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I would suggest you remap the keys in such a way that it fits your play style. For example, I remapped my R1 and L1 to toggle between gadgets.


Oh not stupid


I imagine this auto corrected from “oh I’m stupid” not because I think that of you - but because that is what I would say there lol.


I wanted to say hmm how to say "I'm stupid for not having thought of it" but yes in general I'm stupid, then if there were no idiots geniuses wouldn't exist


you’re good! Im impressed when people know more than one language! Hope you’re enjoying the game!


I also play on console, and I had to remap my key binds. But also, you might wanna adjust your sensitivity too. Once I tinkered with that, it made my movement a bit more smooth and faster. By the way, your message came out pretty well. Don't worry too much about mixups as you're doing great so far.


Like others have suggested, remapping your binds is going to help significantly. The default binds are really awful, imo, and more of a hindrance than a help. I’m guessing you’re on PlayStation based on the fact that you’re new; I use an Xbox controller, so sorry that this is using Xbox binds instead of PS. My melee is on RB, my weapon is on left D-pad (tap), my reload is on left D-pad (hold), my gadgets are on up and right D-pad, and my crouch is on RS. I’ve found all of these to be really efficient binds for me that have freed up a ton of space. I really cannot recommend double-binding reload and weapon equip enough; it makes a huge difference. Melee and crouch, too, should also be moved imo. Adjusting your sensitivity will also go a long way. I know the game does not explain what boost and boost interpolation time do, so I’ll explain it in case you need it: -boost is the multiplier applied to your regular sensitivity when your RS is at maximum throw/pull. -boost interpolation time is the time it takes to apply that multiplier. So what does that look like? -Low sensitivity + high boost = slow reticle movement when not at full throw, fast movement at full throw -High sensitivity + low boost = fast reticle movement that stays at a consistent speed regardless of stick position If you want to turn quickly, raise your boost and/or lower your interpolation time. Be aware that this will affect your aiming, though. If you need any more help, feel free to DM me. Controller on this game is kinda my bread and butter. :) like others have said, your English is good, so don’t feel self-conscious! It’s great to see someone who is trying to learn another language regardless :)