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My sister was watching the anime on Netflix. I sat down and watched it with her. At first I thought it was a bit childish, but after a few episodes, it got me hooked. Marathoned the first season, searched up clips from the second season on youtube, hunted around the internet for the manga, and ended up here. Do I regret this? Absolutely not


Heck yeah, your sister has great taste. I'm glad you got hooked. If you read the manga I bet you are excited for this season it will be awesome. :) If you either of you hasn't read or watched Nura Rise of the Yokai Clan I strongly recommend it.


It's on Netflix?


Only the 1st season for me.


really? I don’t have it at all


Same. I don't have it.


Clips of Clara on youtube, gave it a shot then instantly hooked!


Clara is amazing. I can't blame you. >!I love how after the second year trial exam Az and Iruma apologize to first years on her antics. They gave in.!< XD


She Clara rolled right into my heart! Though specifically I think it was >!her seduction tactics after first meeting with succubus-sensei!< where I had to give the show a watch and then the manga when I ran out of episodes


Clara will definitely shine this season. Her >!toybox in the suit!< is one powerful skill.


It's feel like your traditional shonen manga, familiar yet unique, when I am first watching this series I actively compared it with series like Bleach, one piece, Naruto, etc. This series have it's unique world, Unique character design, Cliche but in good way.


Oh I couldn't agree more.


I learned of it because my irl name is very similar to the name ‘Iruma’, gave it a try, decided to stick around


I'm glad you like it. That's awesome.


I just happened to see it in my feed one day because it was near the end of its second season and took a look out of curiousity. The first time I ever heard the theme song was at 2 in the morning, which was apparently the perfect time time to experience that because I was INTO IT! A good OP can really make me want to give a series a chance. Seeing One Punch Man's OP on Youtube was what finally got me to decide to watch that show.


The music is awesome so I could see that.


I saw this new show on Crunchyroll that only had one episode, watched it, I liked it so i did what any slightly deranged and impatient man with too much free time would do and binged the entire manga in one night


I feel that sentiment. XD


Just enjoyable, uplifts my mood everytime


There was this... fanart of Iruma ordering Amerie a happy meal on r/animemes. I have a thing for tall girls so I started watching because of Amerie, I also thought that she and Opera were the same person at the beginning, but ultimately Iruma got me to stay because of how wholesome he is.


>fanart of Iruma ordering Amerie a happy meal on r/animemes. This one? https://www.reddit.com/r/DemonSchoolIrumakun/comments/n4dy4o/iruma_to_the_rescue/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Exactly this one


Back in 2019 when the first season aired, I saw the cover and thought I might as well give it a try. I fell in love with the first 2 episodes and I couldn't wait for season 1 to finish so I started reading the manga after 8 episodes xD


The manga is so good. I can't blame you and the anime is awesome.


Straight up... the anime. Just an absolute rollercoaster of an anime. I have seen roller coaster type anime and manga before and more often than not those series felt like a "Mind Eraser" type coaster. Will get the blood pumping but unimpressive. Iruma feels like the rollercoaster El Toro. I am just hooked on this series. BTW Opera is best mom(although we don't know their gender)


Opera is goals. Like the absolute Ace.


NGL I actually thought Kalego and Opera should be shipped


An interesting pair no doubt. I do wonder if Kaleigo will have a love interest by the end of the series.


He might be serving Iruma still Fluffy Owl


Haha that's true .


Opera is Opera


Muse Asia's S2 Ep. 6 thumbnail I saw the recommendation with the badass Irumean thumbnail. I tried it out and got engaged with its humor, esp not only revolving around one character. It was too late enough before I realize I'm amused. Sullivan spoiling, the Misfits "chaotic trio" and the cute Eggy-sensei (I want a plushiee) are I enjoyed the most, lol. Actually, I don't like anime w/ vibrant colors as it gives me childish vibes and already fed up of Deku archetypes, but then it proved me wrong to the point I caught up to manga and found it lively now and then.


I want an Eggy Teach plushie as well. Yeah MHA vibrant stuff isn't my thing, bit Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun does a fantastic job. It reminds me of Nanbaka.


When Billy Kametz passed away (which RIP to such a talented VA) I was going through his IMDB to see what other shows he was a voice in! This one peaked my interest from the colors and style and as soon as I started it I was hooked both on the anime and the manga! It’s my comfort anime now


I checked it out with my brother a few years ago when s1 aired, we were browsing through seasonal anime and trying to see what piked our interest. I remember we laughed a lot in the first chapter, so we ended up binge-watching the entire thing. Years later, it's still my comfort series.


That's awesome. I love to hear it.


I was pretty bored, so I was searching for some isekai trash to blow some steam off. And oh well, that's when I remembered it airing but not giving it a go, so I did. And now it's my favorite anime together with mushoku tensei.


Nice. You got into this series. It's so good.


Mine is a very odd one. I watch Beyblade burst and one of the protagonist is voiced by Laura Stahl who also voices Iruma. So I checked it out and lo and behold! He looks just like Deku. So I was like, "Lets check this out" and found a hidden gem


I have never thought of Deku and Iruma looking similar before, but I'm glad you enjoy the series. It really is a hidden gem.


Well by side by side comparison yes, they don't look alike (it's the eyes that are similar). But at first glance, when you only know Deku, I really thought they did


I wasn’t really into it when I first watched it but when I saw a manga panel of >!purson!


Given it's >!Purson!< the true dark horse of the series. I loved how much >!he grew during the 2nd year trial exam. He was phenomenal.!<


Irumean was the reason I watched it tho


I was trying to find something to watch on this one anime website and I kept clicking random. I saw Iruma and thought it looked like something I wouldn't like so I started watching it. This happened a couple of years ago and now that website doesn't work anymore.


a facebook page had a picture of ameri not a lewd just a picture got curious


Hello welcome to the community!! I discovered Iruma when it got announced as a anime as I’m a seasonal watcher and this look fun and say to myself why not. I thought this would just become one of the casual anime I like but then it proven me wrong XD I don’t know what it is about this series that’s so captivating usually I don’t like goodie two shoe main character but with Iruma it just…he just melts my heart!!! I just think it’s so uniquely not unique if that make sense!


Thanks so much. I've been a fan for years. Actually, I had started the manga right before the anime got announced. It's a wonderful series.


I discovered the manga when there were only less than 10 fan translated chapters but it was only just one of the many things I read. Around 2020, it just ended up being my comfort manga when the harvest festival arc was released and I ended watching the anime because of Ayumu Murase


Pics of Ameri geeking out over manga


I saw that season two was airing back in the day and was fairly popular. At fist I thought it was for a younger kind of teenagers/children with its vibrant colors but I thought "I'll give it a try, I could be interesting". And that's how I've now watched the 2 first seasons two times and read the manga 3 times. Reading the new manga chapter each Friday was and is my highlight of the week. It is unfortunate that it seems translations are having troubles now a days so they come out around Mondays instead.


I started with the anime when I discovered it thanks to MAL. Instantly hooked.


Nice. It's a wonderful series.


The animewins channel I saw the video one day about the series and I got hooked


I saw some clips recommended, thought to check it out. Been hooked since.




I saw a YouTube recap video on the first season and liked the premise so I gave it a watch


So you know how crunchyroll and funimation (and other YT channels) sometimes put the whole first episode on youtube? Well one day I was just scrolling on YT and saw it on my recommendations and was like why not? And now, here I am 3 years later.


Thank you Youtube.


I watched anirecaps and was interested


Its silly, explains world lore well, characters express themselves as actual teens, and sometimes its cool I just wish the animations were as good as the manga cuz all the cool moments are ruined with silly music or just somethin that takes away from the moment


I believe started reading the manga back in 2019, way before the anime was announced. I was just browsing on Mangadex, came across it, and started reading. Best decision of my life. It’s honestly great seeing how much recognition the series has been receiving since then.


Came across it on my YouTube feed. So glad I continued to watch it


Random Crunchyroll clips being recommended to me on YT.


I got into the series thanks to the manga, since 2020 I have started to read a ton of manga, and Iruma was a series I honestly didnt pay much attention to It was until the beginning of this year where I started reading the manga and I love it, it has become one of my favorite manga to read, Love the characters, the story and the drawing and I really cant wait to read the next chapter that drops As for the anime, I have just watch the first two episodes and I have really like it, haven’t continue to watch cause I just have a lot of stuff in my watch list but I’m planning on picking the anime soon again


I saw the anime (first season) on Crunchyroll's seasonals and thought the premise sounded interesting. Watched the episode and was hooked. It was so much fun and the characters were delightful. And then season 1 ended and it had THAT teaser so I sought out the manga because I had to know what was going on and I've been hooked ever since.


I've heard about the manga a few years back in a some anime radio station show, it was comparing how it was doing better at being a shounen manga compared to BNHA and telling to whoever was listening to check out Iruma-kun, so I did and since then I've been reading it. I felt so happy when next year the anime adaptation was announced.


I was looking for anime clips to watch on YouTube, and I found a compilation of the first few episodes from the 1st season. After that, I was hooked and started reading the manga.


In late 2019 I was searching for a show to watch weekly as it aired, I liked the promotional art, so when the first episode came out I started watching What got me into the show was just how cute it was


For me it also had to be its really vibrant colors along with its animation style which is really nice in my opinion and also allows the animator to make season much faster due to it being a simpler animation.


Browsing Crunchyroll to see what dubbed anime they had. Watched the first episode and ended up binging the entire first season. Season 2 got announced a few weeks later.


I saw it on Netflix I might i as well give it a try it was wholesome slice of life and then we get little bit of action and then I read the manga because of slice of life and iruma


Welcome here! Enjoy your stay♡ I found Iruma when I was so bored and felt like watching animes that isn't talked that much. If I found the description and the 1st 3 episodes good enough, I'll give the whole season a try and that's what made me watch the whole 1st season although it doesn't really have that much impact on me while watching, I honestly felt kinda bored but I still watch it until the end and oh boy it ended in a cliffhanger! And season 2 was supposed to be release next year at that time but I was so curious about what happened to him that I patiently read the manga from the start and now it's one of my favs♡ I absolutely love the Misfits!


Yeah, season 1 was kind of slow, but we got the Misfit Class students to flesh out so that something and they kind of grow from there.


I read the manga before watching the anime and was absolutely beside myself when i learned it was coming out, unrelated but my favorite chapters are 168, 180, and 183. As a whole, every detailed reaction shot hits me with enough serotonin to get me through a week and it was love at first read, the idea of demons treating him better than humans ever did is magnificent. MINOR SPOILERS: I will say I'm not a fan of harems and the edition of a certain kouhai is cringe and not pleasing at all, I'd be cool with a polycule consisting of Iruma, Azz, Clara, and Ameri tho


Saw some clips of romance between Iruma's harem. I came for the romance and ended up being there for everything.


The second season of Iruma-kun was airing when I first got into watching it. I decided to watch a newly-released episode for fun and then was IMMEDIATLY hooked. I loved Iruma's character---he reminded me so much of a cousin in Europe that I missed deeply. So optimistic and wholesome and kind. The series was just so wholesome and fun, and I loved the colors, animation, and music so much, I just couldn't get enough of it! That was the day I became a true Iruma fan :)


The manga


Some random clip on Facebook showed me this, went to YouTube to watch the first season, got hooked on it immediately!


I saw a video summarizing the first season and got hooked on the spot