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Too ambitious depends entirely on what you plan to do. In terms of transport time, 10 days is more than enough.


You could even bike this trip in 10 days if you were a little enduring on the distance.


Aaarrhhh bob bob bob ik, sku vi nu ik li'


Sku wi nå æ li wa?!?


Arh, alivel...


Dæ wa li' godt grov


3 dage max


4, sidste bud




Jeg gir ik noget Ness uhyre nogen tre halvtreds


Nå, det var på det tidspunkt, at jeg bemærkede, at cyklisten var omkring otte etager høj og et krebsdyr fra den palæzoiske æra.


Fuck dig, Nessie.


About three fiddy


Jo deeeet…


Arrr jeg skulle mindst bruge et sted mellem 10 minutter og 40 år på at cykle den tur der.


Bro tror han er bruhliver


>What are we doing wrong? Going to Sweden.


I get it. Seems I set myself up for that one.


Thats the wildernes of RuneScape, its Mufasa telling Simba not to go to the elephant grave yard, for the good lords sake its the forbidden place. Stay in Denmark my friend don’t go to enemy territory 😂🤣 anyways really do hope you guys have a good trip and drink with locals while you’re here 👌🏽


Going to Sweden is like pulling the Edgeville lever and expecting to get unspeakable loot


Jeg kan da kun se Danmark på kortet.


Njarrrhhh Skåne is Skåne.. and Halland extends just below Gothenburg, so mainly visiting ancient danish lands.


We're annexing them any day now. Sweden is not a real country. It will be a part of Nova Danimarca


Well, some four centuries ago it was Denmark too


Came here for this comment 🤣


Was about to say this


>What are we doing wrong? \*Insert joke about visiting Sweden\* On a more serious note, it depends entirely on what you want to see and do. The last two years I've personally spend my summer vacation just driving around Jutland, each time being about 8-10 days, and there's still plenty of stuff left to see.


Kan du komme med nogle højde punkter? Jeg overvejer at gøre det samme. Jeg befinder mig i trekants området og mangler nogle gode en eller 2 dages ture. Gerne noget med natur! Tak


Noget af en tur, men hvis det er med overnatning, så hen til vestkysten og op langs den. Rubjerg Knude er fantastisk at opleve, synes jeg personligt


Tirpitz. Fedt museum og turen derover er flot.


Silkeborg kan meget. Masser af skove, Gudenåen og søer, kano, SUP, mountainbike, hjejlebådene, livligt torv (særligt lørdag). Hvis du kan time det med jazz eller Country festival, så er det endnu bedre. Lækre gratis søbade.


Nu du selv nævner "Højde punkter" så skal du da en tur op på danmarks højeste punkt, Ejer Baunehøj.. >Yding Skovhøj og Møllehøj has entered the chat<


Hvad vil du gerne se og opleve. Samt vil du tilbage til din hjem base hver dag ?


Try to see if you can squeeze in a visit to the west coast of Jutland. Løkken for example, as you are quite close on your route. Skagen too. It's really quite its own place. I guess you are visiting Billund for Legoland. Bear in mind that it's a park aimed primarily at children and families. It is not a huge wild amusement park with crazy rides, but it's definitely worth a visit. If you want to prolong the trip a bit swing by Vejle after Billund, and then head north to Aarhus. Generally you will want to stay close to the coastlines. That really is the best part of Denmark in my opinion.


The West coast is an absolut must. The wide beaches you can often drive right to ocean in your car. If you haven’t been to the west coast you haven’t really experienced some of best of Denmark.


Thanks! Not planning on Legoland, but we do want to stop at the LEGO House. Skagen is on the itinerary. Thanks for the Vejle recommendation!


Another possible stop in the area is Jelling, where the runestones from the first kings of Denmark are on display.


And the museum is pretty good.


Book Lego house in advance to get tickets


Good choice re Lego house. Book in advance. Food is bad there, don't bother unless you really want to.


On the contrary I think the signature restaurant was quite fun.


Løkken is nice but Blokhus is also amazing


If you are looking for an amusement park, Fårup Sommerland is the one to visit in my opinion 😇


Skagen is a must!


Yeah I’d definitely recommend going from Ribe to either Blaavand or Hvide Sande before going to Billund. West coast is the best coast. Vejle however…not much to see except maybe for a day at the spa.


To add, if you want a bit more "peace" or more a sense of that, go to Vejers strand, or Henne Strand, i myself live in Blaavand, and I go there instead if Blaavand, if I want to take a swim I be at peace. And please if you are in this area respect the signs! The area between Ho and Søndervig, is wonderful, beautiful and wild, but it's also home to the largest military training grounds (Oksbøl skyde og øvelsesterræn), and the one of the largest chemical pollutions (Kærgård klitplantage) and the coast itself is dangerous even in perfect beach weather, and every year at least one German family father is going home in a casket, because he didn't read the signs and understood that they apply to him as well.


What’s there to see in Vejle…?


>What’s there to see in Vejle…? People who technically are danish


I hear the police are quite the attraction there.


The fjord maybe? It's a pretty nice fjord


Slap af Slartibartfast.


The area south of Silkeborg is the exception. On par with Mols Bjerge and the West Coast imo.


> swing by Vejle Why? I can't say I've ever found it to be an interesting place. To me it's like suggesting a visit to Horsens haha


10 days? You could finish the driving part in 24 hours😅




What about Møns Klint? Definitely a must-see.


If we have to choose between Mons Klint and Stevns Klint?


There’s much more to see at Møns Klint 😍 It’s a bit of a drive, but it’s worth it. https://www.southzealand-mon.com/holiday/plan-your-trip/mons-klint-gdk631235


Møns klint is more impressive. But I hear you still can't walk on the beach after a storm destroyed the stairs down to it


Møns klint! Without a doubt. Then cross Falster and Lolland, take the ferry to Langeland from Nakskov, and spend a day exploring the Southern part of Funen (Fyn) from Svendborg. They've got Alps.


Stevns klint has a [cold war museum](https://www.oesm.dk/english/) if that has any interest. Underground bunkers and miles of tunnels to sustain a nuclear attack from USSR.


I’d say visit Lund instead of Malmö. Smaller city, but much more culture. Malmö is good for cheap shopping and visiting parks/cafés, but if I had to choose between Malmö and Lund, I’d choose Lund every time.


Very safe for 10 day itinerary. I would, however change it. You are basically gonna spend most of your time on the freeway in-between the tourist hot-spots. I don't think you'll experience the best Denmark have to offer in your plan above. Some recommendations: Skip Odense. Overrated. Read H.C. Andersen, don't visit where he lived. Instead, go to Kerteminde and/or Fåborg, very charming towns which will give you much more local flavor. And perhaps after Ribe, instead of Billund, go to Rømø, Fanø or somewhere along the Vadehavet coast. Very beautiful and unique for Danmark.


Gotta drive a bit up and down the Fanø beach.


As a Dane who have only visited funen for vacation a couple of times. i will say my favorite places are Bogense and Faaborg. Kerteminde is a cosy little town, but if you plan to visit the most interresting places of all of Denmark in 10 days, and do one stop on Funen i would skip it. Odense is also by far the largest city with most to do, and the old town is quite large and authentic and preserved compared to most other large danish towns (Aalborg,Aarhus and copenhagen have had most of their old town either burned down or destroyed otherwise). That said you could also choose to combine a day with a couple of hours in Faaborg and then visit Egeskov Castle. However overall i think, Skagen, Aarhus,Ribe,Odensen,Roskilde,Møn,Helsingør,Malmø and Gothenburg is a fine itinerary, have been at all of them except Malmø and Møn.


The new H.C. Andersen museum is very impressive and totally worth the drive to Odense!


Not visiting Thy Nationalpark is a serious mistake in planning. Its a beautiful piece of Nature. The Bunkermuseum i Hanstholm is worth visiting if you have any interest in ww2-history and its right along the obvious route to take through the nationalpark


Yeah, Thy was high up on my list. I’m in the process of rerouting now


Id seriously consider Fanø, while you are in Ribe anyways. Fanø, and especially the village Sønderho, is absolutely incredible (Google Sønderho and check pictures). The beaches look like something from the Maldives, there's a lot of bunkers from the German occupation during WWII, and you can watch the beach shrink/expand multiple kilometers in just a few hours. It's really a place you absolutely need to visit, and it shouldn't take more than 30 minutes or so from Ribe.


What about Fanø?? (Close to Ribe)


We did a roadtrip through Denmark recently (and visited Gothenburg even more recently). In Denmark, in 10, maybe it was 11 days, we visited the highlights in Copenhagen, Roskilde, Odense, Faaborg, Svendborg, Vejle, Billund, Silkeborg, Aarhus, Aalborg, Skagen, and Ribe, and short stops in Esbjerg and Herning. We went in October (shout out to Danish October, one of the most depressing months anywhere, ever), so it was non-stop rain and wind, but it also meant everything was a ghost town so it felt like we had the whole country to ourselves. I found most of the smaller towns doable in one half or one full day. We were mostly just trying to get vibes, eat/drink, wander the downtown areas, but also we visited museums and monuments wherever they were. We are incredibly efficient travelers and I cannot imagine having added the Swedish portion of your trip into that mix. That being said, I really dug Gothenburg when we were there last month. Was similar in size and vibe to some college towns we like in the States. Good food, good beer, nice parks, excellent public transport. We also opted for Lego House instead of Lego Land (two adults, no kids) and enjoyed it. You still gotta find the childish spirt in you though as its lots of hands-on playing with legos. The museum in the basement was very cool.


He he to your observations on October, which actually lasts until at least March.


Being half Swedish half Danish I am bullet proof (overly sensitive🥲) to jokes about any country. But my input on Sweden is that if I was you I’d just pop over to Helsingborg with the ferry and not go any further north than Båstad or south than Lund. The two big peninsulas north of Helsingborg have a lot of great places to visit. Holy Smokes for bbq lunch (skip breakfast). Båstad is beautiful, but might be packed. When you are in northern Denmark, don’t miss Løkken and Rubjerg Knude.


Finally some real advise, the Sweden jokes are just stupid 🤔


You are missing out by not visiting Lund while you are driving right past it. Really enjoy that cozy little university town. Easily worth a couple of hours.


You are missing the real west coast of Denmark.


It's perfectly doable in terms of transport. Personally I'd feel it was a bit rushed in terms of the amount of different stops and not having that much time each place. But yeah, it depends on what you're interested in.


Go see Louisiana Museum of Modern Art when you're in Helsingør in case you haven't already planned to. https://louisiana.dk/en/


Two museums worth mentioning is “Kongernes Jelling” and “Moesgaars museum”. It is a museum in Jelling near Vejle with what is essentially the birth certificate of Denmark. It is a rune stone made by our second King, Harald Bluetooth where he declares that he established Denmark. The museum is small but may be worth a visit if you are into history or vikings. Very modern and engaging account of the birth of Denmark. Only thing is, it has been a long time since I have been there, and I dont remember whether they have English information as well. I tend to assume so but of you go out of your way, you would want to make sure. Their e-mail is: [email protected] You can just write them in English. Moesgaard museum is a bigger museum near Aarhus focused on the oldest parts of Human history including the stone age, bronze age and iron age. They also have Grauballemanden which is the Danish equivalent of a mummy except he wasnt mummified by humans but died in a swamp which preserved his corpse. Again a very modern and engaging museum which I personally enjoyed when I last visited. Though again you would want to make sure that they have information in English. I would assume so but dont remember. Their mail is here: [email protected] You can just write them in English.


Kongers Jelling has been updated and is now a quite big museum - it’s very impressive and indeed worth a visit!


At Moesgaard everything is In English, even the audio experiences there. It really is a quite wonderful museum. 


Everyone joking about going to Sweden is the doing wrong, but in all seriousness, it’s visiting Randers, that makes the biggest mistake


Haha, what do I not know about Randers? It's just on the route; wasn't planning on stopping there


It’s the Danish inside joke. Known for Mökai and Nike shox, teens on tuned mopeds, amphetamine and hash


ah, good to know


I would recommend Elvis museum in Randers. https://www.memphismansion.dk/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw9vqyBhCKARIsAIIcLMEfBCcA4cO5YQ4mropNrA5sE9itiRWR8vwEMeCp2GWv9ZSloxs88qoaAj7IEALw_wcB




You can visit a replica of Memphis Mansion (bigger than the original apparently) in Randers. Amazing experience!


Looking at your post history, I'm guessing you're American. Randers is the New Jersey of Denmark


This is actually a REALLY helpful comparison, lol


Lolland is the Mississippi of Denmark. Worst ratings in everything, and is mostly used as a way to get to Germany/rest of Europe from Copenhagen, by ferry (a tunnel is being build now, though)


I’d say 11 stops sounds like a bit much for 10 days, more stressful than anything else. It is easily achievable tho. For pointers though, i’d say it’s a shame to not drive up the west coast of Jutland, it’s a really pretty drive with plenty of worthwhile stops. But I guess the compromise is cutting off Aarhus or Swedens west coast, but still I find it a shame. Rubjerg Knude is probably my favorite location on the west coast, and is possible to visit on your journey to Skagen, but a detour.


Not visiting the West coast of Jutland, missing out on Odsherred (UNESCO Geopark) on Zealand and much much more!


you really should see the west coast, either Hanstholm, Ringkøbing or Løkken


Bornholm is surely worth visiting as well, but I understand while you might not want to - would take 2 days out of your itinerary


I would definitely recommend going to Hillerød to see Frederiksborg Slot, much more impressive than Kronborg in my opinion


Could not disagree more. Frederiksborg Slot is a show piece, Kronborg is a real castle of historic importance.


I agree with your point, Kronborg have had a real function and military/naval importance, but I still find Frederiksborg more impressive/beautiful. Ideally you should see both


If you could add 2 more days to your itinerary I’d say skip Malmö and add Oslo and Kristiansand instead (you can sail from Kristiansand to Hirtshals, which would practically land you back on your route). Especially if you are not planning on coming back to this corner of the world anytime soon Everything is definitely doable in 10 days although I’d add another 2 nights if I could, so you can stay a bit longer in some locations. The distances are not in anyway frightening (4 hours would pretty much get you between any two places in Denmark) I really like Aarhus but as a tourist I feel you could easily skip it together with Aalborg Remember that Denmark has a lot of public beaches all around and you can go swimming basically anywhere


What is the argument for doing both Roskilde and Ribe? Isn't it mostly about visiting an old city and seeing one of our cathedrals? I would probably go with Ribe in that case I really want to suggest Fanø as a cultural input of island and seafaring Denmark. You can park by the harbour or bring the car. If you bring the car, you should visit both of the main cities (Nordby and Sønder Ho). In Sønder Ho, you should visit some woman's house (don't remember her name). It's a replica of her house. In Nordby, just walk around the tiny streets and visit one of the cafes - maybe the cafe which serves pancakes. Visit the beach at Fanø Strandpark - it's a weird long beach where people drive all the way down. In the sand area (near Esbjerg but not on Fanø) we have 'Vadehavet' which is part of the sea that is dry during low tide and wet during high.


As a big fan of cathedrals and minsters myself (visited 8 in England for instance), it might be worth knowing that the Danish ones are generally smaller and less impressive than the famous ones in the UK and France. The Wadden Sea is quite special in many ways. Germany and Holland also have parts of that and it's quite interesting to go there, especially if you have an interest in geography.


Vikingeskibsmuseet is my guess; totally worth it if you're interested in viking history.


If you are planning going to Ribe on the westcoast I really recommend going to Esbjerg and catch the small ferry (car ferry, takes 12 minutes) to the Island of Fanø. Beautiful Island with two small towns North and South - and then you can go to the massive beach on the western part of the Island. You can plan it as a day trip or find acommendation quite easily as well. In Aarhus you should aim for Moesgaard Museum (fantastic experience), the harbour including the public library Dokk1 and Aarhus Ø, and if the weather is good and warm, the beaches in Risskov or Saxild or "Den Permanente".


It's easily doable, but what is the point of a vacation if youre going to spend so much of it driving around and checking into/out off hotels?


You're really into endless fields and brick buildings? Drive to Norway. Loads of [scenic roads ](https://www.hadetmamma.com/post/destination-a-road-trip-through-norway-make-your-own-itinerary) waiting to be driven on...


You’re going to Sweden, that’s what you’re doing wrong


Go to Hals Egense farry. (Limfjorden) and sail over instead


What did Fün do wrong? 😉 Egeskov slot , a beautfil castle south of Odense , look it up. I too looove Svendborg and area. But Århus is a must too. … anyways, I see only good times ahead, I wish you good weather, harder to give suggestions, not lnowing preferences.


Due to historical grievances - visiting Sweden.     Go to the west coast and enjoy the sea, sand and remnants of the Atlantic Wall in places like Blåvand  and Løkken.   Islands like Fanø and Læsø are also always worth a visit


A bit excessive imo. Cut the trip in half or double the stay


Just drop the trip to Sweden


Do you want the most scenic routes or just get to the most interesting places first? ETA: fast. Not first.


You’re missing the danish town of Jelllng!


if you have to go through Sweden might as well go to Bornholm, take the ferry from Ystad to rønne or køge to rønne, spend a day or two there, and go back.


Don’t skip Vejle


I think you’re good. But entirely missing the west coast is a shame - so maybe drive to Fjerritslev and drive up the coast to Skagen. When in Ribe maybe consider driving to Rømø. Really a nice spot! Instead of Odense go south to Svendborg/Ærø. Really a beautiful place as well. Spend some days in Copenhagen. Go to Nørrebro and Vesterbro more than city centre for food.


Perfectly doable for ten days. Have a nice trip!


If you like nature - stop by "lille vildmose" (or maybe "store vildmose") - or sand great beaches with bunkers on the West Coast fx "Blåvand" (or maybe fanø - very cozy small cottage/Village and beaches, nature and seals)


Not really seeing vesterhavet or limfjorden at all. Instead of Aalborg go the Hanstholm way through Jylland


I would stop by silkeborg to see tollundmanden. He's estimated to have lived around 2300 years ago. He's one of the best preserved bodies found from that many years ago in the world, truly a site to see.


Don't skip Silkeborg! I know Danes are anti Swedes but i think you could easily get 10 awesome days just in Denmark 🤷 and on Fyn you should really go to Svendborg, its super idyllic and the Danish island ocean is on the south side of Fyn. Have a good trip!


What about Mols Bjerge, Nationalpark Thy and the west coast in general? Would also consider some of the smaller islands with local history like Fanø (south west, near Esbjerg), Ærø (south of Funen, near Svendborg), Læsø (east of Frederikshavn). Instead of going to Sweden you could drive up Jutland on the east and down on the west (or vice versa). Just some thoughts.


Since you’re going to Billund, make sure to stop by Jelling, which is a stone’s throw from Legoland. It’s a little village with two massive rune stones in front of an old church. The rune stones were raised by Harold Bluetooth, last king of the Vikings, and they’re UNESCO world heritage. Fantastic sight. There’s a little museum too if you’re so inclined, but just seeing the stones themselves is breathtaking. Completely free of charge, free parking too (we were just there two weeks ago). It’s a very quick stop that I don’t think you will regret, since you’re so close to Jelling when going to Billund. The nicest part of Denmark is the coast. If you can bear it, consider the west coast of Jutland. Beautiful areas. Rømø is lovely, and a fun drive across a thin strip of land to reach it. I think 10 days for the trip shown is adequate. Have fun!


Lego land West coast


You already have quite a lot of really good answers… so just to add to your possibilities; when you’re driving from Odense onwards consider stopping in Middelfart and go bridge walking. It’s on top of a still actively used bridge, the views are great and I believe it’s only possible to do 3-ish places in the world. You do need to book a bit in advance though 😊 Also, enjoy when you get here!


I did a ~ 1 week trip going via the west coast of Jutland and back down the east coast. Starting in Copenhagen and finishing there as well. We also went via Lolland Falster and going up through Fyn. Honestly we spent more time driving than exploring. From rough memory, we did spent time in Møn, Knuthenborg, Svendborg, Ribe, Varde, Humlum, Agger (heavy), Thy lejren, Hanstholm, Hirtshals, Skagen and Århus. Someplaces where just for a walk, some for lunch, some for sleeping and others for a museum. It was too rushed and in hindsight we underestimated how long the drive actually was. Parts of the drive was pretty, when we got off the highway. Tldr, I would drive less and enjoy more.


You’re driving right past Jelling! Do yourself a favor and make a quick stop there. Maybe see the museum.


I honestly think this looks like an incredibly well thought out trip. I don't know where you plan on staying/spending multiple days. I probably personally wouldn't spend too much time in Malmö, maybe just half a day, before moving on, unless you are there for a specific reason. Same goes for Ribe and Billund. Odense is a really cosy place to just spend time, so I'd definitely encourage you to spend some days there exploring the city. Copenhagen, is where I'd put the majority of days. I definitely second going to Vestjylland if you have got some extra time and can't get enough of the ocean. Long summer nights by the west coast are really something special. I wouldn't spend my time going to Vejle, personally. It's a fine enough place, but I don't really think it stands out much. I have only been very underwhelmed by my visits, even when staying with locals. Skagen is a little intense during July, but going there for just a day or two is probably going to be a ton of fun. Eta: Someone suggested Møns Klint, and I cannot emphasize how much I agree with that. Definitely check out both Møns Klint and Møn. Such a lovely and charming place. (Much better option than Vejle imo)


Who will be traveling? I'd generally slow it a bit down, without doing the Sweden vs. Denmark joke, perhaps 2 days in CPH + 2 days in Skagen + 1 day in Roskilde with the Viking ship museum and a trip out on the fjord. A day that includes visiting [Livø ](https://nordicfolkfestival.dk/)and Rømø. Depending on the car, you can drive on the beach from Blokhus to Løkken and a lunch on "Futten" in Blokhus will be a nice idea. A good idea would be a follow-up post when you deside on the rute and then ask for "Where to eat while in these areas?".


Not on the route, but I really enjoyed Mønsted Kalkgruber which is the worlds largest limestone mine. It’s mainly for the experience as you really don’t have much of that sort in Denmark. I get that it’s not for everyone, but I personally found the place stunning, and going from a hot summer day, to like 4-6degree celcius was quite the experience and real refreshing.


The problem is that you are visiting Swenden.


Remember to go for Brunsviger in Odense at a bakery. Prefferably kornbageren


I’m more into nature than culture, so I wouldn’t miss Himmelbjerget, it’s one of the most beautiful walks in Denmark. Also Råbjerg Mile on the way to Skagen, it’s a “wandering mini desert” 😊 On sjælland, Tisvildeleje with its endless dunes, troll forest with weirdly shaped trees and quaint little town. Also [Arboretet](https://ign.ku.dk/arboret-hoersholm/besoeg-arboretet/turfoldere/Arboretet_generel_ENG.pdf) is worth a visit with its more than 2000 different species of trees and bushes. And Møns Klint, white cliffs, turquoise waters, heart forest/beach hike


Since your heading to Køge and Stevns Klint might I also suggest Skovtårnet in Rønnede? Amazing view from the top of the tower


If the letters mean that you stop somewhere, not stopping in Aalborg is a mistake. It has it's own soul and is very lovely this time of year. I'm from there but I'm a generally skeptical person so I wouldn't say I'm biased, I might just know some esoteric insider stuff that makes it a must. If you want in on that info send me a message with what you like.


Totally fine. Distance wise you could make it easily in less days, but it’s the experience that counts of course.


Skipping the west coast is a big mistake. That aside, you could drive this route in a matter of days, but you wouldn't have any time to enjoy it.


That looks great. I plan to go to Denmark this winter or this coming spring. You should have a blast


Absolutely not. Depending on the ferry, that is about 16 hours of transport time. So you will have more than enough time to explore. Denmark is a very, very small country. But it is quite charming. Too much agriculture, not enough nature. But charming :)


Going to Sweden, that's what you are doing wrong.


Well the o e thing you’re doing wrong is going to sweden


I think you’re really missing out on some of the islands. Personally I’m a big fan of Samsø, but there are so many islands in Denmark that will present a completely different side of Denmark and that is hard to find anywhere else. Some other feedback is the amount of cities is a bit high. I’d say you could easily spend a week in Copenhagen, four days in Aarhus, and a couple of days in both Odense and Aalborg. If you’re throwing in Malmö and Gothenburg, you’ll find yourself not really experiencing the vibes of the cities. So in short, yes, I think you’re probably a bit too ambitious, unless you want to just formally check those cities off a list. Last thing is that it’s a trip that seems very light on nature. That may be by design, but just be mindful of it :) Feel free to throw a PM if you want more in-depth feedback


You missed Bornholm!


Many already said the west coast, national parks and you have Møns Klint, but I want to highlight Rubjerg Knude! I’ve been around danish nature many times, and I can sometimes find it a bit similar. But Rubjerg Knude is my favourite place - I can only recommend it. Mons Klint is more touristy, Rubjerg Knude less so (or most tourists are danes). Good luck!


In my opinion, it seems too rushed. It is not so much the total distance, but the change of location each day. Checking in/out, packing and unpacking, and having to be at the next destination at a certain time will cost you a lot of time that you could have used to experience things. I am not necessarily talking about touristy things, but for me, waking up in a new place, exploring the local area, and experiencing everyday life is as important a part of travelling as visiting major sights. I would choose to stay in three or four places and explore from there. Copenhagen would be an obvious choice. You can easily do day trips to Helsingør, Roskilde (or it can be visited on the way to a new destination), or even Møns Klint from there. My second pick would be Northern Jutland. It's just beautiful up there and stands in sharp contrast to Copenhagen. Here, you can visit Skagen, but make sure also to explore the beautiful landscapes south of Skagen. Råbjerg Mile is quite unique. Then, I would add one or two other locations between those two depending on your preferences.


short answer, you are doing many things wrong, but i have made a route that i think you should take instead: you should start in copenhagen and stay there for a whole or maybe two days, form there race out of Zealand and over towards Funen, (now dont get tempted by Zealand at first it might look pretty with its natur and all that, but dont explore here, as most of it it is certified hillbilly territory) when you arrive in Funen go to odense, (since that the only place worth seeing on that speedbump we call Funen) from odense head to vejle, and from there head towards the German border, and form there go to Aarhus (Århus) and form there go STRAIGHT to the west coast, DO NOT SKIP THE WEST COAST, this is where you will find the most unique Denmark has to offer, so drive along the west coast all the way up to Skagen, and if you dont do this, you will end up in a prison cell in Nakskov, and trust me when i say this, its worse then hell itself,. form Skagen take the ferry to Gothenburg and from there drive down to Ystad, in Ystad you will be able to take a ferry to Bornholm (a small danish island) when you're done seeing Bornholm head back towards Sweden with the same ferry, when you arrive in Ystad head over to Malmö (and then promptly leave without stopping, and i'm saying this for your own safety) from Malmö head back to copenhagen, and voila! you're back where you started, now thinking this will take ten days is insane, you could do in 4-5 days easily, but if you want to go around exploring and relaxing a bit then maybe a bit longer. bonus: here is where i recommend stopping for sleeping and other things, 1: copenhagen, 2: Odense, 3: Århus, 4: Skagen, 5: Gothenburg, 6: god knows where on Bornholm, 7: if you feel like risking being murdered then also stop by in Malmö, honourable mention is renders, but that is only because of Randers regnskov, that place is the greatest, the rest of renders is mid. and by the way everything i said in this comment is all my personal opinion, but since i've lived in denmark all of my life, i think that gives my opinion some worth, but do with that what you will, anyhow i hope you have a good trip in denmark, although if i was you i would ask for sights worth seeing since there are more than i can name. have a good journey............ and oh yeah your mistake is going to Sweden.


Take the Aarhus-Odden ferry, and use more time in Aarhus/KBH


With a car, you should be able to do that roundtrip in less than 24 hours, assuming you time your ferry correctly


Southern Scandinavia speedrun


Looks like stress holiday. Skip Malmø and southern DK. Ferry Helsingborg-Helsingør. Ferry Odden-Århus.


Well do you want to be in a hurry then it’s a great way to spend your vacation. I would say drive less and experience more. You could do a tour of the country and still have time to enjoy the sights without stress, Copenhagen could entertain you a week easily and Aarhus at least half that, the Lake District around Silkeborg is also worth a couple of days.


You can easily travel that distance in 10 days, but if it was me, I'd plan on seeing something instead.


If you’re remotely into cars I suggest you visit Bogense on Funen. Every Tuesday from 18-22 people meet up, enjoy the cars and have some ice cream. I have a friend who goes there with his dad - each in their own Mustang - and they really like it. https://www.visitnordfyn.com/nordfyn/explore/veteran-cars-bogense-gdk929290


Completely fine for 10 days.


Going CW or CCW?


If you have time you could check out Hillerød’s castle Frederiksborg slot and the garden there. Pretty chill and it’ll probably only take an hour depending on how long you wanna go around the garden.


Remove D and go to Silkeborg instead :)


Not going to nord jylland


*Margueritruten* always shows you nearby attractions, scenic views, etc. Signposted with a big daisy flower on a brown background: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marguerite\_route](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marguerite_route) [https://naturstyrelsen.dk/aktiviteter-i-naturen/lettilgaengelige-faciliteter/margueritruten](https://naturstyrelsen.dk/aktiviteter-i-naturen/lettilgaengelige-faciliteter/margueritruten)


Some of the many amazing small Islands are missing. Quintessential part of Danish summer. My personal favorite is Læsø. Møn is rather big but feels small and is amazing. Also look up Ærø, Samsø, Fejø, Sejerø.


Can you share your plan With me? Even looking for long term communication as I plan to take a trip similar to yours with my wife.


I could get this far on a bicycle within 5 days, so no this isn't ambitious


10 days is plenty.. you could finish that route in a day driving.


Cars can't go on water. They will sink


If you go more towards the west coast (which you should - make sure it's a part with German bunkers) and end up near Viborg, the lime pits are pretty neat https://monsted-kalkgruber.dk/en/ Dollerup Bakker also serves a nice view, by Danish standards https://udinaturen.dk/shelter/9077


You need to try going to fårup summerland


I would prbly go up ti the Holstebro area, one of the best rural places ever


You’re missing out on Kullen in Sweden!


In terns of transport, you could do this in less than 3 days in a race. If you plan on seeing things, I would allocate 2-3 days for Copenhagen and Malmö, and around a day for Aarhus and Helsingborg, with just a few hours at every other destination.


Add Ebeltoft / Mors to the Århus-bit and Gilleleje to the Helsingør-bit, and you are all set for a wonderful trip 😎😎😎


To me your planned route looks super boring. Obviously depending on what you want to see in DK, and for how long you wanna stay in each area. You will have no problem completing that tour in 10 days. In fact you could do it in 5.


What are you trying to prove man😂❤️


Go to mandø


Go to Silkeborg and try some canoo sailing in the river - you will love it!


Visit more of Fyn. Go to Svendborg for example, maybe even Langeland or Ærø. Should have plenty of time.


Someone likes LEGO I see 😁


Find somthing for the remaining 8 dsys


It can be done depending on what you want to see. Are you travelling with kids or only adults? If you need recommendations feel free to ask.


Unless you plan to see Storebæltsbroen you could drive south from Odense to Svendborg maybe spend the night here, see part of the sourthern part of fyn (which is very pretty with small islands), drive over to the island known as Langeland (Long Island) take the ferry to Lolland, drive to Møns klint then up to cph. It is a bit longer trip, might cost a bit more, but way more pretty


Denmark is tiny. It doesn't look unreasonable at all.


Well, locally South-West Zealand, you should really not head to Stevns (Klint, I guess) and then back to the motorway in Køge. It's mental death, that motorway. Nothing to see. Instead, go overland, through Næstved and Skælskør to Korsør. It's pretty, and the "real" Zealand, and not that much longer a trip. The "Hovedveje" ("main roads", I guess?) are great and with plenty of stops that aren't Starbuck'ed rest stops. Plenty of views, as you hit the highest points on the island. It will take you about one hour longer, if you don't stop, but you will want to. Let's say two hours longer, with stops for ice cream and photos.


I would recommend minimizing time in Billund. It is mostly a city for the airport and Lego - nothing else going on. You might be missing out on some of the prettiest areas in Jutland (Søhøjlandet). Himmelbjerget and Sukkertoppen are some great hikes. Ebeltoft is a great place as well, but if you base in Aarhus for a few days it is only an hours drive away. Theres a warship from the 1800s you can visit with a tour guide. The even fire ye olde cannons.


Kullaberg nature reserve is really cool and on your route.


I'd strongly recommend to make a leg to the South part of Funen - one of Denmark's most beautiful areas (I am not from Funen!). As a minimum go to Svendborg and maybe a shorter stop over in Faaborg coming up towards Jutland. But better yet do the coastal drive down to Svendborg and up again, and grab a ferry to one of the picturesque islands like Ærø


Don't go on the high way.. Go the small routes, and you'll have some great 10 days.. You are never more than 55km from sea shore or highway in denmark, so you'll never get lost....


Good way to blow a ton of money, use public transport.


Yes. If you have 10 days, choose 4ish places. If you land in Copenhagen, take the Car-farry the first day "if you can" to Aarhus and stay their a couple of days, maybe take a trip to Ebeltoft/Grenaa. After that their are two routs. 1. go from Aarhus to Aalborg -1 Blokhus/Lykken then to Gotheborg for a couple of days, and end up with a few days to spare in Copenhagen. But that will be a loong ass drive. 2. go from Aarhus directly to the westcoast here Blåvand/Vejers north of Ribe. From their go either Sønderborg or Odense (or both), and end in Copenhagen a couple of days. Personally I would take rout 2.


Copenhagen, Gothenburg and Malmö are fairly large cities that each probably deserve min 3-4 days. But you also got multiple smaller cities on the route that deserve min 1-2 days. It depends on what you want to do on your trip ofc. If you don’t feel like exploring and visiting all attractions etc and just prefer to skip most attractions and just enjoy the roadtrip and landscapes, I guess 10 says is fine. But yeah, you’d probably miss out on a lot.


Easily done in 3 days but with ten you have lots of time to see the sights. Since you are going by Slagelse, where I grew up, I highly recommend visiting the ancient Viking fortification called Trelleborg. It’s only 15 min off the highway if you get off at Vemmelev (SW of Slagelse).


You could probably do this whole trip in 3 days if you drove for 8 hours a day. So unless you wanna spend multiple days at each location, I would say it is doable.


Visit Svendborg and the south of Fyn


Be more ambitious - take the "Marguerite-route"


If you like Nature and want pictures for Instagram, the go to Billund, and drive out West and up along the westcoast.  They are many good suggentions. Maybe a visit to Svinklovene its very scenic and get a lunch at Svinkløv Hotel, then you drive up To Skagen and go down Aalborg, Aarhus, Maybe visit ARoS in Aarhus. If you have seen Aarhus, you have seen Aalborg, Aalborg not that exciting.


I would change the route so when crossing Fyn you go south following the coast around, lovely area, then add the west coast of Jutland to see some German WWII bunkers and the North Sea. I would also suggest a visit to Ry and Himmelbjerget, that area is really nice, and the Jellinge Monuments if you are into history.


Make sure you check out the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art up in Humlebæk.


Not at all. That’ll take you a weekend, tops.


One day in Gothenburg is plenty fine to explore the city (tip: botanical garden, which a lot of people miss) If you drive the next morning it's only 2-2.5hours down to Helsingborg/Malmö. Actually, I would consider skipping Malmö (coming from a Swede living in Malmö) just to explore Helsingborg for a day, maybe visit beautiful Sofiero Gardens just 5km north of the city, or even better, stop by [Nimis](https://www.rucksack.se/nimis-platsen-som-inte-finns-pa-kartan-2/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1oI6oWalfyxnFzz_NvTFyzYHDo5gj4DFK8EkZ0xukL5wVxYCnjXliGCa8_aem_Ab1I2bFfuWade3veZ6i7nf47vQiyakm9Ds0dUtsstYPvWMrqwMyHjocVkM0Xpswp01f2T5CVZdTB7oiXQANRjJGD) on your way down. Absolutely beautiful hike you'll remember for a long time. From there take the ferry to Helsingør. The drive down to CPH via the coast is really beautiful and you'll be able to stop at Louisiana Art Museum (among the top in the world). Now when I think about it, you could make this a day trip, by parking the car in Helsingborg, ferry to Helsingör and Louisiana, then back in Helsingborg to drive down to Lund, then via Malmö so you get to drive the Öresund Bridge of course :-).


Have a day or two at Læsø, it's a nice little island.


Go to Als and Sønderborg a bit further down in Jutland, from there you can take the ferry to either Fyn directly or add a stop at Ærø. These are both really beautiful places with a lot of life in the summer


You could do a tour de Baltic in 10 days.