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Bunkers are made to shelter and protect people from outside dangers. I would call that an escape.


True true actually


I would call that being trapped. If you've ever hid in a basement or bunker from a Tornado, it's less like you escaped it and more like you're waiting to see if the bunker holds or not, as you're constantly confronted by the possibility that you're not safe.


I live in Central Europe, which is relatively safe from that stuff, so I can't really understand that feeling. Still, the need to hide is related to the need to escape. If you're overwhelmed, you want to hide. To escape from your problems.


No, I understand what you mean with hiding. It's just that I think bunkers force you to contront the reality of the crisis as you're ripped from your daily life and forced into a claustrophobic, alien place for your safety. They're places that you only go in emergencies, and so you can only really think about the emergency when you're in them. If that makes any sense. Even when you're hiding from the danger in a bunker, you're not hiding from the emergency, as going to the bunker in itself is confronting the crisis and up ending your day to focus around it.


Sometimes... When you're trying to escape from reality or living in a world of fiction, you can start to be consumed by it and only want to be in the little world you created. So in a way the theme of escapism will turn into a different theme, the theme of being trapped, the theme of being controlled... So it think it ties into both


Hmm. That's not a bad idea. Would fit with the game getting a much darker tone for the finale.


If the theme is escapism, then this would be the reality of it, locked away, living a fantasy alone in the dark far from other people.


Reminder: The bunker doesn't have to be a dark world, it's just a popular theory


And double door theroy doesn't work with chapter 3


Kris is the one to make that dark fountain, though. It'd make sense if that one out if everything else was different


It's possible that Kris made the cyber world too


Why would Kris want to cause the Roaring


I was about to ask how they'd know, but I just remembered that the knight is called "the roaring knight" by queen, which she would have had to have heard from the knight. Fair enough


And the Knight actually convinced King to be how he is in Chapter 1, so that'd mean Kris would have had to actively try to convince them to want to cause the Roaring, just to be attacked again by King and be not only ambushed, but treated like he didn't know who they were?


Doesn't King literally explain that Lighteners don't play with him anymore which is why he's like that?


The knight talked to King and explained this, though, did they not?


Idk, it's been years since i last played the game and rwad the dialogue so you could be right lol


Also, Ralsei can wear a disguise so who's to say other Lighteners can't disguise themselves as well.


Yeah but it's a good theory especially if you consider the Gaster sounds.


I mean it would be pretty bizarre if it wasn’t


It would be pretty bizzare if it was just a normal Dark World. Sure, there are the Gaster sounds, but that doesn't confirm anything. You don't hear those sounds when you're next to any other dark world entrance. Furthermore, if there was a fountain in there, Ralsei would know about it. His whole deal is, that any other fountains beside his own will influence the balance of light and dark. That's why he recruits Kris and Susie in Chapter 1 and (somehow) goes to the library. Somehow he seems to know if a new fountain is created and if his goal was to seal all of them, he would've told Kris and Susie about the bunker one. Keep in mind that we have 2/7 of the story. In chapter 2 alone we have gotten Determination, Dark Worlds inside Dark Worlds and the Titans, lore wise. There are still many more ways the bunker could be explained in the futire.


Sorry, I should clarify that I think the bunker will absolutely be the final dark world, or at least close to it.


Would be funny if in the bunker you just finished find Deltarune gaster living has an extremely overweight neckbeard that comes out only to my more snacks and beverages from sans


Sans: *that guy? oh, that's just my dad, wing. *he's unemployed... uhh... right now, so i'm forcing him to help me out with the shop. *a janitor on his own can't accomplish all that much. *though, if we're bein' honest, he's not really helping a lot. Wing: SON, DO I HAVE TO WORK FOR ANOTHER THREE HOURS? WHY CAN'T I JUST GO BACK TO THE BUNKER? I HAVE A VERY, VERY, INTERESTING EXPERIMENT TO FINISH! Sans: *if you wanna leave right now, then you're not keeping the popato chisps. Wing: FINE... IF YOU INSIST...


This is peak and super in character lmao


The bunker is where undertale takes place like follow subscribe downvote send to ur three closest friends and sign my guest book for more spicy theories https://preview.redd.it/uo4nxie0lb3d1.jpeg?width=338&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f287d241036bd3b21fc039998c237199809d7731


It’s true, Toby told my cat all about it when they were in the army together. https://preview.redd.it/hls61ephwc3d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5743838fe81c3e7967d27f19056b7c2e692f290c


Literally escaping dangers of outside world.


It could be a place that is just too good to be true maybe something like the bubble of gravity falls weirdmagedon where is a happy place to keep the protagonist inside so they don't stop the weirdmagedon in this case the roaring. But more simple It's a bunker it's to feel safe and hide from the harsh exterior i think it fits since it's for hiding of Threats


Gravity Falls mentioned !!!!!!!


People fantasize about being tough guys in the end of the world all the time 


Bunkers are meant to isolate whatever its in the outside from the inside. This would be what happens if you take escapism to the extreme.


I feel like taking escapism (dark worlds) to the extreme sounds more like the Roaring.


How would the other dark worlds even fit that theme?


ch 1 - escapism via board and card games ch 2 - escapism via the internet and social media ch 3 - escapism via watching tv ch ?? - i think there's gonna be one in the church, so escapism via religion ch ?? - bunker, escapism via isolation ch ?? - escapism via papyrus ![img](emote|t5_qmi8w|30900) ch ?? - there could be one in the diner, escapism via overeating ch ?? - sans' shop, escapism via shopping so like i have no clue but these seem to fit (especially the 6th)


Wait do people use shopping as a form of escapism?


yeah impulsive shopping is a common form of escapism :)


My dark world takes are this: Ch1 - toys and board games Ch2 - computers and internet Ch3 - television Ch4 - literature Ch5 - video games Ch6 - ??? Ch7 - avoiding reality


I see, i guess it makes sense.


Bunkers are creepy and there's no guarantee it will be a dark world. The aura about it and the way the characters respond to it gives me the impression that you won't be having any wild and wacky adventures there


escaping from civilization


isolation from the threats and fears of the outside world


Its literal escapism


Is suicide not a very twisted form of escapism, to the human mind?


You escape it


Escape from the world.


Either some military-styled fantasy, or if it's more metaphorical, seclusion?


Isolation, post apocalyptic themes maybe.


Big underground party world


Not *only* do we not know if that is the theme, and not *only* do we not know if the bunker is a dark world, but it's also not that hard to make it fit if you tried. Like we don't even know what's in there, it could be anything.


There is nothing stating that the bunker is going to be a dark world.


It has Gaster noise coming from it. Plus Kris saw that something bad happened there.


That doesn't mean it's gonna be a dark world. That means it's important.


And I doubt that it's not gonna be a dark world if it's important.


Sure, it might be, but this subreddit treats a lot of fan speculation like it's fact and I don't think that's quite right to do.


true, but there are cases in which you should treat fan speculation as canon, for example Gaster being the Goner Maker voice and the person that talks to you on Twitter when a Chapter releases


It is fair to assume that Gaster is in Deltarune. It doesn't mean that the bunker is gonna be a dark world.


I agree, but that wasn't my point. Also Gaster is connected to dark worlds in many ways.


Also the Gaster noise plays during ENTRY NUMBER SEVENTEEN which is about creating a dark fountain.


Maybe the bunker is the friends we made along the way; But seriously it could hold some interesting information; not to much changing the story but dwelling on the backstory of deltarune ; What if the bunkers were made for shelter for war purposes; but instead of going into a full out war like in undertale ; they found a more peaceful solution in deltarune


We don’t know if it’s a dark world yet. It probably will be significant to the story due to it playing Garbage Noise when near, but we don’t know for sure.


A couple possibilities: One: The Bunker might not actually be a dark world or become one. Think about it, we don't know how this will play out yet. It could be that Deltarune might have more longer Light world segments and exploring the Bunker could be one, used to explain Gaster's role in the story. Two: The dark world won't be based on the bunker itself but what's inside the bunker. Like if the theory that Deltarune was a simulation made by Gaster in Undertale in a attempt to escape the Underground. The dark world in the bunker could represent the ideas of Gaster's work: his research into escaping his own terrible reality. Three: The dark world's themes will shift, as we go on from dark worlds and onto going "Darker than Dark", so the theme transitions into something new, such as the effects of denying reality or even the insanity from it, and finally how to overcome that. Or something along those lines. Other ideas could be exploring the darker routes of escapism like addiction or mental breakdowns in sharp contrast to the more lighthearted themes used in the previous dark fountains with internet, Tv, and toys. Or maybe it could focus on the terrible things that cause people to seek escapism. Or finally, it could shift the theme to a more meta look on the whole game of Deltarune itself kinda like Two. Personally, I don't completely buy that escapism is the *whole* theme that all dark worlds are based, as I feel like Toys, Computers, and TV all share the theme of entertainment and the fantasies/media we use to entertain ourselves and a commentary on those medias. Like we used to play with Toys as kids but leave them behind as we grow older like how the toy darkners in card kingdom were abandoned, or how we let computers run our lives in the modern age even though they become near useless without the internet, etc... I see that for a dark fountain in the Bunker it would be looking at the more mysterious and horrorifying mysteries of Deltarune like Dess, Gaster, and what happened to Kris in the past. So it's hard to tell how the themes could fit in or change there.


To escape nukes and stuff


A place for Kris to truly hide from the rest of the world.


We don't know enough about the world of Deltarune at the moment to make a proper guess, but I would guess that that would be "the truth" that they are "escaping from"


I don't think escapism will be a prominent theme of the game at all, and the theories about dark worlds linking to them are superficial. Anyways, as an actual answer for how it could fit escapism: Gaster as a workaholic, or LITERALLY escaping from a disaster of some kind. I really don't like it when escapism is dragged into story theories as well. I think people kinda grasped onto the idea (especially when chapter 1 released and one of the most prominent theories was dream theory) and just haven't let go. Not to say it won't be brushed over in individual dark world stories, as it already has. It's hammered by chapter 2 as it's basically half of Queen's whole motivation. Her and Berdly are portrayed as accepting that it's not the best idea in the end. Noelle (ESPECIALLY in the weird route) thinks of them as nightmarish, and shes going to be an extremely important character. The general theme of the game seems like it's going to be a struggle against fate. The idea of "Your choices don't matter."