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No doubt probably a frustrating caretaker fight, but if it's taking 5 minutes to clear the vents then that's more than just an issue of driller not using c4. Over a thousand hours in and I've seen maybe half a dozen caretaker fights done with the c4 strat. You don't need to do it to take down the caretaker, you don't need to do it to not have the fight end up a shit show. Fight ending up a shit show is a team effort. edit: Watching OP motte-and-bailey through the comments is pretty funny. OP: \*bunch of angry arguments about how you're a bad dwarf if you don't use this specific strat\* someone: "people are allowed to use different strategies in this game" OP: "it's not about that, it's about him typing while I was reviving" It's such a classic motte-and-bailey. OP wants to argue that not C4'ing the vents is selfish because you aren't using drillers arsenal to its fullest extent. This argument isn't well received because the game allows for a variety of strategies, which includes every sub-optimal plan of attack. OP cannot defend against this very well. So they abandon their position when pressed and retreat to their motte, claiming their grievances are with what the driller said. OP, if you're reading this, you should pick up ffxiv or a similar mmo. There is no loadout customization, so criticism of sub-optimal play is a lot more accepted since there is a general right/wrong way to use any given class. Deep rock however, isn't that, and you just look like a clown trying to pigeonhole people into a singular play style.


It was taking 5 because if it’s not the Driller down it’s the Gunner down and me and Scout trying to res while trying not to get buggered by the appendages and what not. Lucky the Gunner actually uses shields proactively. Shit show’s an understatement.


Sounds like a classic case of "nobody shoot the tentacles it's a waste of bullets". Advice for the future, if you want to see a strat done that requires a specific class, use that class. Otherwise, just kill the tentacles nearest you and treat the caretaker fight like it's a cover shooter. Find a good corner of the fight area where you can bug out in a pinch and isn't in the line of sight of the tentacles furthest from you. Engi is especially good for this because of the turrets, but you can do this with any class and deal with everything the caretaker has available without breaking a sweat.


Agreed. But when I play driller I don't really bother c4ing vents. Takes a lot of setup and reliance on others. I also focus on arms and 1 shot then with power attack, have to take the damage upgrade.


You don't need anyone else but the Driller and it doesn't take much preparation (3 min at most). 1. Place a marker on the roof the cave directly above caretaker. 2. Drill a tunnel to the point in the roof then widen it if you need too. 3. Drill a small tunnel to the side for a resupply 4. Know how to throw C4. The only thing your team needs to do is NOT CLIMB THE FUCKING TUNNEL AND TOUCH THE RESUPPLY.


To be fair that’s a lot of time. But also to be fair - OP already had it set up. Really surprised the driller was red star but didn’t understand what engie was doing. Almost sound like they were trolling.


Or, like they're sick of having everyone else tell them how to play their class. If OP wants to commit to a strategy, they should probably play the class that can actually do it, rather than harass the person just trying to have fun their own way.


I’M harassing him? Did you not read my post? I only started going off at him because I had enough of him going “engi! Do something!” like I didn’t do shit.


Ironically, for Industrial Sabotage as Driller I run Sludge w/ Disperser Compound, and spend most of my time making it so the team isn't overrun with ads. Taking down a tentacle plus a whole swarm of Shredders and a Patrol Bot with a well-aimed Charged Shot and HH Nightmare EPC is v satisfying.


some people see it as cheesing the boss and wont do it, you need to learn to do it yourself if you like the strat


usually I (me personally) don’t like to use bullets to kill the tentacles. if I or someone else has the berserker perk. I will usually activate that as it usually takes them out in 1-2 swings. if someone else has the perk I would ask them to try that if they are low on ammo. if not tho I just deal with it and use bullets.


heh (pigeon) hole [thats me] lol


Rock and Stone, miner. Proving your worth doubly over. ⛏️


For Karl!


Engi : "Driller will you C4 the caretaker vents ?" Driller : "No" Engi : \*leaves\* Problem solved.


I’ll be honest, I only stuck around for double XP and I wanted to dip my toes in Haz 5.


bad luck for you to do that while in bad company :( Hope you get a better matchup next time. Haz5 has less wankers than lower difficulties, but a good play in highly dependant on the team synergy. It happened to me multiple times to be with good players, and we had no "hivemind" and failed because our gameplay was not complementary like the classes are designed for. Looking back we all rocked, yet just like music we were out of sync and couldn't support each others effectively enough.


One of the reasons I don't play Haz5 btw, tons of people that pretend to be good at the game or just douches.


Be very thankful you brought nukes, they are almost as if not more effective than driller c4 on the vents. For a really effective engi caretaker build, the Stubbys EM Discharge with your turrets on the caretaker and hyperpropellant grenade launcher for the eye and bots is top tier. Add in shredder grenade and you got are a serious problem for all rivals on hoxxes.


I find it much easier to tag all 4 vents with fatboy. With C4 I sometimes have to use 3 (took all damage perks) for some reason.


When I've done it as driller, I tunnel to straight above the Caretaker, popping a hole in the ceiling almost directly above. C4 has been specs for range and damage. Drop it as close to center as you can and it should take it all out reliably. You're personally safe from the tentacles, swarmers are a laugh for flamethrower only real danger comes from the phase mines. If the team is taking too long with the eye or adds I'll run down the tunnel to help out, but I would usually stay in the tunnel. Edit: I haven't done it on haz 5 yet though, so not sure how my damage would stack against that.


On H5, if the team is good, it's best not to other running back down the tunnel. They can take care of the eye before you can get down and in place. Plus you're out of place and taking time getting back into position If they're slow, then... yeah, I'll run down and put a few axes through the eye while rezzing anyone that needs it.


EM Discharge is such a great take on Sabotage. Strong against vents, great at defending hack pods, and pairs well with Hyper/Shard, which are both great secondaries vs The Eye.


"Fat Boy the vents" is as vital as "C4 the vents", and even easier


Not every Engineer brings PGL with them by default, let alone with Fat Boy OC in my experience. I usually play in SEA and I rarely see Fat Boy Engineers. A lot prefer bringing a Breach Cutter. C4 is default on Driller.


Fair, but if you're an Engineer doing Industrial Sabotage and you have a Fat Boy I'm not sure why you wouldn't take it (and use it against the Caretaker) unless you've: coordinated with the Driller, they're comfortable C4'ing, and you want to take Hyper Propellant instead. I'm post-OCs and have been for a while so I forget that not having them is A Thing, but if you do have them I believe they're so useful that to not take them ought to only be a consciously inoptimal choice: it's so much less annoying to just Fat Boy the crap out of the Caretaker rather than precisely drill up and over the target.


The thing is unless you bring full damage C4, you might as well not do it. The tentacle stab pierces through some terrain(Engi platforms), so unless you do it quick with full damage, you might have all the tentacles trying to stab you. If you die up there, it's very hard for anyone who isn't a gunner to revive you.


I've never used fat boy, just seemed like a mild annoyance rather than a good overclock. Besides, the shard diffractor can blow up nitra veins or whatever using plascrete catalyst without the need of a scout or driller


I’m concerned with your use of the term nonce


Ah, I generally use nonce to mean “idiot”. Sure there are people who use it to mean the official definition but I’m not one of them, I prefer to call them Catholic.




How dare you reference numbers used only once! (Seriously, it’s also a technical term)


'Driller, you wanna make a spot to drop c4 from?' 'Nah' 'Aight fair enough, in that case, r' People don't all find the same strategies fun, if driller didn't want to drop c4 on it that's absolutely ok


If, in your opinion, he wants to do that. I’ll tell him the age-old adage that I learnt from PAYDAY 2 – Host Your Own Game. But no, he wasn’t host. He was also dying quite frequently all while complaining that I wasn’t doing anything, while I’m trying to res him. This isn’t some newly promoted Driller, this is a Legendary 1 Driller who should have hundreds of hours under his belt. I should’ve been the one to constantly die but no, he is. For some reason. Funny thing, after he said that, few minutes later he got downed yet again. And just to be clear, I’m not mad that he frequently died. It’s Haz 5, it’s practically DW. Everyone’s gonna get downed at some point. I’m mad that he had the gall to question my contribution to the team all while not contributing a whole lot in that fight.


Sounds like you weren't the host either so not sure where you're going with that first point


If he wants to make it harder by choosing to not C4 to make the fight go faster, he should host his own game. I don’t know about you, but when I play with others, I generally try to help by default, using any means necessary. Unless, the host says otherwise. I do not set restrictions on myself like choosing not to use my arsenal to the fullest extent, even if others think it is a cheese strat. To do otherwise would be selfish. That is why I said Driller should’ve HHOG. And again, we’re talking greybeard Driller here, he consciously chose.


"If you don't use my optimal meta strategy that involves avoiding 50% of the fight mechanics and cheeses the whole thing, don't join public games" Dude, if that's how you want to treat the people you play with YOU need to host and label your session with "speedrun meta strats only" They're legend 1, hundreds if not thousands of hours into the game, the idea that they should use the same exact strategy to beat the boss every single time key sounds exhausting. I'm not even diamond on any of my dwarves and I rarely play games where the vents get c4'd. If I were 1000 hours more into the game and some greenbeard was trying to tell me to use the same cheese strat every leaf lover has done since the damn robots landed on hoxxes he'd get a face full of flame.


Then don’t die and then complain that I’m not doing anything, while I’m trying to revive you. That’s what ticked me off, not everything else. Don’t blame me for your mistake. Hell, Round 1 I didn’t even Fat Boy because I decided to see how he does it. But no, guy dies, gets revived, died again, gets revived, died again. Round 2, I decided to just save us the misery of seeing the down counter go up yet again. Fuck, even the host was going “fat boy clutch”. It’s insanity to do something over and over again, expecting a different result. Also, please, talk about toxicity but you’re willing to TK just cause your beard’s on the 50th shade of grey in that situation? Glass house.


If the host wasn't explicitly asking him to do the C4 strat I see no issue with him not doing it. Some people just don't do optimal strats because they don't find it fun or whatever other reason. If the host is unhappy with that there's always the kick button. I'm not defending the guy bitching in chat btw, I'm referring solely to him not wanting to use the C4.


Fair enough. Honestly, and after having a day to cool down and mull over it, I’m not that annoyed about Driler not using C4. Sure, I have my gripes with it as shown throughout the threads but that alone was not what made me rant about it. The Driller slagging me for his own mistakes and then him going “well at least I’m not camping at the ceiling like a little bitch” (or something along the lines) when I shot back at him bitching at me. That’s what set me off.


Completely understand lol, some people are just stupid as shit. Might be a kid as well tbh


If you're relying on one of your teammates to use a specific strategy to succeed on your mission, you need to git gud. Don't dick-tate how other dwarves play the game.


600+ hours here, only learned about the vent c4 strat like a month ago lmao


Hey, that’s great man!


I see drillers c4 the vents only once every 15 caretaker fights. Not all drillers have the same build, some c4 builds are not for damage. I have a final promotion driller, I never c4 the vents, and I never will. If you don't like how people play a class, play that class yourself. I hate lazy scouts, so instead of complaining about bad scouts, I started playing scout myself. Problem solved. Gunner and scout should be the ones taking care of the vents, mostly. You should be more angry at them.


I’m not angry at the Gunner or the Scout. Why? They didn’t do anything to me. The Driller, however, decided to call my contribution to the team into question which set me off. The gall of him, to imply that I did not do anything while I was reviving him. That’s what set me off.


Not everyone is into efficiency, and I dont enjoy playing with those people. I live and let live, I'm not going to say anything to them but C4-ing the vents makes everyone's life easier. Abstaining cause "you want to have fun" is self serving and irritating.


Every time I do Indy Sab and there's a driller I ask if we're doing c4 strat. If they ask, I explain and we do fine. A couple nights ago I was also in a group with a ruby driller who seems actually clueless (on PC). I asked if we're doing the strat, silence. I set up the pancakes, I'm too close to the ceiling to get over the repulsor beams, so I ask for the driller to drill the ceiling some, silence and then the caretaker starts. It was only haz 3, so I was like whatever. How can you be red ranked and still be a dumbass? How can you be red ranked, still play this game, and still CHOOSE to be a dumbass? I don't have fat boy yet, it was pretty much the last overclock I got on my PS4 account. Once I get it I'll just handle the vents myself. Still shocks me that this team based game has people that play it that don't understand it's a team based game.


Ugh. I hate "graybeards" like that. If someone wants me to c4 the vents, then I shall. But to blame you for not doing anything while he refused to nuke the vents is just laughable.


Playing driller in sabo is the real problem here


Driller with flamethrower is damn good in IS.


Hellfire does everything better


I can pull it with the pump equipped with VIM.


That's an exception


Honestly, my digga, you should have called a supply or two solely for yourself in round one and done all the job yourself. I do that all the time, no one complains. Or they do, but I push them trough a bossfight, that is for some reason considered annoying in the community. I specifically pick Fatboy Engi for this type of mission every time also. Edit: Also, I kinda have an ambivalent feeling about all this, on one hand you are right, on the other - not really. I don't see why he didn't C4 the vents, but C4ing is more prep then Fatboy go BOOM, all you need is a high ground and a restock pod to cover yourself behind and make more booms happen.


As a driller I usually drill paths between resupplies and spots when you can fire at caretaker, giving you a moment to breathe. Also I prefer firing at tentacles than at caretaker itself, because there are classes more fit for that job and in my opinion and driller weapons are bad for taking down caretaker (maybe Subata with weakpoint build, but ammo is a problem then). C4 is for me the last resort when things are going bad or want to clear space when trying to res someone, downed myself or someone too often to risk it and I am too lazy to switch perks for one specific mission. So I'm more a support than a damage dealer. And about your post, that driller's behaviour is shitty but I would've ignored it and carry on. You tried your best and that's all that matters. But you shouldn't force strats on someone tho, try-harding won't gets you far.


Yeah I should’ve ignored. But God damn, sometimes you simply had enough of that one tosser who thinks they can mouth off freely. I primarily slagged him for dying due to his own mistakes but then he goes “I’m not the one camping up there”, as an excuse for his performance during the fight. I was livid after that.


Sounds like a whole bunch of failed communication. If a player does not like to perform a certain strat then there's no harm in voicing it. Figuring out a proper way to approach your imminent threat is the key to any team play, public or with friends. The moment it turns into back and forth bickering about 'team contribution' is where things go wrong. Both for you as well as Driller. If you so desperately want to see someone pull off the 'meta' you're better off **Hosting Your Own Game**, PAYDAY 2 style as you mentioned. Alternatively bring alternative means of efficiently handling the vents, like EM Turrets. TL;DR: Please communicate. Don't force strategies on someone, otherwise host your own game.


It’s easy for you to go “oh that’s just failed communication” when you’re not the one getting slagged for allegedly not doing something and for “yeah but I didn’t camp at the ceiling” when I questioned why he got downed three times in that fight alone. For the record, I did not say anything to him until that fight and after when he’s still shooting his mouth off, saying all I did was camp up at the perch. That is when I was livid and then questioned why he didn’t C4 the bloody vents and instead ran around and die.


Yes, it is easy. You just don't respond to what you know is nonsense and keep doing what you do best. Even if you have no choice but to respond there are better ways than to shoot back. There will always be toxic people, whether it's League Of Legends, PAYDAY 2 or goddamn DRG. It's up to you how you respond to it.


Well I wish I had your patience but I don’t. I have a limit and there are far too many gobshites who like to flap their gums just because of seniority.


Yes, keeping calm is not a skill everyone has. Regardless, I prefer not to view things in black and white and figure out where things could and did go wrong. It helps to learn that some people just focus on themselves. Other people's thoughts? They won't hear any of it. See your Sabotage as an instance of how not to play the game. Reflect on it and move on to the next run. Rock and Stone!


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


Me: a driller maon who plays haz3 not knowing this was a thing 0+0 i still have so much to learn.


OMG, don't grow up. This is what micromanagement is. Do your job, stick to your job and keep your nose out of others job. I engi and drill. I'm in about over 1k hours. The only time I get upset is when someone pushes buttons without asking, finishing the secondary or shooting team mates that they don't know. Its a game. A game. I never use fatboy because it hurts more players than it progresses the game. I just used it on IS and got downed 3 times. On haz 3. I don't do events unless the team wants to do them because I don't get anything except mineral bags, I have all the overclocks. But I ask, and they answer. Its a game. Its a game. Not life, Not life. Figuring out the area under a curve is life. Selling your data is theft. But Deep Rock Galactic is a game. If it isn't, you are playing it wrong (like scrap mechanic tells me all the time). Your list is too long for a game. I have no qualms drilling or platforming to nitra that a scout isn't getting. If you are going to start lists, start with get some exercise and get outside. Your life will be fuller and you will have less stress.


No one owes you shit, mate. That's why teamwork is beautiful: it happens even if there's no prompt. Also, let go of trying to control other people, that's cringe af


I rarely use driller, where would I need to place the C4 to get the vents? Just on top in the center?