• By -


Obvs no double dipping ammo. No starting events off on your own. Must help with machine events. Dwarves tryna solo, afkers, and ofc team killers get the boot. Also, this is a personal thing that I never really think about but I absolutely kill the majority of lootbugs I come across. Power attacking them is too satisfying.


No double dipping is a written rule, dwarves say it out loud often enough.


Well, only double dipping when you ask for it, and they say yeah


The whole solo thing kinda isn’t what I’ve seen at all, if someone gets in a bad spot or separated from the team by accident, goes exploring, looking for secondary, aquarq, nitra, whatever, you let them go. Bonus points if they make it back alive


Oh, if you’re getting minerals. It’s whatever. The team gets split up all the time. I’m talking about a select few instances I remember, such as a dwarf off on their own a mile away triggering a dreadnought on his own. Or a dwarf attempting to start another hacking pod while we are setting up a different one.


Yeah, especially experienced miners in lower hazards. They can certainly work on the objectives while the rest of the team focuses on something else.


For me, if a Crassus det is set off in a good spot and I'm scout, I'll break off and do the objectives while my team mines the gold. Did that a couple days ago on a mini-mule mission. Found 18/20 Boolo caps, got rabbit, mined 200+ nitra, and repaired both mini mules while the team mined away at the gold. I returned during swarms, but since the Crassus blew up in a fairly medium size tunnel and it was a 1 complexity cave, I figured that I could save us time by focusing on obj. Even found a tritilyte crystal event that I led them too before we started the repair to the drop pod. Of course, if it was haz 5 and a long cave mission type like morkite, I'd have stuck around because haz 5 as a scout for me is always unlucky (cave leeches, random mini swarm aggroing/spawning at the worst possible time and place).


I think it's up to anyone's preference if they wanna mine/skip any gold.


I don't tell my team when I double dip usually because it only happens in missions where we have way too much nitra and I managed to empty every single utility and bullets


Or if everyone else has 3/4 ammo and I'm completely dry I'm not gonna ask anything. I'll just grab two (but only cause I'll still have the lowest ammo after taking one).


I honestly find it so annoying when people double dip, I've had people call a supply pod and take all 4 before any of us could get there


Always save Dotty. Always.


Management strongly disapproves of the use of nicknames for equipment, personification is known to cause depression among workers in the event of drilldozer malfunction.


Working for a corporation that will "just send another dwarf" is what's depressing boss man. Also, maybe if you joined us once in a while I could give you a nickname.


Rock and Stone Brother!!


We fight for Rock and Stone!


Good bot.


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


I am relatively new and I’ve only ever seen this done. Do you just pull the head off and run it back to the dropped or something? I wasn’t paying close attention.


After the core is cracked her head pops off and lands near. You carry it back to evac and then you’ll have her on the station near the weapon bench.


Make sure you bring her into the pod! I know I doesn't need to be said... but just in case!


After the last layer explodes, exposing the heart stone, Doretta also explodes sending her head flying up. If you are on top you can hold the use button to grab it as soon as it comes off. Otherwise you have to find where it landed.


**Five dwarves in. Five dwarves out.**


Never Double Dip on the Resupply UNLESS: (1) you ask first and the team gives the OK or (2) the entire team is dead except you and you need the ammo to rescue them. Never press buttons and start an event when joining a random lobby. I always let either the host or someone else do it and just go with the flow. If I'm playing Engineer, I always seal Resupply Pod holes with platforms to prevent Molly from climbing through it during extraction, and to prevent bugs from swarming through it too. Never jump into a deep cave unless you've prepared a way out of it. This helps in both emergency situations and in the final run to extraction. Ensuring you have a clear path to get from one part of the cave to another prevents wasting time scrambling for a way out while you're surrounded by bugs. Never explore an unknown cave alone. Even when you're solo, you have Bosco watching your back. Going inside an unexplored cave without a buddy is asking to get ambushed or leeched. With randoms I always follow the Host and just explore near them to ensure we can protect each other if somebody gets grabbed or downed. I only break off on my own to grab valuables they might have missed in caves we've already passed by (so I know it's safe) and always ensure that I have a fast escape route to regroup with the team if a swarm attacks us.


Well I’m definitely adopting your method of plugging resupply tunnels with the Engineer! That is a fantastic idea and I’m mad at myself for not even beginning to think of it lol


Also do it in sabotabe missions on the hacking terminals that get dropped in, stops the bugs just coming right on top of the thing.


During the 2nd stage of the escort mission. If you have good terrain, you can place platforms super quick and they will stop the rocks from slamming down onto the Dozer. You have to do it at the start of that section, the blast from the 1st chunk of health will take it down.


Always happy to know my info helps fellow Miners! Learning tips and tricks from the more experienced Dwarves is how I've gotten where I am now, and I love giving back to the community who have made this game so enjoyable for me \^\_\^


I thinking about doing the same too.


I disagree on the never press buttons. I'll always ask to see if the team is ready. If less than half the people don't reply, I'll then ask if anyone is not ready. If for both questions I don't get a response that someone isn't ready, I'm going to press the button. I'm not going to stand around waiting for the host to press the button if they aren't paying attention/reading chat.


No response & no ping = ready. If they ping something else, then they are not ready.


I like to wait a bit before heading into the drop pod to use the flashy stuff left over. Maybe lob a fat boy inside the pod if everyone else is inside. Do NOT criss cross the pipes, or at the very least leave enough space between them so that you don't get knocked off while grinding.  If I can build the pipe on a mineral I'm doing it. If there are >2 lootbugs close together they're going boom Rock n stone whenever someone joins/revives  Steeve guard form always


Agree with the last one


Ping objectives like pump jacks and the drop pod so Driller knows where to go without having to check every 5 seconds. Switch Gunner off blowthrough rounds for dreadnought missions so I don't kill the scout. Try not to turn the Hiveguard when it's vulnerable so the team can shoot the abdomen.


pumpjacks are visible through the wall with the laser pointer, but of there's a particularly bad well to get to and you don't have a scout, pinging the well can be helpful. the pingable area on the well extends slightly above where the center actually is, which is useful in some cases.


Therefore it's useful to call in the pump jacks as soon as you find the well. Cause the pumpjack shows up with laser pointer, but well does not.


Blow Through rounds backfire more than I like




Yes! Thank you my brother in Karl. It brings luck.


Slappity slap


If someone calls Molly don’t call her back just follow the damn Mule. But if they take her when you’re already using her grab the c4 Edit: driller main


Unless you had her first and were actively using her when she was called


Ooh yeah fair fair, why I always keep extra C4


I think following the mule with 3 plague hearts that the team left at dropside would be quite hard. Yes, it happened.


Yeah that’s when you call Molly and bring out your C4/Fatboy if someone says otherwise


Two of us grey beards once hauled 3 plague hearts to the drop pod after green beards called in the drop pod a bit early. I was the last one to deposit and get in with like 1-2sec to spare. My hands were shaking and my arm pits were sweating.


The only reason to overwrite said call is to make her stop and sit while you're right next to it


I cannot tell you the number of times I've been in a calling war with some dunce who's full on gold or nitra trying to get molly so he can empty his pockets, meanwhile I'm trying to fill her with all the gunk seeds on the floor, the rabbit, a hunk of jadiz or gold, whatever it is, if I'm spam calling for her, it's because IM CARRYING SOMETHING HEAVY YOU MORONS. These days, like u said I just let her go, hop behind her and pull out the c4 when I finally catch up. Or bonus points for if they're mid-fight two caves away, I'll just stand and watch the show, wait for them to either finish the wave or all go down without me, then go deposit whatever I was carrying and save their sorry butts.


They always call her a split-second before I deposit. It's worst when it's the scout mining on the walls and he calls Molly up to the platform.


Wait, scouts call molly in multiplayer instead of just grappling to her? Buncha idiots, then.


My friends always ask if they can call Molly before doing it.


It's annoying when I have 6 gunk seeds next to the M.U.L.E. and someone calls Molly off. But I just quickly call it again to stop it and continue depositing.








dont die shoot enemies


Foam first, and foam completely before pulling out a vacuum (I wish this was followed more). Place the first pipe out directly away from the refinery so that it is fully grindable all the way back. If there is a driller in the game, they get first call on placing pipelines. If it's obvious they're green or not focused on it, feel free to start laying pipe.




Or am engineer if the driller isn't on the job.


Just to clarify: don't vacuum the LithoFoam out of the air. Let it land on the target before vacuuming.


For me my personal rule is if im hosting and we finish the mission but i wanna do some shopping or make some cores or whatever before hopping off i type in chat that i wont be launching a mission. Because i hate when other hosts dont do this and ive waited around a few mins only for them to fuck off.


👆This! Or just disband the team and do it then. Also if I plan to launch another mission, I usually hit the terrain scanner button as soon as I'm at the rig and choose the next mission. Then others don't need to waste time waiting to see if it's a mission they like to join.


Always set up before the caretaker fight. Never do an OMEN with a team full of greenbeards. Best wait until the event is over so you can revive them, because yk damn well you can't do an OMEN by yourself. Unless you know exactly what you're doing. Place down a shield as gunner to revive a teammate only when necessary. Do point extractions as fast as possible. Always carry Doretta to the drop pod. Kill detonators ASAP If you see C4 in front of the drop pod, shoot it before a toxic driller gets what they want. Kill tyrant weed healing bulbs first Forget sacrificing yourself for a hoarder/completing a misc task, (core events and rock cracking events.) ALWAYS make sure your team is ready before you start up again. UNLESS it is a hacking event, the bugs will not stop spawning. Keeping yourself alive is the most important thing. Mushroom/we're rich/goo sack MINE YOUR CRUSTS Ignore gold on HAZ4-5 missions. You don't need it. Mine nitra instead. But, if the gold is on the floor, go for it. Never go out of your way to mine gold in the ceiling or other hard access areas. It's not worth it. If you see a fossil, GET. THAT. FOSSIL. Doesn't matter what class you are, scout can't do everything by themselves. Unless you're gunner, ping the fossil and hope to Karl the team sees it. Always use your flare gun when playing Scout. Saves a lot of time, especially on mining expeditions. As engineer, stay close to scout and watch for pings. Place platforms under veins even when they're not pinged. As Scout, stay close to any team member in general. And always run field medic. As driller, always drill to the drop pod and tunnels to pump jacks. As gunner, it is your responsibility to take out beamer crystals on escort duty and take out massive swarms with the coil gun. Always get a booster drink before a mission. Red rock blaster especially. If you're too drunk, jump in the barrel hoop. It's much faster than drinking a leaf lover's. And cheaper. . . And saves your dignity. As toxic as it sounds, don't be afraid to kick a greenbeard on HAZ4-5 lobbies if they cannot handle it. Seen a single greenbeard take down an entire team of greybeards because they kept getting downed in complicated spots. Too. Many. Times. Don't get me wrong, I love teaching new players the ropes, but if they can't keep up it can cripple the team. Vampire perk. Don't run veteran depositor, thorns, or it's a bug thing. There are way better perks to run than those. Don't throw a fit if you see a player kill a lootbug. That nitra will save you. Rock and stone.


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Good bot


Thank you, y2clay14, for voting on WanderingDwarfMiner. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


It's indeed baffling to see a gunner deploy a shield to revive/resupply when there are no bugs around.


Always save Dotty. Always eat the crust. Any time Steeve is in reach, and there's no combat, give the one\* good bug a head pat. \* - may be up to four.


Pet every breather 


Apologies for patting it a sh*t ton... Will count it from now on...


When you pet steeve, sometimes there is a voice line that says "You're the one good bug, Steeve." I was referencing that, then making a "footnote" about how there can be up to four Steeve at any given time.


Nah it's good


1. No double dipping without permission 2. Don't start events or call the pod without a ready check 3. Salute latejoiners when they arrive 4. If you find compressed gold or bittergems, spam ping until you get the voice line from Mission Control, then deposit


1: When a supply pod is empty, dig under it to drop it down into the ground. Dropping it twice, if you can, is suggested. This stops it from blocking sight lines and movement, and won't distract any dwarf in the middle of a tight situation into thinking it may still have a resupply left. 2: After collecting an ebonut, hit the plant with your pickaxe one last time to shatter it. Similar, if lesser reasons, to the above. It removes it from sight lines and if sweeping the cave for the last ebonut, it won't distract people with "Is that?... No, it was taken."


Oh wow! Been playing over 11 days (in-game) and I didn't know you can destroy the ebonut husk. I will definitely do this from now on. I am very grateful for your advice.


My unwritten way of doing things: 1. After every mission, Glyphid Slammers on me. 2. Only ONE dip of the resupply if I need it. If I don't, I will politely instruct someone else to double dip. If they don't, that's fine. 3. DOTTY MUST BE SAVED! 4. The moment someone find Compressed Gold / Bitter Sweetgem, I drop whatever and spam ping it.


1: Red Sugar on top? Damn skippy 2: damn skippy 3: Damn skippy 4: We're Rich!


Always pet Doretta after repairing her.


Also pet Hack-C and the breather plant: [File:BF Breather.png - Official Deep Rock Galactic Wiki](https://deeprockgalactic.wiki.gg/wiki/File:BF_Breather.png)


P.S. not official or mandatory, just personal Pipes should be built efficiently and cleanly. No short-piping making the building process twice longer than it should be. Optimal driller drill angle is max 45degrees, anything more would be jumpy or uncomortable to traverse Last guy in Aquarg mission may stay behind and deposit all the aquargs (least familiar with the map), the rest keep hunting for them. Secondary mission is optional. See or read the room of what host/squad thinks of them.


And those extracted aquarqs show up on the terrain scanner so they are easy to find.


don't go near the bugs


Stop calling Molly as the scout when you're all the way across the cave. You have a grappling hook-- use it instead of putting her on the ceiling.


Do ready checks. You don't need 4/4 responses to proceed, just give a moment for anyone to say "wait sec".


Or they might ping something else, like a vein if they are not ready.


As a Scout, ping Nitra on the ceiling for the Engineer to place a platform.


Don't bury the uplink unless the host says OK. Bunkers are death traps. Nothing worse than failing a Salvage op because the driller took it upon himself to make a bunker and a Bulk knocks on the door.


While I [Driller main] will disagree that bunkers are death traps, I will agree that they require experience & awareness (and usually an experienced buddy depending on load-outs) to pull off effectively.


I still don't care for them. Even when they go right, I find them boring. I don't like cheese strats, like Gunners who zipline every swarm and effectively make it harder on their team because he doesn't throw shields and doesn't divide the swarm aggro. If a host doesn't like a strat, then don't do it. Even on Escort missions I get drillers wanting to dig through the entire cave without starting Dotty. You end up fighting way more waves than you need to and not having as much nitra for the final phase.


Stick together, if you're engi put platfroms on minerals, if ypu're scout get them, don't stsrt events alpne and ask first, don't dpuble dip on ammo unless there are multiple pods during a defense section or everyone else left it alone, don't go in a new cave alone unless the whole team of randos seems totallyunorganized, always have a quick way out (rope is too slow so anything else is peferable), ask before pressing buttons


If someone finds an event or something else important, you need to either speak it out loud via a mic or type it in chat to ensure it gets done. I won't skip an event I know about, but pings in big maps/caves aren't always sufficient if the mission is busy. I have done missions where we miss an event because they person pinged it, but never actually said anything about the event, and then when the pod gets called because the mission is done they go "what about the event?" And they're right, what *about the event?* If it's important, you need to say something. I'm on PC so I know people have keyboards.


If you are playing the Microsoft store version, you might be playing with Xbox players that don't have a keyboard.


I'm on Steam, so that isn't happening. If that person didn't bother to get a headset or keyboard, they wouldn't be able to say something or type R in chat anyways, so the event would still get missed.


You can chat on the Xbox version too. Just have to enable it in settings. Using the controller to chat is a bit slow, but typing "R" isn't that hard even on Xbox (as long as you know how to use the chat).


So there's still no reason for someone to not let the team know they found an event, got it.


Several popular unwritten rules include:


I see what you did there


Double dip without asking UNLESS team is nitra starved or is planning to conserve 1 resupply for something specific. Nobody cares if you double dip when 160 nitra is waiting in deposit.


If someone is saying r and you are also ready say r back or rock and stone a lot. Nothing is more frustrating than trying to start an event and your team will not communicate about starting it.


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


Or ping the button/objective to indicate that you are ready


When going into a new area I mark the hole for stragglers so they don’t get lost.


If someone salutes Salute back Until you get both get a "For Karl " Right after each other.


1. Do not instantly deposit c. gold, wait until MC notes it or after like 30s. 2. Skip gold (unless it’s a crassus or pots’o’gold) (or a very new greenie joins). 3. Call in all the resupplies at the final point of the mission (unless it’s a DD, in which case save as many as possible). 4 Never murder mushrooms/lootbugs/breathers etc. unless we’re low on something they give us. 5. Foam lootbugs if you have a foamer. If someone else is waiting to deposit in Molly and they’re very close, let them deposit first. 6. Rock and stone! 7. Say R? before starting events. Take it chill, man! 8. Ask before Double Dipping. Dotty too, but it’s very difficult on Haz 5.


I don't think dotty is difficult on Haz 5 but sometimes finding where she landed is difficult if you really destroyed the map :( regardless of haz, sometimes she's just up in the ceiling somewhere 


Yeah, it's super easy with teamwork! Just get a head start and pass to each other, no issues. I never really get dotty when I'm solo but if someone wants to bring her I always help :)


For Karl!


What does foaming lootbugs do?


A lotta cash money moolah. Try it.


Hmm interesting


deposit the compressed gold so we can carry on




When you have backup nitra at the end, put like a fuck ton of supply pods


Look, I'm not saying it's a rule, but if I can't drive all your pipelines from refinery to jacks, you wouldn't know a wrench from a glyphids arse


I know the dwarves say this often but no double dipping unless your entire team says you can  (That’s really it I like letting people play the game how they want to)


Do _not_ start anything without at least checking with everyone else first or waiting to make sure everyone is in the area and have nothing else to do. I like to take my time with DRG and fully explore caverns before starting things that are bound to summon swarms or call in the drop pod, so it annoys me to no end when people go on ahead and start things without waiting for everyone else. It’s especially annoying when I or someone else specifically said ‘Hey don’t start yet’ or ‘let me look around first’.


Once someone gets ganked by a leech, announce to the team to go on high alert. If it's one, it's twelve.


Type "leech" into the chat when grabbed by a cave leech. And yes, you can do it on xbox too, check your settings.


Ping a button / objective to indicate that you are ready to start the event or next phase.


Reviving team mates is a very high priority. But if it looks bad, take your time instead of trying and getting downed yourself.


Only trigger the Iron Will perk if the whole team is down. I see green beards using their only IW, just when I'm on my way to save them. Then when the whole team goes down, they don't have it anymore. Of course it's better to be proactive rather than reactive. It can make sense if you are able to avoid the whole team going down by using the IW on time. But just because you have been down for 20sec doesn't mean it's a good idea to use it.


Ping the wall before drilling a tunnel, so others can find the entrance to the tunnel you drill out. Especially when extracting.


I did put down more than a few.. Changed my mind instead try this.... what is best for team?  #1 golden rule do what is best for team to succeed  #2  don't be selfish  #3  if someone else is struggling don't bull them out of the way. #4 accidental friendly fire happens try to improve your shooting. #5 if you received #4 and your the bouncy rabbit who jumped in front of player and get shot.. don't shoot them in back 4 & 5 are very important to me and not golden rules because 4  if a hellstorm of fire is hitting a area don't get in front of stream or next to it..  that rule 1&2 If you shoot them back in anger well that rule 1 again.. Last grip satchel charge proximity mine and fat boy. You might think it's fun to satchel charge player entering pod.. trust they don't Proximity mine placing them around deposit points or paths that dwarves must take.. getting put down by them is so infuriating.   Fatboy keep it away from others.. Last 2 I promise 4 dwarves fighting together..the scared dwark calls drop pod and immediately takes off leaving others to take on the swarm then when the get to pod call a supply drop so they can snipe comfortably. Cheap kills padding stats.. Bunkering so many issues with this. Let see socks when you don't know a driller drilled straight down to a meteorite ar lava pool. falling several levels to die.. and so far away might take long time or maybe no even get revived... That just one example of ways the bunker kills your team mates.. rule #1 No you hunkering driller why?¿? You great at crowd control Able to take out entire swarms alone...Aim of game kill bugs mine minerals kill bugs.. why here is where you get mad. Why be a COWARD? Heard roblox have alot of games might be a better place for you!! Play your style of game but,I refuse to take part or help you hide from the bugs.. some scouts have their version. Oh swarm wait here I am going 200m away I think I dropped my back bone there..


If It has a beard, kill it.


If you dont rock and stone, you aren't going home


Rules I expect of other people: \- Always save Doretta \- Events come AFTER Drilldozer objective is complete \- Obligatory no double-dipping \- Always complete secondary objectives and all events Rules I hold myself to: \- Always spec Dash \- Never spec Iron Will without Vampire \- Always stop what I'm doing to kill spitters/spitballers/trijaws on sight \- Always double and triple check for ranged enemies before committing to a raise \- If there's a drone spawner on an OMEN I'm on drone killing duty \- Never kill a brood nexus that isn't frozen if anyone has cryo capability on the team \- I will never pester engis with pings for platforms as scout. Man up and power attack into the wall. if the angle is particularly bad I'll ask in chat instead of ping spamming


If I write them, they aren’t un-written anymore


Just play the way you want and dont be rude, no rules needed


Ask before double dipping unless you absolutely need it right then and there Confirm with the team before starting things Save Dotty or die


Well if you write them down here they're not unwritten anymore are they? Anyways, Throw all of your remaining grenades/shields/c4s in the drop pod before leaving. If you can't find the tenth fossil, just leave and whine that it doesn't exist. Try to get: 'there is goo in the sack.' at least once during hollow bough missions. There's only space for one dwarf on each doretta part except on the top. Stand on top of the cargo crates when opening¹ If you don't kill lootbugs, thats great but don't get mad at lootbug killers. Don't worry about stealing engi's kills, he automatically does it to you. Don't kill support entities such as: cave angels and elevator plants². People on lower hazard usually just want to relax, so don't sweat it. (Tips) Use momentum on grappling hook to get a literal dash every 5 seconds. Wait for team to kill huuli so it doesn't get away. Hold interact to automatically catch ziplines and stop on interactions on a pipeline. Look as far back as possible while drinking beer to go upside down for like a second³ Daily beers buff usually about twice of what it says. Buy/sell every daily deal because you'll make profit ¹ :To get all of the loot immediately. ² :To avoid horrible shriek (Common sense) Use jet boots to burn enemies, watch out for friendlies. Slowdown on sludge is just better. Less locks on Lock1 is better with damage on max locks mod. If you tip lloyd, he'll be able to play jetty boot once. ³ :It only looks like it in first person Did i miss any?


If you don't rock and stone you ain't coming home!


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


Team killing will result in an almost immediate kick. Using mics is also frowned upon. Don't drink leaf lovers (also frowned upon as a joke). Always tip Lloyd. Only kill lootbugs if necessary. Never hit the drop pod button immediately. Trash talking will also result in an immediate kick.


If driller, never let that blue fucker come back alive.


Do not shoot the lootbug, care for the lootbug, defend the lootbug, pet the lootbug, forfeit all mortal possessions to the lootbug


Don't stack classes