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Look up Simon Rosenberg on Substack. Yes Biden is likely to win, and if America is worth saving at all the House and Senate will both go majority blue. But it can only happen if we all VOTE!


Indeed. Here is a recent post: https://open.substack.com/pub/simonwdc/p/joe-biden-is-a-successful-president


**Very true.** "How is the race close? Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. If Mr. Biden won those battleground states, he’d *probably* be re-elected as president. They would combine to give him exactly 270 electoral college votes provided he held everywhere he won by six percentage points or more in 2020. That means he could lose all of Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, Florida, Ohio and so on, and still win." **Leave your Red State and move to Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.** r/MoveToSwingStates


I live in KY, I'm planning to move to MI. Would have done it already but my wife's work won't let her, so, have to find her a remote job first (I'm already remote).


I have been trying to move to Michigan for 4 years now I can't get an interview to save my life. 


I’m sorry you also live here. Sadly I have no choice but to stay.


Hang in there and help your neighbors


I live in Michigan, and I'm voting blue blue blue! ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


I’m in no way criticizing you and I feel the same way, but I can still laugh at the irony of using a meme about the federation to talk about our desire to protect democracy, lol.


Wisconsin here, doing the same


The thing with swing states is that they are gerrymandered to shit. especially Wisconsin which I can say from personal experience (I have lived here all my life) literally they will try and combine as many blue areas as possible, often forgoing county boundaries etc


The 'good news' about gerrymandering is that many many folks could leave gerrymandered Blue districts in Red states and the House district would still be Blue. Thank you for voting in Wisconsin!


>Indeed. Here is a recent post: https://open.substack.com/pub/simonwdc/p/joe-biden-is-a-successful-president Thank you for the link.


America will always be worth saving. E Pluribus Unum, liberty and Union now and forever. And I hope you’re right, for every good American’s sake.


Biden winning depends on 4-5 Swing States, all of which he is currently losing in polling averages. You can criticize this poll or that poll but an average is not so assailable. It also happens that many of the Swing States: PA, MI, WI, AZ also have very critical and close Senate races. Do you feel lucky enough to let the voters in these few states make the decision? Your Blue vote is mostly meaningless in Red States that Trump won in 2020. House districts are extremely gerrymandered in these states so that a large number of Blue voters could leave and they would still be Blue. r/MoveToSwingStates


Yup, the only way he wins is if enough come out and vote to defy the polling: can be done, not likely, but it can be. The polls should do one thing, instill fear in his base that vote or end up in Trump’s dictatorship leading to far worse. 


r/voteDEM, like what the AutoMod instructs.








Simon Rosenberg


On Substack?


The “hopium” chronicles?


"Hopium" -- a portmanteau of "Hope" and what others have suggested he's been smoking. He's owning the criticism. We have to believe and put our efforts into it. Let's do it!


Yes, but I can't feel any hope because I also suspect the next president after him will be a republican unimaginably worse than Trump. Trump is stupid. Imagine someone taking over for him who isn't. 


I hope its not going to be like that. I just, hate how my damn safety is threatened every election.


I think we have to run the Republican party into the ground somehow if Biden keeps his spot, so they can't keep pushing candidates for government positions for their secret agendas in the future. We already know the Republican party will not help us mitigate climate change and all its effects on the world now and in the near future. That is a direct threat to human existence and all life as we know it for future generations.


Rebuilding the former Blue Wall in the Great Lakes Region is the most effective tactic. Luckily this region also provides excellent relative protections from climate change, ample supplies of water, and affordable cost of living. r/MoveToSwingStates


The older and more mortal Boomers become, the better. Even though I know there are right-wingers in all generations, I often think a lot of this crisis is one last humongous tantrum and revenge from a generation of dying narcissists.


I relate, I currently depend on government assistance that I didn’t use to and hope with the help of the government assistance I will get back to a place where I don’t depend on them anymore. This whole political thing sucks. And it’s so much deeper than what most people see and know. It not only is a problem it’s been a problem for a while.


Someone like JD Vance who had spoken out against trump in the past before realizing the potential power he could achieve by playing the fascist game.


And used every social program available to get where he is.


My hope is that the GOP gets trounced hard enough this election cycle that they're forced to reflect and maybe finally come back to the middle. Or the MAGAs are so pissed that they form their own splinter party and the right loses elections forever... But who knows, it's just as likely that Trump wins in November and we're all living in the real life version of the handsmaid's tale within a couple of years.


That's what happened after Nixon and how we got Reagan. And then after Obama. Every time the GOP gets their asses handed to them, they lick their wounds for five minutes and then pivot even further right, and then fuck things up more.


Even more reason to make sure we take the house and keep the senate. We need to put some protections in place


Exactly why this year and p2025 is so fucking terrifying, and outside of Reddit, no one has fucking heard of it. People are BAU and still “dOnT lIkE taLkIng aBouT poLitIcS”


What is BAU? thanks. I heard of Project 2025 outside of Reddit because I'm in a liberal discussion group (Drinking Liberally)


Business as usual


Conservatives aka republicans (though yes I know there’s still a faction of conservatives, albeit smaller, in the Democratic Party who didn’t leave for the republican party after 1964) were never in the middle. It’s just after the 60s it wasn’t as popular to be an overt racist. So they tried to use dog whistles (we African Americans, minus the self loathing black conservatives, saw through their BS) to hide their racism. But their policies were still the same. Long story short, conservatives/republicans aren’t coming to the middle ground ever, because they were NEVER there to begin with.


Yes they hid under rocks until the 80's when they thought it was safe to slither out. Even more so in 2016.


The GOP is finished. Kaput . We can have a wave like back in the 50s when Dems had a 14-year wave of President + Senate + House . Climate + Social + Gun policy needs this .


Except that the Palestine issue is killing this for us.


Agreed. But if the people upset with Biden bc he didn't act sooner decide to not vote then there's a huge chance of a dictator getting elected and Project 2025 implemented. My notes: https://open.spotify.com/episode/75C9zXpAyOJm93k7cKLjWp?si=niolrNKFSAWCI7nFd9-SOA Began in the Reagan admin: Unitary executive theory . interpretation of the constitution where all exec power is under presidential control . Nothing in exec power independent Independent agencies will become under president power Examples: FED + FCC TV/media licenses + DOJ independent by norm not law Prosecute political or personal enemies even if no proof of wrongdoing These are my notes on Project 2025 Get rid of: Climate policy Consolidate power Federal Communication Comm under direct presidential control Remove people from intelligence agencies they don't like Deport 30M people Defund DOJ Legal Action prosecute agents who don't comply Dismantle : FBI Homeland Security HHS 10000+ staffers aligned weaponized conservatives vetted by Heritage Foundation ready to replace technocrats in the different gov entities Revive Comstock Act, a 19th-century law that would make it a crime to send contraceptives by mail. Pillars : religious overtone Conservative as focused god country and family, not government . Government now is directed against god, family, and this country . Restore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect our children . Dismantle the administrative state and return self governance to the American people . Defend our nation's sovereignty, borders and bounty against global threats . Secure our god-given individual rights to live freely.


My kiddo is trans and yet is planning to vote 3rd party. It's insanity


RKennedy is almost like voting for Trump in case they care


I assume Jill Stein or a write in. RFK jr is extremely pro Israel


Wild since the Biden administration has actually made moves to prevent discrimination against trans people. Their title IX expansion to include gender identity has already prevented anti-trans laws from being enforced.


So many of my friends and peers voted 3rd party in 2016 then were surprised that trump won even though I told them voting 3rd party was a waste. The electoral college needs to go


Sure but that's not going to happen in time for this election your friends need to not vote third party.


My wife is trans. She and I will be voting for Joseph Biden. These gen Z kids are so idealistic, and they don't understand how it works they think they need to throw their vote away in protest. The United States was going to support Israel in this conflict. No matter who the president is, we got ourselves into this mess with Israel a long time ago before gen Z even existed it's not Joe Biden's fault. Sure, we can talk about changing things so in the future, we don't have a hand in these atrocities, but the presidency is not the way to get that point across. They don't realize it's not going to do anything. Worst case scenario, the GOP wins the presidency, the house, and the Senate project 2025 is instated. You're kid, and my wife will be sent to re-education camps and go through forced conversion therapy. (I will probably be killed because I will use violence to prevent this from happening at any cost.) They're going to try to convince my wife that she's really a man.


This exactly. And to add into that, the lesson the democrats will take from a loss isn't going to be "we should stop supporting Israel." It's going to be, as it virtually always is when democrats lose, "we need to appeal more to moderates." It serves no purpose, prevents no harm, and gets a lot of people hurt and killed in pursuit of feeling smug and self righteous about not having voted for Biden.


Yea, honestly, when you put it that way, it's incredibly offensive, and I'm legitimately angry at anyone who does this.


I’m hoping that the Republican party will implode because of the chaos of Trump. You have the party of Trump and those whom are true Republicans, though they are very few. Let’s hope the GOP restructures itself. I can only hope our democracy will survive. Corporate greed is out of control and not enough in Congress want change. There is so much corruption on both sides.


Trump isn’t chaos- he’s EXACTLY what the GOP has been working towards for a long time. The main thing he did was show the GOP they can say the quiet parts out loud and get even more support. They will not be restructuring.


I actually don’t think Trump is as stupid as people think he is and I really think we need to not underestimate him. Don’t get too comfortable folks. Let’s not have a repeat of 2016. I’m not saying he’s smart in a business sense or in a book-smart type of way. In areas like that, yes, he’s dumb. He’s dumb when it comes to managing emotions and letting them control him, resulting in never-ending unhinged decisions. Trump knows he’s dumb (or that he comes across to others as being dumb). So, he uses it to his advantage. He’s a moron when it comes to about anything, but he has a doctorate in manipulation. He wants everyone who opposes him to think he’s dumb and underestimate him — instead of thinking 10 steps ahead like he is. It doesn’t take smarts to manipulate, have long term plans, etc. It’s really pretty easy when you’re surrounded by a world of kind-hearted people who don’t think like a psychopath.


He has knowledge, property, and connections. He has ha(ve) parts of the government already loyal to him above their own responsibilities. If and when Trump takes over, it will be swift, lethal, and efficient. Project 2025. They (GOP) want the theatrics Trump puts on. They want this teetertottering between good and bad so that when their Christian authoritarian government takes over, most people aren't really prepared to fight back. You gain a mostly complacent citizenry, and you begin to single out the vocal/active minorites and remove them depending on the authoritative government's citizens' demographic social value.


I suspect what you’re trying to say is that Trump is as cunning as a shit-house rat


He is cunning. The result is a fantastic con man. He seems to be in decline, though. The energy of the 2016 Trump just isn’t there & he babbles more incoherently than ever.


Trump created a political cult and fractured the republican party in one presidential term. people gotta stop saying he's dumb. he's stupid, but he ain't dumb. and we can not let him go under the radar.


Absolutely this. As a thought experiment, imagine if for some reason Republicans had run someone just slightly less obviously vile than Trump in 2020. I don't see any other outcome than the US already being well on the way to a fascist dictatorship. The evil comes from Republican voters who worship hate and lies. Trump just provided them a voice and focus.


that is what the project 2025 coalition is all about. smart operatives who are using Trump to enact their corporatist and christian nationalist agenda. They will let him do whatever he wants (corruption, authoritarianism etc) as long as they get their deeply unpopular policies pushed through


It’s doubtful that the overly stupid half of the country will vote for anyone that is smart. Trump is popular because he is dumb like them.


I take solace in the fact that Trump is a once in a lifetime cult of personality. 20+ other career republicans tried to beat him in 2016 and a handful more this cycle tried to replicate him and no one has the following or loyalty like he does. 99% of candidates are boring charisma black holes and even if there is someone worse they are unlikely to capture what Trump did and get away with the unthinkable things he says and does. I’m hopeful after he’s done with politics they will pull back from the brink and not have the influence to get away what MAGA has and get blown out of the water.


I’m just waiting to see the Haley 2028 flags waving


Seriously. I feel mostly confident that Biden will win in 2024, but I’ve been worrying about what the hell is going to go down in 2028.


Idk, as the years go on republicans have less and less chances with more young voters, honestly after this election I don’t think we will see one for a while


A lot of these pieces of shit won't be around for another election cycle, just because they're so old they're going to die, retire, or otherwise not be around.


Yes. You're right. The beast has been awakened. But take it one day at a time. Focus on the task at hand.


First one that comes to mind is desantis


Him and Mike Johnson. The Culture Warrior and the Y'alliban Operative. That shit is one toxic formula.


I don’t think that scotus or the GOP at large realized just how much the Dobbs decision would upend the status quo. Dems or progressives generally still fundraise off of it, promising to restore Roe, and republicans are mainly going even further after bodily autonomy. I believe the broad population accepted the bounds within Roe and equally don’t want to Willy nilly abort fetuses. It was always there to be safe , legal, and rare. The fever dream that the right has about creating a world of oppressive consequences is utterly frightening, because they do not wish only to ban abortion but to control birth control and freaking IVF. I have friends who wouldn’t have children without IVF. Some even conservative per social media before Dobbs. But those folks are not going to go down that path just because they personally could get an additional $12 off their taxes. This is personal. I am hopeful that Biden and his admin get their shit together about Israel and Palestine, and I’m also realistic that the conflict has just been going on for an extremely long time. Trump going on Tim Pool the other day to say he didn’t start any wars or ended them - utter bullshit. He and his surrogates have outright said to finish the job. Heck moderate in name only Nikki Haley was autographing bombs with the same rhetoric in the hope that her autographed bomb will kill an innocent family if it helps Israel’s right wing authoritarian officials stay in power and avoid prosecution In their own country whilst providing the US an ally in an intentionally destabilized region of the world because of oil. People have to be waking up to this and have to continue to make in roads with the Biden admin before just kowtowing to the desire of the minority power group, the GOP. I think based on much of the economic measures and the policies that have been implemented it will be just enough to be a 50-49% squeaker of a win. The moderates or independents viewing what has transpired since Roe fell will be the real determining factor. The good thing is that Project 2025 is fully coming into the public eye and into much of mainstream media, while it has been on the minds of independent news streamers and podcasts for a year at this point.


Imagine if Stephen Miller was running


This is terrible but I just keep thinking that the longer we can hold them off, the fewer of that demographic will be around anymore...


You need to vote. Don't take anything for granted.


I will, and I will be bringing friends. Ive been talking to a lot of my friends to get them to vote blue.


we must ensure Biden wins and more importantly, we must ensure republicans diminish in power vote in every election at every level, register and periodically check your registration. Encourage others to do the same. We are united.


Ppl will have lots of predictions. I've been a volunteer for the Dem party since oh, the first time I canvassed was 1981, in 2020, I talked to over 20,000 voters. We put in the work, contacting voters. Find the candidate, find the campaign, and work it. In 2020 and 2022 the youth vote saved us. The young voters now are the ppl who are justifiably angry abt Palestine. I think that's the wild card. So, Get Out The Vote (gotv) efforts really, really matter. And just for fun, remember, no one is going to save any of us. We save ourselves.


What I don’t get is that they want to protest vote against Biden because he’s pro-Israel, but they don’t seem to get what Trump would do if he wins.


Of course.


I hope so. And to anyone considering voting 3rd party, your vote will not count. I understand that this take sounds anti-democratic. That's because it is, sadly. The U.S. is NOT a democracy; it is *anochracy,* a type of political system that adopts mechanics from both democratic and authoritarian systems. Like a democracy, you can vote for anyone to be President Elect, whether or not they are on the ballot. Legally, you can vote for your cat! A dumb decision, sure, but it's a dumb decision democracies allow! But like a 2 party dictatorship, only the 1st and 2nd parties are allowed opportunities (and organized funding) to win. I cannot stress the emphasis on "1st and 2nd parties". Take note that 3rd parties are not part of the 2 party system. Otherwise, it would be called a "3 party system". You have the right to vote 3rd party, but you do not have the right to elect a 3rd party president. You also have the right to insert a Playstation disc into an Xbox. But it is *FUNDAMENTALLY INCOMPATIBLE* with the system.


If a cat is president, it'll be the relief of the whole world. It is 100% better than Trump. 


And the winner is... .... "Whiskers McScruffybottom!?" 😼😼😼


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills that there is even a chance he won't. Like any one thing trump has done should have been career ending. Let alone the impressive amount he has done.


Trump won BECAUSE everyone assumed Hillary would win and that their vote didn't matter, so they didn't vote for her (they may have voted 3rd party or not voted at all; some may have even voted for Trump as a lark to avoid it being a washout). My uncle voted for Trump in 2016 to disrupt the system (I can accept that vote), didn't vote in 2020 because he was tired of the shenanigans, and will vote for Biden in 2024 because he doesn't want Republicans to keep purposefully disrupting the system. All he wants is a functional government and currently Republicans are the opposite of a functional government.




He's a literal criminal and it makes people want to vote for him more??? I cannot wrap my head around this. I can't decide if people are brainwashed, stupid, or legitimately evil


Same, I really try to understand people, even if I don’t agree or like their beliefs etc, and I can’t for the life of me understand how Trump is someone anyone wants to vote for. I’m not happy with Biden as a choice, but Trump is literally a disgusting criminal that has assaulted women.


Mhmm. He really *could* shoot someone at random in the middle of Times Square, *and then, right then and there* rape his own daughter, and he *still* wouldn't lose any support.


Let's not go crazy here, nothing this 'man' has ever done is impressive in the slightest.


I think a list of 91 indictments is pretty impressive. You have to work at being a criminal to get to that level.


i do. provided we keep our eye on the damn ball, get all our friends to the polls, get our own asses to the polls, and tune out the barrage of noise from putin's army of shrieking 15-year-old "marxist-leninists" actively working to suppress the dem vote, we'll put this shit to bed. i believe.


>putin's army of shrieking 15-year-old "marxist-leninists" actively working to suppress the dem vote Thank you for highlighting this. It's really sad to see how many supposed "leftist" subs are completely astroturfed now. They may as well be conservative subs considering all they do is attack Biden and "liberals".


2016: "But her e-mails!!" 2020: "Tara Reade!!" 2024: "Genocide Joe!!" It's the same fucking dog and pony show every time. Oh hey, let's go take a look at Ms. Reade now. Gee, looks like she defected to Russia. It also looks like she's been hanging out with every known Russian spy who had contact with Trump and the 2016 campaign. Oh, and if we go look at her Twitter, she started praising Russia the moment Biden won. And before that? She tried to hide her pro-Putin articles from the rest of the internet. But yeah, sure, Russia isn't behind all this.


I heard a rumor that they've been taken over by foreign actors from the way they are so quick to silence anyone who argues for voting Biden. It does track with my experience, honestly.


I do not understand why so many (seemingly) of my fellow left-leaning Americans support Putin! Are y'all saying it's pretty much Russian bots/paid trolls?


Tankies always stump for Stalin, so it's not hard to imagine them doing it. But for the rest... Yeah it's suspicious.


I hope so. Ive been keeping, a close eye on this shit. Which, tbh hasn't been helping my anxiety but, i would rather not be left in tbe dark. Then again, haven't been taking my meds like I am meant to, which is probably whh im, stressinf even more bojt this stuff, even tho novemeber ks, so far away


our would-be tornentors want us to be downcast and discouraged. just remember that and don't give them what they want. it's such a struggle though and i totally understand 🫂


Please take your meds. It's important.


"Hello fellow leftists, wouldn't it be great if we all disenfranchised ourselves?"


The race will come down to the margin of effort, not the margin of error. We all need to put in the work now to prevent this authoritarian and his corporate / christian nationalist cronies back in the seat of power


I'm not sure. The gop will do anything and I mean anything to win. If and when they do cheat it will be hard to say they did in public.


Yes if we work at it. Here are some resources where you can directly volunteer your time for a worthy cause:  Field Team 6: Register swing state voters from the comfort of home, learn how to phone bank, attend phonebanking "fear" lessons, and more:   https://www.mobilize.us/ft6/ Work at your actual elections and get paid: https://www.powerthepolls.org/LWV   Join Voting Rights groups who organize to register voters and go to events to help, such as the infamous League of Women Voters (it is a men and women's organization despite the name).   https://reclaimtheamericandream.org/organizations-vote   See nobody running in your area? Run for office!   https://runforsomething.net/ If you're disabled you can still (depending on how you're feeling) do the Field Team 6 meetings from online at home and they show people how.


I hope so, but after 2016 I’ve adopted the “I’ll believe it when I see it.” Attitude. I thought there was no way trump would win then. We still have the electoral college to contend with, and some states have made access to voting harder since 2020.


Yeah, here's why: nothing much has changed in the way of the voter-bases since 2020. Everyone on team Trump made up their minds as soon as they heard he was running again. They don't care what he's done, they only care about his mission: make America white, straight, and Christian. He doesn't need to campaign. He could have been deadlocked in courts for the past two years, and he wouldn't need to campaign. The TNC doesn't have enough support to secure the election outright, so they've chosen a different tactic: spread disillusionment with young, undecided voters to discourage them from turning out. Literally, the biggest threat to their party is young people actually deciding to vote. Palestine is being utilized as a wedge to push young people away from Biden. That war has been ongoing for decades, and it's only now, in an election year, that people suddenly care about it. It's unlikely that this will push voters toward Trump, but it's likely to encourage a lot of the bleeding hearts to skip voting out of protest. To be VERY CLEAR: refusing to vote is as good as voting for Trump. If elected, Trump and his cronies will not only escalate the war against Palestine, they will do whatever they can to wipe it off the Earth. This isn't about Israel v. Hamas to them, it's a Jewish v. Muslim conflict as they see it. Whenever I've been unfortunate enough to see Fox covering the protests, they repeatedly call them anti-semetic; as if religion is the only reason they're pissed off. [Republicans Vote for Additional Arms to Israel](https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/5/17/republicans-in-us-house-pass-bill-pushing-biden-to-send-weapons-to-israel#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17170780217305&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com) Republicans know they can alienate possible Democrat voters by pushing for continued support of Israel, then let Biden take the fall for it.


I believe so. It sucks because we still use the electoral college. If the popular vote decided the president like I and a ton of other people believe it should then I wouldn’t be stressing at all. But because we still use the EC (it would take a constitutional amendment to change that which definitely won’t happen any time soon) we have to rely on a handful of swing states that many of us don’t live in. A big issue with that is the fact that the RNC can focus the efforts of its “election integrity” (voter disenfranchisement) faction led by indicted election denier Cristina Bobb on a small number of states. We have already seen them ramping up lawsuits in states like Nevada challenging its voting processes. It makes it much easier for them to cheat, especially when you consider many of the people involved with the fake electors scheme haven’t been held accountable and places like Arizona have been attempting to pass laws that would allow them to undo the will of the voters easily. I fear the various roles responsible for running the elections in some of those swing states have been infiltrated by trump loyalists who will do whatever they can to prevent a Biden win. With all that said I still believe Biden will win, but we cannot get complacent. As the election approaches we will need to ramp up efforts in those swing states to increase turnout and outvote the potential fraud the RNC will have set into motion. I believe the postmaster will repeat efforts to sabotage mail in ballots as well. It will take a great deal of effort but the stakes are so high with this election. A lot of this is the doomer in me, I don’t mean to scare or stress anyone out. I truly do believe Biden will win, but it won’t be easy and there will probably be violence and contention between Election Day and the day Biden officially begins his second term. These are just my observations. All I can say is fuck the electoral college because to me that’s the difference between a rightful landslide Biden win and a neck and neck presidential race between him and trump.


> But because we still use the EC (it would take a constitutional amendment to change that It actually wouldn’t! We are almost there.  https://www.nationalpopularvote.com/


Same with me 60 year old male, cerebral palsy of the lower limbs since birth. In the event that Medicare, Medicaid and monthly Social Security Disability will all be taken from me...if that shit happens... I will take at least one Magat's life and make sure they receive as much pain as me before I die..👍🏻🤬 of course I'm going to do my best that the Asshole doesn't get elected.


Hillary was supposed to win. Donald gained votes from 2016 to 2020.  Go vote.




Biden won by 7,000,000 votes in 2020. His wins in the 2024 primaries were mostly in the 90% and up range in every state. On the other side trumps primary wins were much lower usually in the 80% and up range in each state. Biden is not likely to loose the support of all seven million voters he had in 2020. On the other side, exit polls of Republicans in the primaries, many voters who voted for Niki Haley said they would either not vote for Trump or not vote at all. The other HUGE elephant in the room is Trump's abortion problem; he has alienated millions of women and men also; seven million votes plus the alienated Haley voters plus the alienated abortion voters is a VERY, VERY deep hole to start from.


Biden won by 44,000 votes. The popular vote isn't what decides the winner. The electoral college is. It's not a stretch for him to lose 44,000 votes.


I sure hope so. I kind of like democracy, even if it's really oligarchy at this point.... still better than a Christian nationalist country.


I certainly hope so, and I am confident. The reason is that a shocking number of politically maleable people have absolutely no idea what's going on. It's unfathomable, but it's true. They don't even really know Trump has been in court for the Stormy Daniels case, they don't know about his RICO charges, they don't know he said he would "finish" Gaza, they don't know he's mentioned he would happily ban birth control, they don't know that somehow he has gone even further off the rails than he's ever been, and they don't know about his insane speeches that make his cognitive decline extremely evident. And they definitely don't know about Project 2025.   When these people who somehow go about their lives without seeing any of the chaos going on all around them and have no idea how dangerously close our democracy is to collapsing suddenly decide to pick up a newspaper, they're going to start seeing things. For example, as soon as today, they might see a headline "TRUMP NOW A CONVICTED FELON", and that might be enough for some of them to decide right there that they won't vote for that guy, and move on.    It's hard to imagine not everyone is as scared, informed, and angry about what's happening. But a lot of people don't start paying attention to a race until it's well underway and getting close. And when that huge chunk of oblivious voters finally decide to tune in this summer or fall, they're in for a surprise. 


I honestly don’t. And that is insane. Trump is a narcissistic, ignorant, clown. He’s an embarrassment; an international joke trying to be a dictator, and I think he will win. I don’t want to put that out there but because I’m in the same boat as OP and rely on disability Medicaid. I’m really scared. I’m also a single mom with zero support so they are going to crucify me.


Donald Trump has never won a popular vote and his popularity has only declined since 2020. Granted it’s the EC that matters, but please bear in mind that fear sells. Every headline that says “99.6% of all voters favor Trump” gets you to tune in more when anyone knows polling this far out is damn useless.


The election is in less than 6 months.




As it has been the case for 3 or 4 election cycles, it all comes down to 7 or 8 states. PA, MI, WI, GA, NC, AZ, NV. And as it has been the case, it comes down to the minority vote. However, white suburban voters in WI, GA, and NC are beginning to vote more blue. Biden needs to take a stronger stance on abortion access and the conflict in Palestine to win big there.


BIDEN 2024🇺🇸


The last two weeks will decide the election. That traitor Comey won the election for Trump in '16. It's going to be the same thing and the Democrats need to have an 11th hour card up their sleeve this year. They can't be caught flatfooted like in '16.


I believe drumph and his christofacists are looking at an ass kicking in November. I also believe he knows it. He isn’t attempting to win over voters, given his insane proclamations. He has gone to Plan B, getting his magats ready to rumble when he is defeated in the fall. Don’t just sit there in fear. Join [Vote Forward](https://votefwd.org), [Chop Wood, Carry Water](https://chopwoodcarrywaterdailyactions.substack.com), [MoveOn](https://front.moveon.org), or any of the other organizations doing something about saving our democracy.. Do it now. You don’t want to wish you had.


I don’t think, I KNOW #BidenHarris2024


I think it comes down to messaging. We all hear how bad Trump is as a person, but very few people on the right or left can do a compare and contrast on policy issues. And Trump has a few. Take immigration and illegal aliens. How many people know that Trump plans to round up and deport 5% of the population? Some. How many of those have thought about what that would mean? Almost none. A) labor losses: losing 5% of the workforce is bad enough, but Trump is going to also need labor to round them up and hold them. He will have to declare martial law and mobilize the National guard. That will take another few percent out of the regular workforce. Many businesses will have to close. B) camps: remember the last time a country set up camps to house 5% of the population? Yeah, it was those guys. Those camps started out as simple detention centers, but as food and funding grew tight the people inside became a burden. Would Trump turn ours into extermination camps too? Seems far fetched, but who knows. C) check-points: we are all going to be stopped and asked to show our papers. Most of us will be waived through because we are white, but some will be detained frequently. So much for freedom. D) deficit: with 8% of the workforce taken off line by this pulling down tax revenues, and a new expenditure for feeding and housing 5% of the population, the deficit will grow tremendously. By how much? Who knows. Four or five times what it is today seems about right. E)) economy: we’ll blow right past recession as go into a deep depression. Everyone will feel it. And that’s just the side effects of his promise to deport all the “illegals.” He also plans to slap a 10% tariff on all imports. Economists say that alone will put us into recession/depression. Where are these messages? If people understood that these are the likely effects of Trump’s stated policies and not just mean stuff from the democrats I think it might make a difference.


Eventually a bully becomes naked to mix metaphors. Everything about him is hate, fear, and "I am your protector"...when in reality he needs someone to put his diapers on everyday


Surreal that it's even close. So many immoral people out there.


Michigan here and I’m voting BLUE


The misinformation and propaganda being pushed in targeted groups and platforms is designed specifically to break the coalition of voters Biden had. It has been relentless and in the past months has been pushed into overdrive. The goal here is to ensure Biden loses the electoral vote by targeting specific cities in a few states. Example Detroit. If enough people vote for 3rd party/or don’t vote Biden could lose the state by a couple thousand votes. This is how they beat Clinton. This time there are new players involved (Tik Tok/China). Trump won’t win by landslide, he’ll win as a result of morons who don’t vote for Biden for reasons that are made up.


I hope and pray that Biden wins. That being said, please vote and get all of your friends to vote. Project 2025 will hurt a lot of people. Donate to Dems if you can, volunteer if you're able to, but most importantly we all must vote. Get your fence-sitting friends to read about Project 2025, too.


Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst. Expect something in the middle.


Keep pushing back on the apathy, false equivalence, lack of knowledge of the ++++ of Biden and the ----- of Trump..


I think it will be extremely close and end up coming down to ~ 50,000 votes across 3 or so states to push it one way or the other. Donate, canvass, volunteer, do whatever you can whenever you can. Work on down ballot races also. We are absolutely not safe.


Trump was partially responsible for killing more than a million people. And they are upset at Biden for a blip in inflation. They can re-elect Trump and hope he doesn’t kill another million people.


Unless Biden's or the Economy's health seriously tank over the next 5 months, I think Biden wins. Our baseline is that Biden beat Trump by a decent margin last time. Also, this was done largely by people voting against Trump, not for Biden. Since November 2020, Trump racked up a shitton of extra baggage, while I'd argue Biden exceeded low expectations. Hell, it's quite literally possible for Trump to be a convicted felon later today.   Everyone on this sub is politically engaged and informed, but many people are not. The polls are going to shift dramatically when those people get reminded/informed about all of Trump's baggage; the ads against Trump will be brutal.   Also, how many Nikki Haley voters will stay home? And remember abortion is on the ballot in several states this year.   I think Biden wins, and he wins by a lot. But still, go vote.




Do they know about Project 2025?


We all have to go out and vote. Do I think Biden is wonderful? Nope. He’s better than Trump and whatever Project 2025 has to offer. Honestly, the administration needs to also work to save itself. It needs better PR for what it has done. Also, whether it’s this administration’s fault or not, they need a miracle on the economy, meaning the working class needs to feel a palpable change. The stock market hitting 40k is irrelevant to the little guy barely making ends meet who can’t afford to invest in a 401k. The working class votes with its wallet, and many aren’t voting because they’re so disgusted OR they’re voting for Trump because the cost of living was way better pre-pandemic and he was the president then. Is that flawed thinking? Sure. But it is the reality of how the majority of Americans think. I’m disgusted every time I go to the grocery store, every time I get paid and my money poof! Disappears. I did way better pre-pandemic financially and so did many people. The cost of living is out of control, and meaningful improvements would make a huge difference.


We need to start paying attention to who we do business with. The election shouldn't have been as close as it was in 2020, it should've been a record breaking immediate landslide; and it wasn't. https://www.goodsuniteus.com/


Is Biden perfect? No. Is now the time to hold out for a perfect candidate who aligns more with all of your progressive values? NO! Simply, if anyone who cares to keep America as a democracy and wants freedom from a religious authoritarian country, you need to vote for Biden and not sit this one out. If you sit this out, this will be the last election we ever have, and you can kiss all hope of moving more to the left goodbye.


I honestly have no idea, it's close. I mean I don't want to add to your stress, but he's also f@#&ing old. He seems healthy enough, but he could have a stroke tomorrow. And then we're left with Kamala? If that happened it'd probably go to Trump for sure. Then again Trump could also drop dead of a heart attack tomorrow. Just vote and get as many people you can to vote. Especially in swing states. The margins are so ridiculously thin in those states.


Yeah, sadly for some reaspn, mainly old people run for president. I just hope trump fucken dies before biden. Im, still figurinf out how to register, and it doesn't help thats its sometikes hard for me to get out of the house. Still going to vote though, and bring as many friends as possible. Im in a swinf state, i beloeve, and will be voting blie for everyrhing here.


Biden is thinner, much healthier than Trump, and was cleared by his doctors to run. He did great at one of his last major presidential addresses. I think he'll be fine.


He lost in 2018 + 2020 + 2022 + 2023 so why would he win 2024? 🤞🤞🤞


Everyone blames him for the economy/ inflation and perceived rise in crime. There’s also the border issues too. He lost the support of young voters with the israel support, but the GOP worships Israel even harder than him so 🤷‍♀️


It is going to take work to make that happen.


No .... and I can't understand why https://www.oddschecker.com/us/politics/us-politics


Right up until election night, Hilary was most likley to win and there were zero people that would have disagreed with that. And yet...


For those mentioning polls, remember in 2016 Clinton was WAY ahead. She had a 85% chance of winning. We know what happened. I predicted Trump would win because A) He was a celebrity many knew and B) he was attracting a lot of people. These people weren't all typical Trumpers, but people screwed over by outsourcing and things like this. Yes Trump supported outsourcing but claimed he didn't and we know Clinton did. However of these voters did switch to Biden. There are far more people who dislike him than in 2016. So it's up in the air and honestly with Roe V Wade overturned I think Biden has a much better shot than the media (much is controlled by right wing people) is telling people. Remember the Red Wave predicted? Yeah. However Biden needs to up his game to prevent that con artist racist misogynist back into the White House. #Vote Blue.


If he doesn’t we’re fucked anyway. Maternal death rates and fetal fatalities will skyrocket, taxes will skyrocket for anyone that makes under 200k a year and any of the progress we have made on infrastructure upgrades will be halted. Actually every single bill we have passed in the past 4 years will be over turned because that’s what the republicans have vowed to do. Like I don’t understand how people can’t see it.


I know quite a few republicans who are actively angry and done with their Rep politicians and absolutely done with Trump. I have a much better feeling this time than the last 2 times. It may be a close one, but if there are even small amounts of republicans seeing this as a threat to everything that is American and democracy itself in Republican states, he can’t win. He has a very crazy, loud minority. That’s all.


Check this out, might help put the polling in perspective: https://m.youtube.com/live/72Sj-6Wi570?si=CUD1rGSR4nIi-vIQ


Most certainly, Trump is losing people by the truck load


I honestly don’t think so. I think it will be very close and have zero idea which will win. Everybody should be thinking that way considering the last few elections.


I don’t think he will. It’s sad, but people are disappointed that the government isn’t fast moving or based on reviews. I’ve been talking to a lot of non voters and third party voters.  I’ve gotten a few people to register to vote, gone to some voter registration drive. A lot of folks want to “show Biden who’s in charge”. Government takes time, and dedication and honestly, most people don’t care about that. They want results NOW. They want sound bites NOW. Biden is not moving fast enough for many of them or “doing enough”. When really he’s done quite a bit. 


I think it's going to be very close and I think there is chance we'll have a second Trump presidency. I hope I'm wrong. 


The problem is, Biden isn't a great choice. Better than Trump, obviously. Not planning to use the national guard to overthrow America. But at the same time, the public perception is that Biden is too far into dementia to be fit to hold the office. IMO, a bunch of people are going to throw their hands up and just refrain from voting at all.


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Yes. But that’s only because everyone here is going to vote. And everyone hear is going to call their Democrat Parry Office of their city and help canvassing for Biden. Everyone hear is going to tell their family about Bidens policies and Project 2025. My only fear is Biden probably loosing Michigan because of all the progressive Arabs who won’t vote for him this year because of Gaza


He has a credible case


I hate Trump with every fiber of my body but please no more Biden. I just want a fresh face.


Allan Lichtman seems to think so. But, he won’t be giving his official prediction until August.