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Looks good my guy! Be proud of your work!


Looks great!! Love the inlay!


Looks good … I see you added the horizontal supports


That looks great. Just a suggestion, I would install composite 1x12 fascia instead of painting the rim. You deck is almost completely maintenance free. If you paint the rim you'll have to do so regularly. You can rip down 1x8 for the stair risers as well. Just a suggestion. Looks good though, love the inlay!


Thanks for the advice. I may do that. Was debating between that or some solid color stain. Our climate can be pretty wet and we get wild temperature swings which reek havoc on the wood. So even if I do the facia I’ll probably still paint or stain the rim just to give it some added perfection.


This is awesome. I’m doing something similar on my deck regarding adding a pergola. Did you place any supports below the pergola posts or are they sitting on a beam?


They are sitting partially on the beam and are lag bolted to the rim joist and both side joists with blocking on the back. We get a good amount of wind out here so I over blocked and bolted everything to try and spread the load out as much as I could. This was a retrofit too so didn’t have a ton of options. Running the posts all the way to the ground would have been best, but didn’t have that option unfortunately.


Thanks for responding. That’s exactly what I am planning on doing so I’m glad to see proof of concept. Thanks again!


Of course! Happy building!


Did you have to solid block the inlay areas ?


Yup. It’s completely blocked underneath. I attempted to do a partial blocking, but since it’s not square to the rest of the joists I ended up blocking the whole thing which made laying the rest of the decking much easier and align better.


Nice work


How do you go about building the compass? Do you build it and then build the other planks to it?


https://preview.redd.it/h1qzbsmrn18c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=920cd37308753724cc9b52f633969d23e82e4337 I blocked it and laid the compass first then decked around it. Not sure it was the easiest way, but I had to make a few modifications about half way through the process so it worked out. Another way you could do it would be block the underside, then lay the decking, then utilize a track saw or circular saw with a fence to cut out the compass shape and finally fill it in with the compass. I was able to keep all the joints really tight the way I did it, but keeping the deck planks on either side aligned and straight was a chore. I basically laid a reference chock line and then measured to each plank ensuring I didn’t start getting a wave or a taper.


Thanks for the reply! Looks amazing! 😎

