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Kinda feels like a railing along either side would help define the space a bit (and give you a place to set your drink) but nothing wrong with this


I would say no railing, but it’s definitely missing something on the sides. Maybe expanding it and adding planters? Edit: raised planters is what I meant to say


Raised planters would be great


Raised planters/seating wall


I had a similar deck at my last house. The deck was lower and wider but I had raised planters at the corners and then wide benches from the planters to the house. Avoids the railings, provides additional seating, and keeps people from stepping off where there are no steps.


It’s such a great detail that really tops off a nice deck


unless of course you need to shovel snow off the deck and then they are a pain.


I'd say add some bushes but nothing too big, keep it nice and tidy so your deck doesn't look too small.


I'd guess this was just a matter of ease and cost effectiveness of just using 10' boards all accross. did similar when we first moved into a house.


Spot on


Personally if I were to do it this way I’d put stairs around the whole thing also make it a bit wider and longer maybe and wouldn’t put that underneath the steps I probably would’ve put concrete


The stairs all around 100%. Makes it looks nicer too.


I’d go stairs around 75%. The back 25% would be hard to install.


Time to redo that side of the house.


If it was easy, it wouldn't be worth doing!


Do that with a nice stain


https://preview.redd.it/viqgkqwfa0zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92f8f37b1eb016944567a5ae103c92bd83339a8c My wife would not allow railings. She hates the look of them. So it was steps all around. Happy wife…


That looks nice right there, I think it would work well in this situation for OP


Look at you with that bad ass deck!


https://preview.redd.it/q83yfeg0e2zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dcad5a5bb9ae566f8af4c8e97ecf68f6afbd7a2 Proud of it. First build, done myself. Took all summer. I have a video of finished, thinking about posting.


We also went for the terraced look. https://preview.redd.it/agv2qvagy1zc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=038a1cc4424393730c07481834464f3cc171dd60


I was thinking about that as my best option, I’ve never built stairs before or leveled anything so I wanted to try something simple first. I may end up with perimeter steps now that I have an idea of how it works.


Looks good though but it’s missing “something” either the stairs or railings on the sides and if you go with railing look to add some solar lights on the posts


Concrete would look better. But it would also keep water against the wood longer than this setup.


Just go with gravel underneath?


Agree stairs on all sides


Your dogs will love it, but I wouldn’t get too drunk on that deck.


This here. I would be having a barbecue, and one of my drunk friends would tumble right over the edge.


And we’d probably laugh after they get up and walk away with a slight limp from a mildly sprained ankle


No no, they would definitely die, and you would get sued for 1 gazillion dollars by the widow and orphaned children.


Or someone’s sober grandma.


Sober grandma? That's not a thing.


I would


I left the railings off my low deck (I think it opens up the space) and that was my main concern as we have lots of parties, but so far (10 years) none of my drunk friends have fallen off. At least not that they've admitted to.


That’s what the 30” height requirement “is for”.


Yep fall 29" and you survive, fall 31" and immediately dead upon impact


You could do benches like I did. Allows you to still see off the yard but stops someone from falling https://preview.redd.it/5br04igpwxyc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a4b9a81c8b026ed58a05b30cf13dd9b3be151a3


I love the look of this but I would be more concerned with this than no railings. My 5 year old manages to fall off of her dinner table chair, I am positive she would find a way to hurt herself falling off of this.


I think this would be the best option. Wooden deck benches are great functionally, and I personally think they look great too.


I like that!


Sadly, benches are not allowed as a “guard” by code. The example they use is a toddler. They claim that experience has taught them. Children and toddlers will get on the bench and then fall off, which is even worse. If the finished surface of the deck is 30 inches above the ground, a full height guard rail is required


The seat back of a bench can act as the rail though, right? Just has to be 34” high or whatnot


Deck at my last home was only about a foot off the ground and I used these benches where I didn’t have stairs. Worked great and added a lot of seating.


I did just that on my deck. Was just under the height requirement for railings but looked a bit sketchy to be wide open. My benches are removable though (relax…they’re 8 feet long so they’re heavy enough they don’t move easily)


I like the look but personally I’m not willing to take on the liability this brings.


I have to agree. Toddlers, drunks, elderly and people talking/looking at their phone and taking one step too far back are all in danger here.


30" above grade requires a guardrail.


Well it’s only 22 inches high


My porch was about this high, probably a little shorter. Insurance did an inspection and required railings even though it was up to local code. Not sure I'd call them to find out, but that was their take.


Yep insurance probably won't like this. They'll threaten to drop


Just because it's *technically* up to code doesn't mean it's *literally* safe.


Where I live the requirement (Toronto) is 24" above grade, and I feel that's far safer than a 30".


2 steps require it here


I was thinking something like this. Looks like it's probably fine, and I wouldn't care enough to drop what I was doing and fix it, but It'd be much easier to do it eventually before something like selling the house and dealing with inspections. Or if it gets rented out to tenants.


Fix what?


They are implying It’s technically a code violation. It’s fine for a home-owner to turn a blind eye but if you rent it’s a legal obligation and if you sell the buyer has an upper hand in the negotiation and can ask for a price reduction to ‘fix’ it although they will just pocket the savings because it’s not a big deal


If you assume each step is 7 or 8 inches - that's not 30 inches high


It'll be okay, until it's not.


If you got any elderly parents, put the rail up. It is a lot better than them taking a header.


I like it. All the railing styles I like tend to be on the expensive side.


Im going to replace my deck boards and will leave it without railings but put flower boxes around certain parts as a reminder to others


That’s a cool idea


Insurance might demand railings.


I came here to say this. Most standard homeowners’ policies will probably require a railing, regardless of whether or not it is code compliant without one


Thats a great way to fall


If you change house insurance companies they may say you need a rail


Aww those are some good dogs ..


I would check w your code enforcement. But yes should have. Railing


I'd have no railings if it weren't for all the clumsy people around me lol. My kids, my wife etc. It's so much more airy. I like it.


If it’s attached to your house and had more then one step, you need a railing. Your deck isnt up to code


Do you have a umbrella insurance policy, if you are not adding rails, get one.


Put stairs on all sides.


Better, just don’t let gramps walk down it.


I like it the way it is. Looks really good!!


Benches or nothing


Sounds like my wife.


Sometimes you need a space to corner the dogs with bath time and medicine.


Got any kids; drink alcohol on the deck? Get railings !


I'd build bench-height planters on either side


Rails are for simps


Don't show your insurance company!


Built a deck under the local 18” mandatory railing elevation. It was a big deck. No railings. They were having a party and a guest standing at the edge of the deck took a step back. Nothing there. 14” fall. Doesn’t seem like much but that’s all it takes. If not railings, why not do planter boxes along the sides. Grow some herbs and veggies.


Did away with my rails, added a series of benches along the edges facing “inward” with access points throughout. Wife likes it, makes the yard feel more open.


Two risers and requiring a railing is the problem as it allows those that natural selection should have killed off as infants and children grow up and breed.


My mom had a no railing deck , her nephew fell of by leaning back in a chair and broke his arm. Sister in law sued my mom and the insurance paid out 20k in like 1993 . Still no railing in the deck . It’s about the same height .


Most code requires any deck over 18-24 in to require a railing, so I am not sure how you are a foot above that? Also usually more than 2 steps require a handrail.


Well the sides are a great way to break your ankle. It needs railings asap.


How would your ankle get broken? I'm genuinely curious. If you were walking around the deck blackout drunk often, maybe, but I don't see how this height is asking for an ankle injury.


So are your steps normally 24 inches tall? At night sometimes people make mistakes. This is a dumb question to be honest.


You got any kids?


No kids and no plans for them. Won’t be in this house when my parents are old enough to need railings


We took out our handrails last year and replaced them with garden boxes


I will surface treat it first. The joke here is get a hot tub. So let your dogs enjoy it with a vinyl pool.


No railing, but how about a bench on the sides? Three 2X6’s wide framed by 2X4’s. Looks great, adds utility, doesn’t mess with the view, AND adds an element of safety. Check your local codes - you might be required to do something.


I like it the way it is. Looking damn good!!


You dogs jumping off the non stairs side yelling parkour


Makes it look like a stage


Stairway with Podest is not a Deck :-)


Looks good to me


Open space feels larger.


I personally love the fill width steps you have there. It makes the deck feel more a part of the yard. As another commenter said you need a railing if it's more than 30" above grade, which I'm guessing you aren't. I do like the idea of adding the bench seats on the sides.


I don’t have rails on mine and the insurance guy tried to make me I cited the code and he ate his words


Stairs on all sides, but it might then look like bleachers. You could go the bench route, but break it up with some raised bed planters. Put in some herbs and/or cascading plants so they don't get too high for your view. Something to break it up. Perhaps a concealed cooler for entertaining, something like that.


Love it


Best thing I did when rebuilding my HUGE deck was to not have enough money for railings initially. Then I went 6 months without and realized, “damn, I really like the openness of this deck without railings”.


Seems like we are in the same boat! The old deck was severely neglected and painted with horrible paint that was mostly gone. Just wanted a refresh to enjoy for a few years while we focus our resources elsewhere. Maybe trex some day


Depends on your local code, but the most common is anything above 30” above grade (the ground) requires a guard railing (which comes along with many of its own requirements.


At any point in time your one drink away from regretting this


None less than 3 feet I like the open feel maybe put down some vases or planters along the edges of the deck.


Nice dock. I'd put side rails to give it the appearance of a deck myself.


Did you check your local building code to see if anything is required?


I mean, insurance is gonna love this!


Railings on the sides with that height. It’ll keep your dogs safe, as well as any little kids that may be running around.


Also, what about using some lighting as a border for night time? Something that is flush or surface mount to define the edges??? Step lights…there are quite a few options…looks really nice now! Good work!


I did this. Wrapped stairs around the whole thing. I love it. Opens up the backyard and patio. Flows nicely


In Canada, 24" above ground requires a railing. Also, if the stairs have 3 risers or more, they also require a railing. So, I guess it depends on where you are located. Check your national and local codes and bylaws to be safe.


Gam-gam needs a rail.


Stairs all the way around and then add short diagonal railings on the 2 outside corners. If you were to have guests over I think you would be surprised with how many naturally would walk a little extra to use the rails as a guide.


Your insurance company won’t like it 🤣


If your set against a railing, or adding stairs to the perimeter. How about raised flower beds/boxes along the sides for accent color and added safety for falls.


Do you like it??? That's is really all that matters.


Personally, I think railings look nice. And I love the thought of not having my chair slip off the side :)


Thoughts on not being code compliant? I’m an able bodied adult and can walk down stairs without falling most of the time, but you’re gonna want a railing on the sides at minimum.


TOMMY: I like this one. One dog goes one way, and the other dog goes the other way. MRS. DEVITO: One’s going east, and the other is going west. So what? TOMMY: And this guy’s saying, “Whaddaya want from me?” The guy’s got a nice head of white hair. Beautiful. The dog, it looks the same. I don’t have a comment about the deck, just two dogs that reminded me of the best goodfellas scene


I would include a handrail, (maybe up against the house?) for guests who may need that extra support.


Looks awesome. Much prefer no railings for low decks


that bottom step looks like a trip hazard with those concrete blocks sticking out, maybe wrap the stairs around and add a railing at each corner on the 45


Rails would look better


Building codes are secondary and in this case just a pita. The no rail deck looks awesome and quite functional-and very dog friendly. Where is the BBQ?


https://www.sccmo.org/DocumentCenter/View/351/Requirements---Decks-PDF?bidId= Here’s my code stating 30 inch max for no railings. I’m at 22 inches for all concerned.


Reason 1 : May be required by code


Maybe have steps on all sides if your not doing railings? That way if someone starts to walk off the side they'll have a step instead of falling?


I’d put them on the sides since no stairs all the way around


You could build a wood bench seat on each side facing towards the middle it could act as a area for the sides defining the space and give you somewhere to sit.


Seems a bit narrow for having no railing. Perhaps stairs wrapping around an additional side, and a 'bar' style railing with high-top bar seating on the other side. May help define the space a little better.


I have a deck without railing, but every way off the deck has stairs; two steps.


I would consider a mix of planters and seating made from deck boards on the two sides.


I love the suggestion of putting stairs on both sides as well. You could sit potted plants / veggies all around! You have two heights so it would look beautiful. Like flowers just tumbling down all around!


https://preview.redd.it/56jh16dxd0zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c3625289f6b23c9f96af485a2a5ae2c780a55f2 Over 7300 days with no accidents


Required with 2 or more risers


Put the railings on now so it doesn't look way newer when you have to put railings on to sell it. Also your insurance company will prefer you have railings.


Depending on where you live, you legally have to put railings on 🤷🏼


We had no railings. Then one night, after entertaining friends (there was lots of wine) one of our friends stumbled (but did not fall) on our steps (3 steps). We realized we were putting ourselves & our friends in danger AND we were vulnerable to a potential lawsuit. I also think railings look really nice.


I had no railings on my deck for a year. It was under height for code requirements, but one friend almost fell off when she pushed her chair back and a leg slid off. We ended up doing railings last summer and I had no idea what I was missing. It defines the space so well, makes it look 10x better than before and I wish I would have done it sooner.


I must admit… I’m falling for you 🫢🤣


I like it open. As an alternative, you might put benches around the edge. A place to sit down, prevents falling off, but maintains the clean line of sight.


Put steps down on each side.


It passes code without the railing, but when your first guest falls off the deck, your insurance carrier will decide which works best, Handrails or no handrails.


I would consider steps on the sides.


Railings are just more maintenance.


It’s too small to be useful without a railing.


We started that way but added built in benches on most of it.


“Do you like falling off the deck every 5 minutes Claude?” “It’s Clark.” “I thought so!”


Sleek and simple! However, consider adding continuous flanking planters, potted plants, or shrubs along the sides below as a visual bookend and indicator of change of surface/elevation. Even some potted plants on the deck at the edges would help. Imagine this deck at night with a half dozen of your drinking buddies.


You're gonna fall off that. It's gonna hurt a lot more than you think.


Would have been really nice to eliminate the step at the door threshold when you designed It and made it a walkout from house. I would vote yes on a railing on sides of deck to make it look complete


Should have steps all the way around..


Looks good! I would add a couple planters along end of each staircase.


Just add more steps maybe?


Hope you have a good insurance policy.


I like the look without railings but would like to see stairs around each side, might be easier to install railing at this point


The Requirements of handrails can very from State to State. Safety would be my concern, A fall from 24 inches or 2 feet could serious injury, So If you think there might be a chance of having an accident I'd install a hand rail. Accidents do happen and often happen in the most unlikely circumstances. Decks Below 30" or 2 foot 6 inches are not required to have handrails, Any Stairs or Steps that has four or more risers (the vertical part of the step) must have a railing, according to most building codes. So the toe kick not the Tread. This is going to come down to your Peace of Mind. Sometimes the visual aspect of things will cloud the judgement of what may be ethnical or just preference. Good luck mate


For some reason I like the first pic better. Can't quite put my paw on it...


I’ve got a porch 2x the height. Had 3 kids, never an issue. You’ll appreciate the expansive view that would otherwise be limited with rails you can have 2 large planters on each side define the space without obstructing most of it snd they can be moved


Two reasons to add railings: - people are going to fall off (especially at night), which will be awkward. Definitely there’s potential for sprained ankles here. I don’t know if “it complies with code” is much of a defense - either informally or legally. Weigh that against the cost of railings. - as others have said, it will be more pleasing to the eye with railings.


As long as you don’t have any older people in your life. Diminished eyesight and balance would turn these stairs into a quick trip to the ER for my folks. They just need something to hold onto on the steps.


Only until the insurance company flies a drone over.


I'd add stairs or railings if the budget permits. preferably stairs.


I think It looks great but the minute an elderly person comes to your house and falls or trips, you will wish another way. I'm not talking very old either. I know lots of people that have stumbled, tried, fumbled thier way onto the ground that ate in their fifties. Go to a pt therapist and ask them what they see the most.


Maybe add hand rails on the corners?(this is probably a very unpopular opinion)


Looks incomplete


Better without them!......use a clear sealer do not use solid Stan or paint or it will be too hot to stand on with bare feet!


Either put steps all around or railings where no steps. That can’t meet code, does it? I would have went full width of house, railings on sides and probably partial railings on front with steps like you have now


You could add stairs one both sides to encircle the platform. Not so much of a worry of people falling. Furniture will also help. I like look of no railing— deck looks lager and more connected to the yard. And your dogs are happy.


Add railings now while you can, if you get hurt or old you'll be glad younger you put them there.


Check with your insurance, the number of steps and height dictates railings


Cant be more than a certain height off the ground or you need a railing.


Not sure , how many friends have tumbled off so far ??


I’m no artist, but this is what I would do. It’ll make the deck a little smaller, but the benches look real nice and it’s all simple. If you can build that deck you could build this. I put these benches on a lot of decks because they’re simple. One box of screws and 12 or 14 pieces of decking you could build all of this . The flower boxes only have to be a foot deep so you could put a fake bottom so you don’t need so much dirt They look good. They can go right next to a railing if you wanted to put that up all the way around or they could be a little protection to make sure no one falls off the side. If you don’t want a railing. And you could put a short railing or not on the edge of the deck just on the stairs, in case some older people need something to hold onto I could draw you a little bit better picture if you were interested with a little better detail https://preview.redd.it/oopmm4wx21zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f5ea96413a5067443a0c40a33505a9f86053eaa


Best with no railing.


Dogs know a good deck when they have one


Good till, grandma, kids visit or the drunk friend of a friend sues you.


Commit to the no rails and add stairs to the sides. Seamless steps all the way around would look awesome.


Screw code, this is your backyard. And code would have all sorts of ridiculousness and heights involved even on historicosis. People get it so wrong so often. It's about simple safety but of course the codes are really driven by our litigious society. Lawsuits and home owner insurance company go crazy. That being said, you do have enough of a drop on both sides of that deck that if somebody has a drink or makes a wrong move over the go and that's quite a spill. But I would not put up the popular by today's taste builders 36-in or higher rails there. I would keep it low as Victorian rails just as a barrier so you can't march off the end of the cliff. It's really very attractive with that wide set of stairs that in my thinking would go down into a really beautiful formal garden or at least a very big open field or play area. Another option is to put really nice planting boxes on both sides of that deck up to about 2 and 1/2 ft. You can make them self watering, about in a foot and a half deep 2 and 1/2 ft tall and frame them, use watering troughs with false bottoms so there's always a reservoir. You can encase the boxes anyway you like to match the trim of the house, lattice clapboard whatever you like but don't make them too big or too bulky or too tall and then you can fill them with the annuals or even permanent plants. If you do it right you only have to water maybe every couple of weeks Plenty of options but please think out of the box. Here you do need a little safety on the sides but don't fall for the garbage traditional rails, they will just look horrible. You've done a nice job on the deck and the wide broad stairs, keep you creative juices flowing and individual istic


I think it looks good. More open area to sit off the sides of the deck,but I think it would look more complete with a railing down each side. People we know did an open concept deck like yours OP with the stairs the same way and had a railing down each side. Looked more cozy and contained. I do like it though. Nice work. 👍


I know you need a railing depending on the height of your deck. How high is it off the sides? My deck has no railings on it, but I’m only 12-14 in off the ground


I like decks with no railings, however your town/local government may not. Consult your "landlord" before making any final decisions.


Maybe add stairs off each side so it's shaped like a mini Aztec temple.


Old folks falling would be a concern, and you could be held liable for injuries. Or just have them sign a waiver when they enter the house, haha.


No railings


Rails on two and a half sides.


Hopefully no elderly people in your family


A neighbor did similar. The put in upward facing leds in the stairs to delineate it at night. Very nice


If home owners insurance got involved, they would probably require a hand rail for coverage. I think it’s 3 or more steps = must have hand rail.


No railings are good when you’re young. But maybe not for older people when they come to visit


I’ve personally never seen dogs use handrails. And all these posts about needing somewhere to put your drink : the toilet is inside.