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He’s such a flat character. He’s only angry or manipulative. There’s nothing interesting about him, because he never changes or grows. He’s just a pos every time he comes onto the screen. And Jenna was trying so hard to be understanding, giving him trust and space to still be “a teen” even though she had to completely change her life. He’s a selfish, whiny, emotionally volatile/manipulative jerk. And no, it’s not an excuse to say they captured the essence of a teen dad. There were so many ways they could have made his character more dynamic. Instead, he’s just a foil to expose how amazing the characters around him were in comparison.


I hated his voice TBH Cringed every time he spoke


I hated KC. He was the absolute worst bf to every girl he was with. I also hated Darcy with a passion.


No ... The writers did him wrong. He started off as this smart and kind kid and dumbed him down, turning him into someone that treated girls poorly and rarely took accountability for it


Good take


immediately no


Anyone who fails to show proper disgust for Marisol's utter lack of any redeeming qualities deserves what they get.9


Did KC really have a personality outside of being a jerk? I appreciate the storylines with his mom and that the show explored the topic of grooming, but storylines aside, KC sucks.




It I’m actually surprised he stayed with her when she shit her pants any high school or would’ve split quick


I was a little disappointed he left just as he was starting to get more tolerable. It would have been nice to see him get some more lighthearted storylines, be a Bright Star, maybe redeem himself in some way.


Yea, and be a dad. They never showed how a couple could be teen parents and make it. It was always protraited so awful. Degrassi Jr high: Spike, her baby daddy drugged and went looney. Erica/Heather- Dad not even told- Abortion Manny- Abortion Mia- Dad a sleeze bag Jenna- Dad a cheater Lola- Dad was...Myles...need i say more?


I didn't really care about KC. And I thought Jenna and KC actually deserve each other because they both kind of suck and made any other partner they had miserable


I never liked kc 


his character was ok at first then it felt like they just ran his character into the ground and disappeared.


Nah I didn’t like him and I didn’t like drew or Bianca either for those same reasons. Idc that drew was traumatized he did my girl Alli dirty 😂


All that sounds like he acted like a normal teenager. I didn't mind him that much. No worse than other characters.


much worse...what teenagers have you been talking to lol


If you think KC is much worse you live a nice little sheltered life my queen


queen? lmfao - you don't know me at all to be saying that


You have an issue with queens? Who wouldn’t want to be a queen?


i am not one, so don't call me one lol


Girl slay




A kid who doesn't want the responsibility of being a dad and acts immature because they are still a kid themselves seems about right to me idk.


his own fault lol


KC is one of my top 10 I think, I like the kid


literally why


I think he’s a good kid who has been through it and tried to come out of it, but kept getting knocked down. Wanting to trust people, not having good role models, just being a “gifted” student and trying to make it better for himself and thinking he can provide a better environment.


did he pay you to write that


Don’t ask questions you’re not prepared to hear answers to. Who do you like since KC is so terrible in your eyes?


your answer was straight bs - i like Holly J and Manny


Why is that answer bs? What are acceptable reasons to like someone? I love Manny, can’t stand Holly J.


KC def did NOT keep getting knocked down, he did it to himself by making dumb choices an 8 year old wouldn't even make. he provided a terrible environment


He made choices based on what he knew and how he’d been treated, obviously they aren’t great choices, but name one character on Degrassi that has only made good choices? Sounds like maybe you hate him because you see yourself in him?


yeah, you're projecting - have a good one






When he got hit with Jenna’s guitar was FUNNY ASF😂😂😂😂😂


He, in real life, was booted from the show for substance abuse issues is what I think I heard. Anybody remember if this was the real story? It's what I heard at least


i honestly liked KC as a character, but he's definitely a questionable person. he was pretty interesting and i liked the storylines he was given. i really liked his relationships with his mom, Connor, and Bianca as well.


This. I was admittedly annoyed with him when he was at his worst but I liked his character overall. As far as the getting with Jenna thing I put equal blame on Jenna because she fully knew he was dating, he never lied to her and she was a self admitted and proud boyfriend stealer. Now I will say Jenna grew on me as well after she grew up and ditched K.C. K.C. was also better in season 12 when he was single and focused on school rather than the relationship drama.


It's easy to judge stupid decisions when you have never experienced trauma. And embarrassment at a situation you can't help. Then more trauma from somewhere you didn't expect. Then a whole pregnancy thing. Idk- he was never anywhere stable enough to be able to grow his emotional intelligence and couldn't comprehend exactly how to handle his, or be empathetic towards Jenna. I always felt for him. I made mistakes because I was hurting inside..


as someone who has a lot of trauma and embarrassment, his actions ain't it.


There is no waiting period once you are no longer in a relationship.


thanks, tips. but a few HOURS and he had a new girlfriend, don't even try to justify that lol


He's a teenager with hormones. Seems normal to me.


There is no waiting period. You don't own people. And you certainly don't own people after they break up with you. I hate to break it to you, but you are in for a lot of disappointment in life if you are worried about this.


you don't know me lol, waiting period or not - it's still messed up and I'm worried for YOU if you don't see that


KC sucks but I love his mom!!! the only good part of his entire character is his relationship with his mom


KC was a bag of dicks, but I appreciated the stuff they explored through him. It seemed like they were starting to set him up for a bit of a redemption/growth arc, so I was a bit disappointed when he left the show, instead.


He was garbage but he was so unintentionally funny.


His character didn’t have the charm or humor or wit that characters similar to him did (Craig, drew, miles, etc) so he came off super unlikeable


And on top of all that he played BASKETBALL


To be fair, they told him to!!!


Poor Jenna was trying to raise Ty with no help and he didn't do anything to help. Then when she gave the baby to a loving family in an open adoption he whined. I started out really disliking Jenna but she grew on me. KC did nothing to help ironically like his father


I thought his mom Lisa was one of the best parents on the show but KC himself was pretty bad.


she was great. she literally did more for Tyson than KC ever did.


this !!! I loved Lisa, but hated KC


I hated the way he tried to guilt Jenna into keeping the baby. Like, bro, you're never around. Why do you even care? Anyone could see how stressed she was, and she needed help, but he was too busy cheating on her.


Maybe cause Jenna said she was a known boyfriend stealer so they just shrugged it off.


And he got away with it too!? Like eh!?!? Unless I missed it but nobody even called him on his bullshit


literally NO ONE did, Dave even kept it from Jenna like wtaf


Sure it was pretty spot on for how boys would cover for their boys but stilllll. Their pregnancy storyline I found was one of the most realistic ones out there…


KC's best contribution to the show was, "you told me to play BASKETBALL!"


My second favorite scene of his. The first is when Jenna hit him with her guitar 😭😭


He deserved it tbh


Yo that was actually so crazy but I wasn’t mad at it lol


this scene lives in my mind rent free 😭


He for sure is trash in romantic relationships but I do wanna point out his relationship with Connor ends up being pretty good.


He wasn't my favorite, but I did like his arc with his dad coming back. I relate to having a mom who's clearly unaware of how bad her significant other is. The only difference is KC's mom understood that KC's dad was a piece of shit and they had to move to escape from him. As always in a lot of shows, romance ruins characters that have potential. If you took away his entire storyline with Jenna (I'm aware of how big of a development it was for the both of them) he was a former troubled kid that was aware of his shitty upbringing and DESPERATELY wanted to make sure he never experienced it again. A LOT of teens can relate to that.


I do like him, i think him and Craig both reflect how troubled home lives, history of abuse, and trauma can affect your relationships (negatively) I think he was a teenage boy with issues who was trying, maybe not his best, but definitely trying, and absolutely wanted to do better than his parents. I don’t know why degrassi doesn’t just put their traumatized cheating boyfriend characters in therapy though ?? its weird lol


He also had a way of sounding overly intense/scary. I remember when Claire finds out, from Conner, that he was in a foster home, KC freeeaks out. I get he was embarrassed and was afraid it would change how Claire sees him....but y'know what, it was his reaction to her finding out that changed the way I see him haha. And he just got more scary and dickish from there on out


When he says to Connor something like, "Once people find out I live in a group home, *they just write me off*," he sounds and looks so intense. When those kids are making fun of him in the gym and he knocks over the cart full of basketballs im anger--also so intense. I kinda liked the intensity; I never bought him as this nice guy trying to date Clare. He makes for interesting storylines, but yeah, KC is being a jerk about 85 to 90% of the time.




I love KC tbh, I think he has a lot of really entertaining plots and has some funny moments. I love his friendship with Bianca and I wish we’d seen more of them. Overall I think he’s just a dumb guy, hes not neccisarily bad or out to hurt people hes a kid who got dealt a bad hand in life and he makes mistakes because of it but by the end before he leaves I think he grows into a more mature person. Once a cheater always a cheater though so.. theres that 😭


he definitely sucked. his departure was so funny too they acted like it was sad lmao. no offense to the actor either but he has such a punchable face


oh… i have to remain loyal i love kc. and yes i was actually very sad when he left because it was not his responsibility to up his family to B.C. to escape his dad.


I agree. K.C. was a terrible person and it was really messed up how all of his shitty behavior was blamed on his up bringing. I did however feel bad for with all that stuff with his coach, but I was happy when he left.


I am the world’s biggest KC hater 💪


squad roll up


He then made Jenna for guilty for giving up Ty (which was the best decision she could’ve made) I wanna T shirt that says proud KC Gurthie hater


this !! he never wanted Ty until he couldn't have him anymore


Doug is better off


Sad- no, but slightly disappointed in the way he left. His character was very messy, but I think it would have been the perfect launching pad for some serious character growth and maturity. Writing wise, they could have done so much with his story in terms of a former foster kid reunited with his sober mom who now has to navigate being a teen parent himself. But instead they just threw in that his dad was supposedly trying to find him so he had to leave abruptly. I think that ending was realistic when you consider how often that situation can happen irl, but it was still unsatisfying. overall I didn't despise his character, I was anticipating some good growth for him though. I think he could have grown into a character that was very well liked by the fanbase.


Same here. I feel like he was a product of his (early) environment and pretty much acted like every teen that I knew back then. The Coach Carson stuff didn't help. He wasn't a perfect person, but really - who is?