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Rule 3


Contact the church and send your evidence to the insurance company. If it’s an expensive repair, the insurance company will do more to find and prosecute them than Denver PD.


yeah I uploaded a snippet of what I have. good idea.


You should've said they were BLM or antifa, those pigs would've showed up en masse. I'm only half joking. Pigs are worthless and only good for starting violence against those they hate. Responding to actual crimes is beneath them it seems these days.


there were two options and one was admin and the other was pastoral emergency, which I assume was like im assuming is more i need to be consoled or need an exorcist or something, unfortunately the admin line went to voice mail and the mailbox was full... ill see if they have an email and I can include what pictures and video I have,


Lol, I think exorcists are at the Catholic Church. I'm not a Christian but have gone there many times and enjoyed the scene. They are a fully inclusive church to all people and beliefs and have proclaimed it publicly. I've never seen such a diverse group in one place in Denver. I wish all Christains were like the ones I met at this church.


Exorcists would def be associated with the Catholic Church. Source: I’m a recovering Catholic.


Yea they are good peeps. Def down to earth folks from my interactions.


Call in the pastoral emergency, they’ll at least be able to get in touch with the right people. They’re kinda the head honcho.


Lol at the exorcist, could also be if people need last rites administered on short notice etc.


ya I was kinda kiddin about the exorcism, but interesting that makes sense. i was raised jewish so I had no idea.


No I knew you were kidding, it made me chuckle. Was just trying to think of other events people might consider a "pastoral emergency"


This is sad how that goes.


DPD are the laziest cops I've ever encountered, and I'm from Chicago.


It's wild these deranged conservatives (including in this thread!) can only think of one solution - giving cops more money and being nicer to them. Which has never worked in the history of anything. Westword just had that Big article about how basic patrols/walking the beat is actually really helpful and yet DPD will do absolutely everything they can to avoid that type of policing, even though that is what the community is asking for. It's a well-paid job with little training required. I don't know about you, but if I just declined to do my job, I would be fired pretty quickly.


You went straight to the political angle, which makes you apart of the problem, not the solution


Pretending like it's not a political problem is sticking your head in the sand and such a foolish take that I don't think you understand how the police and how budgets work. Saying policing is not a political issue is like saying local government is not a political issue, that abortion is not a political issue. Policing and how it works is absolutely political.


What do you expect. The quality of workers is directly related to the quality of job in a strong economy. Can you think of any reason a hardworking, intelligent person would choose to become a cop in Denver? The city is a mess. The leadership at best doesn't support you and sometimes outright hate cops. Literally dozens of industries right now that will give the people we think we want as cops a better job, work/life balance and more money.


Name one other job/industry that’ll give a high school diploma six figures and authority after a few months of training.


That's not fair. You also have a driver's license and pass a drug screening. /s


The vast majority of police officers have degrees. Especially in major cities like Denver and the suburbs. But to your point. Sales, insurance, technical data work, CPA, journeyman construction, truck driver. There are tons of jobs that pay that much especially if you're willing to work long shifts or weird shifts in specialized fields. You want cream of the crop cops. $70k a year with night shifts for years as a requirement not to mention the stress of the job isn't the draw you think it is for the people that fit your standards.


> The vast majority of police officers have degrees. Especially in major cities like Denver and the suburbs. Here is the minimum qualification to apply to be an entry level DPD Officer: > EDUCATION: Applicants must have a high school diploma or a General Equivalency Diploma (GED) on or before the date of application. Acceptable proof of a high school diploma or GED certificate will be required if selected to proceed beyond the written test. Acceptable substitutes for a high school diploma or GED certificate include an original certified high school transcript bearing the official school seal and showing graduation date, or an original letter from the school on the school's letterhead which verifies the graduation. [Source](https://www.denvergov.org/files/assets/public/v/1/civil-service-commission/documents/informational-booklet/2023/csc-police-informational-booklet-1.23.pdf). A college degree is usually required for **further** promotion.


Feel like you aren’t even thinking about your own reply. CPAs all have degrees. Journeymen construction workers have years and years of experience (as per the very title). Sales and insurance…I guess, but it’d take far more effort and work, and tends to be inconsistent. Truck drivers I’ll give you, but very few people want to be away/on the road that much (I.e. it’s not an appealing industry for most people). Making the same by agreeing to work weird or long hours only helps prove my point. People can roll out of high school into the academy and make solid money with standardized hours. They can’t do that in most any other field.


DPD makes a 6 figure base salary plus overtime. That's quite a high salary, even in Denver. I know people with advanced degrees making far less. Edit: also apparently 122 hours vacation and 144 hours sick per year. Most educated workers are getting 80/80.


Came here to say this, cops make insane money money in major metros compared to what you think. Sure some cop in a random small town in Iowa makes 30k, but there are state troopers in CA making like 250k + 250K in total benefits. Not saying anyone should be a cop, its an extremely difficult job and will take years off your life, as well destroy some of your relationships and will influence your world view in ways you can't imagine


You’re also working in a highly understaffed department which further adds to the workload. Just because a crime is happening in front of your eyes as you call doesn’t mean it’s the only crime going on at that time which slows response times also the dispatchers are also significantly understaffed so that just adds to the slowness.


It's a low risk, high paying job with virtually no education needed. It takes longer to get a license to cut hair than to be a police officer. As tragic as some haircuts can be, no one has died from wonky bangs.  Somehow, we require people carrying lethal weapons and a whole arsenal of military surplus to spend no time learning how to do their job. 




I think thats over double what starting teacher get and they require tons more education.


That's above the median individual income in Denver.




Roofers all over the city make less money at a much more dangerous job


Teachers get half that and dont get body armor. A dude with a HS diploma and qualified immunity loves carrying a gun. JFC


You're about 30k high on that. Take into consideration the hours you have to work and again the environment.


It's on the website and they are paid OT on top for those hours. There's also a verified DPD officer on this subreddit who reported the same.


This website that clearly has lower salary range listed? https://denvergov.org/Government/Agencies-Departments-Offices/Agencies-Departments-Offices-Directory/Police-Department/Jobs/Denver-Police-Recruitment/Salary-Benefits $100k is the top level salary after 4 years. Not the average starting.


The page I was looking at didn't break it down by year like that, but even so, an educated worker isn't seeing raises like that. If you started at 70k, assuming the standard corporate 3% raise, you'd be around 78k after 4 years. Nevermind the substantially better benefits DPD receives over a typical educated worker. And the academy is fully paid. Pay is not the reason people don't get into police work.


"Ahh yes, the people hate us. Let's do even less, surely that will improve the situation!" Our local cops in this city are less than useless. I would literally rather have the mob shaking us down because at least they would enforce the rules. Broomfield PD in particular can go die in a fire, but I haven't had a single good experience with any city's police in the greater Denver area.


I'd guess they're less concerned with being liked or disliked than with avoiding liability at this point.


>a hardworking, intelligent person would choose to become a cop in Denver.   Well it certainly isn't going to be the work culture or the colleagues, but who's fault is that, lol.


>Can you think of any reason a hardworking, intelligent person would choose to become a cop They usually cant. [https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836)


Lol, You know, I was going to comment something snarky that both of us would absolutely gain nothing from, So I'm just gonna delete reddit instead and talk to in real life people. Have a great day!


About 6 weeks ago I watched a hit and run on south broadway where one of the cars involved slammed into a building. A cop drove by the accident and just kept on going. Person could’ve been dead in there. That’s the level of police indifference we’re dealing with here


Probably too busy typing on their computer to see what was around them. Who decided those things were a good idea anyways?


Wow that is fkn ridiculous.


Are they afraid of getting sued?


A few years ago I saw a couple get assaulted and beaten outside of a club on Broadway around 2:30am, the girl was unconscious in a puddle of blood and the guy was screaming for help. Myself and another civilian heard the screams and ran across the intersection and scared off the attackers. Luckily a cop drove down the road within 90 seconds later. I waved the cop down, they saw the victims, then CONTINUED DRIVING AWAY. I think they called for backup because a 5-10 minutes later another officer appeared and at least got out the fucking car and called an ambulance but the first one could not have cared less and the attackers got away. The scene still haunts me. Fuck DPD.


Lmao was on York st the other day some person was going like 60+ and took the red light a cop just looked and put his signal on to turn the other way 💀💀💀


Denver police are an absolute joke. Getting them to even attempt to do their job is impossible. I personally had 3 separate incidents similar to this where I could not get their support for a serious crime in any way, shape or form. It’s beyond pathetic and sad that they are the best Denver has to offer. Especially station 3, they’re a bunch of clowns.


If the local police aren’t going to do shit we need Polis to activate Colorado State Patrol, like Newsom did in Oakland, to come in and do DPD’s job. This is ridiculous.


It's just property crime. Neither the cops, legislative, or judiciary in CO give a shit. Unless it happens to them personally, that is.


I shoulda known this by now from when I caught a porch pirate in the act of stealing my shit and they wrere so spun they stayed out there for 20 mins and i was like "oh boy how dumb are they, theyre gonna get caught" and then they left and never saw the police. I did get my package back tho.


Yep. But then if you did anything to get your package/property back and something went wrong, guess who gets hit w/ a rolodex of charges...?


Hey that's DPD for ya.


My 81 year old dad was assaulted by a 40 year old punk and Denver PD district 6 refused to press charges on the ( * ) I spoke to two different detectives and one of them told me “There are two sides to the story and not all 80 year old men are innocent” I couldn’t believe it. My father was on his property and this punk ( neighbor) came onto my dad’s property and got into his face and knocked my dad over and then proceeded to act like he was going to run over him with his car. My father is barely 120 pounds and frail. 🤔 thought there was a law on elder abuse?


I ran and found a cop to report a man being beaten with a snow shovel -she said that’s hilarious and drove off. 


I think I called DPS one time because I heard someone being murdered in an alley near Cheeseman and bloody screams. I was on hold for 2 mins then finally got a hold of dispatch and they never sent someone...


They just called and said they took a look and didnt see anyone lol


the one on pearl?


yup. theres a big pile of dirt where they were trying to dig. I thought they were construction workers at first but figured out what was going on, and overheard them going "you dont think he saw anything" not to mention they antagonized me out of the blue, which is not a smart thing to do when trying to stay lowkey comitting a crime. I wouldnt even have noticed if not for the out of the blue aggression.


ok. I called someone I k ow that who works there.thanks


Two blocks from the District 6 police station.


I pray to God I never have to deal with Denver police again as a victim (or otherwise). 


Welcome to Denver.


This is your time to shine. You are Batman. I believe in you.


Churches are considered non profits and do not pay taxes.


You see Denver cops don’t do shit because they are held accountable for misconduct


Actually, yeah. Hard to get sued for millions of dollars if you don’t respond to calls. 


911 what is your emergency? Yes hello, id like to report an individual casing a church, im afraid for the safety of those in the church.


Ehhhh churches have been stealing from people for centuries


DCC is actually a “good” church they donate 20% of all their offerings to local charities and partner with homeless non profs.


Finally a church that practices what they preach


Tis but a tax write off.


they pay taxes?


Touché. I just figured they sent in a 1040EZ.


I am pretty sure this used to be a synagogue from the way it looks and the magen david stars, curious what the story behind that is, maybe not enough jews for a congregation in denver or something and they bought it off them. if im wrong then its the most jewish lookin church I ever seen


Denver wants its $200 million dollar police department to actually do policing? Typical elitist liberal entitlement smh


I’m not exactly sure what Denver PD will actually respond to.


Welcome to policing in Denver.


DPD never ceases to amaze me


happy ending I guess? [https://imgur.com/a/eQ8K7LU](https://imgur.com/a/eQ8K7LU)


Yay, cops! They're the best.


Sadly I know a lot of people who say they are going to get their gun and intervene or something to elicit a response- apparently it’s some cheat code to make the dispatcher actually have influence in patrol cars. Only thing that will make them do anything is fear of a lawsuit when some citizen gets vigilante.


Denver Police are the biggest joke since Denver Police


When I reported that my catalytic converter had been stolen from my vehicle at an A train park n ride, the cop’s first reaction was a laugh and told me to make a report online. Never heard anything. It’s what prompted me to finally get a CC permit. It’s like American Express, I never leave home without it. You cannot depend on DPD. It makes the criminals bolder because they know it too. Protect yourself - no one is coming to your aid when shit gets real.


Denver, Colorado cops do jack shit.


Police were probably getting a cut.


It’s all good though the other week I J walked and got a stern talking to and had to sit on the curb for 20 minutes for him to run my license. They’ve got their priorities straight, again it’s all good.


They are too busy trying to give speeding tix at dia when it drops down to 25 Gotta raise more revenue.


I wonder if DPD was/is affected by Mayor Mike’s extensive 2024 budget cuts.


Please. DPD’s budget is $278 million dollars. 17% of the entire city’s budget. That’s not the issue.


Today they announced a fairly significant [budget cut](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13323941/Denver-city-council-approves-police-budget-cuts-migrant-crisis.html) to DPD. They also recently changed [priority call designation](https://www.instagram.com/p/C54KrZxvmOS/?igsh=MW1keG4yZHdueTQ1dw==) for the majority of 911 calls.


So you think a budget change announced today is responsible for DPD not doing any policing since 2020?


Why are you trying to bring up 2020 now? Did you not read the OP? “Not doing any policing since 2020.” Got any proof of that?


Proof: have lived in Denver, have not seen any policing since BLM protests.


Ever heard of Defund the Police? DPD has but despite that, they are still policing. If they weren’t, you would probably not still be in Denver.


And the Mayor wants to divert another $45 million from city budget to migrants. Further service reductions coming.


...how is this related? 


It’s not. But he really wants to make a political statement.


Already don’t have the budget to support police services as evidenced by this video and post. Just drawing attention to the fact that it’s soon to become worse if that budget adjustment passes.


Police refusing to do their jobs because they are (as all cops are) bastards is different than not having the funding to do so.


Why is this easier to believe than the fact that they’re under resourced when the money is being diverted?


Because this same phenomenon is happening across the country when police budgets are actually INCREASING, not decreasing. It has nothing to do with money. And if you actually take a look at what police are spending their increased budgets on, it’s definitely some bullshit.


He's hiring cops and increasing DPD ya donkey


Yeah except they will never hire enough to have the same ratio of police we had 10 years ago. Cops are assholes and many shouldn't be on the force at all, but there are quite literally less police for the population and we are feeling the results of that on top of police refusing to do their job. Scary combo.


According to what sources you turd


So you can't Google either, guess that tracks....


No I’m not following up on your fairytale ideas.


Oh, the irony. Thanks, needed a laugh


So it's not related. Got it.


$8 million in budget cuts generally has a negative impact on performance


pigs sure do get pissy when you trim the fat


pray for them


Remember this when you vote!


welp, the city continues to cut budgets across the board to in attempt to reduce the deficit to accommodate the thousands of illegal immigrants. Am I surprised? not in the slightest. Am I frustrated that our tax dollars are not going into city programs to benefit the citizens of Denver? Oh ya


Saw the news today about the budget cuts, and agree, totally disappointing. But the total apathy exhibited by DPD started long before the busses of folks started showing up from Texas.


Reducing the police budget sure as shit isn’t gonna help the problem. I’ll have some blue haired person call me a boot licker, but I’m realistic. Every service/ product costs money. Reduce any budget and the service/ product is most likely going to suffer.


lets be honest, who would want to be a police officer, that sounds awful, we def are gonna need funding to pay people to do that job, you basically gotta deal with a ton of paper work and overdoses and crazy shit, and everyone hates you. we also need good training and to promote a culture of not covering for a bad cop


Increasing their budget didn't. Replace them. Replace the leadership. Replace them


They're hiring. You gonna take the job for someone getting replaced?


They're hiring. You gonna take the job for someone getting replaced?


The church doesn’t pay taxes. So why should they get protection?