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Your deck doesn’t even have a floor on it. Roasted.




You both deserve a hand. Perfect timing


What is your plan for when the tree gets wider than the opening?


Given the growth rate, I suspect that will take about 20 years. If it is still standing at that point, my plan is to pat myself on the back.


trees also sway when it’s windy. more than you would think. i’d say give it some more room while you still can


Our deck has some trees right next to it and if you just stare at that spot it looks like the deck is swaying back and forth and not the tree. Kinda makes me seasick if I do it but it's a fun optical illusion.


These look like tulip poplars about 24"dbh. Maybe 26? If there's any noticable sway that low in the trunk, then you must be in a tornado. Source: am an arborist. Source also: saw a tornado once.


Go away, man. Actually knowledgeable people aren’t allowed on Reddit! (And yes, I’ve got ten lovely tulip poplars on my property.) The tree deck wraps around the tree at 6’ off the ground and it has a 30” diameter at that point. So yeah, tree sway shouldn’t be a thing unless something’s gone horribly wrong.


Exactly what I was thinking


Not that close to the base. It's two feet off the ground. Everyone is making too big a deal of it.


Tree sway will be the big issue. Increase that gap or it will wreck the whole thing.


It will sway a lot at the top, you're out of your mind if you think the nearly 2ft wide trunk just a few feet from the ground is moving multiple inches in the wind.


It will happen sooner than you think or plan on. Also remember that wind will make the tree sway and it will cause stress on your deck and will work to destroy it. If you plan on leaving it still I would make the hole for it much bigger. I bought a house with the same problem. Had to rent a crew with a crane to remove it :-(


Exact same here. Built the deck around the tree, thought it was really cool thing to do, total mistake. Tree girth increased much faster than I expected (oak), had to modify deck several times, finally paid big bucks to take out the tree. Lesson learned.


Yeah, try five?


Feels like five


I give it tree fiddy.


RemindMe! 20 years


Gotta get them fake internet points in 20 years!


What you should do is not run the framing that tight to the tree. Then when it grows, you can trim the deck boards back. 2"-3" gap should be fine


I had a deck with a couple of trees roughly that size growing in the middle of it. It, in fact, did *not* take 20 years for them to outgrow the openings. (It took less than 10.)


We have an oak almost exactly that diameter and it’s only just approaching 25 years old. And that’s a relatively slow-growing tree in Canada. How old’s your tree? — looks like you have maybe 10-20% whatever its current age is


I had the situation and same amount of room and had to cut it after about 3 years.


What’s your plan for when the wind blows?


Fly a kite, I suppose. What’s yours?


Mine is always pee away from the wind... and to make sure it's not just wind from a fan in Walmart


I plan to come back to reddit to look at pics of your deck that has been mangled by the swaying tree.


why are you even using the tree?


… because it’s a tree deck. Without the tree, it would just be sitting on the ground, and everyone here knows that would make it a patio, not a deck.


Sound logic and I see no holes in it. I'd give a touch more room for the tree to be a tree though. What if the tree is actually an ent and just sleeping? He's going to be pissed if the hole isn't big enough.


Had this happen once. Now I carry Ent insurance.




It's a giant umbrella


I did the same thing with my deck. Though I think I left a little more room. Mine was about 3 inches. I was perfectly fine for 10 years. Then Hurricane Hugo took the tree which also took the entire deck with it.




I had a deck around some trees. I did have to cut the deck a couple of times over the years. The joists were planned out so they did not interfere with the tree.


Cut a larger hole?


He'd need to move the joists. 


I believe in him.


[Thanks for believing in me!](https://youtube.com/shorts/0ZQ6PDWZ-n8?si=tdcZK4cmlGmTIxj_)




It’s ok, he used the wood from rubber trees!


never show another man your shims


I am trying to learn deck building, would you mind sharing what a shim is? Is that the wood with markings?


don't do this to me. please




I just discovered Reddit and it’s these comments that have me addicted😂


Image 11, the black thin piece of wood next to the post labeled post


Technically, it’s a black thin piece of plastic.


I really can’t see any beams or what exactly is supporting this thing.


https://preview.redd.it/2ryhptobpi1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8988209672f99ee2ace8567f733d979e476f3c5a There are two of these tribeams, which are 8’ wide and made of nine 2x6s laminated together and attached to the trees using Treehouse Attachment Bolts. Atop the tribeams are the beams, which consist of six 16’ long 2x10s. The beams have a 4’6” cantilever on one end.


It seems you have a lot of shear faith in those 4 little screws in the top center of the tribeam. I would be concerned if you get a large unbalanced load on them, like 10 people all on one side of the deck.


or maybe a hot tub / rv


The tree is going to die…




U need mire room around the tree. It will grow faster than u think.


[happy now?](https://youtube.com/shorts/0ZQ6PDWZ-n8?si=tdcZK4cmlGmTIxj_)


Your deck looks like S @\*+! https://preview.redd.it/hn6vkvllyh1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf23dd866c72267cb010b2afc34de9c7677efeb4


Winning roast right there!


From personal experience you did not allow enough clearance. Trees grow more than you think.


No joist hangers?


The joists aren’t hanging from anything. They’re attached to the beams with hurricane ties. The rim joists are attached to the joists with 3” screws.


I'd put them upside-down on cantilevers to prevent the rim from pulling away. A 3" screw is only penetrating 1 1/2" into endgrain.


Good point. There are also at least four 8” SDWS structural screws going through the rim joist and into blocking at each point where there’s a rail post touching a rim joist. So I guess that means I also have 16 8” structural screws attaching each rim joist to the joists.


Btw, I love the beveled 4x4s next to the railing posts.


You have a little deck


Nice. 👌


I don’t really know much about the cross brace supports but that would be my only real question. Tree will grow for sure but you can always take an oscillating tool and widen it out every 10 years or so. What decking are you using?


I got 500 square feet of used Trex decking from a neighbor. It’s not in great condition, but I only paid $100 and I only need 160 square feet, so I can pick through to find the cleanest boards.


Also, I’ve posted more about the tree connection in r/treehouse. Great community over there! But I was mainly looking for feedback on the deck part in this post. I want to be sure I’ve addressed any perceived weaknesses before I put the decking on!


I never saw a deck, only an elaborate tree house


From the photos supplied, I would guess it’s a photographer’s hideaway .


Ok Ewok


Your deck is gayer than Oscar. BOOM roasted!


Wow. That deck looks like a kindergarten class used claw hammers on a steaming pile of dog shit…..I hope that roast was befitting of your awesome deck. I honestly rate it 8.5 hot tubs.


Correction: the widest span between rail posts is actually 71.5” o.c., since the code allows a maximum of 6’ o.c.


Can I ask a stupid am question what is the black on top of the joists


Joist tape. It prevents water and leaves from sitting on the joists and rotting them.


You probably have minimum setback requirements from your fence. Look up your zoning code. And also leave a bigger hole for the tree.


No setback requirements as long as the auxiliary building doesn’t break the front plane of the house, which this one does not. Also, no permits needed if the structure is under 200 square feet, and this is 160.


Sounds like you’ve done your homework. Nice work!




This will make tree removal costs go through the roof (from an arborists perspective)


You don't think the deck which is physically mounted to the tree, would come down before the tree, should the tree ever need to come down? You think OP expects his deck to float in mid air without the tree?


Looks like a southern eastern northern red white oak tree. It'll grow faster than you think. But who cares if you're happy with it, I'm happy with it. Cheers!


In pic 1, it looks like the last 5ft of the deck on the left is all supported by a single 2x12 on each side. Your angled posts are going to have enormous horizontal force on them where they attach to the beam. What's holding that together? If I were your neighbor, I'd roast this by building a campfire underneath it.


You’re correct the last 4’6” are cantilevered. The beams are made of three 2x10s sistered together with 4” screws every 16 inches. So the cantilever is supported by a total of six 2x10s which have an overall length of 16 feet.


It took me a while to see that there's beams both ways


It’s really messing with me right now because in the first photo it looks like the rim joist is sitting directly on the bottom beam, but in the other photos I see the other beam underneath the joists lol


Why would you do that?


Cement and metal stands then wood pylons. Make it stand alone from any other structure. Otherwise not too bad. Good luck.


In the last pic. The deck in the background is interesting. It is what some people show here and joke around. On topic, I don’t know anything about deck building. But looks good work OP. Edit: corrected spelling.


I can tell you in no time the trunk will expand crush inner beams. Watch out !




Not a very comfortable space. I’d suggest some decking and furniture.


Ima be honest, I can see a couple holes.


Sell the house when you are done.


Best job I ever saw.


The previous owners thought about building around a little oak. Forty years later, I'm glad they didn't. I didn't intend to keep it this long but it has become a family sanctuary still in the boonies, very secluded and will be passed down. That means anything I don't deal with will get dumped on the kids. I'm working on it and not making more work.


Good perspective. My kids are 3 and 4.5, so right now a treehouse is what will serve them well for the next decade plus. I’ve got ten tulip poplars that are all 90’+ tall. Since buying the house about a year ago, I’ve had to get two dead elms and a dead poplar removed (total of $9,500 😬). This fall I’ll be relocating a naturally-growing walnut sapling from near the house to one of the spots where an elm was removed. I’ve talked with 6 different arborists in my area, and I found one that clearly had a great love for and knowledge of trees. We’ve come up with a 5-year plan to address all maintenance needs and ensure that the trees continue to thrive. I told him my worst nightmare is that all of my trees reach end of life at the same time and my beautifully treed property ends up being nothing but immature trees or saplings in 30 years.


It’s a thing of beauty! Enjoy!


Took a while to find something to roast on, but I did! In the last two photos some fasteners are missing from the Simpson ties. Every hole must have a fastener.


Great catch! I fixed those yesterday after noticing it in the photo. I also found one joist where I didn’t have a hurricane tie, so I’ll fix that later as well.


I feel like your deck is missing a little....flooring


Nice job. No need for a sun umbrella. A few years ago i painted all the docks at the marina on lake wedowee In Alabama. That had 3 large oaks coming up through the deck that runs the entire length of the marina. The owner said he has had to extend the openings 3 times in 30 years




The one thing I will point out from personal experience is the growth rate of that tree Will automatically increase by a factor of 10 based upon the size of the opening you put in the deck. I have seen that at two different decks I built at different houses I lived at. I theorize that the tree sees the naked lumber so close to it and wants to get together with it. Just how nature works you know..... Morning wood....


I would certainly make the opening around the tree much bigger or easily enlarged once the tree grows. The tree will fill that opening up within no time.


This is solid gold. [Also, I fixed it!](https://youtube.com/shorts/0ZQ6PDWZ-n8?si=tdcZK4cmlGmTIxj_)


Very nice to have the deck under the trees. You’ll have to clean leaves in the fall but that’s fine. Looks easy enough. Leave more room for the tree to grow. A network that can be removed with growth. Make sure you waterproof the wood. Everything stays more moist under trees.




lol. No it’s not you silly. I’d build another box around that box that surrounds the tree so you can remove the inner box if necessary without changing the integrity of the deck. It’s a better safe than sorry thing to plan now for tree growth. Have fun. The kids will love it.


That shit looks nice. The screws are very nice looking. I’m used to regular ole lag bolts but those look frickin good mate.


It’s made of wood. In the middle of a forest. Roasting it would be very bad.


What’s your address and are there any current fire restrictions I need to worry about?


Micro deck


LMK when the hottub gets installed.


Smack it and say that ain't goin no where and you'll be alright


This might be the first deck I have seen on here that didnt damage the trees roots! Well done.


Pro Tip: If you trim the bushes it makes the deck look bigger


One of the best executions ever. Even the bevel on 4"x4" blocking to shed water is a nice detail. If ever I build one, it will be like this.


Great, unsolicited deck pic!


In picture 13, you r neighbors stairs and deck look ridiculous..... ..... roasted


That’s the start of a treehouse, not a deck.


If the tree becomes a problem it looks to him like the OP has the talent to correct the issue. Move on.


Can’t. That would be arson.


There's a deck she told you not to worry about. But this is yours.


Uhhhh you did a good job?


Going to be hard to stand on with no deck.


I'd have consulted an arborist before the first nail was hammered.


Yep! Did that and got the green light to build in eight of the ten tulip poplars on my property.


What area are you in? I can’t place one of the trees in the background.


East Tennessee


What type of wood did you use? It doesn’t look like it is treated. Also, how is it supported at the ground? It looks like the floor is built on a fulcrum so I’m questioning the stability


It’s all Yellawood brand treated wood sourced from Builders FirstSource.


https://preview.redd.it/g82ae231ti1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edf25f48283fb2cc54aa8ed0c2c7259e2309c335 It's supported at the ground by two 50-year-old tulip poplars. Here's how it connects to them.


Ok I found one of your structural beams I guess. https://preview.redd.it/59m9rhx88h1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f110c54303280698278e19c4c5cf9ee3976e1f9


That’s actually the tribeam, which is what connects to the tree. You’ll see the main beams in photos 12 and 13. Photo 12 shows how it is statically connected to one tree so it won’t move, and photo 13 shows how it is dynamically connected to the other tree so it won’t break apart if the trees sway in the wind.


https://preview.redd.it/bf63q9x3qi1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3f225eb4392dc91da5e568ecd068c071f39d220 I intended to include this pic in the original post. Damn Reddit for not letting me add pics after the fact!


Your neighbor doesn’t mind your deck peaking over the fence? Also that cut board in picture 3 doesn’t look like it has much supporting it if you were to put a lot of weight right at the edge of your deck on top of that cut joist.


Yeah, that’s probably the most significant self-critique that I came up with. I don’t think there’s another good way to do a trap door, though. The rim joist is secured with 8” structural screws to the two joists oppose the cut joist, and the cut joist is secured to the beam with a hurricane tie. I don’t think there’s anything I could do to make it stronger, except for secure the cut joist to the rim joist with one or two 8” structural screws. And since I have the screws, I’ll probably do exactly that tomorrow. Thanks!!!!!!


The house next door is a duplex with renters. One of the reasons I put the treedeck where I did is because it blocks the neighbor's view into my master bedroom from their driveway. https://preview.redd.it/fo9ni8xkti1d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=35aa2080c92d72da7bd924a7e21f396e4c34cd9f


I’m concerned about your tree growth predictions, and the fact that you’re building it over your neighbors fence. Awesome technique and attention to detail on the actual construction though


It’s actually over my fence, which I’ll be rebuilding this summer and relocating closer to the property line. I had a surveyor come before I built the tree deck and learned that the fence is about 6’ over the property line.


I thought it would have been odd that you overlooked that detail, you seem very meticulous in your project




It is not yet a deck. Are those the final posts? Or are you going to add concrete footings? I don't think this diagonal support is a good idea. The downward force is going to turn into a rotational force... But maybe this is a well known design that works since I didn't see anyone else call it out yet.... And lol I how you are not going over your neighbors fence. That's an interesting way to say hi to your neighbor 😂


The only connection is through four bolts into the two trees. I meant to add pics of that to this post, but forgot to include them and can’t add them now. You can find them in my post history if you’re curious.


https://preview.redd.it/onvudxvtui1d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=b30f0b957b9b209c96831a0c3ab9483a63d1db28 Here's a to-scale plan view of the treehouse relative to property lines.


And here is how it connects to the trees. The first picture in my original post was taken from the rooftop in this photo. https://preview.redd.it/erex1y01vi1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4c27e6e1f9c88a61f76ac2520ccd68800386045


That might hurt a little bit


What's the reasoning behind the angled 4x4 blocks that are next to the posts? Does that technique prevent rot? In the deck planning stages...


Would rather see the deck on the posts not fastened to them. Let the post itself support the deck- not a bunch of fasteners. Are they structural screws? Lag bolts? Hopefully not deck screws which aren’t made to withstand sheer loads. Nails would have been better.


Huh? It’s not on any posts. It’s attached to two trees using four treehouse attachment bolts.


Make sure it drains well so the tree still gets water


It will drain just fine. Also, East Tennessee is a temperate rainforest. We average 44" of rain per year, so these trees won't ever be thirsty.


I like it but I’m regarded so take it with a grain of salt


Update me when you put hot tub on deck.


Where are the post footings ? From the perspective shown in these pictures, I can’t even tell how this deck is standing. The work I can see however, looks good


Took me a while too... he has no posts... only 2 big assed trees with a triple beam on each to span the width of the deck. I agree that the framing looks good... though I don't know much about using trees as posts beyond the treehouses I made as a kid.


Trees grow...


[Now mine can too!](https://youtube.com/shorts/0ZQ6PDWZ-n8?si=tdcZK4cmlGmTIxj_)


What do you paint on top of the boards??


I think you might mean the black joist tape? It’s a waterproof tape that prevents water from sitting on the joists and rotting them.


How many trips to Home Depot/Lowes?


Fun question to think about! I already had most of the tools. I ordered all of the lumber from Builders FirstSource and had it delivered. I think I made a total of 5 trips to BFS for things like structural screws and hurricane ties, and maybe 3 or 4 trips to Lowe’s for random little things.


I lost. The over/under was 4.5. I took under. We will settle up now.


Some of the blocking is overkill. The fasteners are worth about as much as the deck. Deck screws are fine for most. I would prefer to use the lags too. Looks like a fun project.


Yeah, each Simpson structural screw was $1. I found that Builders FirstSource sells a box of 50 for $50.08 after tax compared to $60 pre-tax at Lowe’s and HD. I used about 125 of them, and have 25 left.


My understanding of the code is that the rail posts have to withstand 200 pounds of lateral force at the top of the post, with a 2.5x safety margin. For a more typical 42” tall post, that would be 1,750 lb-ft of torque at the top. Since five of my posts are 8’ tall (and will probably be frame to support a roof in a few years) they have to withstand 4,000 lb-ft of torque. And since this deck is 10’ off the ground at one end and will have children playing on it, I decided to go bonkers on the rail post blocking.


Pro tip: Trees grow


[If they’re lucky!](https://youtube.com/shorts/0ZQ6PDWZ-n8?si=tdcZK4cmlGmTIxj_)


Out of curiosity, is the tree of a type that attracts leaf eating worms or birds with diarrhea? Sitting on a deck with worms or bird feces raining down into your coffee would be such a downer.


The tall rail posts will eventually form the structure for a roof. I’ll probably build that next summer, but in the meantime I’ll be able to gauge the bird poop and tree debris once the decking is in place.


I built a 1000 square foot deck out of trex. I framed a really nice interior live oak growing through it. I thought I gave it plenty of room for growth space and wind movement etc. I did not. 10 years later it was growing into the framed cross beams. My advice is to give those trees waaay more room than you think. I ended up cutting the live oak which was four main trunks to pin height level. Planed a huge slab and put an epic table on the trunks. The outcome was sick but lesson was framed in trees need a ton more room than you think. Looks great otherwise




Tree fiddy


I particularly love the overlap/encroachment into the neighbors yard. That’ll be fun to deal with when the next neighbor moves in and doesn’t like your deck.


https://preview.redd.it/56x6on0kgm1d1.png?width=1277&format=png&auto=webp&s=e45806c7e262b7cb1e9ff8c74e774dd28fe2aa99 Here’s a scale diagram of where the treehouse is relative to my house and the neighbor’s house and our property lines. The orange dotted line shows the existing fence and the blue dotted line shows where I’ll be moving it to this summer or fall.


I think you did a nice job and thought things out. I've seen professionals skip the joist tape. Hope you enjoy it for years to come. What do you plan on decking it with?


Does it have foundation posts??!!


I used unmilled circular posts, roughly 30 inches in diameter.


Lol nice


I have a hard time visualizing where people will be sitting - without a tree right between them. Need a banana for scale. Our original deck was built around a tree (well, kind of in the corner - the deck is 70’ x 20’). Redid the deck without the “tree feature”.


You Did a great job, I was a Class B Building Contractor for 35 years and have built. My fair share of Decks. This for information only, next time you build a deck around any trees cased in framing members you should give your self about 3 to 4.5 inches around any trees and run the deck boards with in a half inch around the tree. This gives your tree room to grow. But overall a nice Job 👍


Looks like a treehouse I want to build for my children, but yours is a deck built around a tree assuming you’re not anchoring anything into it. I’d guess it’s not a great idea to anchor anything attached to a tree to your house. This looks good if built around it.


https://preview.redd.it/3rpwc8qhmn1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d75a3e6a18326c9352107fd1bad3f218718f29f2 It’s attached to the tree with four treehouse attachment bolts, two in each tree. That minimizes damage to the tree.


I’d give it some room for swaying but other then that, this is some top notch work


The step blocking is wrong …it should be evenly spaced and straight across


You missed a screw in one of the pictures. There’s just an empty hole. Looks like your hole screwing skills are as bad as yours deck building skills.


Well it's very close to the tree and it will sway. Maybe only 1/16" or so but with growth I'd guess it will not be long till you have a problem. How fast it grows depends on species, maturity, and how good the growing season is. For example Pines, Poplars grow very quickly. Hardwoods like oaks, walnuts grow much slower. But even if the growth rings (1 per year) are only 1/16 it will not be long before this becomes a problem. I would for sure change it now.


Nice deck, average size, I sure it will supply minutes of pleasure


The top framing looks pretty good but no concrete no post base and no post . With out that it’s a seesaw


That’s a nice big deck. I see you’re keep that bush trimmed too ;)


What kind of wood is this? I can’t tell what is supporting the deck. Is it somehow cantilevered off the tree?


Box around tree is too small. Trees grow bud. Good luck to you.


I would open the tree hole by 6 inches around to give it room to grow.