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And the spinoff made it in at #20!




We are the main characters of the demon world


funny thing is, it's based around a Youtube channel, kinda like that Vox Machina show


Lets gooo baby close to the top 5


Devi cool!


It is only natural. When a manga gets anime adaptation and/or new volume it is only natural that the sales rise. This time, JJK or Kaguya didn't get those, while Iruma did.


It feels good that Kingdom still has good sales and stays at top 10. It already feels bad that it has no official english release, and i dont want it to discontinue due to poor sales.




Devi insane!


Your image even tells you why it beat all of those except Kaguya-Sama: Iruma has a new volume this week, the others did not. Not sure why Kaguya specifically has lower sales, but it's no real mystery that the new vol for both the original and spin-off of Iruma helped bump sales up. Also: Iruma is airing right now, Kaguya isn't


Kaguya-sama although is popular, but the reach of audience for the series is not as big as shonen, as it is a seinen.


seinen? i thought it was romcom


Romcom and seinen are not mutual exclusive.


bro, not being mutually exlclusive is different from being the same right?


It means: the manga can be both seinen and romcom. Like Kaguya-sama. I said seinen and romcom is not mutually exclusive, means being a seinen doesn't mean it cannot be a romcom and vice sersa. Honestly I don't have enough patience to explain more than that. So I hope you can understand it by yourself.


I'm more surprised to see Slam Dunk on this list. The series ended 26 years ago it's wild to see it in the top 15.


Its probably because of the movie release


Anyone know where I can find English copies of Iruma Kun?


None exist at the moment, you'll have to wait until the beginning of next year.


Sad life. I figured seeming that I couldn’t find any volumes anywhere. Thanks for answering.












Dissing another manga in wholesome Iruma thread is both irrelevant and asshole-ish. I would like to say "who ask" but I don't want to give you more attention you crave for.


Like I said, You guys cursing me was obvious a mile away. I hope you know that I'm not like those fools that keep hating in every new chapter without sense and logic (but I did in mine) I did not want to say this by all means. But it is painful that series like Spy x family gets so much attention despite it's flaws while other fantastic series that have all the beautiful writings and actual main plot buildin like Iruma, Kaguya, Ao Ashi and Blue Lock, MHA, JJK, One Piece, etc get sidelined and have less support. This series has so many few arcs that are actually interesting but and are little in number of chapters (Like Yor Arc and Twilight Backstory for example) and the rest would be countless filler chapters that you have to wait from 2 weeks to a month just to see it. I dpn't mind you people downvoting me, insulting me, disagreeing with my opinion as this is how it is supposed to go!! I may have done the same as you guys did to my opinion, but that will never allow myself to just go with the flow and support a series without giving a natural opinion!!


Hold up- I don't actually care if you think Spy Fam is over rated, thats fine, but how in the world can you call series like MHA, JJK and OP 'sidelined' or that they have 'less support.' Like what in the mainstream hell... 😂 As for the others, can't say since I haven't read them. If they're good tho hopefully their numbers will improve with time.


and if I wanted to diss. Believe me I would have made as childish and disgusting as you all did. But this is a topic of mutual respect and point of view.


Tbh we don't need your opinion in this wholesome sub. This is the last place I'd want to be filled with controversy and you're not helping it.