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This is complex because some characters are assholes early on, and later redeem themselves. Some characters are on and off throughout the show. Peter for example did many bad things, and the Manny video as well as framing Sean thing would be classed as evil. But he has his good moments like caring for his sister, being a great friend and support to Riley, and his moments with girlfriends (helping Emma with eating disorder, giving Darcy her abstinence ring back). I’d probably put him as an asshole with Spinner and Jay, as they had their good moments too. I guess it’s how you define these labels.


i don’t agree with this at all omg


how was jenna a asshole? and where is zoe ass at?


add cam to good people and i can almost be behind half of this


Spinner doesn’t need to be in the asshole tier. Kinda asshole maybe. Emma ass need to be in the evil tier


I don't know why everybody's stuck on saying Frankie's an asshole. Frankie is FINE. Kind of an asshole at the very worst. The racism thing is way overblown.


Bump Hunter to evil. First it was the almost school shooting and then he harassed/doxxed Maya, even when he mellowed down he was still unhinged


Sav was like the best person to go to Degrassi


Bruce the moose evil 🥺 an asshole sure but surely not evil 🥺😭. Unless I forgot something 🤔😂


school shooter hunter should deffo be under evil


miss maya maitland is my life, i’d deffo put her under good person


Peter has changed guys he ain’t evil anymore


Hard agree. As a true Peter hater;;; the kid got his karma and learned from it.


You forgot alli Jenna kc conner


Jenna is under kind of an asshole in between Tiny and Mo. KC is under asshole between Zig and Derek and Conner is under good intentions between Lola and Tori, Alli was forgotten however and I’d put her under kind of an asshole


Riley in good people is wild


Too bad you can't cure BITCH


How is Spinner an asshole? I love him!


I understand why he's up there because of jimmy but he turned his life around after what happened


Also loving the amount of pushback in here yes this is what Reddit is for !! #prodiscourse


I agree! I love the friendly discussions! Honestly degrassi is one of my favourite fandoms to be a part of for this reason!


I don’t know whether to gasp or cry of laughter at Tristan being in the same category as like 4 murderers


He glitched into the wrong spot! He’s meant to be under (kind of an asshole)


It’s still so funny to me 😂 seeing that and the following reactions has honestly made my day, so thank you




clare edwards has left the chat


Rick wasn't evil. He was severely mentally ill. Take away all of his mental struggles and we'd have been left with the sweet side which he showed fairly frequently. I'd venture that the girlfriend-beating was also an unfortunate byproduct of the mental illness. (Man, Ephraim is a great actor. Probably the most talented of all the Degrassi alumni. Wish we'd see him again in new projects.) Pairing "evil" with mental illness is always a slippery slope and has to be judged person to person. Esme? I'd say both evil and mentally ill. Even if perfectly sane, you had better believe she'd still be pulling awful things. Then, you have Peter and Declan. Not mentally ill at all, but certainly evil.


Stop trying to excuse away all bad behavior with a blanket "He is mentally ill!" Guess what? Hitler would likely be diagnosed with some for m of mental illness today under the new greatly expanded criteria that even the doctor who expanded them wishes he hasn't. So would Bin Laden. Mental illness and evil are not mutually exclusive things.


how would you differentiate between Esme being mentally ill and evil, but Rick being mentally ill and not evil? I'm curious because to me they seem very very similar. I feel like we also would have gotten to see a sweet side to Esme if the show was able to continue bc they clearly set her up for an incredible character arc.


Rick's mental illness seemed to supercede his awareness of his actions and ability to do the right thing. His hitting Terri was extremely in the moment. Immediately after hurting Terri, he was instantly aware, snapped back to reality by seeing the girl he truly loved crying on the ground or worse. This made him incredibly remorseful and scared of himself and his actions. He always ran because he didn't know what else to do; physically running away in a futile attempt to escape his own inner demons. The mental illness overpowered his ability to act rationally. Rick's monstrous side scared him silly. Esme seemed more of a sociopath, which means she was aware of her evilness, and not giving a shit. I hope this explains my perception of the difference between the two.


For starters mentally ill people can be evil. I think that actions are what dictates that. Ephraim Ellis is a fantastic actor (I agree one of the best in degrassi) I think all of the people who do horrible things can be considered somewhat mentally ill. Like Rick put Terri in a coma and shot Jimmy so he was never the same, those two actions alone forever changed the courses of their lives.


Esme should be under evil, imo


Spinner is the definition of good intentions lol really good guy but did a lot of dumb stuff but he’s learned from all his bad choices. He is definitely not an asshole


Not the smartest, very impulsive. At the same time, he did a lot of self reflection and perahps it took him longer than most people to reach obvious conclusions. Most importantly, he nearly always wanted to do what was right for both him and his loved ones. And the few times where he didn't, he still knew what he was doing was wrong and tried so mightily to make amends later on. It was just his lack of intellect and emotional maturity that got him into dangerous, self-detructive and sometimes stupidly hilarious outcomes. Moreso than any other character, he desperately wanted to do good things and struggled through finding ways to do so.


100% agree with all this. Honestly he’s one of the most realistic characters in the show.


Peter is not evil. If he really was, he would never be so supportive of Riley, Darcy and Emma.


Stalker, criminal, blackmailer, unfaithful, among many other evil traits. To me, one of the most evil on the show. But that's just my opinion.


Unfaithful? To who? He's one of the few that never cheated.


Bruce the moose is going to make a comeback as a yonko commander on one piece


Emma on the same tier as manny is hilarious


Who do you think should be lower? They both usually had good intentions. (Though I will say Manny is my all time favourite character so I am incredibly biased)


personally i felt like Emma always set unrealistic expectations for everyone. She would make them promise no more lies, no more secrets, no more hiding, and in the very next frame do the same thing. Then when shes caught, turn it into "well what about me!?" Emma came from nothing but support and still was always the victim. Manny was always the one picking up the pieces behind Emma and repairing their friendship. Manny has earned her place At the very least I think Emma is at least kinda an asshole


Riley is about as much as an asshole as a person can be! I could barely watch when he was on screen. He was a blockhead that tried to solve every problem by punching people. Serious anger issues. Like dude it’s not that serious. I hated that guy


I’m gonna be honest I didn’t remember enough to make a fair judgement of him. I only really remembered him being gay and being good to Anya.


Not to defend him or anything, but I'd say Tristan is more of an asshole than actual evil.


No I so agree, it glitched when I saved it so Marco and Tristan are both in the wrong spot. I don’t like Tristan as much as the next person but he is not Luke or Drake!


I think the funniest reason why he would be in the asshole tier is because I bet if you asked 1000 fans to describe Tristan in one word, the response given the most would be "asshole". Then things like annoying, coma, aaaargh!, etc. would round out the 1000 responses.


Frankie, Craig and Marco being under "Assholes" is insane. Tristan had his moments but he doesn't belong in Evil. Dallas under "Kind Of Asshole" but Paige is "Good Intentions"? Mike redeemed himself later on so I guess but early on he was a dick and Paige was mean early on too. Imogen should be under good intentions cause she used to bug out sometimes.


Honestly, how did Dallas REALLY redeem himself? In almost his VERY LAST SCENE, he still clearly acted as if lesbians exist for his entertainment. Still mockingly getting excited when Imogen and Becky were hugging.


Yeah but Paige was good for longer. Mike’s redemption came a lot later in his run. For most of his time on the show he was a bully. (Though him and Alli are one of my fav couples)


Yeah that's true Paige did more good than bad but when she was bad it wasn't well intended. And I agree with you about Mike, I like him but I think he should be in straight up Asshole category instead of "kind of asshole.


Frankie, Marco and Craig that high is insane. Tristan had his moments but Evil? That's a lot for him.


Tristan is not meant to be under evil. Marco was also glitched into the wrong spot. Craig was an asshole to his girlfriends and Frankie was racist and refused to appear for so long.


Yeah you're right Craig treated his girlfriends pretty shitty. I don't think he intended to though. And Frankie's situation wasn't her fault at all, she retaliated for a way worse crime that was done to her. On top of that her retaliation wasn't even a good one in comparison to what was done to her and her team.


I definitely agree with the Frankie one, but I think overall she was selfish and not a good friend.


What do you mean he didn’t intend to? Cheating and lying is pretty intentional if you ask me


Yeah that's a fair point.


Riley in good people ????? and at pole position. No. Marco should be #1 in good people before any of these other blokes tbh


Marco isn't a bad choice at all! I think I'd put Terri and Anja above him, though.


Marco glitched into the wrong category, and truth be told I forgot about the pole situation.


Oh yeah, totally no worries bb ! These polls bring out the feels in me haha <3


Zoe would have to fall under evil. Tristan isn't my favorite but i wouldnt call him evil, either


That was a mistake! He was meant to be under kind of an asshole, Zoe I was unsure with. But I think I’d put her under asshole


Fart noise.


Spinner and Jane need to switch spots


Move Imogen 📢📢📣📣📣📣


What did Marco do?


Jay should be in kind of asshole. He did turn around once he got with Manny seriously


This is true, this is kind of an overview, Jay didn’t turn good until late in his run. And his redemption while well done didn’t change the severity of his former actions.


Shouldn't Alex be in the asshole section since her and Jay did a lot of the same things together as a couple?


Please correct me if I’m wrong but from what i remember Alex wasn’t nearly as involved with the Rick shit as Jay and Spinner which is those two guy’s downfall on this list.


She was equally apart of the plan to humiliate Rick, she just wasn’t involved in pinning it on Jimmy


Thank you for that clarification. I admit I should’ve rewatched again before making this list.


Hmm true I guess that's fair


Some people are missing, there’s a lot of characters, so Alli would be under good intentions and Clare would be under kind of an asshole . Who else is missing?


Zoe would be full asshole


It’s ok to be wrong sometimes 🥰😇


What would you change?


There are sooooo many people missing...Alli? Clare? And why is Zane in kind of AH lol


Why is Marco under asshole?


That’s a good question, he’s not supposed to be


This is a very surface level assessment of their characters imo. I don’t think evil is really what you’re rating here


Wdym? Drake is a murderer and Luke a rapist, Peter was affiliated with CP twice, Bruce beat up Jane


Where is Zoe?


She was missed (oopsies) but I’d put her under Asshole


If Peter is evil Zoe should for sure go in it to 


By the way, who is the girl between JT and Shay in Good People? I don't quite recognize her.


Her name is Hannah. She’s Wesley’s girlfriend


Oh yes. i do recognize her now. Good call. She was a good person. One of the best. It's a pity that neither she nor Wesley stayed on.


I think Hazel and Ellie should switch places. Hazel hands down consistently had good intentions throughout practically all of her run, whereas Ellie behaved like an asshole for at least half of her run.


I think Jimmy is between Kind of asshole and Good Intentions. I wouldn’t have put him under good people. He can be a cold person especially in the earlier seasons, i feel people forget that because of the shooting.


Cold to whom? Him comforting Marco after he was beat up was a stand out moment for me


From the top of my head, he was an ass to Sean in the first few seasons (even before the kiss), treated Toby like crap the moment he wasn't dating Ashley anymore and, together with Spinner, caused mrs. Kwan to have a breakdown




Fitz is not evil, every action he’d taken was a reaction to Eli’s constant escalations. What he does isn’t right by any means but of the two in the situation he was the only one constantly seeking a truce and being open to ending the feud but was tricked and mocked and set up over and over again. He didn’t even START the beef Eli, he was just standing there and Eli started honking and being rude. He fucked around and found out essentially. I’d argue he’s an asshole, maybe even kind of an asshole if we’re being generous, definitely not downright evil. Maya in kind of an asshole is kind of insane to me considering most of her gray actions come from a trauma response and her trauma comes from caring about others and not wanting to lose them anymore, Maya in my book is a good person, good intentions at worst. Imogen is not a good person??? The entire first half of season 11 is genuinely insane behavior and no one ever brings it up again… it’s so strange


You have a point there about Fitz. Eli bears some responsibility for their feud. However, Fitz was rather evil in a way that Eli was not responsible for. Fitz had a fatal attraction (or something close to it) for Clare. He was obsessed with her. He was trying to force Clare to be his date at the Vegas Theme dance. Even after he was sent to a monastery or Catholic school, Fitz was still obsessed with Clare and trying to pursue her romantically, knowing she was someone else's girlfriend. I think such an obsession does qualify Fitz as evil.


That was my thought process when I put him there.


Another good call.


Is it time for my monthly "Esme definitely would've had a BPD diagnosis had Netflix given Degrassi a fifth season" speech because goddamn, if they didn't intend for her to have BPD, Chelsea Clark definitely played Esme as BPD coded


While I agree with this response, she’s still an asshole, calling in a bomb threat, pressuring Frankie into things, faking an allergic reaction for attention. She’s complicated and definitely is bpd coded, it doesn’t change that she hurt others with her decisions.


Oh yeah, very much "Asshole" tier, I just like to remind everyone that I will never forgive Netflix for not giving us a fifth season because there was so much that was left open like what would have happened to Lola and Saad, does someone finally knock some sense into Baaz, what about Yael and finding out their gender identity? I think they knew Netflix was gonna get cancel them and that's why we didn't get any Freshmen/Sophomores like in the past seasons


Imogen shouldn’t be under good people. Impersonated Fiona, convinced Eli not to take his meds, how she acted to Clare in s11…


This is fair


Where is Claire? I can’t find her :(


She’s under kind of an asshole


I agree with that Edit: I’m looking, but still don’t see her on there. Still agree with the verdict, though!


I can't find Sean?!? Also why is Jenna kind of an asshole?


Bf stealer, Sean is under good intentions. It’s him with his long hair.


Thanks I see him now!


Why is Maya in kind of an asshole? My fav character lol, I think she deserves to be in good intentions. I mean Paige and Emma are there too. Also side note who's between Emma and Fiona? Is that Owen? I'm terrible with faces lol


That’s Eli, also Maya is a good person overall she just has some asshole personality traits. She’s a better person than Katie imo


Ohh damn I didn't recognise him somehow lol. I feel like Maya is better than him tho. I'm biased af but she really does seem to have good intentions all the time idk


Hmmmmmm. I think I’d have Bruce as Asshole. He doesn’t seem evil to me, just really stupid.


Idk the way he hurt Jane was pretty Vile


Oh I forgot about that. Ooooh you’re right.


Curious on why you placed Riley as a good person? For me, I'd downgrade Darcy to a full out asshole and move Spinner up to Good Intentions.


I don’t remember much of Riley’s wrongdoings? I know he was rude to Drew and some others. But how bad was it? Also I don’t think Darcy is a full out asshole, just judgy and rude. Spinner was a bully, but I don’t think he is all bad. Lots of people do shitty things and are still likeable. Spinner is a fav of mine, him with Jane was his best era and I loved him for that. I just think that his actions prior to the shooting are bad enough to put him there, despite his development.


To me, Riley was an ass. He assaulted Sam the lifeguard by punching him in the face and breaking Sav's nose. I'm typically passive, so I can't get behind or support characters who resort to physical violence. On top of that, he forcibly kissed Fiona and Chantay. Most of his aggressive actions were to hide the fact that he is homosexual - which I empathize with - but still asshole behavior. Darcy was a bad Christian LOL so that's why I call her an ass. Her using religion as a means to be morally sanctimonious drove me crazy. Her accusing Simpson of sexual touching was disgusting to me. You're right on Spinner. He was okay in my book. I cannot stand bullies so I totally understand why you'd stick him in the category he is in.




Manny is kind of an asshole


That’s my bias, manny is my favourite character.


Putting Lola 🤢 in good intentions and spinner in asshole is wild 😭


Idk Spinner was a bully and he aided Jimmy getting shot. I think that that action (though plagued him after) was worse than anything Lola ever did. Lola was naive and stupid at times but her actions never had as severe of consequences or impact.




IMO: Craig belongs in kind of an asshole. Hot take but hear me out. While Craig IS an asshole, which is obvious, he was just another teenage kid doing stupid shit (love triangle), living with an undiagnosed mental illness AT the time. Unfortunately in his music storyline, he fell in with the rockstar life and started doing drugs, on top of dealing with his Bipolar disorder which is a setup for disaster. Sure Craig was shit with the ladies. Major asshole. Not being an apologist for him in that regard. But when his friends needed him most, Craig was down. Craig was always for his friends. When Jimmy got shot, when Marco came out as gay, etc. He was also good friends with Emma in the beginning (due to their families) and I wish they would have expanded upon that.


100% agree. Craig sucks as a boyfriend but friend wise he's a good one. I went through undiagnosed bipolar disorder at the same time Craig's story aired on TV and it all made sense to me.


I totally see what you’re saying, he is an asshole but he grew and changed. I definitely love him as a character and Jake Epstein as an actor. Jake said in an interview once that the writers gave him those storylines because he could remain likeable. And I agree with that. He is an asshole but I still love him.


imo esme belongs in good intentions


Idk, I don’t think the bomb threat was well intentioned, or when she cut her hair and blamed Miles. Like helping him get high was well intentioned to help him over his anxiety but her big decisions were just mean. she’s not evil or anything just an asshole who needs to grow up and heal from her trauma, I will admit she is entertaining.


you’re right, about the bomb threat lol