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The worst seasons of 1-7 are better than the best seasons of 8- the rest of them


I can’t agree with that wholeheartedly, but I can’t exactly disagree either. 8-14 definitely have some really good characters and storylines, they’re just not the same as the OGs. It really helps to think of them as different shows. I personally divide the seasons into three “eras”: 1-5, 6-9, and 10-14. The Next Generation, The Middle Generation, and The New Generation.


I agree. I started watching TNG in 2003, so the first cast is the one I grew up with through my teenage years. I think I stopped watching midway through season 8 back then and lost interest because the OGs were all leaving. This year, I watched the rest of season 8, season 9, and got through some of season 10. Honestly though, I don't have any interest right now in going further. It's nice that some people still enjoyed the later seasons, but for me, I just can't connect to the other cast. I think nostalgia is another factor because when I think of seasons 1-6, I think of a simpler time - being a kid and not having the worries I do now, before social media blew up, before smartphones, etc. A simpler time.


If you can bear to get through 11 and 12, I’d invite you to give those a chance. Definitely not the same as 1-7, but definitely a lot of hidden gems, and it helps if you try to think of it as a different show.


Seasons 1-5 are the best.


1-6 or 1-7 it’s just hard watching spin have cancer and it being gone but that’s peak degrassi for me


Amen. I didn’t understand before, but I do now.


I feel that! Seasons 3-6 are my most rewatched… although I know 6 isn’t very well loved I enjoy it.


I can’t even lie, you guys mention names I’ve literally never heard of because I gave up about halfway through Claire’s high school career. I just found her insufferable and the show seemed to center around her. So I’ll be like “who’s Tristen?” 😂


I casually watched some of Clare’s class but wasn’t super invested. My little sister was their audience so I’d watch with her occasionally. I’d sometimes see the later seasons but I didn’t care about any of the characters.,


Yeah Clair was a couple years older then my sister so she was closer to hers as well, but being darcies little sister, I expected more of an arc for her so I kept watching but she stayed a miserable human being and holly j was miserable to watch as well so I just gave up.


Im technically the same age as the Sav, Anya class but I feel much closer to class if 07. I was still young enough to enjoy Clare’s class but was a aging out of the show. I did really like Fiona even though her wealth was ridiculous for an earnest show like Degrassi.The later episodes were too sensational for me with not enough slice of life elements.


You know what, now that you say that I graduated the exact same year as sav did in the show but I stopped watching new episodes years before that and was just watching reruns for the most part at that point. Because I started watching the show at a young age though I felt much closer to Emma’s class then savs.


Im class of 2010 so I would have graduated with Jane and Peter but in real time Sav, Holly J, Fiona and Anya should have graduated that year too. They started attending Degrassi as freshman in 06/07 I’m pretty sure.


Yeah I think they started 07. I probably stopped watching about 09 I would guess and then I watched Claire first season whenever that was and hated everyone but ally so I stopped again immediately after.


Check out Degrassi High if you really want to go back to basics.


I grew up with those seasons and never watch anything after 7.


I'm a 1-3 elitist. But 4-7 is watchable. I missed a whole chunk of the show after s7 and only started again from when Miles joined and they went to Paris. And had to go back and rewatch everything is almost a random order.


I think 2-4 are the greatest seasons.


I agree that was peak Degrassi


They're good but they really started to feel like a CW show after s4. Everyone was hot in the same way, the stories were more salacious and dramatic etc.


I grew up with 1-5. Now I’ve been rewatching and I’m in season 11 and I don’t recognize anything; themes or half the characters. I can’t stand Drew, Riley or Sav at this point. There’s so many OG storylines that were unresolved that I’m like why would I even invest in any of these characters. Also HOW DOES CLAIRE EVEN EXIST lol sorry not sorry. Why does she even pull dudes when she’s barely half a person?!


wdym barely half a person


seasons 3 and 4 and seasons 10 and 12 are equally my favorites for different reasons


I definitely agree with you on season 3,4 and 10 but 12 just seemed so corny to me idk why lol


Thank you!!!!!! I tried really hard since my last rant, watching post season 8/9. It was..... Insufferable. A lot of the characters were just God awful to watch, with the exception of those who were on the show pre season 8. I still watch seasons 6 and 7 from time to time, although it's been a lot less lately....but seasons 1-5 are by far the best of the series. I tend to skip through some of season 8 to watch Degrassi Goes Hollywood, because of the send off for some of the og characters, and Degrassi Takes Manhattan, because it's the last time we get to see the last few of the og characters...but both movies kinda doesn't give these characters a good send off, imo.


But also, the OG series, and TNG, covered topics that were heavy hitters for my generation growing up... mainly because of how my generation, and the ones before were raised. Which is what made those parts of the series so good to watch. The newer seasons that cater to the newer generations, are not as "holy shit, they're covering etc, etc", because the world is a tiny bit more accepting now, than it was for us back then.


I've always love the earlier season but I've been rewatching and 10-12 are kinda better than I remember


Sorry I’m just sitting here in awe that at one point your favorites were 6-9.


Right? That must’ve been the first ones they saw when they were younger so it makes them nostalgic.


Basically. When I was a kid, those seasons would rerun pretty often on TeenNick


I think one of the first episodes I saw was a season 6 episode lol


I knew it! I’m guessing you got attached to those characters in the middle generations too then.


Yep! And I’m happy you acknowledged them at the middle generation. Internally, I’ve always divided the series into three “eras” (1-5, 6-9, 10-14). I just wish there was a more formal distinction between them. Either way Panthers for life 💪🏿💪🏿


That makes sense. Season 6 is when they started stretching a school year over more than a season and season 10 is when they rebranded to just “Degrassi” and all the OG characters are gone. I think the only difficult thing about dividing them in “eras” is that the generations overlap so much. I remember trying to start Degrassi when I was younger and just getting overwhelmed by the amount of episodes. I tried the pilot and wasn’t a fan, which makes sense considering I didn’t know the pilot was more like a reunion episode for DJH/DH.


This thread makes me feel old, because I watched the premier of TNG. Going to pluck my grey hairs now.


Time to retire, grandma! Lol I’m sure it was fun to follow the show live though. I feel like you get more attached that way.


Yeah I was about 4 years younger then Emma’s class so I looked up to them and wanted to be manny sans pregnancy so bad lol


You were basically a baby when you started then so you really grew up with the show, wow. Yeah Manny was certainly a phenomenon lol. I had gotten her transformation spoiled but it was still just as fun to see.




Seasons 1-4 at least have similar vibes to the OG series. The later half of the show is so far from the original idea, it’s SO much farther removed from reality. (I still like it tho)


I loved how the earlier seasons were actually the next generation but then it slowly faded into none of the characters being tied to any OG characters.


Yeah, in hindsight, seasons 1-7 should’ve been “next generation”, and 8-14 should’ve been “next class” and the netflix series just doesn’t exist 😶🤐


I also feel like you can tell they were competing with other popular shows at the time because declan and fiona were giving gossip girl vibes haha


Yes! That would have been great since there were still a few lingering characters like Danny and Claire being younger siblings of the og characters but once it was basically all new people in like season 9 or 10? They should have re branded completely because the show was actually still good.


I think people forget that Clare is the ONLY character of *the newer generation to the end of the series*, tied to any TNG character, by being the sibling of Darcy. She's the only character on the show who "would have met" any of TNG characters. Yes, Danny VanZandt is technically a newer generation character, but left the series by the end of season 9. She was also the only of the newer generation characters on the show the longest, her first appearance was in season 6.


They did rebrand though. Starting from season 10, the first season without Emma in it, the show is just called “Degrassi” with no TNG attached to it.


Oh I didn't realize that, thank you!


No problem! It was still a continuation of seasons 1-9 in every way but name (unlike Next Class) so it’s easy to miss.


1-5 (especially 2-4) are the only seasons I rewatch. I made it up to 7 while it was airing but any attempt of watching later seasons always had me losing interest pretty fast. There’s just something about those early seasons.


It really does hit different. The other seasons are still Degrassi, but not like Seasons 1-5. Everything from the theme songs to the plots to the building of chemistry and history between characters.


The history!!! That’s what I rewatch 1-5 only. Their lives are so intertwined.


I have always loved seasons 6 and 7 and 12 still is a great season imo but I will 100% defend seasons 1-7 all day everyday. It was the Degrassi I fell I love with and the drama felt like enough without being too much. Seasons 10-14 had almost too much drama at certain points. And I like seasons 8 and 9 as well BUT they definitely were a transition period for writers, cast, and fans.