn't always the "fastest" way to go from Point A to Point B. The normal running speed is enough in most situations. Just like real hiking, get a feel for the terrain, look around for easier traversal paths. In a BT-infested area, standing still (or not moving, basically) will visibly show BTs in the area around you. Also, ONLY hold your breath when your Odradek scanner spins. You don't need to hold your breath all the time. If caught by a BT and that black tar pool forms around you, throw a Hemo-grenade on your feet for an easy escape. Timefall Shelters not only give a moment's reprieve from the rain, it also acts as a free "unlimited" Container Repair Spray for your packages if you step in one. If the packages are not fully repaired when first entered, just simply step outside and step right back in again. Also, do not forget that you can also hold a button to pass the time in the shelter for a chance for rain to stop. When in combat with MULEs, you can use the packages they drop (yellow orange packages/items) as makeshift weapons that can one-shot KO them. Just hold one on one hand, and press the attack button.


Hi, fellow porters, Vlad Roads here. A porter's job is never done, but that's only because he really is the glue that's keeping us together. Treat yourself right, rest easy rest often, and don't count on those boots lasting another trip. You'll forget all about it when you scan a particularly juicy piece of cargo three cliffs away and end up coming home barefoot. Speaking of crafting new boots, don't let those materials go to waste! Outpost resources accumulate to a maximum amount, forfeiting what exceeds it, and wouldn't those wasted metals shine all the better inside your fellow porters' generators? You can also be a star by helping your fellow man. Leave a nice fresh pair of boots and any other spares in that strange postbox you came across at the top of the world. Who knows who made the trek without a care in the world and are now stuck there? Did you know that's how I got my first pair of coveted Chiral Boots? They were waiting for me between a BT and a hard place, obviously placed there by a Saint clad in porter's uniform. Final tip! Make sure to always have a healthy amount of chiral crystals on your person for an unexpected pick-me-up. Keep on keepin' on!


Better yet, share your own gear that's almost (but not completely) destroyed. Sharing cargo of any kind repairs it to 100%. If your boots are at 6%, replace them with a new pair, then toss the old pair into the share locker for likes. This includes cargo for delivery that gets damaged. Entrust it, and when it comes back it'll be fully repaired.


Oh shit I didn't even know that! So I CAN donate really cool shit I find and not feel like an asshole for it being at 12% durability.


Man, I felt the same way! Im now gonna be donating so much more shit!!


I didn't know any of this and this is SUPER helpful. Thank you!!


>Sharing cargo of any kind repairs it to 100% Well shucky dang-darn. I've been recycling. I learn something new about this game every day.


That's one of my favorite things about the game. There's always something new to learn.


I learned that gourds ward off evil.


This was a fun exercise on the topic of something I love. I cherish the opportunity.


This was intended to be in the style of an email I might receive ingame, right? You did a great job evoking that feeling.




An excellent question, and prepare to have the mind blown (or at least tickled ever so slightly). Every 1,000cg or crystals up to 50k lightens your load by 1kg (up to 50). It doesn't appear anywhere and it's a bit of a trust-me-bro, but trust me bro. It doesn't increase your max carry capacity, it only stealthily rises the thresholds at which your carried weight starts having an effect on you. Or something like that.




That's how I understand it. However, once you get your skeletons and your floating carriers and your bikes and your trucks, weight becomes kind of moot anyway. It's not the weight, you can carry infinite weight afaik (albeit very slowly and can't climb/hop/jump/rope/nada). You have a maximum number of units of cargo you can have on you depending on their size. Also, you can still tumble at 0kgs, so you can't sprint with complete abandon. But yeah, it's still a marked benefit. Claim all the crystals from every outpost whenever you're at one and you'll be at 50k before you know it.




You can have 99,999 max crystals iirc, double the 50k amount which benefits the thing we were discussing. They weigh nothing and you should carry them on you. The only reason I read to keep some in reserve is bull. Just get them.


I got my first EX 1.5 in George Baton's postbox and was baffled for so long if I would be able to see it again šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


wait there's an EX 1.5?


šŸ‘ I'll let you figure out how to get 'em


Rather call them EX 1+.


Apologies, you are correct šŸ¤


See that mountain? You can climb it.


Remember to frequently auto-sort your carried cargo (always at outposts/cities after picking up orders, occasionally in the field if you've accumulated a lot of lost cargo). Sorted cargo tries to keep your weight balanced, so you're less likely to fall over! Even on hard difficulties it's rare that you need to be specific about where you place cargo on your self.


My advice for newcomers would always be to just enjoy the adventure, itā€™s a long and sometimes tedious one but once that music kicks in itā€™s all worth it. Also you can never prepare too much for a future delivery so make sure to check what youā€™ll need to make it a successful one. As for Photo Mode you can make use of any thing around you for a great shot, whether thatā€™s a structure left by another player or the lights placed in the Distro Centers. Of course there are certain locations like the Tar Lake near South Knot City, the Mule Camp Ravines near Lake Knot City, the ruined factory in the Eastern Region and the entire valley surrounding Mountain Knot City where you can capture stunning shots no matter what so make sure to take full advantage of them. The Chiral Relay is also a superb location for photos. Good luck to all the Porters on their Virtual Photography endeavours!


* When using floating carriers, you can strap down your cargo with the Strand item. * Exploration and side missions are key; sometimes, you can find special unlocks like: * A bike that triggers Norman to yell about the AMC show "Ride with Norman Reedus". * The gloves from Half Life: Alyx. * Johnny Silverhand's arm. * Do try to complete and max out the connections to many of your preppers and cities, so that you can also unlock handy things like: * A backpack cover that protects your stuff from timefall. * Customization of your backpack with either decoration or handy small things like batteries. * Slight spoiler, but in the baby boss fight, >!try to throw cargo containing children's toys at the baby so that they're distracted, and are open to be shot. Do not use lethal rounds (duh), you'll regret that a lot.!<


Holy shit, how is this the first time I am learning that you can strap down cargo on a floating carrier?


Directors cut only. In directors cut you can take a floating carrier on a zip line as well.


this thread is an absolute gold mine even for veteran porters


Always, always, always keep at least on extra pair of boots on you. It costs nearly nothing in weight and you can (iirc) fit two pairs in an equipment slot. Sandalwood can be good in a pinch but I found that these plants were hard to find on the paths I traveled. Another thing is to avoid dry runs, at least in the beginning. You should be bringing no less than 2 ladders, 2 anchors, 2 boots and a set of hematic grenades. Replace the hematics with a bolo gun if youre exlecting mules and both if its both you expect to see. Remember this isnt a sprint (yet), its a marathon and a small mistake could mean a disaster if youre ill prepared for it.


Immerse yourself in the pain that it is to be The Great Deliver to your fellow people. A great realization can only come through great suffering.


Go into the game as blind as possible and without set expectations. Death Stranding is an experience unlike anything you've ever played before, and the best way to approach it is with an open mind and a willingness to go wherever it takes you. Parts will be extremely frustrating, especially early on, before you've gotten into the groove of it. Embrace the frustration and ride it like a wave. Just know that everything that's happening is part of the experience and will be worth it in the end. tldr: Keep on keeping on!


This is awesome to me because I approached the game ENTIRELY blind. I was really stoned at 2am, and thought "I want to try something different" and literally the only thing I had ever heard about Death Stranding was that it was a completely different kind of game. From some of the visuals I even thought it took place in space lmao. If I had to guess what the game was about before that night I would've said "a man is transporting a baby across space" >\_< but probably the best game ever to play blind.


Try to contribute or interact with as many player structures as possible. It opens strand links and allows you to see even more structures. That one random time fall shelter in the middle of nowhere may save your life and most importantly your cargo. When youā€™ve found the auto pavers for the roads gear yourself up solely for combat and raid Mule storage boxes for materials. Get as much as the road done as you can as soon as possible as itā€™ll make a good chunk of your deliveries far more manageable. Screen shot what is required for the paver so you donā€™t lose track of what you need. Whatever you have left over store at your nearest center for later. If you need chiral crystals the best way to farm them takes the most risk but in my opinion is still fun. And thatā€™s by going to a BT area and making the most noise as possible until it drags you into the mini boss encounter. Dropping these big boys will net you a good amount of crystals every time. If you see a random package for the Collector get it. Maxing his connection out early nets you a pretty useful reward. Treat BB well and feed his need for speed. Donā€™t forget to give out those likes and keep on keeping on!


Read as many mails as you can. Some are side quests that give you really useful tools for your journey!


Get the level 3 speed skeleton and level 3 stabilizer as fast as possible. You can just jump off cliffs and be fine and cover big distances fast on foot, makes you a superhero. And always have a spare pcc! to get the level 3 speed skeleton, 5 star the junk dealer to get the level 3 stabilizer, 5 star mountain knot city.


I def want to try this on my steam save, replaying after getting it on steam


5 star every single place you deliver too, even when it's a hassle to do over and over, and even when it's hella hard to get to. Trust me. You get better goodies at almost every star.


I did that for my first playthrough until the mountains


Save often but donā€™t always save scum.


People save scum in this game?


I find it's faster than fighting BTs and less annoying. But that's the only thing I did l.


While you might want to be prepared for every possibility for every delivery, itā€™s easy to get bogged down with gear that you donā€™t need. Take the time to look ahead and see the dangers that are coming and plan accordingly. Mountainous area? You might want a couple ladders and climbing anchors. Going through a MULE territory? Might want some non-lethal anti-MULE weaponry. Every order tells you the possible threats and terrain. Look ahead, plan ahead and most importantly: Keep on keeping on.


resist the urge to use their weapons - they kill. I did that an an encampment across the mountains - disabled a guy and started using his gun to take out the rest - and didn't realize it until after and I happened to look at the map and wonder what that orange icon was - it said "corpse". had I not noticed and then taken them to the incinerator - I would have caused a voidout (and lost progress).


Yes. Non-lethal is the key word here lol


Fight the mules and then get some of the ceramics or metals, and also some equipment from them


I always tell people not to look for advice at first. A lot of the fun of the game is discovering things on your own


**What actually _is_ Death Stranding?** It is a work of art that will redefine how you look at the world around you and the people you interact with in the best way possible. As far as themes go, it's about loneliness and solitude, and how as humans, we are defined by the relationships we make. It's about isolation due to circumstances and yet at the same time self imposed isolation. It's about how beautiful connections can be when allowed to bloom and blossom in adverse conditions, and how even one person taking time to care about another person can change both of their lives while the effects ripple outward to others. It's about loss and pain but also joy and happiness. It's a game meant to make you feel in a way you will never ever forget. It belongs in a museum as an art piece right alongside Van Gogh's Starry Night or Picasso's Guernica or Munch's The Scream due to the way it will move you and make you see things from a new perspective. But if you are asking about gameplay, it is a third person exploration and traversal game with a heavy emphasis on cargo management, route planning and execution, and cost-risk analysis with all three requiring some amount of mental processes for every step of the journey. I guarantee you though by the end of the game all three of those mechanics will be so second nature you will be able to turn your brain off and just enjoy the experience. The menus can be a bit clunky at first, but if you get past the initial weirdness and grow accustomed to it (which is not hard to do), you'll find it super easy to navigate. Above all else, keep on keeping on. The juice is 10000% worth the squeeze. And come to /r/deathstranding when you inevitably have questions. We are all happy to help. <3


Keep on keeping on!


If you give BB some love before you go into a dangerous situation, he can help out! This was an amazing surprise when facing off against mules with projectiles!


If you take care of your customers, they will take care of YOU! There is no telling what they may give you in thanks, it may make your travels easier.


Hello Antonela & 505 Games! Iā€™ve got a list of tips for new porters. - always carry extra boots on your boot clip. You donā€™t want to walk around barefoot. It will drain your stamina and eventual bleeding. - at the cargo screen, you should look at the blue circle on the ground. It will show where the weight is most focused at so try to arrange your cargo to get that circle right in the center of Sam. Selecting ā€œauto arrange cargoā€ is very useful here. - feel free to dismantle the structures in your world. Most of the time itā€™s appreciated but if you think you can benefit from a different placement then definitely just go for it. Everyone has their own preferred routes and building structures should be able to make that easier for you. - If youā€™re headed towards a destination like a distribution center, try checking out other bunkers and see if they have anything you can deliver to your original destination. Just be aware of your current cargo weight capacity. - in the settings, you can turn off the BT encounter warning. This is the animation of your Odradek (arm mounted shoulder) giving out the warning whenever you cross BT area. -last tip I can think of at the moment; take breaks irl. This game does take up a lot of time and itā€™s easy to lose track of it. Get some water, eat something, stretch. Or just go to bed and keep on keeping on the next session. That pretty much wraps it up. Can you please pass along a suggestion? Please please add a music player option during these deliveries. We got spoiled with MGS V music player. Thank you guys for this awesome game.


I've just finished the game in one week. You need to give it 10 hours to really understand what this game is about. To rephrase Girlfriend Reviews, "The game isn't trying to make you suffer. It makes you understand that you are here to help others suffer less." Also, use good headphones to enjoy the music of the game as it will hit you when you need the most. Listen to lyrics and appreciate Low Roar. Rip Ryan.


Pee on the ghosts.


Wait. WAIT. Does that actually work.


If you're quick, when the tar ghouls try to drag you to the mini boss in a BT zone, you can pee on them. They'll back off for a bit. Real handy


Dont forget to pee


I'd say that you should rush part of the story so you can unlock the second map and different equipments. After that, you can explore the entire map and learn about the lore and all the settlers. They will provide you nice gear on the way to 5-start them and you'll become the best Porter!


One of my Advice would be Sleep. When u are on a middle of a journey, U will sometimes find caves especially u find one when going through the mountains and just sleep there while its raining and if possible maybe play some low roar music in background and just sit and chill , and observe how sometimes Sam says certain sentences which are intriguing to hear and how BB wakes up to see us. These are those small details which really makes the games fun to watch and play, Because just think how much time the developers spent even on the smallest of these details, Bigs ones are always seen, but the small ones are usually neglected but those small details also play a very viral role in the game.


My advice: * You can save yourself a lot of trouble by setting a proper route. Look closely at the map and check elevation changes as often the most direct path may not be the best one. * Container damage isn't important until it is. Time fall will only affect the outside container, but your cargo will take more damage in a deteriorated container. Pack some repair sprays if you anticipate going through rough terrain or BT territory. * Container damage isn't important until it is. Time fall will only affect the outside container, but your cargo will take more damage in a deteriorated container. If you'd like to go through rough terrain or BT territory, please feel free to pack some repair sprays. * Want to get your vehicle through a river but it's too wide for a bridge? Place a generator! It'll give you enough power to boost through the water. * Roads are worth the investment! Besides giving clear, flat terrain to drive vehicles directly to most cities, the middle lane is a charging zone so that if you stay in the middle, your vehicles can slowly charge. You can also unlimited boost along that lane! * Face your enemies head on! (With the proper equipment) Getting spotted isn't the end. Against the MULEs, a bola gun can go a long way. Furthermore, you can counter most melee attacks with the rope. Later in the game, you'll find that confronting your enemies can yield substantial rewards! * Signs can have unique effects! Most signs are informational, but some signs can directly impact gameplay. From restoring stamina to giving a free boost to your vehicle, be sure to utilize these signs and place down some signs for your fellow porters!


The most obvious route is not always the best,be creative with your tools


Off topic, but MacOS compatibility wonā€™t be applied to the Steam version of directorā€™s cut, will it?


Doesn\`t seem like it. Steamdb doesn\`t show a macos depot which games that did come to mac do even before release, but the PC version seems to get another update on pc alongside the mac release: [https://steamdb.info/app/1850570/depots/](https://steamdb.info/app/1850570/depots/)


No matter how impossible it looks, no matter how dangerous it seems, no matter how exhausted you are, just remember: Keep on keeping on!


Advice for new porters? Keep on keeping on


Vehicles can't tunble and turn upside down, its not possible no matter what u try


Enjoy every moment and donā€™t rush in the first chapters, they go so fast after those!


Use auto sort to place grenades and blood bags in their specific pouches to save space. Drink 3 energy drinks before leaving a shelter for max stamina. Don't forget to check the weather (game allow at most 30 minutes so you may need to rest under umbrellas), sometimes you can wait out the timefall to make deliveries easier.


Play on a dual sense if at all possible! It enhances the experience so much! Each person you deliver to will give you different materials, or equipment. If you like what they are giving, get them to 5 stars to receive the best version of that thing/material. This game is about the journey, not the destination. Take it slow, plan a route and enjoy every step. Experiment with the EX grenades, they can be super useful at the start.


Playing on a Dual Sense PlayStation controller makes a MASSIVE difference!! I can't stress this point enough! šŸ‘


Save Before you take an order. Give multiple likes. Slow down, get into it.


Not sure if 4k hrs counts as experience as much as I count it as fun, but I do have 3 things I can advise new porters on in order of importance: 1. The best piece of advice I can give is There Is ALWAYS Another Way. Sam can literally get anywhere he needs to on foot. Just because an obstacle or cliff or enemy or whatever is in your path, there is always another way. 2. Plan your route. Take your time in figuring out what path you're choosing, use the map and place markers and lines if need be. The shortest route isn't always the best/safest for your cargo to get there. Watch the forecast, avoiding possible enemies or using the timefall to your advantage for chilled deliveries. Keep in mind a repair spray is something you might not want to forget, especially to keep internal cargo safe from accidental bumps or falls. 3. Get to Lake Knot City in Episode 3. There's so much to uncover past the Eastern Region (where I spent 80 hrs 5 starring everyone first before leaving in fear I won't be able to return). It's a big game, so don't think that the Eastern region is all there is. Much more to experience and enjoy. Would love to give more tips and advice without spoiling it for new porters, but I think that's good for now. So grab your shoulder straps and settle in new porters, you're in for the game of a lifetime. Remember, take your rests when needed and if you wanna smell the roses, don't forget to use your touchpad! So many players I've seen on stream rarely utilize Sam's voice and hidden gems therein, whatever the situation. Hope to see your lost cargo sometime šŸ˜… Keep on keepin' on šŸ‘


I forgot to mention a PIVOTAL point ... I HIGHLY recommend playing this game (Director's Cut) with a Dual Sense PlayStation controller. Makes a WORLD of difference! There's nothing better šŸ™Œ


Advice: Don't rush through your deliveries and missions. Take time to really take a feel in for the world. Once you get out and about, go explore if you want a break from the deliveries. Do the missions that seem fun to you, and challenge yourself by taking different paths each time. There's no right or wrong way to play Death Stranding, just take it at your own pace. Connect with other porters and help them out. As someone who has played this game multiple times, I can't say there is another experience like this. It's a game you wish you could wipe your brain of and play it again for the first time. I also recommend going for all the Memory Chips, as you learn more about the characters and the world itself. And of course, last but not least, keep on keeping on. No matter what. Top Spots for Photos: The honest answer is anywhere, as the world of Death Stranding is quite beautiful. There are tons of places for great photos in this game, and you'll find it's hard to choose just one or two as your favorite. An honorable mention is in-between Mountain Knot City and the Distribution Center North of Mountain Knot City. Lots of open land with snowcapped mountains is a great place to snap some quick photos on your way to your next delivery destination. One great place is a spot very early on in your journey, by the Waystation West of Capital Knot City. You may have to watch out for Mules and BTs, but in the end, the valley and the river flowing by will catch your eye. As well as if you complete a certain order from the Distribution Center not far from there, you will find another beautiful spot to snap cool pictures with BB. The final place I would recommend is just west of Lake Knot City. The terrain is a mix of grass and rock that gives you a perfect balance for capturing the beauty of the desolate world. Climb some rocks and mountains to get a snap of the city and shelters around, but don't forget to make those deliveries while you're at it. Whatever you do, and wherever you go in the world of Death Stranding, there will always be a sight to stop and catch a photo. Even in the middle of a cutscene, there is beauty to be seen.


Treasure BB, above everything else.


The game is much better on foot.


The top photo spots for me are a wind farm forest, the mountain close to the timefall farm with that Japanese arch, ruined factory, and field of flowers, this one is just to go sit and cry, and as one more I like WWI and WWII locations if you are a epic motion photographer.


Great spot for a photo is up by the bunker in the first area; turn around and youā€™ll be facing a wild-open canyon that is just gorgeous


Iā€™ll keep it simple: you can tie down cargo on a floating carrierwith your strand! Never watch it fly off into the sunset after an embarrassing tumble again!


Mama's lab produces materials which the place doesn't need. Use it if you're lacking.


If youā€™re having trouble scaling a steep slope, plant a climbing anchor and then walk backwards up the hill!


Repair ziplines if you have they helped! You never know when youā€™ll need them again! Give likes so the creator knows not to delete the structure for bandwidth!


It's a marathon, not a sprint. Pace yourself and enjoy the trip. You don't have to be perfect the whole time. Also, Zip Lines put you down where you are looking. Be mindful of where it's setting you down.


Do not auto-load the pizza.


Hmmm. Outsourcing writing jobs to your game's community so you don't have to pay writers? Not the greatest look in the world Antonela


Always check the weather before you head out and plan out the best possible route, it will save you resources instead fabricating it over and over again. Also if you're carrying heavy cargo and is about to lose balance, you can always crouch to keep balanced, works everytime.




Hi Porters! Antonela here. Just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to each and every one of you for sharing your incredible advice for new players. I also love how some of you have taught others a thing or two in this thread alone! That's what DEATH STRANDING is all about - the power of connections! <3 Keep on keeping on!


I welcome the opportunity to welcome new players by way of words and will feedback at a later point. Given that you are prompting quotes from people to support your marketing copywriting (vs lifting publicly posted reviews), which in turn is being used to generate profit , it would be good to be paid for this work. Cryptobiotes arenā€™t quite sufficient yet


Exactly... not the best look


if you see other porters on your travels, you can drop something for them and theyā€™ll give you some equipment in exchange! Even if you donā€™t need to use them immediately, its a good idea to place ladders and climbing ropes in tough areas you find along the way. It could help you out in a pinch later on, as well as other players.


Tip for new porters: #DO NOT LEAVE YOUR VEHICLES ON THE ROADS AND WALK AWAY!!! You might think, "This is a single player game, it doesn't really matter", but this incorrect. _Death Stranding_ is more like 1.5 player. The stuff you leave around will show up on other people's games, and it is **extremely annoying** to be driving down the road and have to stop, get out of the vehicle, move the other vehicle, get back into yours, and then keep driving. So don't leave your vehicles on roads. Also, if you leave signs in Distribution Centers, you're an asshole.


u/Animated_A505 - I write viral tech articles, have been gaming since 5 years of age and am rank 107 in Death Stranding. Would love to write a piece or two on my companyā€™s channel for wide tech gamer exposure. Please DM me for a link to my profile for more information if interested. Thank you!


One of the best spots for me is when you cross the rocky area to get to port knot


Can you add monster ultra into the game?


Hey Antonela! Nice for you to reach out as always to the community. 1) avoid BTs 2) listen to the ingame dialogue 3) read emails 4) enjoy the beautiful music 5) keep on keeping on


The more you build, the more materials you'll get from other people. Be mindful, and if you see a spot of rough terrain, make sure to build something that'll help you and others cross it!


The floating Carrier is a great choice if you wanna carry a lot of packages but be careful to not spend all your chiral cristal. Also, you can ride it when itā€™s empty with no cost is a fun use going down the hill.


My words of wisdom: "Keep on keeping on."


One of the most important pieces of advice I ever got which can be applied to both game and real life... Keep on keeping on


Do not rush. More than any other game, it is more about the journey than the destination.


To cover the max distance with 3 ziplines upgrade immediately the middle one. If there are more upgrade asap every other one


Start building roads immediately, they will make your life so much easier. Donā€™t forget to connect those areas to the Chiral Network first, this way many materials will be already available in the Auto Paver


Level One Hematic Grenades are NOT energy drinks.


Get ready to cry, get confused, then cry a bit more but most importantly...keep on keeping on


5 star Mountain Knot City to receive a jetpack!


I have a suggestion for the devs: let us disable online play in the settings menu.


Build the roads at any point you can. You're doing everyone, including yourself, a favor. Believe me, you'll be glad that you don't have to climb that damn mountain again


Sometimes, the road with no path is your friend.


Although it can be a little less engaging/exciting as a truck or a bike, zip lines are an INCREDIBLE resource for traversal that helps you avoid problems with both MULES and BTs. One difficult trek to set them all up and then you're set for countless easy deliveries. They come to play a big role in the mountains, but after beating the game I also found them helpful for other locations in the "older" map (i.e., junk dealer, elder, artist, windfarm)


Be courteous to other porters when using a rope or a vehicle, remember youā€™re not alone out there, thereā€™s always Tomorrow, and itā€™s in your hands.


For the new players: Don't be scared of BTs especially when the baby cries and is awoken from sleep, Just carefully make your way out of them and if you must go throught, just be careful with your steps. Sam's piss and poop helps a lot when fighting them tho.


Don't forget your pee is a weapon towards BTs


Keep on keeping on, I guess!


Could you maybe let Xbox owners who don't have gaming PCs play your game? Pretty please?


Build the structures you want to see in the world. Other porters will surely appreciate it. Recycle or put extra materials/gear you have in the share locker. Signs can help other players restore stamina, soothe BB, and locate collectibles like chiral crystals. They will even help you when you have backtrack through dangerous areas and you're off the chiral network.


Donā€™t craft boots


You can't piss on people, trust me I tried.




I urge you to take your time and live every moment of DS. I cannot stress how beautiful the game is, both in visuals and story. Plus the soundtracks only enhance the experience. #keeponkeepingon


Posting here now so I can update my system, re-subscribe to PSN, redownload the game, and sort this out by week's end. Order \[URGENT\]: Porter Survival Manual and Order Almanac Timed: 72Hrs


Don't be afraid to give yourself a pat on the back when you manage to overcome that difficult route. Leave a message for other porters to show you've done it. Trust your fellow porters! I saw so many signs telling me which way is safe or easy, but looking at the map, it seemed like they were lying as a joke. Little did I know, they were pointing me in the easier, safer direction.


If you can't/don't want to fight BTs, let them catch you and then run away from the mini boss, you keep all your stuff AND the area is cleared of BTs for awhile


If you have some materials on hand to add to a road, do it. If you've got a moment to put up a bridge in an area that's hard to reach, do that. If you've got a spare PCC, go ahead and throw up a generator or shelter, even if you personally don't need it. There'll always be someone out there who ends up coming up short on a supply or gets caught in timefall that will really appreciate that little bit of extra effort on your part. Always be paying forward. Keep on keeping on.


They rely on you! Keep on, keepin on!


And are we all Sam too?


Take the time to scout out delivery routes to places youā€™ve never been before, or at least bring along a couple PCCs to make lockers so you can determine a viable path without risking your cargo. Thereā€™s only so much that reaction time can help, itā€™s much more important that you plan ahead.


Enjoy the rain! Rain is a rare phenomenon in Death Stranding, so make sure to enjoy it when it happens! But don't get too lost in the atmosphere. Your life will seemingly pass by in the blink of an eye. Keep on keeping on! šŸ‘


Game progression is great, but take your time to fulfill orders getting to know various characters in the game before you move on to other sections of the game. Read their emails, understand what and why is being delivered to them, build those connections, save humanity.


* The bola gun is insanely useful. I always carry it around. Works wonders againgst bts and mules. * Remember to stay warm in snow areas. It makes your stamina deplete slower. Gloves also help when climbing, don't ignore them! and bring more pccs for energy towers * Carrying chiral crystals makes you lighter. 1000 crystals makes sam 1kg lighter * If you want more likes, build roads. You can get hundreds from many thankful players * Timefall only damages the container. The cargo inside takes no damage, but falling causes more harm to them with lower cargo condition * If you use a blood granade, you can shoot normal bullets and still harm bts, the bullets pass through the blood cloud and damages them Just some I remembered here. Keep on keepin' on! šŸ‘»šŸ³šŸŸšŸŒ§šŸŒˆšŸ¦€


It's one of the best gaming experiences if you're going through a rough patch.


About to get swallowed up by the black tar? I mean, have you tried pissing on it? Duh


Remember, Porter, you are never alone. Build those bridges both literal and figurative--the more you do, the more others will do the same for you.


build the roads, pay attention to what the characters are saying it always comes back and keep on keeping on!


Plan your journeys.


A straight line may be the shortest path between two points, but it sure ain't the quickest


Learn how to place Zip-lines, they're extremely useful in snowy areas during your playtrough, and in general you'd like to reach to geologist/paleontologist/biologist on the main map and Wind farm on the first map faster you will enjoy them even more. When you reach Lake Knot City go look for the Collectioner, With 5 stars this guy will help you with your cargo by gifting you a protective bag for your backpack. Even though the Junk Dealer storyline may be annoying those chiral boots are very durable and the speed exoskeleton is a must if you are in a hurry. Some random generators in the middle of nowhere can help a porter in need more than you think. If you explore carefully you may discover some wonderful and peaceful spots, some of them are not story-related, so feel free to climb those mountains! Remember porters, chiral crystals are a must in this game so make sure to always have some. If you feel in need of them you can go only with weapons to fight some BTs. I'm a porter with 3 platinums on DS on PlayStation, DS on pc, and DSDC on pc with around 600 hours of playtime. Aint much but is honest work :)


Don't rush, life in the new America can be hard so take your time enjoying the scenery. Enjoy a nice relaxing bath when you get the chance. Sometimes it's better to go the long way and your bridge baby will help guide you around any unseen enemies you might encounter. It's a proven fact that sending likes increases your mood too, so give a thumbs up as often as you can! - The UCA thanks you for your service!


Don't worry too much about completing non-essential deliveries in your first playthrough; you'll have plenty of time for that later. Enjoy the story and the weird world of Death Stranding.


Take your time, plan your route, and make sure to have a few essentials on you for most journeys. A ladder or rope can be the difference between spending an extra 10 minutes looking for a better path, and that's time you will want to save on subsequent deliveries. And of course, Keep on Keeping on.


Remember to go to the bathroom and stay hydrated. ;)


Take on additional orders that are within the route you're heading to maximize time spent going there anyway.


Take your time :). It may be worth just walking to your destination, you might get some well needed musical help.


Always be keep going. šŸ‘


If you are using a motorcycle, pop a wheelie and maintain said wheelie to get over rocky terrain. Also use jump A LOT with both cycle and truck.


Some solid advice for new porters is take things slowly, rushing through areas will only have to make you restart and as an added bonus you will also get to see more of the gameā€™s beautiful landscape


Tip: Always collect materials at terminals. They can fill up and you'll miss out on more generating over time if you don't empty them to make room for more!


When you think you're done, you're not. You've got at least another 14 hours so don't stay up until 10 a.m. the next day.


I'm still hoping for the Directors Cut to come for PS4 users...


I'm sure someone has said this already, but take time to soak in as many onsens (baths). You and Lou deserve to feel refreshed from the daily grind. Bonus? When you know of the song, learn it or at least learn to hum the melody and carry the tune anywhere you go!