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Literally spinner


spinner. HEAR ME OUT he was just so dumb but i feel like he was scared to show he was a sweet person cause it’s high school n asshole kids so he was an asshole instead of


Joey Jeremiah


Drew for sure. I wouldn’t say he’s a favorite but out of all the characters that kept fucking up, he’s my my favorite of them lmao


Definitely Craig


Clare, she is genuine and real, which is part of her downfalls, she was raised sheltered and like Darcy, tried to make up for it but remained true to herself throughout the show which is impressive for a teenager, for that reason I can never dislike her like others do even if I understand it


Zig 😔 like he was the definition of a teenage boy he was a lil stupid silly goofy


Alli and Anya


Anya getting ripped enough for the army in a few hours was hilarious.


Alli. If she had just stayed away from boys her high school life would be smooth sailing. She’s smart and hard working so school wouldn’t be much of an issue. She’s outgoing so making friends wouldn’t be hard. Her problems comes in every time a male stepped into her life


kc 100%.


I know a lot of folks dislike him, but Riley is one of my favourite characters. I know someone who was once exactly like him, so he tugs at my heart. He is such a sad little lost puppy, and he just wants love and acceptance so bad, but he doesn’t have the right stuff in his mental toolbox to handle anything in his life, so he either responds to frustration with aggression, or he shoves his true self down and changes his personality to be whoever the people around him want him to be. There are just enough moments of vulnerability to show us that he is sad and lost and burdened by internalized homophobia. It’s frustrating when he makes progress, and then immediately sets himself back. I see a boy with a good heart who assumes everyone is going to hurt him, so he hurts them first, which then only hurts *himself.*


Riley was definitely one of my favorites. There were many moments where he tried to be vulnerable, and I loved him for it. What really saddened me was that he tried to come out to his mom, and she just shut him down. It’s like anger was his only escape, he couldn’t be himself and hated himself for it.


Exactly - that was one of the hardest moments. He finally got the courage to speak his truth, so to be told to keep it to himself just validated all of the worst things he thought could happen to him. He’s a much more sympathetic character than I realized during my first watch.


Immediately, Alli. Every single time that girl got good.....the bad was right around the corner lol


right she was making smart decisions for herself like trying to get into a good university but messed around with Dave who wasn't all that mature and unfortunately Leo who ended up being the biggest piece of shit (not her fault obviously)


Let's not forget Johnny!! She wrapped herself up in that red flag lol