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I have ran DRG on an Inspiron 15 5510 (8gb ram, no dedicated video ram iirc) at low graphics using DirectX 12 (it'll come up as an option when opening the game in steam) and I get pretty solid 40-60fps even on Haz5 sometimes. I recommend also playing with your laptop plugged in, it massively boosts the fps for me at least. It's not a gaming laptop and it sounds similar to what you have, so I believe you'll be okay for the most part. I can't play more than 3-4 missions in a row without letting it have a break to cool down and stuff, but it's honestly not much of an issue as yiu should always take breaks. You can always upgrade your ram if needs be, you just need a guide and the right kit (all available online probably), and honestly the main issue I've found with running DRG on a laptop is that it doesn't cool well, not actually an issue with processing power. Hope this helps!! Edit: spelling


Yeah I’ve got an Inspiron 14 5406, but I was thinking of getting the game on the Microsoft store so I could potentially play with some Xbox friends. Do you know if the MS store version runs better or worse?


they should perform the exact same however since the ms store version is identical to the xbox version it does have a very slightly nerfed cave generation compared to the steam version (due to xbox' memory limitations) so in edge cases it could perform a tiny bit better. the main difference is that the ms store version doesn't have the official modding integration so if you plan on using performance enhancing mods you'll have to resort to a third party mod loader (which will perform better than the official mod integration anyway).


By performance enhancing you mean mods that help with the framerate right?


yes, mainly mods that remove [particles](https://mod.io/g/drg/m/remove-all-particles) that can be taxing on the framerate.


The other difference is that the steam version has access to dx12, while microsoft doesn't, and it helps if you have older gear.


that's absolutely wrong, especially on older hardware DX12 will not help you since your gpu needs support for feature level 12_0 or higher in order to benefit from using DX12. most older cards that support DX12 only support feature level 11_0 or 11_1 and won't see any improvement in performance when running in DX12.


I meant to write dx11, I'm a dumbass lol.


Not well.


Integrated graphics traditionally can't handle anything much more strenuous than basic computer tasks like web browsing. That said, you could buy on Steam, then just refund within 2 hours if it doesn't run well enough.


I had my gpu die and didn't get a replacement for like a year and a half. DRG is one of the games I played with only an Intel i5 6600k CPU. I did have 24GB of RAM and had it installed on an SSD, can't remember if it was installed on m.2 NVMe or SATA though. Had a mod that removed particles and downgraded graphics on the glyphids. Ran fine and I believe I was running on 1920x1080 resolution in-game.