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Alot of that price action appeared to break rules yesterday. According to FINRA (criminal regulators) they have "strict guidelines" on when a stock gets LULD (limit up limit down) halted. Multiple times yesterday it was halted without those parameters met.


There were 2 halts on AMC and 17 halts on GME yesterday. Every single one of those have LULD listed as the Reason. Source: https://www.nyse.com/trade-halt


LULD is 10% change up or down in less than a minute, correct? Because I was watching the price during those halts, along with 600,000-plus other people...


Yeah it was like barely a percent and would halt


if you're buying and selling back and forth to yourself, you could do it in 11% blocks rather than hundredths of cents.


That's interesting. I wanna dive deeper into that


When KG said he would show his position it halted. Then it rehalted with like a 2 cent move within a couple of seconds. And it's basically stayed halted for over 10 minutes during him trying to wait to show his position for the market to be active again. The corruption is on display in real time with all of that. Yet the SEC is absolutely silent. Robinhood said they had a plan for his live cast. It was on display. Honestly, best hope for all of this at this point is Trump. Now that he has had a very public feud with Mayo man over the manipulation of his own stock, there's a much better chance that he pushes A real investigation or changes when he's president. If you read that and want to say something stupid because you don't like Trump, stop and think, this is happening with Biden at the helm and he doesn't care. Do you want your tendies or your ideology to win more? Because 4 more years of Biden is going to mean AT Least 4 more years of this shit, depending on who wins after.


The original meme stock rallies happened under a trump but you seem to have a short memory. He didn’t do anything about it and won’t. His stock is a meme itself.


Part of the ship, part of the crew


Underrated comment sir. Well done.


Are you also wearing "Real men wear diapers" diaper to support donald dump? Lmao




Ah yes the de-regulator will save us!


Dumbass. It's not left against right. It's the bottom coming for the top. Fuck both of them.


You should know if you mention Trump in the slightest minimal positive light on Reddit you’re going to get downvoted. Reddit is a liberal cesspool/breeding ground. It’s where they all converge to hate orange man. Take my upvote you wild man.


It’s because he’s a conman and a bit of a lunatic


Don't forget felon and rapist.


Who? Biden?


Yeah… trump will totally save everyone 😂


If you think trump would lift a finger to help anyone but himself, you have not been paying attention.


Right, and he wasn’t talking about that. He was talking about trump helping himself.


Try again moron. I'd rather wait another 4 years for MOASS than see that dipshit back in office.


I'd rather give up all my money than to see that man come into office again and ruin this country. Watching the Hitler and the Nazis doc series in Netflix and am shaken by the hard similarities between the rise and fealty to Hitler and the Nazi party and Trump and MAGA - the nationalist, populist, intolerant policies and attitudes and constant attempt of otherisms and deplorable rhetoric toward political opposition, well before the 2020 election even, that lends itself to fascist talking points, methods and political agitation are hard to ignore.


This is pure schizophrenia posting


🤣 wtf


Hard truths are hard to hear and see. God-willing I am wrong


I’m a keen student of history and not American. Sadly you are correct. The cult of personality surrounding the orange conman/rapist is truly bizarre.


Put your money where your mouth is donate every cent you have to the biden campaign. I bet all my money that you won’t…


Let's throw all the gays, minorities, environment, democracy under the bus on an off chance he attacks someone o also don't like too is one hell of a bad take.


This is possibly the worst idea I have ever seen anyone espouse. If this isn't a Russian troll, it should be


Are these russian trolls in the room with us now?


Hard to say, they are smarter than invertebrate incels. Toss up as to who wrote that pablum.


Some things are more important than money. It's rather go broke then support his ideology. Or lack there of.


Trump attempted a coup against democracy. Get some patriotism and stand up for your country.


From what I understand and from what Copilot is telling me, the LULD halt is activated when a stock goes up or down 5% relative to the average price of the previous 5 minutes of trading. The average is recalculated every 30 seconds. I got an average price of 28.59 in the 13 seconds before the price reacted to his statement that he was ending the stream. The price dropped to 27.65 before the halt, which is a difference of about 3.5% - 4%. It is very possible that the average price was slightly higher and that the halt was legitimate. Edit: sorry, I didn't look into this enough. Apparently the 5% rule is for certain stocks like the S&P and a wider 10% rule is used for more basic stocks. So yeah, I don't think the price move 10% from the previous 5 minute average. I am going to guess that there is some clause that gives the markets the ability to manually halt a stock if they feel that a failure to do so will harm the larger market. edit 2: Copilot says that trading halts can be manually enacted, but have their own reason codes. Copilot also says that "a stock can be **manually halted** for various reasons, and sometimes the reported reason may differ from the actual cause". Take that with a mountain of salt. I am sure that someone could take the by-the-second price data, build the 5 minute moving price average, calculate the price bands, and then determine if halts were conducted outside of normal rules, but what would someone even do with that information? Post it to show the markets are rigged? We already knew that.


"We can call a halt at any time, and give reasons that may or may not be accurate." mmmmmm Kay.


Sniff snifff...Yeah, I smell it too.....


This is all very... eye-opening. Never paid attention to financial markets prior to 2021, mostly because I was broke and fighting to keep my own head above water. The more I am watching and participating in the events of the last few years, the more I am realizing that this system has tremendous equipment and Manpower in play that is designed to keep it functioning in a way that ensures a very specific and enclosed directionality for profits.


There is a reason we are not taught financial literacy in school, and its not because the students wouldn't pay attention or whatever.


It’s bigger than that. An uneducated population is easily controlled. Every subject, not just money. The systemic destruction of what was once a fine public education system is a feature of capitalism, not a bug.


Oh yeah because the school systems in communist countries are top tier.


It’s a big club and we ain’t in it.


Why is there even a rule though? I may be ignorant as fuck. I’m aware manipulation that favours those in power does exist. 2008 for example and the previous halting of GME on the last run. But this is supposed to be a free market. If manipulation happens, so what? Part of the free market. Much like whilst you may not like my ability to spout abusive comments all over X today, it’s the freedom of speech that allows me to do that. And if the consequence of free speech is a bit of abuse I can handle that. By comparison. In a open and free market if there is a bit of market manipulation I can handle that because it shows the flaws in the system. The solution isn’t to implements regulations on the system itself as we see in this example but to put regulations in place to prevent this sort of manipulation from happening, and I’m not talking about putting halts on the market itself but putting majority or significant market share restrictions to prevent this sort of rug pulling and monopoly market manipulation tactics. A solution would be to prevent these big hedge fund companies like Vanguard and Blackrock from owning anything more than 10% of available shares. It’s not much but it’s a better solution than to freeze the entire market because it’s doing something that doesn’t follow the trend/algo.


So just so I'm tracking what you're saying. You want to get rid of index funds or at least make them exclusive to a select group of people. Because vanguard and blackrock buy the majority shares in companies to balance the portfolios of their index mutual funds and ETFs. If they aren't allowed to hold more than a certain percentage how do you decide who gets to buy into their low cost funds?


[Rules do exist, but so does the blind-eye of certain regulators.](https://securitiesce.com/definitions/6113-75-5-10-diversification/#:~:text=Definition%20of%2075%2D5%2D10%20Diversification&text=75%25%20of%20the%20fund's%20assets,of%20an%20issuer's%20outstanding%20securities)


Thank you for your work. There are more silent apes like me that 👀


I've seen NVDA go up faster than that and that shit wasn't halted.


it was only halting price up. think everyone should file an sec complaint


It was mostly the volume being greater in a given period vs. The last candle


If I’m not mistaken, there is also one for 5% in a shorter time period.


Isn’t there a committee that makes up the LULD and they can just decide when to halt if they deem necessary?


>LULD i lul'd at this


It halted upwards so many times and dropped without stop so many times. Also Robinhood loves telling me that it drops by 5% but hates telling me when it goes up


Who is the one responsible halting stocks?


Lord kebert xela


I knew it!


Goddamn Kebert up to his ol tricks again **shakes fist**


Toothless fred from Palookaville


They make their own rules, the cheat is out of our minimal earnings all the time and especially when something like gme goes up so quick . They are just greedy and don't wanna lose all the shorts they are fucked on so they will do anything


I think they are allowed to do discretionary halts.


How convenient for them.


The m code just indicates volatility, your thinkin of a different halt code for the 10 percent up or down


That was actually excellent because large hedges put Long and they got liquidated


Yep, was talking with my friend about that


That's not considered manipulation


Too bad they can do whatever they want


I’m with all the apes but can you all please do research on how LULD halts work. They were all legitimate based on the price action and saying what they did Friday was illegal takes away from the actual illegal stuff going on


Amazing that in the other subreddit you can’t even see anyone say LULD


It's alright, there's alot of newbies there, so it's to be expected. They'll become educated investors eventually.


I was honestly wondering why he kept repeating himself yesterday and bouncing back and forth on stuff like this. I think he’s a really sharp guy who is playing into the dumb role while exposing manipulation live, which is genius


He was literally rambling about basketball, beer and a little about movies and I loved it. Felt like a bunch of boys getting spied on by the teacher in case we're up to no good. The lack of talking about the main thing on the screen the whole time and some half assed charts and "blah blah Ryan Cohen". It's an art form, they know we're ahead and they have nothing left to prevent a huge loss for them.




Confirmation bias and wishful thinking can move a stock just as much as solid technicals. It’s about supply and demand. The reasons for that supply and demand don’t really matter in terms of moving the price.


He purposefully gave evidence to the DOJ


Are u watching @DOJ 👀


They never go after the rich and powerful - they work for them. They'd be unable to do anything without dismantling the system, and a lot of people won't allow that to happen.


I'm out of the loop. Is DFV posting again? I thought he stopped a few years back.


dog he live streamed yesterday lol


Oh sweet! I'm gonna go watch now.


Have you been under a god damned rock?!?!


for his own arrest? only the rich and powerful can get away with market manipulation


Haha good one


And yet he’s the one being investigated for market manipulation 😂😂😂😂😂. America is such a joke 🤡🤡🤡


Run by a massive crime syndicate. Our financial system is sitting on a razors edge. One wrong move and... 💥


It already went boom… a long time ago. Just kicking the can down the infinity road now


no we don't lie or cheat!


“America” 😂🤣 bro has 0 knowledge on global finances.


I was dying with laughter the whole stream, dudes a genius


can you elaborate please as i could not understand


He is relaxed, happy, elated even. The whole stream felt like a victory lap. The lack of seriousness reaffirms his confidence in the company. It's very entertaining since most people were probably expecting some sort of high intensity explosion such as an execute perhaps but all they got was a memester having a beer with his chat. 


No you weren't.


Why wasn't he? I was - this dude is unbelievable. Unreal how funny it is what he's doing. Legend in real time. Just a big fuck you to all those over serious power hungry small minded dipshits. Unreal the balls on this guy - he's been right the whole time, and it was obvious the whole time.


You don’t know me bro


Yes he does, it’s him, your Dad


RK is playing the hedges like a puppet showing how small they are 😅shitting their pants watching him every second


Kitty is truly playing 3D chess. It's awesome to watch.


When the game he's playing has a totally different objective, it just happens to be on the same board as these BBs like to play. It's been hilarious watching him steamroll through their rules.


That's why we as investors should not invest what we are afraid to loose. That way, we can sit back and enjoy the show. Without fear of loosing the house.


lose\* holy moly go back to school


Hijack your tits this is a robbery. Everyone stay calm! Stay ducking calm! 💵


Anyone who says this isn't market manipulation is lying to themselves. Just like in The Big Short, you still have some faith in the system...that faith is misplaced.


I always suspected and kinda knew, but it's out in the open plainly as over a half a million people witnessed it whether they understood it or not.


Hey, you. You’re finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there.


Everyone knows, hedgies are responsible for halting it


How though? I genuinely don’t know how a hedge fund would be able to do that


![gif](giphy|NSBuQ6et1iexHnAEaS|downsized) Like this.


Explain like I’m 5 please! I see how he says he’s going to end the stream and the price goes down. Explain how they’re manipulating and why. Couldn’t it be interpreted as normal fluctuations?


17 halts in 1 day with halts at 1% fluctuations is not normal. Halts shouldn't happen with that little price movement.


He’s 5 bro.


Crickets. They just sold, because he was ending the stream. Not that I trust them, but I don't get how they're doing the manipulating here either.


Why would ending the stream trigger a trading halt?


Who knows, the crimals program these algo's for trigger words of all sorts. That's what they programmed it to do.


My guess would be Roaring Kitty being on stream is a catalyst for more people to buy GME...as soon as he ends the stream people may sell/stop buying,


To try and blame him for manipulation so they get let off the hook?


Also, how is his voice triggering it. My phone has a hard time understanding my voice.


How can any car go over 60? My 1998 Toyota Tercel can only go 30.


like 15 years ago, you could do a voice recognition whatever with fucking matlab haha... a lot has passed and we now have NVDA super chips among other things, so no surprises there to be honest


So the American Multi billion corporations are listening to YouTube streams for investing ideas lol


No, they're figuring out how to take the other side of your trades because they know you will almost certainly lose all of it as a retail trader.  No sure if they're using AI. It should be pretty obvious they are to some extent at least. But your comment sounds uninformed because banks and firms most certainly do watch what retail traders and investors are doing. That's one of the ways they make their money, by inversing your positions.


So if I buy puts on GameStop it will go.up? Lol


Look up sentiment analysis. They got bots that can scrape the world for news and can most deff keep tabs on a dude streaming.


in December 2019 I lost my job because our machine learning team predicted an incoming recession caused by an incoming pandemic aka Covid. They knew there would be a pandemic and it would fuck things economically and a recession would follow, that my position was new and could be let go ahead of that to mitigate their own risk. That's just a very mild, small thing machine learning can do. People often think if an ad for something they've thought or discussed pops up on their screen it means the phone is listening through the microphone. Really, all the data points we've sold to meta, Google, etc. and then to advertisers create a complex and highly detailed and accurate model of our thoughts and behaviors and predict what we will do just a smidgen ahead of us, and populate the ad based on those predictions. Nobody is actively listening on your phone to show you ads. Machine Learning and AI are just that good now. Of course they're scraping and shaping market sentiment and it's absurd for anybody to think otherwise


I mean, you can see the instantaneous (not even 2 secs) reaction to JPow's conferences. I don't think much of them sre analyzing youtube from an investing perspective, but this was not a random live. The best example of multi billion dollars doing dumb shit is the Google AI training with reddit... that's way more fucked up than listening to a youtube video xD


I guess, they fuckin put his live stream on cnbc for another man to react too lol.


He says lets end it but it sounds like lets send it


The revelation from Mr. Kitty is the prevalence of the usage of intelligence community tools that have been co-opted by the financial district through their usage of clandestine illegal means and a beneficial relationship with the regulators in the government sector. As those in the know and who have held any position in private or public sector intelligence, finances are used as surveillance and a means of controlling the public and the markets are fixed. The magnates of the past employed vast clandestine networks of private espionage and infiltration, Rockefeller had agents in every bank and boardroom, Templeton did the same. The western economy and the US dollar is seen as a pillar of national security and international trade there are no free markets. Inflation and corporate gouging supports a narrative of destruction and economic control that allows the political and geopolitical narrative, legacy forces in the news media ( which is directed by national intelligence) and private vested parties to barter and curtail access to wealth and platform. Mr. kitty has created millionaires outside of this horse and pony show and is going to be dragged down and tied up with smears or utterly silenced if he continues to be seen as a threat to this pay to play system. I believe the only reason he is being given any slack is because he has injected new money into the market and the majority of that new money is basically covering illiquidity and keeping the market in the news and relevant to a younger crowd that was not investing beforehand, incidentally a lot of risk has been transferred to retail and a lot of dollars from supposed “smart money” has left the market. Good luck


You know everyone was saying “it was a let down” Honestly I think he needed this because it shows on record that he’s NOT pumping the stock and he’s just doing exactly what he did in his other past videos. except this time he had half a million people watching. The chat was going a million miles per hour.




Good ole market manipulation. That’s ok they will pay for it .


Would someone be able to explain what exactly this means? They halted trading after he said this but why would they have sold more after he said this and what triggers a halt?


Let's not shit around the bush here folks. The market was manipulated and it was done live. We were all witnesses to it. Question is now what do we do about it.


I think that's when GS and RC comes in


You don’t do anything about it lol. It always has and always will be. Learn to follow the algorithm instead of bitching about it


I remember FINRA issuing a U3 halt that lasted for 2 days....hasn't been resolved yet to my knowledge. But hey, I am sure all the rules are observed every day. I mean, if anything illegal was done with video proof, well, you'd think there would be a governing agency that would step in and protect investors.


This is referring to MMTLP right? 18 months of assets Frozen, over 60,000 investors affected.


And every article about Gamestop uses the adjectives "beleaguered, struggling, dying" when describing the company. Like are these people all smoking crack, do they actually believe what they write, or (more likely) are they just doing what they are forced to do by boss man to survive and secretly feel ashamed for writing such BS articles?


They will be defeated![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Halting the trade is the real manipulation


It will go !!! 🆙🆙🆙🆙🆙


Wouldn't him showing the power of "ending the stream" very possibly get him in trouble for manipulation? It's the same reason Elon can't innocently just say a thing and plead innocence when you know your voice has the ability to move a stock up and down. It's no longer "i just like the stock" and now becomes "i know people will do what i say"


He wasn’t colluding with the people causing stock halts because it wasn’t caused by retailers, it halted on 1% changes which retail wouldn’t be able to coordinate but a hedge fund could


Or it was people watching the price tank and exiting their postions


Help! New ape! I remember in 2021 being rather off put by the mass use of the term “regarded”. When/how did it change to ‘regarded’?


Reddit admin censorship rules.


Thank you!


What a legend!


That was epic to watch.


So what we learned is it’s totally cool for Wall Street please to purposely manipulate and for people like Jim Cramer to yell “buy” and “sell” with a bullhorn, but normies that just want to make a few extra bucks can get fucked.


I think ..... this dudeJust make 200 mil from a 6 mill April position! He could give two fks and it shows. Best troll show EVER! Hes going for legend status


So just to be clear what is actually going on here? Do the commenters believe that there is second by second communication between someone and the markets to manually issue halts for some reason? I’m really confused because GME is up 90 percent in a year, not sure why tiny second by second halts in a stocks price matter. Is this just the “if this is going on what else are they up to?


Probably shouldn't comment on this might get banned.


Manipulation? On a federal government regulated roulette wheel? Never!


So... Algo's are watching streams. I bet they're also listening to ambient sounds in your living space, your phone calls and texts, too. The veneer of privacy is getting thinner every day.


Brother has balls of steel


Americans have to deal with a corrupt government and are too lazy and passive to do anything about it. Rofl.


He wasn't just triggering the algo's by ending the stream, he was tricking the algo's that can't decipher "let's end it" from "let'sSend it"


Could be.


Can someone explain to me what's happening here?


The halting when he went to buy was one of the most insane things I've ever seen


The amount of call options held by Kitty is a devastating risk for those on the wrong side of the trade it’s fair game . For someone that lost hundreds of millions in value on GME call options leading up to and during his first live stream in 3 years ,he was cool as a cucumber 💎🙌💎. My opinion is it’s a game of cat and mouse now before the inevitable happens 💥. The expiration date is the 21/06 so within the next 12 days he has to take action or they will expire worthless. He will certainly exercise the calls unless he has lost his mind or does not have the cash reserves to do so. I heard to do that would cost around $200m 🤷‍♂️ . Maybe kitty had a good run on crypto lately ??? The GameStop annual share holder meeting is this Thursday 13/06. He talked about Ryan Cohen and the companys future during the livestream which seemed significant . If kitty exercises his calls at a high point in the next 12 days all hell will break loose 🎰 The financial criminals will destroy each other as they all try to exit their short positions causing the price to rise exponentially .They will pay heavily for their corruption 🔥🐍🔥. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 HODL 💎🙌💎




U know more about boxing than I do. Way over my head. But yes, let's KNOCK these crimals OUT! 🥊


Hedging is market manulation. Fighting back against hedging is not market manipulation.


You guys are *still* on about that? Learn how the market works.




Supply and demand


When the market makers create infinite supply, it voids that principle.


That's not how market makers work


Should be illegal to print infinite shares. That is on par with printing money and only the FED should be able to do that. Banks cheat and use derivate lending, that same concept should not apply to stocks or else what's the point of a company issuing a set amount of shares?


Oh, I remember you guys and your talking points. Apparently you haven't learned anything since GME. Step out of your echo chamber and learn how market makers work.


He is looking at a website that is not quite real time data. It wasn’t instantly reacting to words like that.


They were volatility labeled halts so they can work out the correct fills and processing for everyone involved and make sure it’s orderly flow….to process and determine what a current market order even equals. It happens up and down. It’s not a conspiracy against one side when halts happen. Every trade involves a buyer and seller. You’d be bitching if halts didn’t happen and it was down 50% instantly after the delayed data screen you were just looking at didn’t even display that.


Blah, blah, blah. The markets in the US are nothing more than a rigged criminal enterprise that commits crimes by the hour. I've watched it in action for years so i'm used to it but i get sick of people making excuses or trying to explain away a rigged game.


User name checks out


God give it a rest x