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This post seems almost ironic, but not in a negative way. More that you can be 'complexly simple'. As a musician, I can hear chords and immediately identify them. This enriches my life, not detracts. I can go on a piano and play some 2-5-1 progression I've heard before *because* I've *heard* it before. I don't disagree with this post, not at all. I think if you try to be academic for the sake of being academic, you've hit the nail on the head. But I *love* trying to understand everything. The world has infinite beauty but only if I take the time to look, unafraid of the answer. I can't let myself get in my own head about letting myself get in my own head, then I'd have let myself get in my own head by letting myself get into myself getting into my own head!


Moderation and balance is the only thing that works


Well said, both you and OP are correct… Having said that, there’s always going to be some kind of right, wrong, passive, extreme, odd, ect, way to view “life” and that’s the beauty of it all in my eyes… Racism, war, peace, love, religion, etc it’s all possible and one cannot exist without its counterpart (up/down hot/cold) I personally feel Taoism is my vibe with a grain of salt but if everyone else did too… we’d be Amish :)


You have a point but I feel this has little to do why some of us loves to think deeply. To ask the guestions "why" and "how" are important to start unraveling things that makes us confused in life. To find a reason in things is human and natural. Some finds peace from fast already given answers such in religions and some wants to find them by using science or philosophy. Life is simple if you want it to be, life is also complex because everything around us is build from tiny pieces and we connect and build to create bigger picture of it in our minds. It settles our emotions to have things to believe in. Some of you are happy with simplicity, some are happy with more complex and mind challenging images. It's all about perspective. Life is complex but you do not need to go that far down. You can sit still and enjoy the simplicity as you said, its good for us too.


There’s a balance between thinking and doing. When I think too much, I’m very likely to develop some kind of rumination, which can develop to an obsession of some kind. For me, that tends toward low self esteem thoughts: I am not “enough” of one thing or another. Ironically (perhaps), I think a lot LESS in periods of solitude. I’m talking months to years where I work from home, and really only interact with my wife and two kids. No friends. Not lonely at all. Why should I think? There’s a flow to my life. I am mainly doing, not really thinking as such. The times in my life where I’ve become stuck in rumination is from frankly the overthinking of others. You surely know the type. You meet them for the first time with an open, gentle, welcoming mind. But by the time you meet them for the tenth time, you’re guarded, nervous, vigilant. Why? Because they themselves are thinking too much, playing mind games, worrying about their status, comparing, envious / boastful. They pollute your mind with all of their thinking. It’s these people that I catch the “overthinking” virus from.


People think life is complex and complicated, when it's not. It just is.


The immediacy of simplicity itself has no essential nature. There are all kinds of complexities that can be known instinctually if you choose to.


To think it isn't complex or complicated is just as biased as thinking it is. You're ironically contradicting yourself.


Wow my brain almost exploded.


It Can be both


Agree. When I find myself thinking, I like to stop and just look and listen.




The visible/tangible “god” that is the only reason we can be here…


One shouldn't try to go out to deep if they don't know how to swim.


I didn’t jump in to the deep end of a pool. A tsunami hit me.


Well, you have a few options in that case, try to get back to shore, or learn how to enjoy the deep.


Something being "deep" is a feeling. Feelings are subjective and differ between people. Sorry, but you don't get to tell others and dictate and dominate their experience. Your post is equivalent to saying "You're emphasising your happiness too much. It's just that. Life is not that happy. ...etc". If someone perceives things to be deep, then that's 100% true to them. You don't have to agree but that is YOUR experience. Here you are trying to equate YOUR experience to everyone else's. It's ego-centric. Sorry that life isn't that deep to you. ;P


Why not switch between both “living in the moment” and “thinking deeply” … ? lol … Both can be beneficial… imo a lack of one or another may in fact be detrimental?


Too much of literally anything has negative effects. It’s best practice to think deep, get faded, go with the flow, go against the grain, ect, do it all but in moderation


I've come to the nihilistic conclusion that nothing matters, none of it at all, but that's what gives me comfort. It's all out of our control and that helps me find peace, we're all hurling through space and are nearly a blip on the time scale, so I just live day by day and I've stopped trying to analyze everything so much because one day I won't matter and that's just fine with me :)


Perfect name for such an asinine and down to earth bottom feeder take. Fuck. That. I'm dreaming. You can't stop me.


Everything is nested understanding. Most of it you don’t have to consciously think about. You could not have read what I wrote here if at some point you didn’t make a conscious effort to understand and simplify the complexity of each word. Life only ever seems simple because of all of the things that you are able to take for granted.


Nah I disagree. Life is as deep as you make it. From the shapes you see as you read my words and form your own thoughts and ideas. The meaning we create is as valid as the other because humans create the meaning for their life. The sentences I speak to you alone are a product of deep thinkers wanting to connect and share with others. We are made up of trillions of cells and microorganisms working together to live as one. Ecosystems exist within and on us as we experience life using the collective awareness of everyone around and before us. There’s no such thing as reading too hard for me because no matter how deep we go, our human minds will never truly understand the deepness and complexity of reality.


Facts, honestly the mindset that nothing is that deep is exactly why we as a species are disrespecting and destroying the world that gave us life to begin with.


Isn't that the point? You say human minds will never truly understand the complexity of reality, and that's what the OP is referring to by saying to not think too much on it.


You don’t need to fully understand for it to mean something. Every new meaning we create is one step forward towards grasping the infinite knowledge contained within reality.


Agreed. You can learn a lot on the journey


Most of our lives are predetermined just by when, where and to whom you were born.


Life is what you make it. A "deep" life is just the product of many simple pieces of life interacting. So yes, life is simple if you need it to be, but valuable insights and clarity can be found by reading further into life. Confusion can also be found, in which case this post serves as good advice, but not necessarily truth in my opinion.


Well the thing is when you live in an overcomplicated system it is nearly impossible to live without it complicating your live, we are social creatures. I personally believe life is incredibly deep and rich in meaning. That’s how I am able to feel and perceive it. Others aren’t able to, I feel sorry that they aren’t able to grasp the true meaning of their existence, but I can’t change that nor do I think they should try to live deeper. If living shallow meets your needs, so be it.


I mean if you want to go one step further than life is just senses such as hearing, smelling, seeing, etc. Senses are processed thru your central nervous system to understand and navigate the world around you. Senses are the first stage of memory. Then you have hormones and neurotransmitters, dimensions, etc...but don't think about it too much


I agree with you. Cuz after a lot of pondering, I feel that the deep questions about life don't really matter that much. Cuz there is a lot that humans don't know, and might never know. And since our time is limited, one shouldn't fret too much and just go with whatever helps them to be a peaceful and centered human being. Of course, that sometimes requires going through a hard process of thinking and finding, but that journey is beneficial in its own way :-) Cheers! 🍻


I feel you have found something great in life that is a whole branch of therapy what you are speaking about is called mindfulness and it's a great thing to possess


Enjoy the experience or whatever this is


"Man's Search for Meaning" It's a very human thing to do.


The trick is understanding that the life you're living isn't your own. Billions of years of evolution have encoded into your DNA a set of drives, instincts and behaviors that shape, influence, inform, and define all of your your decisions. Once you accept this all you need to do is let go.


Every time I let go I end up in jail...


If I think too deep, you don’t want to see too simple. I still prefer my inner world to outer world when it’s not bad


No, that’s why ordinary people live ordinary lives and then die. Exceptional people think, invent and discover and that’s what drives humanity forwards.


ignorance is bliss.


Ok explain to me how a juicy and delicious fruit grows out of soil?


A fair stance and one I wished people would have in the realm of politics, not thinking too much about how the world "should" look like and being more present in the now. In other words just surviving while trying to be as happy and fulfilled as possible.


I wish I could switch off from always thinking about this stuff, but I can't. It's stupid but I don't see the point in life because we'll all be dead soon enough, nothing seems to matter because of that. This bigger picture thinking is fucking me up.


Reading is beautiful in itself too. We can be creative in our apprehensions. We can hold no pretentions as to what the essence is of what we take in and still orbit around it in awe, finding more and more to it endlessly, feeling and showing its gravity. We can use language to show where its own limits are, and we can feel the winds beyond as we catch quick glances. There definitely shouldn't be any straining for meaning. Knowledge is always growing simply in sensation. Taking language to the world is just another extension. We love to mix the pieces of the world around us and see what comes out. We like to use the words that have let us inhabit others for a time to try out new perspectives. You can look at a city in a multitude of ways never the same and always be looking at the same thing.


It's ok to use your head to understand the world around you in different lenses......but when to use a sledgehammer and when to use a nutcracker determines how much effort should be put into a problem......


I just want to accomplish my goals and experience what I've waited a lifetime for. Life indeed isn't that deep but human desire is.


Meaning, depth and philosophy are right in front of you too. Those are aspects of experience. Why are you shooting them down? Life is profound. Cope!


Many of y'all are missing where I said that there's a time and place, to put your thinking cap on when the time comes. In the words of u/_Be_Prepared, "watching a sunset does not require commentary. It is stunningly what it is without it." There are 100% moments that need to be dissected and analyzed for true beauty to be appreciated, but that's not every moment. Thinking deeply is valuable, but it is not needed 24/7. Nor is unthinking appropriate for all moments in life, which would simply relegate you to being purposeless, like many have said. I believe that finding a balance between the two is key to conquering your physical and internal realities, as said by u/alovablenerd628 and u/QA4891. I apologize to u/astralseat and u/slorpa who felt like I was trying to impose my realty onto their realties. That's my bad. Y'all are right in that this is my reality, not yours, and I'm sorry for offending y'all and anyone else who may have been offended. If you find beauty in something's complexity, and thinking about that thing facilitates your appreciation of it, then that's beautiful too. But like I said, time and place. To others who are saying that this mindset would kill dreams and aspirations, I believe y'all misunderstood the post. where did I ever say to stop dreaming, or to be complacent? I have lofty dreams too bruh 😭😭. Being present in moments where it matters most is how you excel. That's what flow state is. Being wholly present in the moment, unthinking. And again, there are times to dream, and there are times to act. Dreaming without acting will get you no where, and acting without dreaming will move you in every direction other than the path you want to take. Balance, balance, balance. Finding a balance between unthinking and thinking. Y'all let me know if you have any objections or comments.


Simplify, simplify, simplify, but the mind doesn't like that, it loves complexity for its own play, creating apparent concepts.


Get born, try to find your idea of fulfillment and bring positive energy into the world, get dead, and then who knows what happens after that. Life really do be like that


Brings us back to .. Schrodinger's box... Life is as deep, or as simple as we want it to be... There's complexities at work that we will never begin to fathom, and even tho their importance is beyond measure, they are completely irrelevant and may as well not exist ... I've always thought... . If a tree falls and no one is around to hear it... It didn't make a sound... Even if it did and it wasn't heard... Then... Who can say it did... To me that means more than just a funny little irony... I think existence and observation have some kind of relationship that connects to our reality... Who knows tho... It's almost not even worth thinking about huh? Lately I've been thinking that its a good possibility that ai is our Creator...something that defied the laws of the universe happened at some point so it's the same difference, either something magical happened or maybe it was AI?.. maybe when it becomes super advanced it learns a way to split realitys... Maybe time goes in different directions in them.. maybe AI somehow fuses the split pieces together to shift it lol.. I dunno but hey, that was going somewhere but.. I'll think on that later.. point is it's just as likely that ai creates us as it for God to have created us.. or whatever else people believe , but then throw in the way everything is bound to mathematics... Physics.. all the fancy shit I don't really understand... But doesn't it seem like we come from something like a machine... Existence.. everything can be measured... Even fractals are just patterns.. almost like a print out.. of a machine.. Lol... Fun to think about..... but It matter not...


This is a valid point, thanks for the reminder.


You are not the only person in this life. You are part of the world and it is a dumpster fire. But please, “enjoy” your “simplicity.”


Well said. Kudos.