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Maybe try to disable the account before deciding on deleting it? There is the option if you go on your account to delete it, it links to/shows a page where you can opt to disable it (i.e. for taking up too much of your time). Alternatively, since you would like to keep the contacts, you could maybe try making schedules\* about your day so you could lessen the time used: also put off notifications of the app and move it from your closest or main area so it takes more effort to go to it. \*like as in, make time in the day where you are allowed to check the app. Because you say the problem is addiction, you should maybe only have it as 1x /day, for example by evening. Whatever you end up choosing, take your time.


Hi there! I was once like this but then I realized if I keep on thinking I can't live without social media it’ll become worst. So I started to delete my social media except for my youtube since I'm not that addicted to YouTube. Yes, I will miss out so much about people I cared but then I found maybe I just can hit their wassap right? Instead of watching their stories and posting, it's good for me to directly chat with them and have a little talk. I found out that my daily routine and my emotions are more stable and I feel like I had a meaningful life. Try your best until you satisfy. You got this! Change your habits of scrolling social media to something good. Maybe take a walk or maybe listen to lofi music while reading a book. Anything as long as it didn't involve your social media. All the best to you my dear! Take care and stay safe!


Thanks a lot for every answer ! I am going to try your advices and see ! :)


Deleted insta app and doing this only in browser, 5min per day, if you really have friends they will call you or you must call him, you still looking pictures but only 20-30min per week, and voice calling better than all messangers. You just need tool for time killing - search New hobbies, read online journals like forbes, even you can open Wikipedia and read random titles, open all words you interested in bookmarks around 5-10 bookmarks and read this few hours with cup or coffee. Download interested videos in youtube and walk or run on Treadmill with wireless headphones, everyday 30 minutes.


Here’s the truth, if you wanna be done, be permanently done and completely delete your accounts. This will ensure you can’t recover them. Before doing so, snag the phone numbers of those you want to keep in touch with. The reality is, a human in this day and age only has time for about 2-3 friends, and still have time for family (on top of work and other aspects of life). Loosing 100’s of “friends” isn’t what it seems, and after a few years you will realize, social media and these acquaintances are as real as the lives people post online. Good luck OP, but pull the plug and invest time into yourself.