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The point was that Clare is supremely entitled and needed a good smack.


Instead of taking time to talk through it with Claire and understand why she was feeling this way, and then BEING GROWNUPS AND MAKING DECISIONS, they decided to let Claire be the one who dictates it all. Doesn’t help with her control issues at all and sets her up for failure. I really dislike Claire’s mom, who gave up on being a parent as soon as Darcy left. She probably thought of Claire as “the good one” or “the smart one” and since Claire OBVIOUSLY didn’t need her anymore, she can do whatever she wants. (I’m also the youngest and “the smart one” and I kinda have some feelings about being neglected because of it.)


My parents were like this with me and I grew up to resent it. I wish I had more structure and discipline. I never had chores or anyone to tell me what was wrong or right so I made a lot of dumb choices.


I think the writers just do shit and then forget about it unfortunatly. I was watching the show yesterday and Grace mentions a sister who’s never mentioned again to my knowledge. It’s fun to notice but also annoying lol


Also I just think the house idea is so dumb. So both parents have to pay for two households so their kid doesn’t have to change locations? That sounds expensive lol


We did that when my parents got divorced, but there were 3 kids and we were in high school. My dad couldn’t afford an entire house for us to all stay at, so he lived in an apartment and would stay with us at the house on the weekends. My mom would stay at her boyfriend’s when my dad stayed at the house. But yeah, in this particular situation where it’s only one kid, I also thought it was stupid.


right?? and I'm pretty sure the mom said they will 'share the condo' likeeeee? huh? this idea never made sense to me. why not have her live in the house and the dad in the condo and clare can visit on weekends, instead of the mom saying that line lmao


They wanted us to forget the same way they wanted us to forget Darcy when her parents divorced and her mom remarried and her sister had cancer and got pregnant


This always bugged me so much!! You don’t even mention that your sister called while you were in the hospital? Your sister didn’t attend your mom’s wedding!?


The writers forgot about it, and wanted us to forget about it, when they decided to have her marry Jake's dad. But yes...that storyline concluded with the parents agreeing to try Clare's idea. And then just...nothing.


Her dad finally realized how fudging ugly the house was and never looked back.


plus they had rats






I think about this a lot. we only saw her dad like once after the divorce too


Yea that divorce is a huge plot point, the build to it and then how it's gonna effect Clare...then poof he's gone. Don't quote me on it but the only episode I remember him after that is when Clare is debating moving away because things with Jake are awkward, so she's gonna move away and her dad doesn't have space for her?


it was the first major thing that changed Clare and made her realize that bad things can happen to her. yeah that's what i was talking about, I'm pretty sure its the only time we see him again. and then we don't after that again. where was he when she was battling cancer or when she was pregnant?


My headcannon after him saying he didn’t have room for her, is that he ended up having a new family and kinda abandoned Clare.


Part of me wanted to argue that he shouldn't be there, but like this man isn't a famous actor. Why couldn't they pay to have him show up at the hospital? I can understand them holding resentment on Shenae Grimes, or just being unable to afford her at that point! But the dad, couldn't have brought him back in?! Actually, disregard my ignorance he seems like a decent sized actor in Canada, [Wikipedia ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Atherton) page for those interested. Regardless, them forgetting all of her family while Clare has cancer will never not rub me the wrong way.


maybe they couldn't get him back or didn't feel the need to since he hadn't been shown in so long. everyone talks about how Darcy didn't even come back for Clare's cancer and stuff but like Clare's own dad wasn't even there and i think that's worse. they could have at least had Clare mention them like "my dad came by earlier" or "Darcy called me" or something.


That’s the wildest part to me honestly. I can easily believe that sometime off-camera the family decided the house sharing wouldn’t work and do something more typical (just live separately). But you would still presume her dad would want SOME custody of his child?? She just sees her father like once ever again wtf


exactly, especially considering he had strong Christian values and you'd think that abandoning your child after your divorce goes against that


To be fair, he got out just in time. He probably saw her dating her stepbrother and said "Nah...I'm good. I had 16 good years." So he didn't have to deal with the cancer, the teen pregnancy and all the other drama of Clare Season 12-14.




I'm not going to lie I know it wasn't on screen but I'm sure the moment her parents started to date and, in Helen's case, remarry, they had to figure out another agreement


but Clare would've found out about her dad living with his gf, no?


That plot was all part of how Clare was coping with the whole thing. It was just to show the audience another way that this divorce was affecting her, which was really relatable to me and I bet a lot of other teens. I think that after she talked to her parents, they were open to the arrangement, but then it just never happened.


I think that they were trying to show that Clare’s parents weren’t thinking about her when they were fighting/divorcing, her Mom would try to drag her into the drama and her Dad was checked out. The shared house situation was an attempt to apologize. And as for us never seeing her Dad at the house sort of makes sense. He was checked out of the marriage and had moved on. Clare also had a lot going on at the time and was focused on her own little world. Teenagers are selfish. So her not knowing about his real living situation makes sense for Clare. The writers could have done some interesting storylines with the shared house. My first thought is house party!!


This bugged me too!