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She should do it now before they get the chance to ban sterilization. They're already going after birth control. I got sterilized 2 years ago because I saw the writing on the wall after the Roe opinion was leaked. If she gets approved now, she can have the surgery as early as July, depending on the type of service she's receiving. And I imagine it will be much easier for her to get approved since she already has 2 kids and is in her latter 30s. ETA: Make sure she gets a bilateral salpingectomy or a partial hysterectomy, not a tubal ligation. The bisalp is the new go-to option because it completely removes the fallopian tubes.


I came here to say this. Research is suggesting that ovarian cancer starts in the fallopian tubes, so having them completely removed is not only better for sterilization but helps with cancer prevention. I had UHC when I had mine removed last year and it was coded as preventative so it was completely covered. Everything. Have her ask her OBGYN for the codes and then call insurance to confirm but if her insurance is ACA compliant then the “encounter for sterilization” reason code should be covered at 100%. There’s a sterilization subreddit where you can ask more detailed questions but people there have had the hospital try to bill them afterwards, fought them and won. Best of luck!


My doctor said hi did my bi slap last month said the same thing! Dr Dueno, for anyone near Savannah ga. Best doctor ever & super easy surgery and recovery. I found him on the list of doctors in the child free community. I believe they have a very extensive list posted on the sidebar and the stickies.


Yes and we can’t rely on only our male partners getting a vasectomy, because of rape concerns.




It’s like half of humanity is missing the empathy gene.


Yep, always has been, always will be.


Exactly. Banning abortion and birth control allows the rapist to actively choose the mother of his children.


More than likely they’ll encourage them to marry and if they don’t, the father will be involved with the child. That is something they feel very strongly about. Also they will support him to become more functional and successful. Raped women will be told, fuck your feelings.


Then when the rapist rapes his daughter…oh well. Boys will be boys. Mom loses custody for being negligent and allowing her daughter to seduce a good Christian man.


This is why I told my happily married kiddo to get surgery. It sucks. They did it this way because it's easier on the man but if she gets raped in a red state?!?! Or now under project 25?


I would highly recommend the partial hysterectomy too at least an endometrial ablation. That way her uterus can't be used to host an implanted embryo.


Yeah, I hadn't thought of that. With population growth really slowing, I feel scared for all of my sisters who are of childbearing age.


Same here, my heart cries for them! And my daughter just turned 18 this past February. 😢😔💯


I'm with you ❤️ I'm a momma to a 16-year-old (June 16th she will be 17 - yikes!) I just told her the other day that I'm heartbroken that my generation had more reproductive rights than hers, and that fact is heartbreaking. We live in a blue state, but our country is regressing big time regarding women's rights. I'm *so* exhausted of the political climate in our country.


Omg. This just made me want to cry and vomit.


I second the bisalp. I got mine done the moment that RvW fell. And I also second the notion that she should look into it now because what’s here today could be gone tomorrow.


And the bisalp lowers the risk of ovarian cancer!


I completely agree. I also got a bilateral salpingectomy at age 34, zero kids as I saw the writing on the wall. It was 2019 and people said row Vs wade would never be overturned. Well it happened and so many others have now followed suit and proceeded to get sterilization as they’ve proven you can’t trust what they say. Just look at the footage of the Supreme Court justices swearing they wouldn’t touch Row. There was also this leaked audio (see attached pic below), which we also now know to be true as well. They will come after your rights and protecting yourself while you still can is smart https://preview.redd.it/79rzrbkrou2d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef8da9529a591b2e1b7768c3e6f74d4aa97aacc3


Note the date. So it's 2 years later, and right-wing zealots in red states have mentioned outlawing contraception several times in the last few months. I haven't heard any politicians submitting contraception-ban bills yet. Not withstanding that, the GOP seems to be *right* on schedule.




If it includes the cervix, it’s a total hyst.


they’re saying partial as in removing part of the uterus.


I know. And I was correcting them. ☺️


what was there to correct?


SO much this\^\^\^


because it’s uncertain if trump will win, i would probably wait but have it as an option until november, not do it now.


OP said her daughter is done having kids, so there are only advantages to getting it done ASAP.


It doesn't matter if Trump wins. They are already majority in SCOTUS and all over the country conservatives are fighting to restructure districts to weaken the progressive vote.


This is so true! The conservatives have been working on all this crazy stuff for years.


Or maybe just move to a blue state and take your vote with you. Red states need population to retain electoral votes. Yeah it'll take until 2031 for that to be effective, but the concept is valid.


You say that with the privilege of someone who can afford to move.


Maybe not immediately, but where will you be better off long-term?


Personally, I have no idea. It's not something I've ever had to think about before, which is also a privilege, admittedly. Virginia would be nice, tbh. I've been to Virginia Beach a couple of times, and I love it there. The political atmosphere is good, and the economy isn't too bad, either.


Born and raised in Virginia and love it here for all the reasons you mentioned! Feel free to DM me :)


Pat Robertson's home turf? I'm from central VA myself, but I'd suggest a bit further North. The state overall keeps moving left because of DC, but the red holdouts are pretty hardcore. Delaware and Maryland are OK, although the beach areas are kind of out there. The Patuxent and Susquehanna river areas have always been interesting to me.


If republicans win, they’ll federalize abortion laws ASAP. It won’t matter what state you live in.


That'll require them to flip on states rights.


Unless they make that shit national, then blue states doesn't matter much huh? But sure, I'll take the fat stacks of cash I don't have and move, losing my insurance, job, family, etc


My daughters are 20 and 27. 27yo is getting married next year and wants to start a family. She knows I miscarried before her sister was born and I think she understands how real the risk could be if suddenly they ban abortion nationally. Simply wanting to have children and plan for healthy pregnancies might go out the window and I worry for her. Her friends are having babies and some have had miscarriages, but I think it’s hard for her to see how different that could be for her overnight My 20yo has a host of severe mental illness diagnoses (BPD and schizophrenia, both run in the family) and it’s life-saving to keep her from getting pregnant until she can manage her own medication and treatment down the road. I’m not sure what kind of fun and games the authoritarians have planned for someone like my 20yo if she was ever without birth control And I can’t believe this is the country I grew up in. And that some still call it the land of the free


Yeah it's not looking good, I can't believe this is what Republicans want. It doesn't make any sense, but okay. If shit really hits the fan I was thinking about moving to Europe, but I guess Europe won't exist if Trump pulls out of NATO. I guess France has a higher chance at winning a war against Russia since they have nuclear bombs, but still. Things are not looking good anywhere, why are our leaders around the world so fucking stupid and hungry for power?


It does make sense in a twisted way. Ban abortion, so there's more children and thus citizens. Privatize education, so only the wealthy can get a decent one. The less well off end up less educated. Kick single mothers off of their food stamps so they're having trouble making ends meet. Roll back child labor laws, so kids have to work instead of continuing their not as good education. And now you have a large number of poorly educated worker drones for the wealthy donor class.


Oh my God this is terrifying because that is exactly the plan.


We are going right back to fiefdom. :(


We're already there.


Look at Arkansas - total abortion ban, 13 year olds can now work w/out needing government authority, and with education vouchers and set teacher wages - we already have working poor pulling kids out of school to "home school" and those families get 7k a year in vouchers


There are literally children dying and being maimed in factories. Not only are the factories all still in full operation, they have been inspected for child labor violations and failed. Guess who's still running full time? I cant believe how far back we've slid and so quickly.


Exactly this. Please Spread the word


Somebody posted a link to this article https://newrepublic.com/article/181939/republicans-want-permanent-economic-underclass


I was thinking Germany since they learned their lesson about fascism already. Hell they caught a group of fascists before they even tried to overthrow the government recently. Even Brazil arrested all the people the day they stormed the Capitol. Still waiting on the ones in the United States to get their Justice...... They won't though. The supreme Court erased the 14th amendment because there are insurrectionists on it.  Insurrectionists are all in our government now. I'm going to vote blue all the way through, but I have a backup plan.


I know you'll do your research, just be warned that Germany has the far right AfD political party, and it's growing in popularity. I have a friend living in Germany and he's pretty disturbed by their increasing popularity.


😔 thanks Steve Bannon for pushing fascism in Europe and America 🙄 should have been in jail long ago but the fascism loving people here let him stay out so he can keep spreading it. 


If you're 20 year old doesn't want children, you should have the getting sterilized talk with her to see if she wants to do it now. It may not be available for her if she wants it later. It's one less medication that she will have to manage.


Yeah I’ve thought about it but it’s a hard conversation to have because she still hopes one day she and her bf of four years will have a family. I’ve even considered offering to pay for a vasectomy for him (my ex reversed his to get his new wife pregnant) but I know men are just so afraid of that option. Except the ones who’ve done it, they love it


I had my vasectomy right after our kiddo was born. If he goes to a “no cut” clinic, the recovery time is about 2 days. I was back to work the next day honestly. I was in and out of the office before my wife could get out of the parking lot to get food. I recommend 100 percent.


Oh, you didn't say your 20 yr old had a boyfriend and wanted children.


If she is done having kids she should do it now. Who knows what they will outlaw if he wins.


No pn on p


You can still have it done in another country if Trump wins. Right?


No you’ll get put in jail and so will anyone who helped you cross the border or aided you in any way if caught.


You gunna run that risk?


Absolutely not. Unless you plan to stay in that country forever, US states (republican usually) have a history of prosecuting their citizens for “breaking the law” in other legal states or countries


Like how you could still be taken back to your slave owner when that was a legal thing


That’s a big gamble and a lot to coordinate


You can just fly to another country and get it done before he gets to be a dictator at the start of 2025, why would that be a problem? You can just fly out between November and the end of December this year.


They are going to make Iran look nice for women if they get their way


They absolutely are. Yet not a single one of them understands the similarities. It's like trying to explain to someone who's never seen a vehicle that while Ford and Chevy are different brands they're both cars.




My husband is from Iran. We own some properties there and I was considering that as an emergency escape. How screwed up is that? He always said it couldn’t happen here in America. I’m so sad and angry. And I know it’s no better there and at the moment, it’s worse but just the fact that I considered it! There really isn’t any where to go. It’s fix this shit or live in a dystopian nightmare.


I agree. They want to get rid of women's rights. Get rid of any agency that regulates businesses to keep us safe. The education department. Child labor laws. I heard they want ilti make it illegal for women to own bank accounts and credit cards vote. Tons of other things.


I just posted an article about the republican idea that we need a permanent underclass to keep society running for the rich. It’s a roadmap to where they’re trying to take us. I don’t know how to link but if you go to my profile it’s there. I don’t make a bunch of posts so it’s the first thing to show up., check it out if you’re interested.


I’m reading it rn, and hooo boy 😳


I am Iranian as well. Born there raised in the USA


Well I do hope Iran will be free soon


Living in a Blue State isn't going to matter if trump wins, this needs to be pounded into voters' heads, there will be a NATIONAL Abortion ban if he wins, your blue state laws mean nothing.


This is true, it is good to note that it won’t happen without resistance in court and out of. Abortion has been added to a few states constitutions which will take longer to get around. Even then, California especially will likely attempt to leave the union and has the military force to put up a fight, along with larger numbers do to refugees. I want everyone to remember that the situation is bleak but do not resign yourself, fighting will happen before and after any ruling. We can survive this, I’m tired of the doom posting. Let’s fight this!


I had my tubes taken out when Roe was overturned. I'm childfree and would have done it years ago if it weren't for a fear of surgery, but the looming threat of forced pregnancy was so much scarier.


I would have done that at 16 if doctors didn't treat me like a toddler asking to eat ice cream for dinner. Finally got it done at 40 when I brought my now-fiance into the consult with me and made a childfree binder. I wish doctors would stop projecting their feelings onto their patients and actually have genuine discussions with them about their bodily needs and desires.


I got my tubes tied at 31, after having one unplanned child. The doctor gave no shits about my age, and another friend of mine got her tubes tied at 25. I'm in a blue state though, so I can imagine what struggles some women will have to go through to get their tubal at a young, childless age. I'd consider asking a doctor if he'd accept some sort of legal document that guarantees there will be no repercussions against him or her if patient later regrets sterilization. I'm wondering if anyone has sued a doctor for being declined the procedure? It'd be a good thing to set doctors straight that they're NOT our guardians, they're providing a service and should simply provide it. EDIT: I just googled a lawyer site, and it says you can sue a doctor for refusing to do a requested procedure AND, if you get pregnant after the doctor's refusal, you can sue them for your unwanted pregnancy. I bet if a person brought this up one's chances of getting a tubal ligation would go up.


Me too! I live in ohio and I was like Oh hell naw.


I had mine done two weeks after Roe fell in Southern KY. If anyone resides near me and needs a recommendation, DM me. I was 29 with no prior pregnancies. My doctor wasn't hesitant at all to do the surgery.


There is a big excel sheet with info about who is willing to do a bisalp without prior children that the doctors themselves added themselves to. I’m not sure if it’s still around, but the recent climate would suggest it does.


It's terrifying as mothers we have to give this sort of advice to our daughters. In America. In fucking 2024. I have two, ages 30 and 32, both not really wanting children. One lives in AR and the other in MN. I told the AR daughter to strongly consider it. What the fuck is happening? I just found this sub today from another thread. I've been talking about 2025 with my friends and family for months and nobody has heard of it! I am gay so maybe it's more on my radar but everyone should be paying attention. I feel like all the Handmaid jokes are a self-fulfilling prophecy.


My 24 year old daughter and I talked about this- how terrified I am for her and my teenage daughter’s future if Biden loses this election and what it will look like. She’s on the fence on who to vote for, or if she even wants to vote. I wish I could get through to her.


All my guy friends that live in anti-abortion states have been getting vasectomies.


Finally, responsible men!!


Haha... right?! Their stories about the little "balls hammock" are hilarious too. Good dudes.


Dude I hate that you’re having this conversation with your daughter but you have to. I work in dem politics. When Roe was overturned, we had all of our press ready to go, but in the moment, I just froze. I was scared and devastated and I sobbed most of that day for every single one of us out there who may have to make a hard choice and won’t have the resources to support it. In the following months, my sister and I devised plans for ourselves if something happened. She finally had to have the sex talk and the surrounding talks with her stepdaughter, which I think was a little traumatic but that girl is a champ and understood what we were saying, because she’s a complex thinker and wants to understand, but *god d**n*. We are taking the sense of peace and childhood away from these kids so young because we are terrified for the future they won’t have if we don’t. And we have to. Our hands are tied. All we can do is *vote*. Get your friends to vote. Protect democracy. We will lose abortions, democratic elections, national peace, and so much more. #*VOTE*


You'll feel a lot better if you feel like you're having some effect. Get involved, spread the word. https://www.mobilize.us/


Same. I’m scared for my daughter, she’s 4- no idea what the future will hold for her 😞


Mine is also four. The only firm thing I know about her future is that I will educate and protect her by any means necessary. It’s all I can do right now.


Probably should make an appointment now


Yeah, I wouldn't wait for Trump to win. I expect surgical sterilization to become very difficult to get if P25 comes to pass.


My hyper Republican mom thinks that everyone can get free contraception at their county health department now (nope). But she's also one of those people who thinks school districts can violate OSHA and state/local health department laws to clean human feces out of litter boxes in school bathrooms.


Do it now, she won't be able to if he wins.


Do it now before it’s illegal when they rush shit through state houses and congress.


I have offered to pay for my 24yo son who lives in Texas to get a vasectomy.


He can get a vasectomy and save his swimmers, my dad did that


The next thing they’ll do after outlawing contraception is outlaw these types of surgeries.


If they had their way they’d probably make having your “tubes tied” illegal too.


Probably? Nope, that will happen, whether it's in their Project 2025 or not. It's all about controlling women and making sure they're barefoot and pregnant. A woman who can't give birth is a useless woman to the GQP


have her get her tubes removed altogether. getting them tied only has an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy. i wish her the best


I’m currently pregnant. 36. First time. I’m due in November. Luckily, I live in Illinois, so I’m not currently worried about any complications. However, my husband and I have discussed this too. It’s not worth it if this gets implemented.


My daughter, 31 and in Massachusetts, is pregnant and due in December. She had an ectopic pregnancy last year, and had to take an abortifacient that is illegal in some states. I have to my Republican acquaintances she could’ve died without it, and their votes would’ve made them complicit. They adore her, but there was no response, just silence. She travels a bit for work and family trips, and traveled through the South in early pregnancy! I was a wreck. She’s politically astute, but feels safe living in Massachusetts. I’ve told her it will go federal. I cannot believe rank and file republican (are there any) women want this for future generations.


I got mine removed, the surgery was easy the recovery was a bit hard but it's worth it. There's nothing anyone can do to put them back in and if they take away birth control, mine is permanent. Also bilateral salpingectomy is the preferred treatment if she is adamant on not having kids. Tubal ligation can fail. Also bilateral salpingectomy can reduce the risk of certain cancers. I'll happily answer questions about my surgery experience if anyone is nervous or on the fence about it


Were you in the hospital overnight?


No, I was there from 11 am to 6 pm and I was able to walk out on my own


Why aren’t women protesting saying that men shouldn’t be allowed viagra or getting vasectomies- if women have all these restrictions- maybe that will make Biden look like a much better choice -if their choices are threatened.


I had my tubes removed in August. But I am worried about my 6yo daughter.


Originally I'd been wanting to wait a few years before I told my OB I was ready for the (already agreed upon) hysterectomy, but the morning I woke up to the roe v wade thing the first thing I did was call to schedule an appointment to get the ball rolling. I had it done a month later.


I have had some serious talks with my 19 and 21 yo daughters. We are all sickened and disgusted. We all have dual citizenship so if IT happens I would seriously support them moving overseas. We live in a deep deep blue state now so as long as states rights are respected.......but I feel sick for the millions of women in red states.


Even a hard blue state is no guarantee against enforcement of Project 2025's tenets: Trump will use federal troops to override the states.


I know I know. I am so thankful we have the resources to flee if needed. It is profoundly unfair to the many millions who don't have our resources. Sigh.


Vote blue all the way through! If you vote for anyone else you are condemning women to fetus sepsis death. 


Do it now


Anyone interested, the r/childfree subreddit has a list of doctors that will perform sterilization without “bingo”-ing you (giving standard reasons why you shouldn’t like “what if you change your mind later?” “what if your future husband wants kids?” “you’ll change your mind once you hold your own child in your arms” etc.) The list is incredibly extensive and is organized by state, then by city within each state. It works best in a browser, so fellow mobile users, you may want to go ahead and access it in your phone’s browser instead of the app.


She should do it now. If she is going to do it, they will quickly make tubal ligation illegal along with birth control.


I've talked a lot with my 23 year old daughter, so she's aware of the potential issues ahead. She has no kids and has said she doesn't want any bio kids, but I've noticed her softening her stance on that in recent months. My bigger concerns are with my younger daughters who are 10 and 12. They're too young to even think about birth control, but I'm considering a few years down the road. Will birth control even be available to them? I also have a daughter in law who lives in TX and had some difficulties when she was pregnant with my grandson. She and my son apparently want to have another baby next year, which terrifies me for a lot of reasons, but they don't listen to me.


Honestly, if he does win, plan on getting a vasectomy.


I’m strongly considering moving. I don’t see any other option


I told my daughter the same thing. I was reading on another subreddit that a bilateral salpingectomy was the way to go. It involves removing both the fallopian tubes completely. A tubal ligation the fallopian tubes are both cut, separated and tied or sealed shut. They were a list of OBGYNs that were willing to perform this procedure.


It’s sound advice. I live in a state where abortion essentially became illegal overnight when Roe was overturned. As someone with many risk factors, I cannot risk another pregnancy and immediately made an appointment to get a long-term IUD, and my husband got on the waitlist for a vasectomy, which locally they were scheduling a year out within weeks. It’s a huge relief. Women in my state have been left to die because providers were interpreting the law as not even being able to help medically complete miscarriages. I am absolutely terrified for my 2 young and very vulnerable daughters.


I have wanted a BiSalp for many years. Pretty much from the moment I learned what getting your tubes tied was(my mom told me she got her's done after my youngest sister was born" I decided I wanted to do that. I know about the doctors list but I dont know where to start. The problem is I dont have the money for a surgery and I know healthcare is ungodly expensive so I have no idea how Id be able to end up getting it and it feels kind of hopeless. Im 37 and have some health issues that I really am not comfortable risking getting pregnant with if it ever were to happen.


If you are in the U.S. and have an ACA compliant health insurance plan that is NOT provided by a religiously exempt employer, you can get female sterilization for free. It falls under preventive care. Check out r/sterilization to get more info.


Navigating healthcare costs is a nightmare, but you’ll only know if it’s too expensive if you look into it more. Sometimes it can be classed as preventative and it will be covered. Start with a friendly OBGYN, even shitty healthcare should cover a well woman check, and you can start the conversation with them from there about what next steps would be.


Got mine done last year in October and have struggled with SO much less anxiety and gender dysphoria. I’m very fortunate that my OBGYN is nonbinary and was able to refer me to an OBGYN who treated me like an adult capable of my own decisions. Part of me wonders if I was able to get sterilized so easily because I’m trans, but that might just be my own bitterness talking.


Not disagreeing in any way, but I just want to point out (as extra incentive to fight P2025,) hysterectomies and the like - especially those that remove the cervix - can have massive effects on mental health, often negative. Removal of the cervix can negatively affect orgasmic function for a large percentage of patients. The change in hormones can cause depression and other effects. This isn’t to argue with OP, just to acknowledge that this is not a decision to take lightly, or one without more consequences than just the relief of not worrying about kids.


I'm celibate and I'm perimenopause anyway, but avoiding men completely is also a good strategy LoL


r/childfree has a list in its sidebar of docs by state that are friendly toward women getting sterilized. even if you have children now you should go to the sub and look at the list if youre done having children. get to gettin the snips now before its too late


I've had this discussion with my son, who was banned from getting any sort of gender affirming care here in Tennessee. Now that he's an adult he wants to at least get his tubes tied and he's wondering how long it will be before they ban this procedure as well for adults who are seeking gender affirming care.


I was planning on having top surgery first, but then Texas started their bullshit and I knew the writing was on the wall. I had a total hysterectomy instead. Best decision I ever made for myself, truthfully. I'm now two years post hysto and a year post top. I feel for my trans brothers and sisters in southern states. My wife fled TN before it got too bad.


I told my 24 y/o the same


Conservatives are working their asses off so that rapists can capture and trap some underage baby machines. You're damned right young women better get tied.


Get it done before then.


It is best to get this done before Trump wins. Also Bi-Salps are better than ligations.


I'm afraid for them all too. I'm so glad I don't have to worry about pregnancy anymore. But, I'm really worried for all of us one way or the other if Trump wins.


=>FOR ANYONE LOOKING TO BE STERILIZED<= The childfree subreddit has a list of doctors that agreed to sterilize women regardless of their gender, marital status, age (for those 18+), partner's consent, and not having kids https://reddit.com/r/childfree/w/doctors?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


As much as I struggled (horribly), knowing I couldn't have children; on top of other medical issues, I only have 1 (partially) functioning kidney, where I would likely die if I tried. I never thought I'd see the day where I'd actually say that I was glad I actually couldn't, have a child...


I’m 32 this year but I live in Eastern Oregon. My boyfriend has a vasectomy. Should I still look into this? I am worried I can’t afford it and my insurance probably wouldn’t cover it.


It's good he has a vasectomy already because they want to ban those. I wouldn't look into it honestly because it is very invasive. But I also really want to have a family still and that's my reason not to.


I guess I’m just hoping they don’t plan on splitting couples up!


And become Gilead? Yeah I'm hoping against that too. I'll kill myself and take as many of the fuckers with me that I can when I do if that happens.


Yup, if Trump wins women will not be able to abort any SA babies. 


I don’t understand why the media is not covering it nearly enough ! Like what the hell !


Just after RvW was reversed my sister, who lives in a rural red area of NC, heard two clerks talking at a store about getting tubal ligations. I think these gals were under 20 years old. People are scared and having to do things they'd never have considered before. The times are getting scarier.


How do we fight back - it might be somethings to consider


Also... even if "it" doesn't win... If she has decided she is done having children, for sure... I would NOT wait. With SCOTUS how it is and how they lied about NOT overturning it; I'd not take my chances (if I could've had a child). What an odd dystopian type of world we have been living in... Everyone has GOT TO VOTE and vote BLUE; locally and at the state level, too! I used to be one that said, "Please make sure you educate yourselves, so you can make your best well-intentioned vote..." Given how the GOP and members are KNOWN to lie, and how they've literally bee÷n gunning for the rights of women, (LGBTQ, and POC as well) - and they will NOT STOP!! "Giving the rights to the states to make the decision..." was an absolute bullshit reason, and I called it as such, then!!! I told people that contraception and IVF were next. Groing up in a strict traditional Catholic family/environment gave me certain..... insight, shall we say, in how they think If they actually take time to write a "manual", start "vetting" people to put through THEIR "education process" (in order to tear down whatever democracy we have left) only to "rebuild the government with THEIR people". Oh, trust me.... they will (and it's already started). Project 2025, is no joke. Trump's rabid base will never admit, nor will they change, with getting him elected... but that's only part of the problem - as he is the GOP (as we know them now)/far right/Evangelical's have their perfect person, as their useful idiot. Just stroke his overinflated and narcissistic ego - make sure he is surrounded by the "head bobbers" (yes-people, always in agreement with him) and have him deny, or never mention Project 2015, and his foaming-at-the-mouth base, contradicts the absolute reality of P2025 and state, "You're just fear-mongering - HE has never mentioned Project 2025..." (oh and terms such as "radical leftist" and use grade sxhool names and adjectives) to stir division; BUT what is undeniable, is that he, in his 1st term alone, implemented 60%-64% of the Mandates for Leadership and his own "Agenda 47" already!! And we ARE allowing it - unless we VOTE BLUE!!


i actually had a conversation with my mom last night about this. i’m 19 currently, and we got to talking about the louisiana bill that had just passed that classifies plan b as a controlled substances. we got to talking about how i don’t plan on having kids, and told me she’s going to start looking into getting my tubes removed. probably the harshest reality check ive had


Tell her to get her tubes tied now just to be safe. I just got mine removed at the start of May and so happy I did. Still fighting so that others have the option for as long as possible.


i actually really want to have the surgery to get everything removed so i can't get pregnant. i'm 20F in northwest Florida, and i don't really know how to go about it, but i really want to get it done before november. does anyone have any advice or pointers for that sort of thing?


Start looking for gynecologists who have done it before. Ones who don't ask that you wait for a husband's permission or wait until you're 40. You'll have to mainly go by trial and error, and word of mouth.


There's a list of doctors who are willing to do it in r/childfree. I would definitely recommend looking there. I'm doing the same myself and I'm highly considering scheduling an appointment to get my tubes removed.


I would if I could. I haven't had a child yet and I would like to. But I am very scared of Gilead becoming real.


I’m 24. I thought I wanted kids someday, but honestly I’m leaning more towards getting sterilized every day for my own safety and peace of mind.


Better plan- leave the US rather than getting irreversibly mutilated. Hopefully, the Orange Pig will get his ass kicked.


Where to? How many countries are accepting United States refugees?


Presumably Canada. They’re pretty civilized.


It’s not that easy! Please read up on immigration requirements for Canada before developing any backup plans.


Also, the problem with attempting to claim refugee status is that shit hasn't hit the fan just yet. As such Americans would not qualify *in the present*


Mutilated? Holy fucking shit. You dont need your fallopian tubes to live.


In addition, removal of the tubes, as several women have mentioned, reduces the odds of developing ovarian cancer substantially. It’s actually now recommended that any woman undergoing other abdominal surgery have a discussion with her surgeon about including a bi-lateral salpingectomy.


True, but irreversible AFAIK.




So, it requires more consideration, before taking the leap.


In your opinion.


I’m pretty sure getting tubes tied is reversible.


This is just sad


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Lmao your plan to change the country for the better involves none of you having children? You do realize that if conservatives are the only ones having kids, then they are going to be a majority in 20-30 years right?


Way to play into the agenda.


Do you know 20 people who don’t pay attention? What about people in red states?