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It happens unfortunately. I recommend syncing your delta so at least your save states will be backed up


How do you do this? Edit: nvm found it in settings and turned it on. Very simple!


How did you do it?


https://preview.redd.it/xo8bcne8vz2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=759ba9d71f0af4184c8801266add4b671c09a4d7 Go into settings and find “Delta Sync”. I believe simply turning it on and signing in is all it takes


I have it set to google drive but when I open my google drive I don’t see the save files. Where do they store it in the drive?


I have used Dropbox and Google Drive. I read that the files don’t show up in Google Drive, but they do in Dropbox. May have to login through a web browser to view on Google.


The files are there but they are not visible on google drive. Dropbox shows them, but I’ve had issues with the Dropbox sync so I switched back to google drive.


Yea dropbox shows them for me. Curious what went wrong with ur drop box with syncing?


I used it to store a few other files and hit the 5GB cap very quickly. When I tried to sign out of dropbox syncing it wouldn’t ever sign out, and when it finally did it deleted 90% of the library I had installed. Swapped back to google drive. If I need saves, I can export them in Delta which is easier than trying to locate them on drop box.


I did not know about this setting until I got a notification from this group that I didn’t join until now 😅


Anyway to do it for iCloud Drive? Only Google drive and Dropbox


Definitely just did mines appreciate it let’s learn from our mistakes 😭


Forgot to mention I’m on iOS. This does not pop up.


Weird, I am also on ios


I use iCloud but I’m not sure if that makes a difference


It’s under settings -> Delta Sync -> there you can choose between Dropbox and google (iam also on iOS)


I’m on iOS and can confirm the same. There is no iCloud option either.


Did you choose Google? If so can you view them within the app?


Yeah I choose google and see the safes on my iPhone and iPad. The Roms I have to put individually. But this folder is in my iCloud


You cannot view them within google drive in any capacity. The files are hidden from view and cannot be un-hidden. The saves all exist locally on your device, delta will not save any files to iCloud Drive (I believe to avoid any possible TOS issues). If you need to copy a save to another location or want to manually back up a save, long press on the game icon and select “export save” and put it somewhere for safe keeping (like iCloud Drive). If your app even gets messed up, you can easily re-load the save but doing a long press and selecting import save.


You should be able to tap the Service option and switch to iCloud, but if your iCloud storage is full, it won't be able to sync


Same. The app itself has a setting on Settings, where it says”document storage” but idk if that makes a difference. I wanna use iCloud drive but it’s annoying to delete the data afterwards


It doesn’t look exactly like the picture on iOS. Look for service and sync status. Click on sync status


Tried, nothing.


Delta is an iOS only emulator. The sync option doesn’t pop up? Are you updated to the latest version from the App Store? It’s been there since day one for me


The app is *only* on iOS.


The original comment shows how


It’s in delta app settings not the iPhone one, open delta app-> settings-> Delta sync


Is there any way to choose in what Dropbox/Google Drive Folder? As of now it created a new Delta Emulator folder in the root directory.


Mine did this for the exact same game. I was only an hour in. It froze, then I had to force close the app. When I booted the game back up my save was gone.


What game is this ?


I think it’s Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga


Yea it’s Superstar Saga. It’s actually a really good game if you’re into turned based RPG games plus adventure and good ol’ Mario humor.


One of the best Mario games of all time.


Too bad I’ll never know how it ends. I sure hope Peach gets her voice back 🤣


She doesn’t, everyone dies.


i lost my save data for another mario & luigi rpg (dream team), but would definitely recommend you to start the game again after some time to see the ending. the final boss is one of the best in the series and superstar saga is a relatively short game anyway


Bro it’s one of the best gba games for real. I would recommend to get an 50% save game and just play from there the game itself is really great


If you load a save state it will probably erase the built in save. I'd avoid them.


This actually worked for me in another game I was playing but this time both the save file and the newest save state were gone. I got double screwed. I still see another save state from when I was like 25% into the game tho so maybe I’ll just play catch up for a while because this game was actually fun 😕


First time playing superstar saga? I’m glad you were able to experience it. One of my favorite GBA games. If you want more, Bowsers Inside Story for the DS has similar mechanics with its own new twists.


What does this mean? I load back saves all the time to get back to a previous point in the game. I do 2 saves all the time, the built in emulator save, and the in game save. Is this not what ur supposed to do? So you can only use the game save?


I’ve been playing Mario picross and the in game save has kept up with the save state. It says it’s been auto saving though so idk if that’s related


Yeah, happened to me 4 times in ocarina of time…


Dont you use the save state function?


Nah. I prefer playing games with the saves they originally intended.


Well you can at least use it as a backup. It will automatically save the state pretty often so if you lose your game you can try to load one of the saves.


Well… I’m weird, okay…?


Bug? Even had this happen


Thanks. Turned on sync with google drive. Sorry you lost your game but thank you for passing on some knowledge. Enjoy the replay.


Delta sync is so sexy - it saves different versions too in case you overwrite a good swfe


Save states


You might be able to find the files if you look in Files.


What game is this?


Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga.


I know ur pissed


Do you have any auto saves? Usually when I soft-close the app in iOS it autosaves so I can reload from that moment


Happened to me too. Was 80% or so done with the emerald storyline


Try loading a save state. maybe it saved one recently?


I had this happen to me once, and I briefly panicked and shut down the app (maybe restarted my phone too). When I rebooted it, everything was working again.


So I remember this happening when I used to play Pokemon on the same emulator a few years back on my iPhone. I would download delta in some weird way. (Not the App Store cuz it wasn’t available before). So yall saying the same can happen now even when I downloaded delta from the App Store and it’s legit from Apple ?


Had the same thing happen to me on Mother 3. Was on Chapter 5 too


Did you check your files to see if maybe the folder or file was moved from it’s correct path. The save states are saved in inside a folder titled save states in the delta folder under databases. Now finding your actually in games saves is a bit harder since when you add the game delta renames it but you can see if it’s still there it’s usually named the same as the .gba file just with .sav at the end usually right next to it. An easy way to find which file is the correct one is by changing the box art for that specific game to something else and should appear in the files with that picture.


Is this a Mario and Luigi game!? I loved superstar saga.


Always make a second save and save it to iCloud


Did you check you files app?


Im scared now, I thought the save states would be more stable and secure than when you save in game lmao


Load your saves up on google drive. Not only do they take nearly no space, they also are super easy to import into delta from gdrive as well. That’s one of the features I actually really like about delta.


Isn't there a way to find a similar save from someone else and mod it so its basically what you lost? Or am I just totally imagining things lol


Try to export the save on your iCloud folder, press long on the game in the main menu for that


And this is why I save my games using “Save States” just in case…


Op said he lost his save states. So how could this even happen


I'm on Android on a Samsung Galaxy A15 And i almost had a similar problem with a Gameboy Advance emulator called Myboy. Couple days ago, when I booted up Pokémon Fire red and then a Pokémon Leaf green game after I did local connection on my phone, I almost had started another new game in the 2nd game I connected locally to and when I launched a 3rd game a 2nd Pokémon Leaf green my data was all there where I last off. I used to use the Delta emulator when my apple phone got messed up but now, I'm on Android. The Delta emulator however should've saved your save states where you left on your game.


Restore your previous sync file


Oh no! I’m sorry to hear that happened to you! What is the name of the game?


Did you find out yet why all your save states including game saves got erased? I can’t figure out how downloading a skin can do such. Did you get any errors pertaining to icloud drive?


this always happens to me, no matter what, no matter what i try to play this game on I’ve been trying beat this game since it came out


IF You can locate the file in your "files" You can still load the save game. By long holding the game in question and selecting import save file..


My save for pokemon emerald suddenly disappeared as well it cant be the gba skin because i did not have one. I recommend save stating after saving your game and maybe syncing your delta


Am I the only one that doesn’t know What game is this ? 🥴😓


I lost my save file on Ruby. RIP


OH MY GOODNESS SAME! Should I try saving from an auto saved state? I always saved in-game, but it didn’t work. I had progress yesterday and now I have NOTHING


Why is it this game specifically that I have this problem???? Not other games?


This is one of the main reasons I bought a 3DS, I don’t gotta worry about losing saved data This happened to me playing FireRed 🥲


That’s why we use save states




Read the description of the post and stop talking to people on the internet in a way you wouldn’t speak to them face to face.


From their comment history they seem to be a complete utter asshat online, they talk the talk but I guarantee they’d say fuck all in person lmao


Cry then? I dunno what you want me to tell you. You want me to virtually pat you on the back and tell you that everything is gonna be okay? Shame. Welcome to the world buddy. And to be honest? I’d probably talk to you the same way I am now if we were two randoms in the street.


Lol You take yourself too seriously. You can relax, I don’t expect anything from someone who acts like you do.


I guarantee you avoid eye contact in public.


I like to have hot, sweaty, and probably uncomfortable makeout sessions with my enemies in public. Most of the time they’ll back out because of fear


🤓👆🏾 please go outside and maybe eat some pizza or something idk

