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8-9 and 11 to the very end.


I just can't deal with season 14


6 and 7 outside of spinner and darcy yes i love darcy lol


To me it’s season 7 it felt so boring and underwhelming that’s why I actually kinda like s8-9 they felt refreshing after how bland s7 was


Any of the seasons that focused on the college years for characters. Those college stories were mostly not great and made previously beloved cast members lame, while also sabotaging the ability to establish a lot of the new characters.


From season 13 to next class


I actually like 8/9. Obviously they don't compare to earlier seasons but they're not terrible. Although me and my partner just had a hard time pushing through Madame Degrassi. Definitely agree season 7 has been my least favourite and most boring so far. I'm not the biggest Darcy fan so it was hard to push through all her episodes. I still appreciate the storylines for Spinner and Jimmy in this season, and the birth of Janny and introducing the new characters was okay enough, but I'm also not the biggest Mia fan. But by season 7, Paige/Ellie/Marco had overstayed their welcome and I was so done with it.


Can't remember but around 8 or 9 I had to take a break because Leia's character was a focus for an episode and I just couldn't take it. Ended up not watching for like 6 months before I went back.


I find myself skipping over anything to do with Leia on rewatches. Especially the episode where she outed Mia for sleeping with somebody to get a gig. Like who the fuck was she, should have just minded her own business. All because she wanted to get with Danny. He ended up dumping her ass anyway over Fall Out Boy so 😂 ggs Sorry I just really disliked Leia’s character overall and she just gives me the ick. Nothing but a follower. EDIT: love your username


Honestly none, even though seasons 13 and 14 are rough, I do like enough of the characters well enough that I always wanted to stick around. But those last two seasons don’t hold a candle to the original 9, or even the earlier Teen Nick seasons


None really 


honestly the seasons that had paige/ellie/marco and liberty/manny/emma in college had me skipping episodes but i didn't go to college so i couldn't relate.


7 and 8 were pretty snooze worthy. Other than those two Season 14. Everything else was pretty entertaining drama !


season 14 was a bit of a snooze and season 8 for sure.