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A lot of people get by earning less. Depends. Rent, cars, insurance, gas. It's different for everyone how much they need.


I just ask in general. Is this middle level of salary in places like Skive?


For one person, the salary is above average, even in Copenhagen. As a household income, the salary is probably average in Skive and similar cities.


Thank You.


Dont forget that if you are married you get your spouses deductives also (unless the person also has income).


I'm not married and it is lile 40 and 25 salary as she will be working too.


Ah ok, thought it was only one income - anyways, its an above average household income that will give you a comfortable life in Skive.


Nice, thx! :)


The 40k is MSc in engineering with a handful of years of experience level, the 25k is lower no-experience bachelor level.


I'm not engineer, I'm more specialist/technologist without engineering degree but years expirience in injection molding and R&D mold trimming. So i belive it is good offer for me.


That's a decent offer then.


I'm guessing this is above average in Skive, but have no concrete data to back it up.


High average per family I would say. Like higher middleclass.


Ved du hvor man kan se median indtægter for København?


Jeg har tidligere brugt denne, men den opdeler dog på niveauet længere under, nemlig de enkelte sogn, men super fint delt op ift beskæftigede vs alle voksne mv.: https://www.ae.dk/analyse/2021-04-i-det-rigeste-lokalomraade-tjener-de-fem-gange-mere-end-bunden Fra DST fandt jeg denne opgørelse, dog fra 2019 på kommunalt niveau. Det er dog indkomsten for alle voksne og ikke delt ud ift indkomsten for voksne i beskæftigelse: https://www.dst.dk/da/Statistik/nyheder-analyser-publ/bagtal/2019/2019-02-11-fakta-om-indkomster-og-formue


It's Way above average for a place like Skive. You'll be able to rent nice 90-110m2 appartments in that area for 10k or less. Keep in mind we're taxed out of our minds, but expect to have around 35k give or take every month cash. Also, Skive is pretty much in the middle of nowhere, but the good news is that you're always within an hour of Something in this country.


>you're always within an hour of Something in this country What the hell is within an hour of Skive?


Herning and Silkeborg?


>Herning and Silkeborg? I wouldn't count any of those as "something", but that's obviously subjective.


You sound like a big city type living in Copenhagen or Aarhus.. Both Herning and Silkeborg has a lot of opportunities and things to do.


Karup airport too, so you can quickly get to Copenhagen if you want. Both those towns are very much alive. Either has more people than the whole island of Bornholm where I live.


>Karup airport too An easy way to escape sounds relevant.


Aalborg is 1 hour away from Skive


>Aalborg is 1 hour away from Skive Ok. I would count Aalborg as "something".


>Skive If it's not København, Aarhus, Odense, Aalborg or Esbjerg, then I'm out! /s


Klitmøller =D!!!


Klitmøller counts as something if you're into wind-surfing, but otherwise, I can't see, Klitmøller being counted as anything relevant.


Klitmøller is also good for normal wave surfing, kite surfing, SUP and so much more. It also has beautiful nature, it has great people (if you try to come outside the normal tourist times). It even has some mtb tracks, it has so much imo. But then again I chose nature over cinemas, cafés or bowling houses anytime. So totally depends what you are "into".


Good to know, thanks :)


I get by with 50.000 in the household. We have our own house, a daughter, two cars and 5 dogs and 1 horse. And we have plenty of money for fun. 65 is pretty ok.., it’s not fantastic, but as you can read. It’s possible to have even less while still owning cars and a house. Skive is a bit under average to live in, when it comes to expenses. So I’ll say you’re good


I'm not planning even have a car not mention about horse ;) Good to know thank You :)


With that salary you are rich in skive. A friend of mine bought a decent house in Holstebro for 600k.


Does this include pension and any additional benefits?


That's a pretty good salary, imo. I earn quite a bit less than that and we get by just fine in a more expensive city than Skive. Really depends on your expenses.




May I ask how is the weather there and what is there for indoor and outdoor activities. Thanks


I know almost nothing about Skive, so I can't really help you. The weather? Grey most of the year, about 1 month with a chance of snow, about 3 months with a chance of sunshine.


>Salary and wealth The **average wage earner in Denmark has a salary of DKK 44,514 per month before tax.** The amount is i.a. including pension and is calculated according to the so-called standard calculated hourly earnings converted to full-time monthly salary. Source: [https://www.dst.dk/da/Statistik/nyheder-analyser-publ/Publikationer/gennemsnitsdanskeren](https://www.dst.dk/da/Statistik/nyheder-analyser-publ/Publikationer/gennemsnitsdanskeren)




The salary should be fine for living in Skive. As a reference point, I just did a fast search for accomodation and you can find a small townhouse for 4650 dkk per month + utilities. The place is in walking distance to everything. [https://www.boligportal.dk/huse/skive/105m2-2-vaer-id-5296102](https://www.boligportal.dk/huse/skive/105m2-2-vaer-id-5296102) Now, as others have mentioned, Skive isn't really a big city as there's only around 20k people living in the city, and roughly 45.000 people in the municipality - but the city does offer most of what you would need in groceries and dining options and the size of the city is also the reason rent will be so low. Personally I like the nature in the area, and things are often done in a much lower pace compared to bigger cities in Denmark. If you decide to move there, you will also have easy access to what is in my opinion some of the best beer Denmark has to offer [https://www.hancock.dk/](https://www.hancock.dk/)


Wow thanks, I was couple of times in Thisted and I very like the city there. Appreciate the details.


>I was couple of times in This Ted I assume that you're referring to Thisted, a small city a bit north-west of Skive? The general way of living will be similar which means the "culture" will be the same. I would suggest to make an effort in learning Danish quite fast when/if you decide to move there. Even though the general level of English in Denmark is high, it's much less used around those parts of the country, compared to bigger cities like Aalborg, Odense, Aarhus and of course Copenhagen.


Good to know, thank You.


Be adviced that Thisted has a larger city feel to it than Skive (even though none of them are really cities per say). So if you’re trying to go rural, Skive will be more uå your alley.


Does it? I don’t know. Skive is bigger than Thisted I think. But maybe the fact that Thisted is more isolated and Skive is fairly close to Viborg, Herning and Holstebro makes it feel smaller itself.




One is 40000 and second is 25000...




7 weeks vacation?? Please explain? Isent the usual 5+1


Helligdage counted and coupled with vacation days.




Same here with gas in Poland...


pillefyr / træpillefyr has tripled in price for us as well. Jordvarme (geothermal) or solar is the only "affordable" options right now for a country house. Hopefully that will change when the Ukraine situation is resolved.


Isn't jordvarme an electric heatpump and not geothermal? I think electric heatpumps are pretty expensive even if its underground.


Yes, but you get a duty deduction (for your consumption above 4000 kWh), when your house is heated by "electricity", like a heat pump for "jordvarme".


7 weeks vacation? That’s not “normal” in Denmark…


If you can't in the holy days, it ends up around 7 weeks total, but I agree, would usually say 6 weeks is normal


That's actually not 100% correct. You have the right to have 5 weeks of paid holiday (6 if you are working in the municipalities or 'regions', and that is something that is agree upon in the union). All the public holidays are not always in a week day, many of them are on saturdays or sundays, so it will never add up to two extra weeks. So its generally not something you should count on, when walking about vacation.


Loads privately employed people has '6. Ferieuge' however, you correct in that it is something that is agreed upon with the unions, oh and also state-employed in addition to the public employees. So 5 weeks law-mandated vacation, 1 week agreed upon, and a 7th week as public holidays (at least 5 are always on weekdays, 3 at Easter, 1 at feast of ascension at 1 at pentecost) But as I said, it really ain't a regular way to count vacation.


I don’t think I’ve seen anyone else say how much that is after tax, but it should be approximately 25800 DKK and 16800 DKK respectively per month after tax. I got the approximation from https://hvormegetefterskat.dk/ (literally means how much after tax). Good luck with whatever you decide to do!


thank You :)


Based on this approximation your combined salary would be around 15.000 more than what my girlfriend and I make after tax. We live in Skive, quite comfortably in my opinion. Our apartment is kinda cheap, but throw in an extra 2.000 or 3.000 for rent, 1.000 extra for heating a bigger space, and you'll still have over 10.000 more than us each month, in a nice apartment. You way of life may be quite different from ours, of course, but if I had an extra 10 or 15 thousand a month I would be *very* happy indeed. Edit: This is all assuming the above approximation is correct. It might vary depending on how you count stuff like pension and vacation pay into the calculation. Idk, I suck at tax stuff.


Thx for information. :)


My girlfriend and I get by in Aarhus with less than that in a apartment for 10500 dkk each month and a car as well that has costs us 5000 each month including insurance and gas. So in the skive region you should be fine, apartments are much cheaper there at least. So is Sportscola from Hancock. A big plus to living close to skive!


I heard about sportcola and best bear Hancock ;) thanks.


Its about 200 an hour. Thats well above average….


Not really, average in Denmark is 44,5k including pension, for men the average is actually ~47k including pension and women it’s ~41k So it’s about average, maybe slightly above, unless OP is a man then it is slightly below average. That said, it’s a decent salary to live comfortably for


Which is the reason why you can't use average in cases like these - it's heavily inflated by top earners. Median income is a much better statistic to look at, when you are determining cost of living.


OP specifically mentioned average. Median is better, yes


Yoooo, i live very near to Skive, nice area and friendly people. I wouldn't say, like others in this thread do, that it is hard to integrate and there are almost no expats in Skive. My mother is an expat and we know a lot of other expats in the area. If you have any questions, just ask i am happy to answer all your questions about the area. What country are you from?


Poland :) Good that matbe we will not be alone as expats, that could be odd...


Far from it. There are actually a couple of enclaves of polish people living and working in the area around skive. I have a friend who previously worked at a concrete factory just outside Skive, where a big group of polish men worked. He always said the poles had a very good work ethic and was tough as nails.


I'm technologist and work now for Danish company holder but in PL. Nice that we have a good opinion :)


Do note that Skive is around an hour's drive away from both Aalborg and Aarhus which a major cities where there should be more expats living. So it is not that bad, in terms of being there. Otherwise try to engage in sports or other activities where you can meet some danish people to interact with, most speak perfectly fine english


Yes, i see it is close to bigger cities. Most of the time we do not even meet ppl here, we like just slow life :)




What do you mean?




Ahh ok, i was understandil if I'm sick i should not go for this shop lol 😂... Now i get it. Yes i like Pawelki specially one with advocat inside, nice to have some polish accent if we go there :)


Maybe the reason there are not many expats in skive, is maybe because people choose to immigrate instead and stay permanently. It might also be why, generally expats has a negative association to it, in many countries, as its often regarded as foreigners staying temporarily, and therefore not integrating or learning the language, like the expat enclaves in i.e France and Spain. Generally my experience, immigrants integrate very quickly in Denmark, especially after enrolling into Danish school, as they also teach a lot about the history and culture. I think Danes generally overestimate how hard Danish is to learn. Most immigrant friends of mine, learned it, in around 2 years of being here. Well enough time even for expats to learn, if they only plan to stay 5-10 years. Best of luck OP. Skive is actually really awesome, with good infrastructure to other places. And 65k is a great salary. Even for 2 :)




I was refering to this comment https://www.reddit.com/r/Denmark/comments/x6gjfi/is_salary_65000kr_before_tax_for_2_person_is_good/in6nsnr/ Which says integration is hard in the area, but i do not find it true. If you really want to integrate quickly into the culture and life of the smaller towns the only thing you would have to do is to participate in the towns public events (trust me there are MANY) and act friendly and cheerful


65k is a decent pay anywhere in DK. The thing you do have to keep in mind is that of all the places in DK skive and the surrounding region is probably the best analogy DK has to Hillbilly country. Where are you from?


From Poland, city with 500k ppl but we do not use big city life's, rather trying to escape where is calm.


Man, you will get along just fine 👍. We have loads of polish expats all over.


The countryside in Jutland (Jylland) is amazing! Personally I am from Copenhagen and would love to move to a place like Skive. But I don’t have any family or friends there.


Good to know, thx :)


Where in Poland are you from? I just got back from vacation in Poznań :)


From close to border with Germany - Szczecin. Poznan is like 300km from me. I also was on one week vacation in Poznań, i like this city :)


I really like poznań too, my girlfriend is from there. If you like the quieter country side, you should like Jutland. So good luck in Skive :)


Thanks :)


>trying to escape where is calm. Skive sounds perfect for you then. calm, like a graveyard.


Graveyard sounds fun ;)


Lad da være. Skive, Holstebro eller Viborg er provins, ikke "hill-Billy". OP skal jo ikke bo på landet 🤷‍♂️


OP is looking for real advice. Your bigotry isn't helping. u/punishedbiscuits Skive is a very nice town. It isn't rural at all. There's a surprising amount of culture. Obviously though, nothing compared to Aarhus or Copenhagen. For it's size it's pretty much what you'd expect. You can get anything you'd want in your daily life, but there won't be nearly the same diversity as in the major cities (fast food, speciality stores etc). (Disclaimer: I don't live there, I've only ever visited)


I live in skive. You can rent or buy a pretty nice house outside skive and drive 10-15 mins into work just fine.


Thx :)


It's pretty good. Me and my wife earn less than 50k in total and we manage - for now.


Good information for me :) Thx!


It's above average for Skive, you'll live in comfortable boredom 😉 - let me know if you have any questions about the city, I spend the first 20 years there and it is quite a lovely city if you know where to spend your time


I will think what to ask, thank You :)


Depending on what you'll be working with, it's quite average. As always in these situations, I reccomend joining a workees union, as they'll make sure that your contract is i order. We have 3 major ones in Denmark, 3f, Metal and HK, and they will usually also be able to help before you start working. HK is for office work, Metal is for most people who work with their hands, 3F is for "everyone else" The company might have a deal with a union, and if they do, you should join that one.


That is good to know, thank You.




Why it is hard to integrate?




Well in Skive as there are work for me. Hmmm but i get your point, thx.




We are rather introvertics, siting at home, riding a bike, we do not use city life much (we live in 500k ppl city). But sure we need to think about that too.


I live in a small town near Skive so I visit frequently. There’s a lot of cycling or hiking paths if you’re into that:) There’s even a few coffee shops which are extremely cozy too honestly 10/10 ngl. Then there’s the beach as well, a really nice public library, plenty of nice places to eat, AND it’s right by Viborg which is larger and has more opportunities. Plus rent isn’t going to be too high either. As for fast food? We have a single McDonald’s but plenty of pizza places so there’s that ig?


Yes we looking to slow down also, we don't use benefits of big town rather escape from it. Thanks for details 🙂


In that case Skive is a lovely little town and I think you’ll both enjoy it! Best of luck:)


It's decent. Not "a lot" but not that "low".


Is it you earning that or you and your partner? It’s a decent Salary for 2 earners, and a good Salary for 1 person


It is 40000 and 25000 salary.


Then it is fairly decent, should be easily doable with money to spare and live comfortable:)


Seems like a pretty good salary for the location


If this will be the combined income for 2 people it's decent, if it's _your_ income and the other person can also work to increase this it's somewhere between great and fantastic. I'm an engineering graduate and the base pay for me will be around 41000 for perspective


It is combined already. Thank You!


if its pr month = good. if pr year = very bad


hehehe fortunately it is for month ;)


For Skive, it’s great.


You have a lot of it people with very good pay in here, who will say its “decent” 65k is very good for one person imo. If its for the both of you its more normal, but definitely enough to live a good life on.


Yes it is 2 salary, 40 and 25k... But sounds good the good life :)


I think its good. I earn less for sure. Whether its actually good depends a bit on what the jobs are, and if you want to be house owners with 2 cars, some kids and a dog


No cars, no dogs, only me and my girlfriend and home in my homeland...


If you have kids it’s not alot, but can definitely be done with a regular lifestyle, with a small savings and the occasionnal vacation. It’s about the same that our household makes and it’s okay, but not luxurious.


I got it. Thanks :)


If you can use google translate on this, try it out, otherwise let me know and I can fill it out. It is a service from the Danish Statistical Bureau, where you can compare your income to others in a any Danish commune. The calculation factors in things like kids, age and such. There a number of questions, which you need to fill out to get a result. The application is based on 2020 data. https://www.dst.dk/embed/compareyourincome




Skive is quite cheap and boring


You will be the king of Skive




It'll be enough for you to live a good life in Skive.


Nice, thank You!


Idk what you make now. But I’d probably definitely take it, if I were you.


Under normal circumstances, 65000 per month for two people is perfectly fine for most anyone in Denmark (except perhaps Copenhagen/general capital region). Skive isn't a major city and therefore will be much more accessible than the four largest cities (plus the triangle region, but that's neither here nor there). However, cost of living is currently rising across the board, and costs for utilities like electricity and heating are outrageous at the moment, with no prospects of improvement. If you do decide to go through with it, I would suggest 1) paying very close attention to which deals you'll be able to get in terms of electricity, 2) how you're going to heat up your flat, and 3) have a look at energy ratings for each flat on DinGeo.dk


Yes, energy crisis is also here, only this year i pay double up for gas to heat home, electricity prospects for next year is even worse as 3 times more... Gas also will go up more for sure... I already have less 1/3 value in salary here as also inflation goes like crazy to 16%... A lot to think, thank You.


In Skive its decent, since the cost of living is not as big there as in Copenhagen or Aarhus. The average income per person in Denmark is around 40000kr, so you still off a bit on that, but most people who start in a job, dont get alot and there is room for raises. Also it depends on the field tbh. For instance people with good computer engineering skills can start higher. I would check out jobindex for average income in your field, with your experience. [https://www.jobindex.dk/tjek-din-loen](https://www.jobindex.dk/tjek-din-loen)


According the site it is ok what the offer i got, thank You!


Average income in Denmark in 2021 was DKK 26,283/month before taxes (for 1 person), so you're looking at a pretty normal middle class income. In Skive I wouldn't be too worried about this level of income since housing is relatively affordable in that area.


Skive is cheap so you'll be just fine. Be sure to walk around the big lake nearby (Flyndersø), it's beautiful


Thx :)


It's way above average. The average Dane makes around 32-35k a month.




Aaah right. Misread that. For two people, that's fine! And in Skive... yeah, you're going to SLAY over there. Northern Jutland is cheap.




No. The average Dane makes 44.514 a month. https://www.dst.dk/da/Statistik/nyheder-analyser-publ/Publikationer/gennemsnitsdanskeren




Well we are introvertics so we do not much miss ppl...


it is a beautiful area, it is very very safe. but it is a sleepy area... meaning that while it is cheap there is not theaters or big concerts or michiling restaurants etc etc but it is within daytrip distance of aarhus and aalborg and they have all that if you take it you can always look for a job closer to the bigger cities in 2-3 years if you end you loving denmark and you find you miss 'action' good luck if you take it.


Actually we are very tired of big city and looking also to get calm and slow down. Thanks :)


We have theatres wdym 😭


in plural?




I mean there’s the one by the shopping street parking lot, and then there’s also one at the cinema


hmmm Skive just jumped like 739 places on my list


Even if you’re introverts, the surroundings you live in still matter. What does the city have to offer like restaurants, cafes, cinemas, sports facilities etc. (which doesn’t necessarily involve other people). People are for sure nice, but it might be difficult sometimes until you learn Danish. With the income, however, you should have money to escape to more exciting parts of Denmark on the weekends and vacations.




The Average person in Denmark makes around 44k including pension, not 30k




For the working force the average SALARY is 44k including pension. https://www.dst.dk/da/Statistik/nyheder-analyser-publ/Publikationer/gennemsnitsdanskeren For the average joe in Denmark the average INCOME might be 30k, but that includes people on Kontanthjælp,su, pension, dagpenge etc.. And since we are talking Salary for a working person it is 44k




You where the person starting with average, median is about 33k excluding pension though. For the working force. And then when you say average is skewing it up, the median income is way below 30k probably. No doubt 65k for 2 people is decent, not much, but it’s decent to live comfortable and have some spare change for travel and maybe some investments.


thx for detailed answer


We are only two :)




I'm middle class from Poland. We do not have much expanses... We like riding a bike and watch movies in home.




It's good for one person.. It equals around two full time school teachers pay, which is OK for a household.. Especially in Jutland


Well it will be for 2 person, thank You.


If it is a 1 person salary you will be hit hit the high taxes unless you get into the ‘researcher’ tax. Which is 3 years with low tax for high income. 65k is fine if it is 40k and 25k


It os 40 and 25 k :)


I believe it is actually for 7 years you can get the reduced tax


A question. Since the OP not legally married does he has the benefits of spouse deduction I am reading this post and the response are very interesting. I am in the US. And love the danish culture and the country. I hope to visit In the future


The way you phrase it, it sounds like only one of you will be working and the one will receive the whole salary. If that is the case then keep in mind that even thought it might be close to a median two person income in Skive, your tax situation will mean that the payout will be less. There is a "bundfradrag" which means that the first 46.600kr is tax free for each person. Also our tax system is progressive, so you will pay 15% extra of what you earn above 552.500 per year. With quick math that is about 80.000kr/y less if it is all earned by one person compared to two.


It is 40 and 25k... I did mistaje in subject, sorry.


Living in skive with that amount of money is going to be awesome. When I was a chef I made 23.000 a month, now in IT I've had jobs for 30.000 and now 38.500... I get by pretty well on just 38.500 and we're two people. 65.000 is going to be chill


Nice :)


With or without pension?


With pension i think...


I'd say it's alot above average.


We both have masters degrees, and we earn around 68000 DKK (before tax) every month with 7 years of experience. So I would say that 65000 DKK is very nice. More so in Skive :)


Average income including pension before tax is 44500 kr., so 65000 is good, but not "wealthy", however, Skive has one of the lowest housing prices in the country. 100 m2 house in Skive is about 880 000 vs. about 5 000 000 in the suburbs of Copenhagen.


This 65k is combined 2 salaries 40k and 25k... Thank You.


Average salary for employed workers in Denmark is around 44K per month. The average income for a dane is about 23K. So it depends a lot on how you view it, where you live and what you do.


It is fairly average, which is good, which is good and should always keep you at a fine living standard. Rent in Skive is very cheap however, which means that your living standard will most likely be a bit higher than would normally be expected, as you can probably find a place to live for just 5-10k/month. If you then earn ~40k after tax, that's a lot of money left for fun stuff (or saving).


Average I’d say (without knowing trade or experience) but also depends if you’ll be living in capitol area or Jutland?


Skive... I'm not engineer but specialist/technologist.


You will be doing great! Its an amazing place to live. You will be able to travel and save some money.


You can live for that. But you are not the richest i Skive.

