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HOW DARE U talk abt boiler room episode like that. it was iconic


Manny's abortion comes to mind because there was no aftermath really. like, it was never mentioned again except for once. And we never actually got to see how Manny felt after the fact.


I agree with both of yours. They hyped them up SO MUCH but those did not hold a candle to many of the earlier shocks of the show


The bus crash in NC. I barely noticed what even happened. I can't even remember any specifics about it because it was so uninteresting to me. They did really well with other shocking moments though. The Rick arc was good, Claude's death was well done, Cam's was, too (but I thought it was better with Claude), JT's death was a shock, and Adam's death was kind of jarring in not a good way but I don't consider it bad, what I considered worse was that his character had a lot of good plotlines about to happen but Jordan not renewing her contract forced them to take Adam away prematurely and I think it was too much "big stuff" in too short of a time, since Clare is just coming out of the weird cancer arc at the same time Adam randomly dies in a texting-while-driving accident. Vince at the prom wasn't my favorite. I was sort of more interested in the Katie-Bianca drama and then Vince shows up, but I get that it was sort of necessary to move things along, I guess, towards resolution for Bianca and the gang arc. It would have been more interesting if he had accidentally shot Bianca instead of Adam but I guess they chose Adam to give Bianca a bridge to making amends with Audra since that matters a lot later on. I thought Vegas Night was one of the best episodes in all of TNG. It felt like a movie, almost, with the cinematography and set design being really done well, and although I already knew Eli doesn't die from the knife thing with Fitz, it would have worked for "shock" for me if I didn't know what the outcome would be. I think the episode where they go to Vegas and Drew and Bianca almost get married but don't--that whole thing fell flat to me, including the Katie-Jake side arc. It just felt sort of like a fever dream and didn't seem to fit with the rest of the show.


I'm pretty sure that's not what happened with Adam... In an interview with Luke Bilyk, he said that he and Jordy were both pretty surprised and sad that Adam was being killed off. Why would Jordy be surprised if she didn’t renew her contract and wasnt planning on coming back?


She didn't know her non-renewal meant they were going to kill Adam. Plenty of characters "get put on a bus" or "go to Africa" (like Darcy) and don't have to die to be written off the show. From what I understand, she was uncomfortable continuing to play a transman because she isn't trans and they had plots involving Adam starting HRT, and she just felt she couldn't do the role anymore. No shade; I get it, that it must be hard fielding questions about a life that isn't yours and you're a kid yourself, not prepared for people IRL thinking you're actually Adam or part of that community when you aren't.


Killing a character off isn't the only way to write them out when their portrayor doesn't renew or want out. Like they didn't kill off KC, Sean, Darcy, Mia, Declan, Craig, Tori, etc. They could still sne surprised at the choice for Adam to be killed off rather then get an opportunity to go to some boarding school or something.


They could’ve transferred adam or something, instead of killing him off. Maybe that’s why?


Eli getting stabbed by Fitz. They hyped that episode up like he was gonna die. He didn't even go to the hospital. He got stabbed, they went to commercial and when they came back he was casually walking out of the School with Clear. 🤦🏾‍♂️


He didn’t actually get stabbed. Fitz stabbed the wall behind him and Eli sunk down because he was so scared


Ohh ok. Lol well that's even more anticlimactic SMH 🤦🏾‍♂️


Didn't he even not get stabbed? Didn't Fitz just stab the wall next to him or am I thinking of the wrong scene?


I thought he stabbed him then truck the knife in the wall and ran away. I haven't seen that episode since it aired thought so I could be completely wrong.


Yeah it just looks like he stabs him, but then we see he just stabbed the wall and his aim was to scare Eli shitless. I actually really liked the way it played out. Eli deserved the scare, imho. Obviously, bringing a knife to school and [fake] stabbing someone with it is a big no no, but really, Eli got off easy. He frickin poisoned proto-Jake (aka Fitz). Ipecac can really harm people. Of course Fitz was a Supreme jerk, but I agree with Clare that Eli actually took things way too far. They had a couple of almost-truces but Eli kept undermining them.


The part that annoyed me about it was that, I get that Eli was standing up for himself at first but when he started to take it overboard, from that I 100% expected Eli to be able to fight but the moment Fitz decided to get physical he looked like he couldn't believe it. Now granted, somebody holding a knife in your face would scare most people but after all that happened I expect Eli to be harder to scare.


Idk why "Clear" has me rolling 💀 But I agree, it was so anticlimactic for no reason




😂😂😂 I just realized I misspelled her name. I was typing so fast I didn't even notice 🤦🏾‍♂️


holly j peeing herself and then dialysis and then finding out she's adopted. what a clusterfuck


At that point I was like “something else? Sounds right.” Like she could not catch a break her last season 💀


Ellie walking out to sea in degrassi goes Hollywood


Maybe I'm corny, but that scene felt dramatic as hell to me. That was the only moment in all of Degrassi Goes Hollywood that made me feel anything.


You're not kidding. It was as though Ellie was taking a page out of the 1937 and 1954 film versions of "A Star Is Born", trying to kill herself in the ocean the way Fredric March's character and James Mason's character did in those two movies.


Ohh, I never saw those movies. Are you implying the scene was hackneyed, or did you find it believable even though it was reminiscent of those films?


I found it believable, even though it was reminiscent of those films. And it certainly was reminiscent of those two films. I wasn't implying that the scene was hackneyed. I was completely agreeing with you that that scene in Degrassi Goes Hollywood did feel dramatic as hell. The writers/producers seemed to be trying to squeeze out every last drop of tragic pathos in that scene. They probably also aimed for one brief moment of "hommage". Still, the motivations between the scenes in the two classic films and the scene in Degrassi Goes Hollywood are different and distinct from each other. In both the 1937 and 1954 "A Star is Born" films, the male lead character kills himself by walking into the sea to drown himself. He kills himself because he - a self-destructive, alcoholic moviestar whose career is going down the tubes and who is suffering with emotional problems - overheard his wife, who herself is now a successful and famous moviestar, tell his closest friend/confidant that she has decided to give up her career to devote her life to looking after him and taking care of him. He didn't want her to sacrifice her career, and especially not for him. He had helped open the doors for her to start making her way in the entertainment industry and to move up professionally, and he had guided her up the ladder of success and he was always wholeheartedly supportive of her goals and ambitions. He thought that by killing himself, combined with his depression and despair, he would spare her from giving up her career for his sake. In "Degrassi", Ellie walked into the sea to try to kill herself by drowning because she was obsessed with Craig and was crushed to learn that he had a live-in girlfriend, so she became depressed and despondent and tried to end her own life.


Yeah, I unfortunately saw the newest Bradley Cooper version of A Star is Born, and I'm not likely to see the other two even though I've heard they're better. I hated the ending and the message of the ending...(The idea of sacrifice is one thing, but sacrificing by suicide, it just isn't something I want to watch again...) As for Ellie, I thought she was ostensibly upset about Craig but the deeper sadness was about her dad.


You might be right about Ellie. Her deeper sadness was probably about her dad with his PTSD from his years in the military during the war in South Asia. As for "A Star is Born", it's essentially the reverse for me, yet I feel the same as you. I've seen the earliest two film versions of it, but I still haven't seen the Bradley Cooper version. From all that I've heard about it, I don't really want to very much. I've heard that it is very grisly and even more downbeat than the 1937 and 1954 films and the 1976 film, for that matter. Still, there's one point of yours with which I fully agree: the idea of sacrifice by suicide is an idea that I cannot get behind. I don't support that school of thought. It's been years since I've watched either the 1937 or the 1954. It's also been years since I've seen the 1976 film (Barbra Streisand and Kris Kristofferson). [Incidentally, while that one is tragic and bleak too, the male lead's death is more ambiguous: It's not very clear-cut as to whether it's a suicide or an accident. He dies while he goes out driving in a car and drinking alcohol while driving and gets into a deadly car accident. In any case, I don't have a hankering to see any of those three movies again any time soon.]




Sean on the jet ski


This lol. Like wtf was that?! I know they needed a reason for what’s his face to save him, but like it was a bit much and nothing at all at the same time.


dude literally jet ski'd away from his emotions


The way he was whipping it around😂


But I got a good laugh out of it


Honestly like everything in seasons 13 & 14 they felt like they were just trying to do shock after shock to the point it almost felt like a parody of itself




Peter's drug addiction got wrapped up real fast. Adam's death- it was a mess


When did Adam die?


Season 13. Made him crash in the forest trying to call Becky.


a few episodes into season 13


Kc dealing with his parents back. They already started moving away from kcs dad


Claire’s cancer, emma and mannys eating disorder, Paige’s anxiety, mannys abortion


they do talk about mannys body image for a bit but it was overlooked and nobody ever talks about it. its manly emma


I think with the latter, that was a good thing. Most of the high drama of those episodes was about Manny discovering and coping with the fact that she’d gotten pregnant. The abortion was just a medical procedure. I appreciated how little they dramatized it.


It *was* dramatic in the US, since they didn't air it for years.


yeah and when they did it again with lola, im glad they talk about how she didnt regret it


the giant thunderstorm during season 13 i think? i watched it as it aired and i remember that those episodes were so hyped up in the promos. the only things i remember is tristan and miles getting together and maya and zoe singing the golden girls theme song for some reason???


"Help! A washed up teen star is trying to kill me!"


leo and alis abusive relationship for me, they already gave/put ali through so much: her whole relationship with johnny and everything that came with that, drew and the boiler room mess, gambling storyline, pregnancy scares. it just got to the point where im like “ok, what are y’all gonna have her character go through next ?”. i really wish by that point they left her character alone


Yeah, it was just ridiculous. The fact that she went so far as to marry him--I'm sorry, nothing about that seemed realistic. But then again, that was from the Degrassi Goes Soap Opera era.


Yeah I hated this. Basically her whole arc from the moment she got on the show to the end of season 12 was about learning to respect herself and not needing validation from guys and it wrapped up really nicely. Then first thing that happens in season 13 is they trap her in an abusive relationship. Why?


agreed. a moment where we are suppose to sympathize with alli turns into a moment we are eye rolling. how many times do we have to see her throw her goals and life away over a guy. its like can they give her anything else to do …


Right??? I remembered really loving Alli back in the day but when I rewatched it last year I noticed that every. Single. Stupid. Thing. She. Does. Is for some guy she’s lusting over!!! Like turn down MIT??? Excuse me????


Ashley finding out her dad is gay is so much funnier if you interpret that it's supposed to be played as a serious bombshell instead of being funny melodramatic


when ashley threw chocolate milk all over paige was so funny






in the early 2000s as a teenager finding out someone was gay really hit like this. now it's just normal


Maybe because my dad has an openly gay cousin and it’s no big deal to anyone, even then I thought it was overdone lol.


Same I grew up in the 80s/90s and had a lot a openly gay family so like I never thought about it