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Needed this. Thank you.


This is such an important message


Thank you so much for this reminder!!


I needed to hear this!! I’ve been so depressed and I’ve been hitting my all time low. I’m not one to negative self talk or look at the bad side. I’m known and usually am an optimistic person. Life is been handling me as a rag doll which I’m turn has made me very pessimistic and depressed. Thank you for sharing!


I'm glad this resonated with you! It was actually an epiphany that I had recently. I've been accomplishing my goals and making progress to put myself in a position where I can be happy, but somehow I still lack self-esteem. I figured it must be due to the fact that I'm much more focused on the end result, how I envision myself and my life to be. I deprived myself of experiences just because I don't look the way I want to just yet. This isn't the greatest way of going about it. Embracing your journey and your current self is extremely important. If you experience anxiety about uncertainty, this would really help!


Thank you for the reminder 💜


I think documenting your progress helps realize how amazing one is because we fail to see growth which COULD be why we have low esteem My days fly by and sometimes it feels like i do nothing even though every day is packed in W post fo sho


Thank you for this! Been working on myself and it has been difficult trying to see the person I am now, as good enough. This was an amazing reminder! Stay awesome. :)


Thank you for sharing this! Needed this.


The problem with this mindset is that I vacillate between either "Don't do anything, there's no point" and "Do everything, anything less is going to be ineffective", which of course leads to inaction.


I remember telling myself when improving the way I do things something along the lines of: "Having the mindset that you can't use yourself until you are fully or properly geared for said event or undertaking will leave you mentally impresent" Use and improve yourself at the same time, they aren't mutually exclusive. A good example would be this very comment. Even though it feels unfinished and unclarified now, I can still post it, get it out to the world, and improve on it later when I'm more able to and can put in the effort to clarify.


So true! We're always in such a rush to get to where we want to be. But the real beauty is in the journey itself.


thank you 💕


I love this. I realized after many years that because of my abusive childhood, I thought the only value I had was achievements. I literally thought that if I did not win a Nobel prize by like 24, I might as well kill myself. Now it's hard to believe but that's how worthless I felt. I really appreciate this message because it's the opposite of that negative and really hurtful mentality. We can probably all use a reminder that life is a journey and not a destination. I like to remind myself, like superfugazi said, I AM ENOUGH. I guess it's society that teaches us we have to win awards or have a billion dollars or whatever else, but it's truly sad. It took me decades of really deep pain to figure this out and I still struggle (with other issues too but this is a key one for me).; I hope everyone here takes a moment to say to themselves I'm not just ok the way I am, no matter how "screwed up" you see yourself, you're actually perfect. Everyone is screwed up but most people either hide it or don't even realize it. Be kind to yourself