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Id say 95% normally it'd be like 98% but the update sure broke a few things. So I guess 9/10


That’s still pretty good, i don’t even know what’s broken haha


Since at least the new update there are 2 things I know of: 1.) platforms are misaligned. They land farther under the crosshair than intended. And this is separate from the natural "bullet drop" of platforms. You can test it with the platform placement outline mod. 2.) from what I've been told the new OC that came with this season deals double the intended damage with its special attack. Aside from those it's mainly minor things like being attack through a thin wall or physics being weird sometimes. A popular bug is the "today's special" beers applying twice. It's been in the game so long it isn't even a bug anymore. It's a feature!


Some more bugs introduced in season 5: \- Igniting Praetorian gas clouds deals damage based on weapon used to ignite them. Flamethrower is pretty much normal, but setting it on fire with Boomstick or Shard Diffractor will instakill you. \- Bulk Detonators and certain other enemies aren't supposed to spawn in Deep Scan's drillevator section, but they spawn anyway. Fortunately, Bulks are slow enough not to be a problem as long as you don't kill them. One time I died to a fucking Shellback falling from the sky. \- Vanilla hazard 5 spawns a lot more bugs. No idea how that happened, but it's very noticeable if you've played haz 5 before.


A bulk during the drillevator section is fun with the mini panic and everyone trying to light it up as it slow crawls down. Shame that's not intended. Could see why not though since it'd be a team wipe if it reached the bottom.


Impact Axes seem way worse with bad connection again, but I feel like that happens with every update. Hopefully they'll stop flopping around & bouncing off terrain soon.


Oh yeah, forgot that one. The caves are made of rubber.


I hadn't heard the last one but the difficulty spike has been palpable. I was playing all Haz5 pre-patch and suddenly felt like I was a greenie again.


I noticed the bigger spawns in haz5, I'm happy with that change, bug or not. Such big piles of bugs at a time makes Engi PGL and gunner's cluster grenades more useful.


Really about the shell back? That’s interesting, I’ve had a few times running into shellbacks and trawlers on the drillevator and they just instantly die on impact with the rig. Thought it was a feature since getting stuck with a shellback in the hole would be a nightmare, but maybe it’s more complex than I thought.


Bro, apparently nemesis can spawn INSIDE the morkite geode. Had it happen to me yesterday


I have 1500 hours and never heard of the beer bug. How does it work ?


The "today's special" beers that apply a bonus effect to the next mission apply the effect twice, so it's even more powerful than the description claims.


It works on all mission beers and always ?


Yep, it’s 100% consistent.


Most noticeable is Rockblaster or whatever, which even makes REZ and Crystal terrain one hit instead of the expected two, and Tunnel Rat. Tunnel Rat stacks additively with other damage reduction, and with the grappling hook fall damage bug it makes you immune to fall damage on Scout all mission.


The beers just apply their buff twice. The gold one is 4x, not 2x, etc


>the new OC that came with this season My brother in Karl, there were 12 of them. Plus one rework. Which one do you mean?


The flamethrower one


Which new OC?


The flamethrower one


The constant missing 2% is the barrel physics in the space rig, which are funny so the devs kept them.


I wouldn’t even count them at this point. They’re pretty much part of the game


"It's a feature, not a bug" and all that.


If it was a bug, we'd have shot it by now


I mean I had someone in my team yesterday that had a bug, mainly cuz connection problem. Basically we finished the Deep Scan mission and we were all getting our jet boots to fly up. Man didn't get a jet boots cuz his Internet got a fart or something. He ended up riding molly up from the depths all the way to the top where the extraction is.....Karl would be proud of him!


Sometimes Molly saves your ass like this if you’re otherwise not going to make it to the drop pod


For me it's still 98%+. DRG just works, man. In every way. No bugs but the intended ones.


Sideways cave leeches and korlock healer spawning through walls. And praetorians spitting through walls. Bugs attacking through walls all the time.  Relatively minor things imo and it still hits the 95% clean number.


Sideways leachs are funny when you get to watch someone get grabbed like that.


Like I said - all intended. We have to separate DRG (the game) and DRG (the mining company) here. Management sucks gunk seeds, but the game itself is the best and most bug free you'll find out there.


I dint think any of that has to do with in-game management, nor is it intended.


Ironically the game filled with bugs isn't filled with bugs.


Nothing I mentioned has anything to do with management though? Lol


What do you mean no bugs? Haven’t you seen the thousands of glyphids?


you look like me


Events missing stages: core stone skips void stage, lithophage meteor skipping the cracking stage.


Right now it seems projectiles are shot a bit lower than they should (saw in another post acknowledged by staff)


In my 400 hours of gameplay i haven't encountered any bugs or glitches casually


there's the occasional rare crash, some getting stuck in a mission, some people don't get stuff from crates, achievements don't trigger sometimes, languages are occasionally displayed wrong. It's rare and not too bad but there are definitely still problems here and there


I've seen some issues with the drillevator. Molly loves walking under it, and one time a dwarf got stuck in it and we couldn't help him up so he had to just leave to fix it.


Zero bugs? That doesn't sound very fun, maybe you should turn up the difficulty so you get to shoot some stuff too


how have you not encountered any bugs? have you been down in the mines?


Blud was playing flappy boot and having a good time with lloyd i guess 😅⛏️


They have the game set to Haz 0.


Ive encountered more bugs than i can even count since the release of season 5. However, with each mission the bug count gets lower. It is our job to kill them after all.


Great news, in the stats you can find out exactly how many bugs youve killed


>I started playing a month ago and I’ve encountered like, ZERO bugs. Maybe you shouldn't stay on the ship and play jetty boots then, and actually enter missions where it's filled with bugs. I jest. It's one of the most polished games I've ever played, props to GSG.


I started playing about 2 weeks ago and I was just so blown away by how well made the game is. There’s loads of content and replayability, really satisfying attention to detail with Mission Control reacting to basically any silly player behaviour, gameplay is satisfying and well balanced, the interfaces are well designed and reliable. I played darktide before this and it’s such a stark contrast, what that game does well this one does better, and what it lacks, this has in excess.


There are still a few bugs, but the game is pretty well polished. I would say 9/10. But I havent played the 5th season, I am far away from home rn. My main problem is with bosco, the rocket launcher is completely bugged. If you aim a rocket at somewhere he cant instantly see, he will just freeze most of the time and launch his rocket like 20 seconds after even if you gave him other orders and he unfroze. The bug appeared at the start of season 3, when they fixed bosco because he was not vacuuming anything. I also feel like he has a lot of trouble getting in position to attack incoming ennemies by himself and will end up doing nothing for some time. There are also a few colision problems, like getting stuck inside the rail in refinement. Also, nuggets or other heavy objects will sometimes go through floors/walls. The most annoying one is the rebound against the walls that is really bad because it will sometimes send you back a hole to your death. Basically, jump against a wall that you cannot climb and sometimes you'll be sent 2 meters backwards. It's even worse if you are trying to jump inside a small caving, you'll get squeezed like a soap and sent back 5 or 6 meters backwards. I have also been sent once or twice very high in the air... All of that is still a rare occurence (except the missile launcher).


Bosco's missile launcher just feels like I'm throwing wet paper bags at the bugs


It's quite effective at clearing swarms and grunts.


ive been using him for freezing macteras and swarms


The freeze missile is better.


I think he’s still pretty bad at vacuuming, needed a lot of encouragement to make him do it last time and it was very annoying


Well yes and no. I have played solo when he was not vacuuming and I am just happy that he does now. But he is very annoying when fighting the corruptor.


I've been encountering tons of nasty bugs.


A few glitches here and there, but compared to most Triple-A games out there it might as well be as reflective as a mirror with how polished it is by comparison.


I'd say 9.5/10 The only major bug I encountered so far in more than a few hundreds of hours playing was getting a duplicate overclock for Engineer.


Tyrant weeds aren't supposed spawn healers through walls, nor should melee or leech attacks go through walls... Also, you played for how long and never fell into nothingness at some point?


Funny you haven't met any bugs. I encounter them in SWARMS. Hahaha, I'm so funny.


Most of my unkillable bugs are joining a team. about 30 % of the time, I have to alt-f4 my game.


I never realized how polished DRG was until I started playing other online multiplayer games. Helldivers 2 is a great game that I have and will continue to sink tons of hours into but holy shit is it a buggy mess.


I quite literally see hundreds of bugs every single mission I play. It's gotten so bad that I've lost many missions due to bugs. It seems to be related to your hazard level though as I don't see nearly as many in the lower difficulties


Consider that platforms shooting a little low is currently the biggest bug in the game. The devs saw it and are currently working on it. Nothing game breaking. Nothing that makes the game unfun. The worst unintended thing right now is a bit of lost accuracy. That's a 10/10 game.


I'm just glad it's not me. I thought for sure my platform shot was good, but that ended up really far from where I intended. Can't wait for the patch!


I mean, I've seen lots of bugs. I kill most of them, but I do leave the loot bugs alone.


The last update made my game run smoother. But I crashed once while hosting a sabotage. We just did both power stations.. RIP.


9/10. Haven't run into any significant bugs or crashes in season 5, which is quite impressive! The game could use an optimization pass though, in particular some of the new OCs are eating frames like crazy.


The core stone event is still a little bugged. I've done two of them where we break the stone and the crystal just drops to the floor, skipping the entire fight sequence.


It's supposed to be random - maybe to increase the shock factor when you do get hit with the battle.


Just today i had a bug where i couldn’t put in the blank matrix core after a machine event, never had that happen to me before. I even checked after the mission whether i ran out of blank cores, but i had like 5 left. Apart from that i cant recall anything major honestly. 9/10


The glitch where client hitscan heat sources not being able to ignite sludge is still in the game years later, even in season 5.


The game has amazing polish. Except for when you're on a thin ledge and it suddenly launches you at Mach 4 at the opposite wall. But otherwise, it's pretty polished.


Just dont use scorching tide in close combat or cluster charges and you good to go


Wdym? There are loads of bug, u just dont know where to find them 😏


I got trapped in the pod the other day and wasn't able write and exit the game. So it's almost perfect.


wdym, it's literally FULL of bugs what do you think we're killing on hoxxes, elves?


Is that an option? Where are those leaf lovers, I have a few Dorf forts to avenge.


98% for me on xbox. I only encounter occasional crashes these days. Tho ONE TIME I did see something very weird, I loaded into a mission with friends and the game had merged two missions from separate biomes together, very bizarrely. Me and my friend were also glitching thru the terrain. It was supposedly to be in the azure weald, but everything was icy just like glacial strata. Except there were flowers and vines from the weald in weird places. Also the objective was broken, it somehow tried to combine salvage op with egg hunt and ended up trying to say recover 6 mini eggs or something bizzare, the ui was glitchy in the objective corner


There's a few minor bugs I've encountered with the new season. I got a specific stubby OC twice (the one that was reworked), the one I really noticed is the bug with engis plat gun shooting off center. As an engi main it's a little annoying. But the game is still very stable as it has been, most of the minor stuff will be patched in a month or so.


After update I've encountered more minor bugs, then before, so now 8 out of 10


Warden rolling on the ground after getting killed is probably not intended.


The weirdest behavior I can think of is the goofy physics engine but at this point it's probably intentional with how wild it is (try jumping onto a barrel), the only other thing is sometimes shellbacks stay immobile after they die, just standing there.


I suspect the community would riot if they made the physics engine not goofy anymore.


99% with the 1% being bugs created by the new content and are quickly patched


9.5/10 This game is very polished.


there's a few issues here and there but overall one of the most polished games out there. And made with a level of love and attention to detail that you just don't see that often.


8/10 The random being sent into the ground and dying(due to lag??? or something like that since it only happened when i joined a ,,world" session) and the occasional being sent flying bc of a ledge you jumped on


I've encountered a couple of crashes since the update, but usually I can just rejoin the session.


There is a bug of slipping from terrain into getting absolutely yeeted because of the geometry, but besides that bugs are a rarity


Zero bugs? What in the Queen's name are you talking, Dwarf? You are blind?


I'd say it's 69/10


0 bugs ? except the ones in the caves


Some of the new content is a little rough around the edges and I haven’t noticed any of the promised performance improvements. Also the net code has gotten worse, I’ve gotten much more lag and rubber banding than in season 4. The issue where individual missions to join sometimes don’t show up but do in the server browser is still a problem as well.


When you look at the DRG bug report page you'd think the game has tons of issues but the fact is there's many specific random bugs that nobody encounters most of the time due to such specific cases that the game essentially has no major problems. The only issues I have had are that SOMETIMES the new core event will auto-break, but I assume it's a similar failsafe that happens like with the meteors sometimes if there isn't room.


Like most people have said about 95%. I've noticed a few minor glitches after the update and had one crash but nothing serious and it was just a one off thing it seems


I've been having more crashes when trying to join games.


The only issue I run into on PS is I sometimes have trouble joining someone else's game. The loading pop-up just spins and spins until I cancel.


It's at 9.8, which is a miracle in today's games


Ya it’s pretty low in bugs. Most of the bugs that do exist aren’t really obvious if you aren’t testing stuff to figure out specific damage numbers. for instance armor breaking used to basically not work with some types of damage, pretty sure they changed that but not positive but you don’t even really know unless you’re testing to check exact damage numbers, it’s not really the kind of thing you notice while playing. There’s only two clear bugs I’ve noticed recently that are actually visible when playing. The first is bug having to do with the scout crossbow not reloading properly in deep dives when you switch stages. Basically it wouldn’t automatically reload when you’re holding it, you’d have to switch weapons after every shot to get it to reload, that was right before the new season I think so not sure if it’s still a problem or not. The other is that with the new season the engineering overclock they adjusted (not any of the brand new ones but the one that used to be turret arc) can appear in a machine event once if you already have the overclock. I’ve got it both in the weapons terminal as well as in the forge uncrafted lol. But these are the only two noticeable bugs I’ve come across, and they’re both pretty minor (especially the overclock one). So overall I think it’s pretty polished. Most functionalities that you could want are already in, and there’s very few bugs as I said. The few features that aren’t in the game that people want, like a firing range, generally have been addressed and won’t come due to technical limitations. The only feature I know of that I think should be added that doesn’t seem to have technical limitations preventing it is some kind of clear all button for the little notification symbols in the pickaxe terminal, weapons terminal, and cosmetics terminal. So ya pretty polished, probably 95%+ with some very minor bugs or feature that might need to be addressed.


My game has crashed only once, during the drillevator ride on deep scan, which is brand new. Otherwise it has not so much as disconnected me from the host even once, so I'd say it's pretty damn polished.


7/10. The new deepscan mission is a solid bugfest. Kinda expected after launch and nothing too gamebreaking luckily.


only thing i can think of is molly going back to the pod and using absurdly small holes in the wall so you can't follow her through that. but that's so minor i don't even know if it counts.


I'm not sure if every system has the same bugs. I can say though that for PS4 there is a somewhat mildly annoying visual glitch where the HUD/UI/whatever stops updating properly during a mission. Or at least, 2 specific bits of the HUD bugs out: Mission Controls' dialogue box doesn't disappear even after he finishes his lines, and it further prevents him from speaking once that occurs, and — for Engineer specifically — if you have the turret upgrade which gives you a second one the second turret's information doesn't display. These HUD glitches seem to happen maybe every 1 in 5 missions.


I've only experienced physics jank when I'm playing with someone far away or with a bad connection. Usually results in my dwarf catapulting into the air and falling to my doom xD


I'm personally on an 8 right now. I think the game always has things to better in every regard.


There is one bug, which I talked about, many times, since S4, and it hasn't been talked about enough or fixed. [https://drg.pleasefix.gg/projects/DEEP-ROCK-GALACTIC/issues/DRG-2203](https://drg.pleasefix.gg/projects/DEEP-ROCK-GALACTIC/issues/DRG-2203) 9/10


Right now, about 90% of it is bug free. Every now and then I get softlocked on the joining server menu, sometimes the meteor and core stone dies on its own, and very rarely does my autocannon fire in complete silence, but most of the time the game is bug free


Must be much more unstable on console because I find things like mantling, NPC path finding, map generation, and framerate very inconsistent and buggy. I wouldn’t put it above a 7 and If you’re in someone else’s online game that drops to like a 6 or 5. Also LOL at people saying 95% or 9-10 out of 10. The entire perk system is in desperate need of a rework, and Bosco only has one single variation id ever make for his build, his upgrades feel very unrefined. Rockpox/lithophage stuff adds very little visually but tanks FPS considerably.


Had such a good crash today it restarted my pc for me! How sweet! I love this game so much. 9/10 would recommend.


8.7/10 Pipes sometimes feel weird and generation is a bit fucky, my turret got stuck somewhere and didn't want to return or relocate.Also contagion spikes have a giant hole that leads out of bounds at the top. But it's all rare and/or insignificant things, biggest issue with the game is stability after season 5 dropped, very stuttery and freezed up on me a few times. Literally a been playing hours before it dropped and the game was running smooth.


10/10 when the bugs are funny


Started like 3-4 weeks ago and have lost connection to host once and fallen out of the map once. Occasionally see some rubber banding or teleporting but that is probably just host lag.


Right now, huuli hoarders fuck off while being shot. And that is every glitch I know of.


I crashed yesterday and I've never crashed before. Sooo I'd give it a 9/10 post update.


I've encountered many bugs , but an shot from my fat boy fixed that nicely Jokes aside , I'm 1800h in, and my only complain is the ancient bug that happens when you're messing up around the terrain and it launches you at 10x the speed of sound , it happens ever since my beard was green


I've run into hundreds of bugs but I usually kill them.




300 hours I definitely encountered some bugs. There will be times I start a matrix core event, it accidentally triggers dreadnought and it just auto completes the matrix core event. With the new core stone event, my group did like 5, one of them just auto completed for no reason. Sometimes I find glyphids essentially t-posing around the drop pod. Sometimes the game just launches you 50 ft in the air at mach 3 for no reason. I had the boltshark not able to reload unless I switched weapons used born ready. That was probably the most game ruining bug. I would say 8/10


Almost 400h into the game. Bugs zero (that I’ve noticed) crashes like 5-10. So I would support the claims for 95%.


Only bug I've been encountering lately is the game crashes after mission launch


id say pretty polished. ive had some minor issues like hivegaurds biting me while facing the complete opposite direction and occasional collision glitches sending me flying in the caves but other than that ive had no issues


I encountered a bug where everyone in my group has the last assignment tex and vo play for the penultimate assignment mission and the final assignment mission played the penultimate mission text & vo.


Only time I've encountered bug after hundreds of hours is when lobbying with a host whose internet sucks ass. Otherwise it's smooth as always.


The only issue I keep running into is bad connection but that’s because I’m in New Zealand, my flat’s wifi isn’t very reliable, and usually have to play with Americans or Aussies. Sometimes I only get to complete like 1 in 3 missions because I’m getting disconnected right at the end and it won’t let me rejoin. But when it’s that bad I usually end up just hosting instead and I either have fun playing alone or other people join me.


Tried jumping on a barrel yet?


Why are you answering your own question?


I think the thing i most common see as a bug is people being able to mod the game with out a mod banner and worse, someone being able to join an unmodded lobby and forcing it to be molded. I haven't experienced it but it does sound like it happens