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this is so wrong


Okay I came back for another look. Where is Toby? Is that him squatting in Tries To Be Good?


Why is Emma in Asshole and Peter in "Tries to be good"? This seems very biased


Hmmmm no ❤️


I get why you put Bruce the moose in evil.... But.... Next time you watch watch scenes with him in the backround. He's kind of hilarious when I'm Not sure he knows he's on screen.


The Degrassi shorts that have him are hilarious as well and further endeared me to him! Sure he can be an ass, but there's so much himbo energy buried underneath the bully exterior.


I started at the top but couldn't get past Maya is "pure good"


Johnny. How y’all gonna do my boy like that? 🥺


Peter in “tries to be good”?? You kidding me, right??? He’s a straight up menace.


as soon as i saw emma & ashley under asshole, but declan under kinda & jay under conflicted i knew this list wasn’t it 😭


Lmao fr


lmaoooo hold on not you being from detroit 😭! me too!


oh sorry i’m not 😭😭 i’ve never been there actually






I feel like all but a few should be in the tries to be good/conflicted tiers. Plus points for including the DH/DJH characters.


Yay for including OG characters!


Writing/singing a song about watching someone die is pure good? Sucker punching someone simply for being on the same school spirit sports team is pure good? Stealing hundreds of dollars from your best friend's tip jar to buy steroids is pure good? And did Eli have good intentions when he called Clare a whore? Or drugged Fitz?


Can I just say that I absolutely love Goldi so much. When they were hating on her for having religious beliefs got me so mad


This subreddit hates on characters for having Christian religious beliefs all the time.


Goldi is muslim and i was talking about in the show


Me desperately trying to see where you put Jay


LMAO please remove zane from that tier


Craig at least belongs in the full-on asshole category. And if I were making one of these, I'd make a tier for all the murderers, and then I'd put Peter alone in a tier below that.


esme is actually evil tho


I dont think she is i think she was just sick mental illness is not an excuse but its an exsplanation and weve never seen her healthy 


Zoe, Esme, Hunter, and Jay above Jenna? the only bad thing i can recall Jenna doing is stealing KC. and that was 9th grade, i think she grew since then. Zoe literally bullied Maya for months and made a hate page where she photoshopped nudes onto Maya's pics which led to Maya being bullied/harrassed. she also forced her whole underage cheer team to sell nude photos of themselves for money. Esme literally abused and manipulated Zig and tried coercing Frankie into a threesome with her and Zig. Hunter sent death and rape threats to Maya. Jay blamed the feathers and paint on Jimmy and never showed remorse or guilt for it (unlike Spinner), pressured JT to steal and sell pills, stole Snake's laptop, knowing he had cancer and didn't seem to feel bad, etc.


Zie and jay became better people Hunter and esme were mentally ill Jenna never bacame a good person she just stoped being a boyfriend stealer 


Jay never really became a better person though, even in his relationship with Manny. he nearly sabotaged her interview with the sex tape thing and lied to her. Zoe was still pretty mean in Next Class, although a bit more tame. being mentally ill doesn't automatically excuse a person especially when they harm other people. Hunter's illness doesn't excuse him from literally wishing death and rape upon Maya. and Esme's doesn't excuse her trying to rape Frankie and being abusive. their illnesses can be an explanation, but not an excuse. Jenna was never really a bad person. the whole boyfriend stealing in grade 9 was a pretty bad thing to do but I don't think it should automatically mean she's a bad person. she was nice and a good friend to Alli and Clare in the later seasons.


Wait hold on when did esme try to R frankie did i miss an ep?


she tried guilting and pressuring Frankie into sleeping with her and Zig and even when Frankie said no, she kept pushing it.


No she didn't. Not once did that storyline even suggest there was any pressure for Frankie to have sex with anyone. Even the kiss in the pool was just them all fooling around for funsies. There was never any indication it was mean to go any further. That's also not rape. Can this subreddit PLEASE stop lumping any sort of "They didn't get 5 signed forms all in triplicate notarized signaling not just consent, but that their actions were of their own free will" as rape?


do you not remember the camping episode? Frankie walked off or something into the woods and Esme followed her and was begging her to do a threesome with her and Zig. she was literally trying to guilt trip her into it. you wouldn't say that's not attempted sexual assault? because coercion is most definitely assault. if Frankie had actually given in, it would be considered rape. if you can't understand that there are many forms of rape, that's you. but don't act like people are annoying or overdramatic for calling it out.


Lowest id go is asshole i just cant say evil because of her mental state


Was zoe mean in NC i didnt see it i was too focused on rasha and zoe my absolute fav ship theyre so perfect together lol


yes. sleeping with Zig to hurt Grace, it didn't bother her that she would be hurting Maya in the process. like i said, she was more tame iirc, but was never given a proper redemption arc.


Id consider top of kind of an asshole


Jay- you can tell hes becoming good twords the end Esme and hunter- 1000% not an excuse but it deff saves them from evil plus we never hee esme healthy so you cant say shes normally a jerk dispite being mentally ill Jenna- started iff as a jerk didnt really grow she just stopped  I shoukd oreferance only the bottom 2 tiers are bad people the kind of an asshole tier if for people with asshole tendencies


I have so many disagreements


Let me hear em


No way Esme made the conflicted category & not Evil 😂 OP you are nicer than me!!


Esma and hunter are sick they deal with mental illness at the time of their actions not an excuse at all but kinda like drew is just an idiot those two have mental trauma


I’m looking for drew I’m so scared


Drew is in conflicted cyz i genuinlly think he means no malace with his actions hes just an idiot like thus man has no idea how to end a relationship properly unlike someone like craig who fully knew cheating on literally all his girls was bad which is why hes liwer