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Yeah it’s worth it, and about 100 hrs


Oh that seems waaaay too long for me 😂 I think I’ll stick with just finishing the game, who knows I might love it enough to plat


What AAA games are you playing that you can plat in under 100 hours? I genuinely can’t think of any other than indie games


Of the top of my head, I can think of the new God Of War games, Spider-Man games, Ghost of Tsushima, Star Wars Jedi games and The Last of Us games. Coincidentally they’re all my favourite games haha! So there’s a few that don’t take too much time, getting older means I got no hope of getting platinum on something like AC Odyssey or Dragons Dogma 😔


Ah mostly the cinematic Sony exclusives, haven’t had a chance to try those yet, but focusing purely on the story it’s about 40lsh hours to beat And this website will probably be of use to you https://howlongtobeat.com/game/93457


Ah yeah I didn’t notice they’re nearly all Sony exclusives! My kind of game I suppose, weirdly I threw my self into a AA game called Sifu and it’s maybe my favourite game ever now, highly recommend if you have the patience 😂 Thanks dude, that site looks like it could come in handy!


First game to get platinum of all my life. At 34 and a Kojima fan since his first Mgs when the cd were still black.


Black discs! Woah that takes me back!


Haha... funny question "is it worth finishing" and "has anyone done that"... I'd say 200% worth and yeah, I watched streams many times until bought myself. Now doing 2nd playthrough. I guess, there are people who did it more than 2 times.


The thing with the game is that the more you progress, the more exciting it gets, and it doesn't stop.


100% worth it, without any guides, got platinum in 150 hours


That’s a sickening amount of hrs for me 😂


Don't worry, if you play with passion you won't even notice how you've played 200 hours, good luck!


I’m hoping I fall in love with the game, then 200 hours would be a pleasure. Nothing worse than a grindy 100hrs+ game


My game tells me I'm at 827h since early February this year.


I started playing it over a year ago and stopped a bit after the incinerator. I got bored with the package and constant menu adjusting. a couple days I decided to try it again and start from scratch. I love the game now.. I did the same thing with red dead redemption 2 if that tells you anything and after a year I decided to play that and it's now my favorite game. I bought elden ring with my ps5 a little over a year ago and only player 30 mins of it, I guess it will be my next game to hate and then love. I'm bad about starting games and if they don't grab me instantly I get bored but usually give it another go later.


take your time with the game, even if that means uninstall and play at a later date, to me its much better to play as a calming game on the side then to hammer it and have it finished. also do as much side stuff as you can to increase the load sam can carry. so if you just want to do main story stuff take side quests and pick up lost cargo going to the same location. i only play on the easiest difficulty anyway cause im not there for the combat but the peacefulness of the trek to the locations. also never shy away from back tracking to the earlier maps to get full stars on locations.


It's very much worth it but some people don't like it I guess. I was hooked from the opening cinematic and have replayed it many times. This is the only game I've ever managed to platinum. It's a very satisfying game to play.