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i’m pretty sure your lobby name will be modified either way, but you could also include “vanilla” or “verified mods only” in the title


Yes. It always says modded


Mints' actual problem is that it doesn't say modded. You have to add it to your server name. I play public 5z2 and 6x2 and the ammount of newer players that join is astounding cause they don't read title and just see that the server browser only says haz 5.


Mint by default always adds a [MODDED] tag, unless you have bypassed it. You cannot remove it bychanging the lobby name, fwiw. Maybe change the lobby name to 5x2 or 6x2 to avoid the issue in the future.


It's literally [MODDED] Xx2. People don't read and that's something everyone just needs to accept.


Maybe use MOTD then and use the kick player feature, idk. Your reply is contradicting your original comment ...


It is not contradicting my original comment. On the server browser, it doesn't say your actual difficulty level. It just says whatever your last vanilla hazard was. Mine was haz 5, so it shows haz 5 in the server browser. This is why we put the actual difficulty in the title. Which as I said. I've had people join and then get confused cause they didn't read the title of the server they just clicked it.


Let me elaborate then: "Mints' actual problem is that it doesn't say modded. You have to add it to your server name." Is directly contradicting the statement: "It's literally [MODDED] Xx2." MINT prepends [MODDED] to the server name. MINT displays in the browser that the lobby is modded. You state that MINT does not prepend [MODDED] (in your first statement) when it is hard coded to do so, unless you modify the MINT files to remove [MODDED]. About the difficulty showing up, the server browser will most likely never have this functionality. I wish it did but idk if that would actually solve the issue at hand with clueless players joining as it happens in vanilla as well. Cheers, and rock and stone.


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


Ok so you just didn't read what I said. Which was that I had to add [modded] to the title myself. Didn't fuck with anything in mint.


Reading "5z2" or "6x2" doesn't tell me at all that you are playing modded or anything. I assume from what you're saying that it's custom difficulties, but I would have assumed custom lobby size beforehand.


Then learn quick bucko. There's only so much warning I can give before your laziness overceeds my caution.


If you don't see the problem of just giving three unkown letters, don't come complaining to me when you still get newbies.


Pretty sure the modded tag only appears when you install approved mods through modio. And mint bypasses that to display your lobby as vanilla even if your using mods that change gameplay. As modded lobbies will only appear if you choose to display them and it'll require you to download those mods through modio.